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    15 Ways To Get The Guy You Just Met Interested In You

    If only it would rain kittens, puppies, and adorable men. Throw some chocolate into the mix and women across the planet would be all sorts of happy. Kittens, puppies, and chocolate are easy to get. The adorable men, however, are a tight catch and a rare breed. All kidding aside, if you want to get to know men on a personal level, you will have to really put yourself out there. The dating world is not for the timid, and the women who sit at home, wishing for Mister Perfect to show up on the doorstep are not going to get very far. In fact, it would be like fishing for trout in the bathtub. You are not going to catch anything other than a few soap bubbles.

    If you want to meet men, you will have to get out of the house and leave your work stress behind. Sure, you may have to attend a few events all by yourself as you search for a soul mate in the crowds, but when you find that one perfect partner, it will all be worth it. In the meantime, learn how to get a guy interested in you for when the time comes and the partner of your dreams comes waltzing into the coffee shop.

    15 Get A Staring Problem

    How do you let a new guy know that you are interested in him? You stare at him, make glances in his direction, and you make sure that he sees you doing it. Most often, if the guy notices that you are sneaking looks at him, he will try and make eye contact with you or he may just walk up to you and introduce himself. It is the universal quiet signal that most men understand, and if he is also interested in you, he will muster up the courage to engage you in a conversation.

    Yes, there are a few man-children who are incredibly rude and make a scene if they feel they are being looked at by women they have no interest in. The way I see it, those guys that are rude are showing their true colors and belong at home with their mommies. They are not worth dating.

    14 Don't Tell Him The Bad Stuff

    Whatever you do, do not start telling the guy you have just met all the bad things that have happened to you this past week. Trust me when I say that he does not want to hear it. If he is out on the town or out on the prowl, the last thing he wants to hear is how you stubbed your toe when you got out of bed this morning, then broke your favorite coffee mug, followed by burning yourself with the hair straightener. Save the woe is me stuff for your best friend. Right now, you have got to focus on getting to know this new guy a little better to find out if he is the one you have been waiting for all of your life.

    Also, never talk about your ex when you first meet a guy. Say nothing bad about a previous boyfriend, even if this new guy asks you about it directly. People don't want to hear about the exes when they are looking for a companion.

    13 Be A Total Flirt

    I am not kidding when I say that you need to learn the art of flirting. Flirting has really died off with the instant gratification of modern society, but when you learn how to flirt it can open up a whole new world of dating for you.

    There are books on how to flirt and if you've lost touch with the act, there is absolutely no shame in reading up on how other people flirt. From that special way flirts look into a person's eyes to the coyness of their speech, learning how to flirt is worth the extra effort, especially if you want to make a guy feel really good about himself and about you.

    Of course, you may be a natural at flirting, but it has gotten you into trouble in the past. If you have been holding the flirt back, let it out. Especially when you meet that Mr. Could Be Right at a friendly get together.

    12 Ask Him Questions

    You walk into a coffee shop and waiting in line in front of you is a very handsome guy. He turns and looks at you. He says hi and you hi back. Then there is that awkward silence until he reaches the counter and places his order. When he gets his coffee, he turns and says his goodbye, and you watch him leave knowing you will probably never see him again.

    If you want to break the awkwardness of that first meeting, ask him a question or two. Is he on lunch break? Is the coffee any good here? Keep the questions on the comfortable level and don't get too personal. You just met the guy and you are hoping to, at the very least, figure out when and where you can see him again. If things go well, the two of you can exchange numbers and start in on texting each other.

    11 Drop A Compliment

    Imagine walking down the sidewalk and you spot a really hot guy. He has a very nice hand knit scarf around his neck and, out of the blue, you tell this total stranger how good he looks in it. He smiles, thanks you, and tells you that his mom made it for him. What an excellent way to meet a total stranger, don't you think?

    You are not the only one who likes to get a compliment out of the blue. Guys like them, too, and if you can sneak one in, all the better. You will make him feel good about himself and he will remember you for your kind words.

    If you have never been into handing out compliments, now is as good a time to start as any. It costs you nothing to give out random, sincere compliments, and it makes you a more memorable, good hearted person in the eyes of other people.

    10 Free For Coffee?

    If you are really interested in a guy you just met, ask him out for coffee. Most people enjoy going to the local coffee shop, even if they are not all that crazy about drinking the stuff. It is simply a great place to relax and socialize with people.

    Of course, you don't have to use coffee as an excuse to get him alone with you in a public setting. If there is a new movie in the theaters and it comes out in conversation that you both want to see it, ask him if he would want to see it with you. Make it a friend date and not a romantic date to take off all the pressure of a potential relationship. In fact, at this point, keep the romance out of the equation and focus on getting to know that guy. It is better to find out while you are both friends if the two of you are compatible or not.

    9 Create Some Mystery

    Don't be that girl who walks up to people and dumps out a lifetime of drama. Instead, tone it down a bit and create an air of mystery about yourself that will drive him absolutely mad. In other words, don't tell him everything about you in the first ten minutes of meeting.

    To create an air of mystery, learn to give a little smile when he asks you a question. Don't answer, just smile. For example, if he asks you something about a past boyfriend or your previous relationships, it is always best to hold your tongue. Smile and change the subject. It is the same with secrets. Keep them to yourself. He does not need to know everything about you right away and the more you keep him guessing, the more he will want to see you to try and figure you out. Be the puzzle and not an emotional mess.

    8 Drop The Stress

    Have you ever been around someone who is so stressed out that just being in the same room with her also makes you feel stressed? As you probably know, people who are always highly stressed are no fun to be around. You feel it, friends and family feel it, and that cute guy down the hall can feel it, too. We are all sensitive to stress and none of us want to deal with it. Keep that in mind the next time some handsome guy catches your attention. If you are stressed, but you want to get this guy interested in you, you are going to have to learn how to drop the stress immediately. Drop the drama, too, because that is just as stressful to other people. Instead, plant a smile on your face and take a few deep breaths. Relax and charm him with your friendliness.

    7 Find A Similarity

    Let's pretend that you are staying in a hotel for a few nights until your new apartment is ready for you to move into it. While you are there, you notice this rather handsome guy staying there, too. You also see that he is reading a camping magazine in the lobby and, wouldn't you know it, you love camping outdoors, too. So, you approach him and ask him if he is planning a trip. Before you know it, the two of you are talking about your favorite places to go camping and how you both would love to live the dream of traveling for a living.

    If you can find a similarity or make a mutual connection with a guy, you have yourself a new friend and that means that the relationship could very well develop into something more. You have suddenly become interesting to him and he to you. It is a great start.

    6 Friendship First

    Do you want marriage, a nice house, and a busload of babies? Hold on there and bite your tongue. The quickest way to scare off a guy as soon as you meet him is to start talking about marriage and babies. Even if you really want those things, don't open up a conversation with a guy you just met about how many kids you want. He will run for the hills faster than you can say “baby carriage.” Instead, keep the conversation light. After all, you just met the guy and are in the getting to know you phase of the relationship. It is way too soon to start making future plans. Give yourself a pep talk and understand that friendship comes first. If there is going to be a stable and healthy relationship with this guy, you want it to start off on a stable foundation.

    5 Be Funny

    Absolutely no one likes to be around a Debbie Downer. If you want to get that guy interested in you, it is time to drop all the grumpiness and the moping. Instead, think of all the funny things that have happened to you in your life, and wear that humored smile on your face.

    It is the same thing when you get into a conversation with him. Approach it with a sense of humor. Tell a terrible joke, laugh at his joke, and just loosen up and have a good time, even if it is only for a few minutes before one of you has to leave for work.

    Life is meant to be enjoyed, and there is no one more enjoyable than a happy person, full of life. Be a fun person to talk to and hang out with. Show him you know how to have a good chuckle and that you do not always take life super seriously.

    4 Give Him Plenty Of Opportunity

    Let us pretend that you have been noticing this guy for the past few days, but every time you see him, you quickly stare down at your phone or start to act like you are busy. What you are really doing is sending him the “I am too busy to bother with you” signal and he will more than likely stay clear of you so that he doesn't interrupt your (unimportant) busy work.

    Instead of looking too busy to be bothered, try looking bored. Kick back, cover your mouth, and give a yawn. Show him that you have nothing else going on and that you are completely free for a conversation. He will be more likely to start a conversation with you if you don't seem distracted or too busy to give him any notice.

    While you are at it, put away your phone. In this day and age, not staring down at a smartphone will make you stand out from all those who are glued to their screens.

    3 Ask For Help

    No, you do not have to play stupid to get a man's attention, but you can ask him for help with something. For example, if you are new to the area, you could ask him if he knows of any great restaurants in town. You could also ask him if he knows anything about any upcoming local events. Anything to get the conversation going. Give the guy a chance to share what he knows. Besides, if you really are new to the area, he probably has a ton of great advice about local stuff and asking about events shows him that you are into interesting things and are not just some homebody.

    Keep car trouble talk to a minimum unless you can tell he is into cars or is a mechanic. Not all guys know everything about cars, just like not all women know the latest fashion trends.

    2 What Does He Like?

    Get him talking about himself. Most men love the sound of their own voices and, of course, they love talking about things that interest them. Who doesn't?

    Check out what he is wearing to maybe get a clue as to what he is interested in. What does it say on his t-shirt? Is he wearing something sports related or is he dressed in business attire? If he is wearing a sports team logo, you can always ask if it is his favorite team. It gets a conversation started up and, even if you are not into sports, it gives you a springboard to head into a different topic and one that you are more familiar with.

    You could also just come right out and ask him about his hobbies. Mention one of your own hobbies first and then ask him what he is into. Does he like working with his hands? Is he into cars or video games? Working out? Ask him.

    1 Just Be Blunt About It

    There is absolutely no rule that states women can't just come out and tell a guy that she is interested in him. In fact, many men say they would like it if women were a little more upfront about their interests in them. If you really do want to get to know a guy, but he just does not seem to be getting the hint about it, then come out and tell him that you find him interesting or attractive. If he wants to get to know you, too, then this will be his opportune time to make some plans with you. After all, you only live once. Speak up for what you want. The worst that could happen is he tells you that you are not his type or that he is already in a committed relationship. If that is the case, then pick up and move on.