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    15 Signs You Might Never Ever Get Married

    Do you want to get married? Back when you were a kid, this was a super easy question to answer… and the answer, of course, was a big fat yes. You grew up dreaming about your wedding day. You wanted to wear your mom's white dress, you wanted to stand beside your handsome groom and pledge your undying love to him, and you wanted to dance and party with your friends and family all night long. Thinking about this got you through a lot of boring Math classes when you were a teenager, you can say that much. But now that you're older -- in your 20s or 30s -- you laugh at how naive and innocent you were. You're not sure that you're going to get married, and that just proves how much times have changed. You're definitely not alone because your generation is getting married less and less and people are forming less traditional bonds. No matter how much your mom hates the idea of your never getting married, it just might be your reality. Here are 15 signs you might never ever get married.

    15 You Don't Want To

    The most obvious reason why you might never walk down the aisle and say that you will love someone in sickness and in health? That would be that you just don't want to get married. Marriage has literally nothing to do with your current life and you're not sure it's something that you ever want for your future. It doesn't matter if you're on your own or in a serious relationship, this is just how you feel and it's just what you believe. You don't think that marriage is a necessary part of your life. You might not even think that anyone should get married, let alone you. Sure, that might seem like a bit of an extreme position to take, but it's so normal to you that you don't even care. The thing is that if you don't want to get married and you won't feel bad or even regret it if you don't, then why do you have to?

    14 You're Happily Single

    If you're a happily single woman who has no interest in getting married now, later, or ever, then you don't have to. But you already knew that, didn't you? You don't need anyone's permission to do what you want with your life. If you're good with being on your own and you barely need a boyfriend, let alone a husband, then you should be you. There's no reason to change your mind about what you want just to please your parents or society in general. The cool thing about modern society is that there are so many paths to take and most of them aren't anything even close to traditional. Times have changed and women have so many more opportunities than just becoming a housewife… which is definitely a good thing. So if this is why you might never get married, then there's no reason to stress out about it.

    13 You're Living With Your BF

    Being in a common law relationship is pretty common these days and there's literally nothing wrong with it. Sure, your grandma might not understand why you and your guy don't want to get married… and your mom might cry when she thinks about not getting to witness your wedding someday. But you don't want to live your life for other people, even if it makes the lovely family members in your life super sad. They'll get over it. They really will. If you and your boyfriend are living together and are happy, then that's all that people need to know. There's no reason to change your mind just for the sake of your relatives. The truth is that lots of couples get married who never should have in the first place and they end up -- you guessed it -- divorced. If you and your boyfriend are already sharing your lives and acting like you're married, then there's no reason to rock the boat and change things up just for the sake of it.

    12 You Loathe Weddings

    Some women hate weddings. If that's you, then it's really no big deal. You might feel like a total weirdo because you hate white lacy dresses, you don't want to try on a million and cry at how the big day is finally almost here, and you don't care about bonding with your fellow bridesmaids. You hate weddings, plain and simple, and there's no reason to change your mind. If this is who you are, then that's it. Maybe you're a cynic and you need to believe in love a bit more, but it's totally possible that you still believe in love and romance and having a long-term relationship. You just don't want to get married. And you just never want to attend a wedding, let alone be in your own. Everyone is different and unique and that's what makes this world so completely interesting and amazing. So if you never get married, so what? Who cares?

    11 You Have Had Bad Bridesmaid Experiences

    If you've been a bridesmaid or even a maid of honor in someone else's wedding and it was a terrible experience, then it probably put you off getting married for life. And while that may make other people sad for you, you probably don't care. You just want absolutely nothing to do with weddings. If your best friend made you a bridesmaid and then proceeded to make your life a living hell for several months, then that would be enough to make you not want to get married. Ever. If she emailed you a million times a day or forced you to wear a crazy ugly bridesmaid dress or even insulted you and picked fights with you because she was so stressed, then no one would blame you for how you feel. You don't want to turn into a bridezilla and that's a good thing. Stay strong. Don't get married just because it's what is expected of you.

    10 You Don't Want Kids

    If you don't want to have kids now, later or even ever, then it's really no wonder that you don't think that you will ever get married. Sure, a lot of couples have children even when they're just common law and they never get married. And that's totally fine. To each their own, right? But if you don't want kids and you don't want to get married either, then that's a different story and that's totally fine as well. You don't have to make decisions for other people. In fact, you really shouldn't. You should always follow your heart, listen to your gut instincts, and do what you want. What's right for you is not what will be right for other people and vice versa, and that's a really good thing. Since so many couples get married and then later raise a family, it makes sense that if you don't want to procreate, you have no interest in the whole deal.

    9 Your Parents Are Divorced

    For a lot of people, having divorced parents is enough to make them never, ever want to get married. They don't think that there's a point because if you get married, you get divorced, right? Isn't that how the story always goes? If that describes you, then no one can blame you for being super anti-marriage. So if your own mom and dad ended their marriage when you were a kid or in high school, then it's really no wonder that you have absolutely zero interest in walking down the aisle yourself. This is a huge sign that you might never get married within your lifetime. But this is only okay as long as you really don't want to get married and you have no interest in being someone's wife. If you really do want to get married but are afraid because of seeing a relationship close to you end, then that's something that you should work on so you don't have any regret. But otherwise, you don't have to get married. Do what you want.

    8 Your Boyfriend Doesn't Want To

    If you believe in marriage but your boyfriend doesn't, then that will definitely make your relationship pretty tough. Even if you think that this isn't a big deal right now, you might eventually regret not getting married and this issue might cause some huge rifts in your relationship later on. It's just one of those super important issues that can truly divide couples. But if you love your boyfriend more than you want to get married and you absolutely want to stay with him, then that's a sign that you might never get married. You can't force someone to marry you, after all, and you definitely can't make someone believe in the whole institution of marriage if it's just not something that they are interested in. Sure, this sucks, but you kind of have to pick your battles at this point and figure out if you can stand to live without him.

    7 You're Afraid To Open Up

    You might be so scared to open up to someone and be vulnerable that you will never, ever get married. Sometimes, if you will feel this way, you always have a hard time staying in relationships, no matter how much you care about the guy that you're currently dating. Other times, you stay single for much longer than you really have to because you're so afraid of commitment. Naturally, marriage is pretty much the ultimate in commitment so if you can barely stay in a relationship for more than a month or two, then it's no wonder that you don't want to become someone's wife. This is something to seriously think about because if you're so scared of getting close to someone that you miss out on getting married, that can really be a shame. But if you're afraid to open up so much that you really have lost interest in getting married, then maybe it's not something that you care about.

    6 You Don't Believe In Love

    Another sign that you might not get married is that you just don't believe in love in general. Of course, this is a super depressing idea and hopefully, it's just a phase that you're going through and not something that you will always think and feel. But maybe you've gone through way too many horrible break-ups to keep thinking that love is possible for you, or maybe you're still not over a certain ex and can't imagine being with anyone else if you can't be with him. This is totally something that every woman has been through before and hopefully, you can move on and start believing in love again. But of course, if you can't, then you might never think that love is possible, and you might never get married. That would really suck but if that's the way that it's going to go, then you will never be someone's wife and you will never have a husband.

    5 You Have Dreams

    Back in the day, your only real option as a female was to get married and raise kids. You took care of the household. You cooked, cleaned, baked cookies, and looked good while doing it all. Sounds super depressing, right? While there's nothing wrong with being a housewife and taking care of your family, it's not something that is forced upon us these days, and if you have dreams and goals that you want to follow, then you might never get married. And there's nothing wrong with that, either. Sure, maybe one day you will change your mind and decide to get married and commit in that way to someone else. But if that never happens for you, you're not too concerned about it, and you don't think it would be too big of a deal. You have dreams and they are a lot more important to you than getting married.

    4 You're A Rebel

    Sometimes you're just a rebel and there's no other way to describe you and your personality. If you hate the idea of anything even remotely traditional, then it's clear that marriage is just not on your radar and it's not something that you want for your life. You might not even like the idea of a 9-to-5 job so it's really no wonder that you don't want to be anyone's wife. You shun tradition any chance that you get and chances are, your friends and family are so used to this, they won't even care if you never get married. You've created a lifestyle for yourself that is truly what makes you happy and so you would never, ever get married unless you suddenly and magically changed your mind and decided to be traditional. But right now, that's not something that you want or even think about on a regular basis.

    3 You're Married To Your Job

    Being married to your job has become kind of a joke and kind of a cliche at this point… but that doesn't mean that it might not be true. If you love your career so much that you pretty much work 24/7 and are the very definition of a workaholic, then you might not ever want to get married. You can be single or part of a couple and still feel this way, of course, so it has nothing to do with that single woman stereotype that is often floating around. While your mom might ask why you think that your job can keep you warm at night and why you think that your career can be your life partner, you don't really care. You are just so into your career that it makes you happy, it gives you tons of satisfaction, and it makes you think that there is really no reason to get married… now or ever. You honestly don't even think about this.

    2 You Haven't Been Asked

    So let's say that you're in a super serious relationship. The kind of relationship that every woman wants. The kind of situation that seems perfect. Except, well, it's not perfect. Because you haven't been asked to marry your boyfriend yet… and you kind of get the feeling that he will never ask. He might not feel any rush to walk down the aside, or he might not believe in marriage altogether, or he might not think that you two are at that stage yet. Whatever the reason, he's not asking you, and therefore you're not getting married anytime soon. If you stay with this guy and he keeps not asking you, well, then, you obviously will never get married. That's either the biggest deal in the universe or no big deal at all, depending on how you feel and depending on how important it is to you to take that next step. It's a totally personal decision and it's completely up to you -- no one can decide this for you.

    1 You're Not Ready

    If you're not ready to get married, you're definitely not the only one. Life seems to start a lot later for this generation. You spend more time in school between college and grad school or some kind of post-college program. You spend more time figuring out who you are, who you want to be, and what you want your life to look like. You can't just get married at 18 as soon as you graduate from high school… or even at 22 when you finish your undergraduate degree. That would just be super weird. You feel way too young to get married and you're not ready to even though you have a job and an apartment and all the things that you're supposed to have. You just don't feel like you're done with the whole youth part of your life yet and you think that being married is going to automatically make you old or something. So until you feel ready, you're not getting married anytime soon… and maybe you never will.