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    16 Photos Of Riverdale's Betty & Jughead That Will Make You Swoon

    To say that people love the CW series Riverdale is a bit of an understatement - fans are utterly obsessed with it. There's some familiarity thanks to the popularity of the Archie Comics the series is based on, as everyone knows the iconic characters Archie, Betty, Veronica, Jughead, Cheryl, Reggie and the whole gang. However, while the comics are fairly light and humorous, the show has a whole lot more drama - which is what makes it so juicy and addictive.

    Now, another huge plus for the show is how many relatively unknown actors were cast in the leading roles. For some, it was their first ever acting role; for others, it was a step back into the entertainment industry after a few years of taking a break from it all. Regardless of where the cast were at in their careers when they started the show, now they're all superstars - and people want to know how much of that on-screen chemistry translates to off-screen romance. While Archie and Veronica aren't an item in real life yet, Betty and Jughead - played by Lili Reinhart and Cole Sprouse - are (at least, the public thinks so - they're both staying pretty hush hush about it all). And, as you may have guessed, fans are totally obsessed with Betty and Juggy, and with Lili and Cole. They're adorable on screen, they're adorable off screen, and they have so much chemistry it's practically crackling.

    Here are 16 totally drool-worthy photos of Betty and Jughead that prove they're definitely #relationshipgoals.

    16 This adorable moment that just 100% melted every viewer

    There was a lot of controversy over Jughead's sexuality on the show, because in the comics, he was portrayed as asexual. While it would have been fantastic to get a diverse character on television, if they would have gone with that direction for his character, we would never have gotten the opportunity to see moments like this - and that would have been truly tragic. You can definitely see Cole Sprouse's acting chops when it comes to scenes like this - a single expression, a small furrow of his brow, conveys so much emotion, and we're literally melting over this. Honestly - get you a man who looks at you like Jughead looks at Betty, because she is literally all he is seeing in this moment and that is just way too adorable for words.

    15 One of many scenes where they just can't stop from sneaking a kiss

    Lili Reinhart recently chatted with Glamour about all the kissing scenes on Riverdale, and said that they really weren't too awkward at all because the entire cast is just so in sync and comfortable with one another. She hasn't spoken specifically about what it's like to kiss Cole, but it's happened a few times on screen now, so they're pretty much becoming pros at it. There's just something about Betty and Jughead on screen - they just have a ridiculous amount of chemistry, which is why so many fans ship them as a couple. I mean, Jughead is probably going to dive right into those mini cupcakes the moment the lip lock ends, but the fact that Betty could distract him for even a moment is saying a lot.

    14 A shot proving that they clean up really, really well for the red carpet

    It's always interesting to see actors and actresses on the red carpet, and when they're not dressed up as their characters, because for many starlets this makes them look like entirely different people. Reinhart does have different hairstyles on the show, but she very often wears Betty's trademark ponytail - which means she looks even more startlingly gorgeous when she goes sleek and modern with her style, as in this shot. We totally love her slightly smoky eye and fresh make-up look, and we're crazy about Cole's decision to rock suspenders. They look like an utterly adorable couple, and we're totally drooling - we're not sure why they're being so secretive about their relationship. Perhaps it's just easier to nurture those early flutters of romance when you're not being dissected by the paparazzi at every waking moment.

    13 That important moment right before a kiss - crucial in any great love story

    There are a lot of important moments that take place at Pop's Chok'lit Shoppe - I mean, the spot is an institution in the comic books, so it only makes sense that it would play a major role on the show as well. One of those moments includes this adorable exchange between Betty and Jughead. Betty is rocking her trademark ponytail, and Jughead - for once - isn't wearing his hat. The hatless Jughead has an air of vulnerability, and this moment is just all kinds of adorable. A great onscreen kiss is one thing, but often it's that moment right before that truly shows how much chemistry a couple has - and these two obviously have a ton of chemistry on screen. I mean, how can you not ship these two after seeing photos like this?

    12 Cole and Lili proving that they're total beach babes - and that life is just peachy when you're in love

    Seriously, why can these two cuties not just confirm that they're officially an item? They're constantly sharing pictures of the two of them hanging out and they look beyond adorable. In this picture that was taken when they were hanging out on the beach, they're both looking sunkissed and gorgeous. We love everything about this, from Lili's sassy 'peachy' cap and make-up free face to Cole's carefree grin in the background. It's as if Betty and Jughead went rogue and left Riverdale behind to just lounge on the beach and be their best selves. Who knows, maybe Betty and Jughead in Mexico will be a spin-off of the series - given how popular it's become, we wouldn't be surprised if every major character got their own project like the superheroes do.

    11 Yet another adorable moment - made even cuter by Betty's trademark ponytail and Jughead's signature beanie

    Okay, can we just take a second to pause and look at the way Cole Sprouse gives Jughead life? It seems like such a small moment, his only cue is to look at Lili while she delivers her line, but his eyes basically have their own line in this scene because of how expressive they are. Who would have guessed that the child star cutie would ever become an actor like this? Betty's signature slicked back ponytail lets the audience see every little expression on her face as well, which just adds to the scene. You know what, just go back and re-watch this entire scene a few more times. You won't regret it. They are literally the cutest things in the world and we'd be happy with a show devoted to just the two of them.

    10 Lili and Cole having a moment relaxing behind the scenes

    When it comes to a television show, the cast often has a very different experience behind the scenes based on how well they mesh. Some shows have cast members that just run back to their private trailer after their scene is done and don't really interact with one another, while others have cast members who basically become best friends and continue their friendship for years after the show has wrapped. It seems like the Riverdale cast may fall into the latter category - as you can tell by this shot, Lili and Cole genuinely seem to enjoy spending time with one another behind the scenes. Cole is obviously hamming it up a bit for the photographer here, but there's an intimacy to their whole position that we just love - you don't let someone you hate put their head on your lap, that's for sure.

    9 Betty proving she looks really, really good when she's all dolled up - and Jughead is no slouch either

    There's no doubt that Lili Reinhart is absolutely gorgeous. However, in the majority of her scenes, she's rocking her trademark high ponytail and preppy clothing. So, in scenes where she gets a chance to get all dolled up, look out - she's bringing her A game. We totally love the more low-key hairstyle here, pulled back on just the one side to showcase her gorgeous features, and the sleek, satin dress is both modern and totally romantic. This look totally works for her. And Jughead proves that, when you're Jughead, you can pair a beanie with everything, even a jacket and tie. The producers could have put him in a more traditional look with his hair all slicked back, but they opted to let his personality shine. They just look like a super chic, adorable couple here, and we love it.

    8 Cole and Lili snuggling up to a pug because they seem to want our hearts to literally burst

    What's the only surefire way to make a picture of an adorable, droolworthy couple even more adorable? Add a dog, obviously. Cole and Lili shared this shot of the two of them snuggling up on a wrinkly pug, and the whole set-up is so sweet it hurts. From the romantic updo Lili is rocking to that one rogue strand of hair that has fallen in front of Cole's eye to the smushed pug ear, courtesy of Cole's smooch, this whole picture is just too much for us to handle. I mean, no one should be allowed to monopolize the cuteness in the world this much. It's ridiculous. This makes us want a spin-off show where Betty and Jughead are the owners of a dog grooming salon or something. Honestly, we just want to see these two on screen even more - they're just so good together.

    7 Jughead with his concerned face on, offering his main squeeze Betty some support

    This show has plenty of dramatic moments and revelations where someone is in need of a little support - and when Betty needs someone on her side to lend a sympathetic shoulder, Jughead steps up without hesitating. The look here is just classic - ponytail and preppy pink sweater for Betty, beanie and disheveled look for Jughead - and the chemistry is palpable. You can clearly tell that Jughead cares for Betty in this scene, and the way she doesn't just let his hand rest on her shoulder but actually reaches back and touches his fingertips with hers proves what a valuable friend he is to her. I mean, this shot says it all - romance aside, they're just really, really good friends who support each other, and we absolutely love that aspect of their relationship.

    6 This goofy moment captured that shows just how close they are

    One of the things we love most about Lili and Cole is that they're both completely unafraid to just be themselves. While some starlets try to look camera ready at all times, never a hair out of place, and portray a certain carefully cultivated image of themselves, Lili and Cole are more than happy to just goof off and have some fun together - as this picture demonstrates. Cole is having a bit of a snooze, with another cast member's arm around his shoulders, while Lili just looks up at him with an utterly adorable look on her face. I mean, could these two be more perfect together? Plus, given the looks that Jughead typically wears, it's kind of refreshing to see Cole in just a plain white shirt, looking totally natural.

    5 Date night at Coachella, because are you even a starlet on the rise if you don't go to Coachella?

    I mean, are you even a celebrity if you don't attend Coachella? The California music festival is one of the few spots were celebrities rub shoulders with regular people because, well, there's no private celebrity Coachella - everyone goes to the same festival to see the same bands, including A-List stars. Cole and Lili grabbed their tickets this year, and apparently attended the festival together, which is adorable. And, we're living for their sassy outfits - Cole's open yellow button down has just a hint of vintage charm (and is way cuter than the ripped tees so many guys wear), while Lili's 'hot buns' tee and headband are absolutely perfect. It seems like they're having a blast - we wonder if they have the same taste in music or if they just came for the experience and to see whoever they could on stage.

    4 The couple that wears glasses together, stays together

    This shot, which Lili shared on her Snapchat, proves how droolworthy they are together - plus, with a caption like "Betty and Juggie," how could you not absolutely melt? Cole is wearing some vintage style glasses that totally work with his swooped hairstyle, and Lili is also rocking some major hipster glasses. We've got to say, the glasses look totally works for Lili - they should maybe think about incorporating that into Betty's character. We're not sure if these two will ever start rocking their glasses on the regular, but either way, this was an adorable chance to get a peek at what they look like behind the scenes, when they're just hanging out together and looking casual. I mean, these two are just too cute for words - if we were Lili, we would have shared this shot for sure.

    3 Goofing off and flirting at a press event

    Given that they're cast members on a hugely successful television show, it makes sense that Cole, Lili and the whole crew are constantly appearing on panels and talk shows promoting their project. After all, that's part of the industry and what you have to do when you have a new project in the works, or are on a successful show. And, it seems that Cole and Lili definitely don't seem to mind. While some celebrities seem to view panel appearances as a bit of a chore and obligation to cross off their list, Lili and Cole look like they're having a ton of fun. And, let's be honest - that flirty eye contact is basically straight out of a scene on the show. The chemistry these two have is totally insane.

    2 Jughead proving he can pack a lot of feeling into one little glance - I mean, we're melting

    We said it once, we'll say it again - the amount of emotion that Cole can convey in a single glance is crazy droolworthy. I mean, this scene is utterly adorable, from the way Betty focuses on the movie screen to the way Jughead has his arm around her. But this particular moment, with Jughead's little smile and Betty's little smile at the same time? We're dying. It's too cute for words. Seriously, if an episode focused solely on these two and just ignored everyone else in town, we wouldn't even be mad - they're that good together. Plus, who could resist a retro scene set at the movies? It's almost as nostlagic as the Chock'lit Shoppe. It's basically the most perfect date in town, and Jughead knows he's got his perfect date by his side.

    1 Uh, we couldn't agree more - they're literally meant to be

    Seriously - we are patiently (okay, maybe not so patiently) waiting for these two to just go ahead and admit that they're an item. Cole is constantly using Lili as his muse for photography, they clearly have an absolute blast together whenever they're at an event, even if they're just there working and promoting the show, and they seem to spend a ton of time together off set. They're super adorable together, and you can tell that they have major chemistry, so just confirm it already so all the fans can go wild! I mean, we understand the inclination to keep your private life private when you're a celebrity, but… come one, we want a real life Betty/Juggie romance. As Lili says in this moment, it's just meant to be. Totally droolworthy.