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    15 Habits Of Couples Happy In Bed

    There seems to be this strange misnomer that all couples are eventually doomed to fall into the patterns of a mundane bedroom life as soon as their relationship peaks and they get passed the honeymoon phase. That's a horribly tragic way to look at it though and can't really be entirely true. I'm sure that there are plenty of couples out there that have maintained a healthy, exciting, thriving, lasting private life with one another… like it's literally too depressing to think that that's not possible and that we're all doomed to have monotonous, boring intimacy one day for the rest of ever and ever.

    I guess we'll all just have to find out for ourselves, but whether it lasts or not, there are at least 15 things that happen when you are a physically thriving couple that has a better chance than the rest of us of not being doomed to a boring, non-intimate future.

    15 You Have A No Clothes Rule

    This is a must, especially if you live together. If you don't live together or you live with other people, then it can be a 'just in the bedroom' no clothes rule rather than having it applicable for the entire apartment. That could get quite awkward or quite kinky fairly quickly, but whatever floats your boat.

    There's something so incredibly sexy and romantic about you and your partner just going about your nightly business without any clothes on. Whether you're folding the laundry or working on your laptop, it's hot to be able to look over and see your love sitting there so eloquently while the shadows of the room cast along the curves of their body. It keeps the spark forever apparent and teaches you to never take their physical form for granted. It's imperative in a relationship to always and forever be able to look at your partner with the same attraction and admiration as you had on the very first time you met them.

    14 You Flirt With Each Other, Always

    Literally, you flirt with each other even more intensely than when you first got together and in a way, you never would've imagined behaving with someone without grossing yourself out. You've actually gotten to the point of mushy gushy, lovey dovey grossness that it might actually gross some people out. But who are you kidding, you barely even notice their scrunchy, judgmental faces as you give each other that look from across the room, graze your fingertips up their thigh as you walk passed them, and whisper how badly you want them when you're out in public. You know, the kind of stuff that sends butterflies crazy in your stomach and put your panties in a twist. Yeah, that stuff.

    There's nothing that will turn your partner on more than knowing that however many days, months, or years into a relationship you may be you still want to jump them and strip them naked at every chance you get.

    13 You Love To Tease Each Other

    Flirting, sexy time, making love, and being in love are all imperative aspects of keeping a thriving relationship going in the bedroom. However, none of that will have much of an impact if you don't keep the passion thriving by playing your own little version of hard to get within the boundaries of a relationship. Teasing your partner in such a way that makes them want you right then and there all the while knowing that they can't will keep them focusing on you and only you for as long as you shall be. Half of the point of the tease, though, is the promise of an eventual follow through. Teasing with no intention to actually act on any of the words is just plain cruel. If you playfully tell your partner how sexy they look, that you're not wearing anything under that dress or can't wait to see them later that night, it will drive their libido through the roof… especially when they have to focus their hardest on something other than you while you do all of those little things that you know drives them wild.

    12 You Want Them Even When You Have Them

    You want them, you need them, you literally can't get through without them. You need them near you, on top of you, wherever, however, and whenever. You can't seem to get enough of each other no matter how much time you spend rolling around underneath the sheets with one another.

    It doesn't matter how long you've been together for, you never stop trying to impress each other, getting each others attention, or make each other smile with the simplest of tasks. It's doing the little things that you know they absolutely love and that only you of all people would think to do. You know, like wearing the shirt, perfume, lingerie or makeup they like or putting in that little extra effort even if they're the only person you're going to see all day long. It's making them feel like the only one in the world in a sea of faces that will really make the passion last forever.

    11 You Want To Be Around Each Other Like Literally All The Time

    You spend so much time together in fact, that people just expect you to show up to every event that one of you is invited to with your partner by your side. You literally spend basically every waking moment together, spend each and every night together, and have serious separation anxiety when you have to go your own ways to work or school.

    Even if you don't do anything with one another but stay at home, chill, and do whatever else you two normally do, you both feel like you had an amazing time regardless. When you can't physically be together, you keep the spark by exchanging sexy pictures, dirty texts or have some really naughty Skype sessions.

    Regardless of how long you've been together, there's still that same intense spark and tension between you whenever you're in close proximity of one another. Your best friends, lovers, partners in crime, and a one in a million pairing that you'd be crazy to let go.

    10 You Try New Things Frequently

    Because it's important to keep things interesting, obviously, and that way when you circle back around to the “old” things, they're just like new and it's just as incredible as it was when you first did it. It's like a magic trick that will never ever get boring. All the new and exciting things you do together every day aren't necessarily always intimate, though…

    Sure, you have the occasional times where you both get so freaky and experiment outside of your normal bedroom fun, but you also do other, normal, fun even-when-you're-clothed things together too. You explore all that life has to offer by each other's sides and wouldn't dream of it being any other way. You share personal stories while telling them just how much you missed their lips on your skin. When one of you tries something that they'd been opposed to in the past it's like a super exciting, big deal actually and you always reward your partners adventurous spirit in just the way they like.

    9 Your Partner Always Manages To Make You Feel Sexy

    Even on your sloppiest of days or your most disgusting of hungover sickness, no matter how much of a hot mess you're feeling that you are, it never matters. Your partner is always right there to fix every and any ailment that you may have and make you feel like the sexiest person alive. They'll kiss you from head to toe, rub your back while you lay there desperately trying not to vomit and feeling like sh*t, and then when you're well enough later that night, they will rock your world in bed and do all of the work. You just lay back and feel like the sexy little hot mess that you are.

    You're hyper-aware of each other's presence no matter where you are or how many people might be separating you. You will absolutely always know when one another enters the room or is saying something of importance. They can get your attention with nothing but a loving glance in your direction and you will be by their side in a heartbeat.

    8 You Often Reminisce Over Past Bedroom Adventures That Were Particularly Good

    Like hey, remember that time we got physical in the subway tunnel? Aww, yeah. You're so hot. There is absolutely nothing wrong with story telling your own tall tales of your personal encounters to each other over a couple bottles of wine while you are laying in bed on a Friday night. In fact, I encourage it. It is never a bad thing to be reminded of how kinky, dirty, and passionate you and your partner can be with one another at a moment's notice.

    Reminiscing over your past experiences and encounters will only keep the spark alive for future physical adventures with one another. What's the problem with reminding each other what deviants you both have the potential to be. Well, nothing. So you should definitely start discussing your past, present, and future sexy times that you're longing to have and always dreaming of having had with your partner every chance that you get.

    7 There's Never A Problem Being Completely Honest About Your Needs And Desires

    When a new fantasy comes to fruition for one of you, you don't hesitate to share the details of it with your partner. You have this insane way of communicating in and out of the bedroom that just seems to work so incredibly well for the both of you. Whether it's right when you wake up in the morning and you just had a crazy dream about some girl on girl action and handcuffs that you kind of wouldn't mind trying out… or you are super drunk on the town and want to stumble into a club with your partner, you never have an issue telling each other exactly what it is that you need, want, and have to have.

    Sometimes, you'll even be intimate when you're not entirely feeling it because you still get almost just as much pleasure out of pleasing them. You're each other's top priority and nothing makes you happier than knowing that you made them happy in any way shape or form.

    6 You're Not Threatened By Any Of Your Partner's Past Lovers

    Okay, let's just establish first things first; threatened and jealous are two totally different things. You're a rational, irrational person in a loving relationship, so of course, you're going to get jealous of another who once touched, loved, and held your partner as their own. That's your person and no one else's and you will fight any b*tch that tries to say otherwise. Because you know that you're better, newer, and shinier anyways, though, you know that you really don't have any reason to feel threatened too much by any of their past lovers. Okay, maybe not shinier, that could be weird, but you trust that you know how to make their toes curl better than anyone else in life at this point and you have an open, and loving enough relationship to feel confident in the fact that they are not going any further than you plan on going.

    5 You Have Nicknames For Each Other's Various Body Parts

    There's this unspoken language that you share; an entire conversation can take place in the space of accidental eye contact and a crooked, flirtatious smile and everything that you intended to say, they will understand immediately. You call what you do in the bedroom, bam bam. You call your favorite body part of your partner's (wink, wink), my 'little' friend. You have this way of communicating with one another that is always on point and words will never even have to be spoken.

    You know what they want by the way they touch your lower back and how that touch differs from the way they graze their fingertips up your thigh. You work in sync with one another, communicating simultaneously through fluid body movements that has always come so naturally to the two of you that you couldn't imagine it being any other way. Your language is as effortless and enjoyable as every single moment that you spend by each other's side.

    4 There's A Level Of Trust Built Between The Two Of You

    No matter what kind of relationship you have or how much time you spend together or apart, even if you're not exclusive, you know exactly where you stand with one another. From the beginning of your crazy little relationship, there has never been a question in either of your minds of if you could trust one another or not. You've never tried to play games with each other or hide how you feel, as soon as you came to terms with those feelings for yourself.

    Even through the ups and slight downfalls of every aspect of your relationship, no matter how much you've been through together, never once have you seriously ever doubted their feelings for you, especially not to the point of thinking they would ever go out and cheat on you or something crazy like that. You trust one another with every dirty little secret, your body, and to hold your heart near and dear to their own. You trust them not to hurt you ever, and they trust you just the same.

    3 You Spend A Decent Amount Of Time In Bed Together

    Every single chance you get in fact is spent curled up in bed with your partner. Whether you're watching movies, playing some game on your Ipad, or just laying there draped all over each other talking about your day and your tomorrows, it doesn't even matter. All day while you're away from each other, you're both daydreaming about the moment you both arrive home and are able to strip down and cuddle up in the bed together.

    It doesn't always even have to lead to something physical, honestly. It can be as innocent as cuddling for a bit with no clothes on and then passing out for the next 12 hours. The whole idea is that you're naked, touching, intimate, and passionate in the most innocent of ways which will undoubtedly lead to as much passion and romance that you could possibly imagine in your physical lives as well. It all goes hand in hand.

    2 You're Always Touching One Another

    It doesn't matter if you're in private or public, out for dinner or curled up in bed eating pizza… you literally are always touching each other in some way shape or form. It rarely, with obvious exceptions, even really leads to full on intimacy. You just feel the overwhelming desire to pet each other's arms, kiss their neck, rub their back; really anything will do. There's something comforting in knowing that they are there by your side and they feel the same. You communicate through touch and always feel better within their reach.

    Nothing in the world feels better than laying on the couch together watching a movie while they rub your back and you doze off to sleep. Maybe it leads to a little foreplay and maybe it doesn't but you're never concerned. You love feeling their skin grazing yours and that's really all of the foreplay you need to fall even harder for them and for the passion to stay well and alive in your relationship.

    1 Your Sexy Time Is Just As Important As Your Lazy Time

    Intimacy in a long-term relationship often eventually leads to a send of pressure at some point or another. It's just a simple fact of intimate relationships; in some instance, it will put a weird pressure on one or both of you. Whether it be because one of you feels you're not having enough of it, it's getting stale, or you just simply want to try new things and explore; it will eventually cause a slight bit of tension.

    The saving grace, though, is how you both deal with it. If your partner comes to you saying they want to explore something wild or just wants to have it more frequently, that can be the best (or worst) thing for your relationship from that point forward. It doesn't mean that you always have to concede to what they want, but being open and having an honest line of communication so that you feel comfortable at least discussing it with one another is key. Not having it with one another and just simply being is absolutely just as important as every moment that you do spend being intimate.