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    16 Photos Of Kylie Jenner That Make Us Glad She's In Hiding

    Where in the world is Kylie Jenner?! It's a question that a lot of fans want answered and they want the answer right now. First people started noticing that when the Kardashian fam released their annual Christmas card photo, Kylie wasn't there. And then people said that she's been hiding. Whether that's because she just wants some quiet time because it's the holiday season and we all want that or its because she doesn't want people to talk about her pregnancy, we're not really sure. It could be either one of those reasons or maybe something totally different that we don't know about.

    What we do know is that although Kylie Jenner is a beautiful and stylish celebrity, she has her bad hair and outfit days just like the rest of us. We're pretty lucky that we don't have to be photographed when we're rushing out to grab coffee in our baggiest sweats, but hey, that's the price that people pay for fame (and lots of money and designer clothes, too).

    We rounded up 16 photos of Kylie Jenner that honestly don't show the star in her best light and make us wonder why she chose those hairstyles or outfits! Check them out!

    16 Full Body Sweats

    We would honestly have no idea that this was a photo of Kylie Jenner if we didn't already know that it was. That's how different she looks and how totally unlike herself. We're not sure what's going on and why she would leave the house in something like this.

    We're not trying to be mean here. We totally get that we all have our days and nights when sweatpants are the only things that we want to wear. After all, we just want to be as comfortable as possible. But when we go out to run errands or see friends, we want to put a little bit more effort into our outfits. It just makes us feel good about ourselves. Otherwise, we kind of feel like slobs. Not saying that Kylie is a slob, of course, but… this isn't her best fashion moment. And we don't think that anyone would argue with that.

    15 Confusing AF

    Okay, let's get this out of the way since it's definitely what everyone is thinking once they get a look at this photo: what is Kylie holding?!

    People are saying that she's in hiding, and, well, she seems to be doing some hiding of her own here. She's holding whatever is wrapped in that black and white patterned blanket pretty close to her chest, which makes us think that she is being super careful for a reason. She seems to be protecting whatever is there. It's totally driving us crazy that we don't know what's going on here and what she's holding. What's the big secret?! If she's trying to be mysterious, well, it's working. We don't like not knowing what's going on with our favorite celebrities. We're not sure that we like this cropped legging and short boot combo, either.

    14 Bad Dye Job

    Let's face it, this isn't Kylie's best dye job. We're not sure what happened. Maybe her roots were growing out and she didn't have a chance to get to the hair salon, but… that's kind of hard for us to believe. After all, this is Kylie Jenner that we're talking about. She always looks amazing and has the best hair and makeup and outfits ever. She takes her appearance seriously and wants to look good, which is why she has shared that she deletes Instagram selfies if they don't get enough comments and/or likes…

    So we're not sure that she would let her hair go on purpose. Maybe this actually was on purpose? Maybe this is a cool new way to wear your hair that we just haven't heard about yet since we're not rich and famous (sadly). Hmmm.

    13 What?!

    We're not sure why Kylie's got her mouth wide open in this photo. We really have no idea. It seems like a bit of a strange expression for a photo… Maybe she was trying to be mysterious?!

    We're also not sure that pink eyeshadow is really a good look for anyone. We're not sure that we would want to wear this color. It looks really intense and it's not that flattering. If we honestly think that a beauty product isn't that flattering on Kylie Jenner, who is super beautiful and super into makeup as well, then we think that it's a product that should be totally retired. That just makes sense to us. Blue is another shade of eyeshadow that we think should never return to our makeup routines. Just saying…

    12 A Sweaty Look

    We get that Kylie loves her sweatpants, but maybe she loves them a little bit too much?!

    This outfit is a total fashion don't. There's just no getting around that fact. It wouldn't matter who was wearing this outfit. We would still have to say that it's not an attractive look. Between the incredibly baggy sweatpants to the short boots to the huge t-shirt, there's not a lot that is very flattering or pretty. And we're honestly used to seeing Kylie in much more flattering, prettier clothing. We usually can't even with how stylish and fashionable she looks and we're wishing that we could steal her great sense of style. We can't say that we want to go outside in baggy sweatpants. We really want to save these for our nights on the couch with our beloved Netflix.

    11 Where's Kylie?

    The whole "Where's Waldo?" thing comes to mind when we see this photo, except this time, it's totally "Where's Kylie?"

    We can guess the reason why she's in hiding here: she's probably trying to escape some nearby paps and cameras. And we don't blame her for that. How could we?! It honestly must suck to know that your every move and fashion statement is not only been seen by the world but everyone is judging you for that stuff, too. But at the same time, she's a public figure, and she's a celebrity that's part of a celebrity family. That's the life that she's living. We can't help it if we see photos of her because of that. We think that she could have simply worn sunglasses and a hat instead of literally covering herself in a blanket, though. This seems a bit extra.

    10 Not Her Best Look

    We love Kylie's curvy shape. It's super inspiring that she's not a stick figure. It's especially great since the Kardashian-Jenner clan definitely has younger fans and so they're providing some body positivity which is always a good thing.

    We can't say that we love this massive sweatpant and yoga pants combo, though. This doesn't look like a photo of Kylie or at least not the stylish and cool Kylie that we've come to know and love. Hey, it's not our fault that she's got such a cool brand and that she's crafted a careful public image. She even talked about that on her reality show. We know that she must want to just get cozy and comfy and wear stuff like this, but we think that these pants would have looked better with a more fitted top. Just our two cents.

    9 Snapchat Fail

    It's no secret that Kylie loves, loves, loves Snapchat. She uses the social media platform to keep in touch with her (many) fans and loves posting videos of herself. She definitely likes posting selfies on Instagram but Snapchat kind of seems like her first love social media wise.

    We're not really sure what's going on in this particular Snapchat, though, and it's confusing us a lot. Is Kylie… waving? Doing some trendy new workout move? What's going on here? Is she modeling a new sports bra or something? That last idea might be what's really going on since she's, well, wearing a sports bra. The angle of the snapshot on the right makes her chest look absolutely massive, and the angle's just not super flattering.

    8 All Covered Up

    Kylie's literally hiding her face here, and it also seems like maybe she's trying to hide her baby bump here as well. We're not totally sure but we think that we can see a pregnant belly in the photo on the left…

    We're not sure that baggy t-shirts are a good look on anyone and that goes for celebrities and non-celebrities as well. So we're not going to say that we love this look. We think that if this shirt was a bit smaller, it would be more flattering and would have looked a lot cuter. But, again, she might have been trying to hide her bump, so that would have been the reason behind this top. Or maybe not. She definitely seems to love wearing really baggy t-shirts and sweatpants.

    7 So Baggy

    If we thought that Kylie couldn't wear baggier pants than the ones that she's wearing in some of the photos on this list, well, we were totally wrong. Because these are some seriously baggy pants…

    We're also not down with the bright red color of these pants. That's what we're all thinking, right?! It's impossible to focus on anything else. They're just so bright. We would honestly have no clue that this was a celebrity if we didn't already know that it was a photo of Kylie. It's not that we expect her to look perfect 100 of the time. We would never want that. We're just not big fans of this particular outfit and we're not so sure that we would want to wear it ourselves, and we usually want all of her clothes.

    6 Is That Paint On Her Pants?!

    Is that paint on Kylie's pants… or is that part of the style? We would usually think that she would never leave her house looking less than perfect and fashionable. But we're confused when we see her wearing really baggy sweats or pants like these ones.

    We're not sure and we can't honestly believe that having white splashes of paint would be a style decision. It looks like Kylie was doing some painting and got covered in it and didn't change. But why would she be painting? Better yet, why would she be painting? We don't know. We have all kinds of questions. We're also not big on the brown pants. This is honestly a really terrible color. It's just not a color that we think that anyone should ever wear and we don't think that we're alone in that opinion. Brown is never anyone's fave color…

    5 PDA To The Max

    Look, some PDA is totally fine and even kind of cute. Well, it's totally fine and even kind of cute if we're in love and we want to kiss our boyfriend on the subway or hold hands when grabbing brunch on a Sunday morning. Then we don't mind seeing other happy and in love couples doing the exact same thing. If we're single or missing someone, it might be another story.

    This photo is honestly way too much. This kind of PDA (aka when someone is grabbing their partner's butt) makes us blush and makes us kind of uncomfortable. It just seems like way too private and intimate of a moment to be captured on camera. And that goes for celebs and non-celebs, too. It's just too much.

    4 No Bra

    People have said that Kylie's not wearing a bra in this photo… and it's pretty obvious.

    Sorry but no one should go without a bra. Okay, maybe we don't want to wear a bra when we're hanging out at home watching Netflix or having a lazy weekend. That's the only appropriate time to go braless. The rest of the time, though? Well, the rest of the time, we honestly need to put on a bra. It doesn't matter if we hate them. We just have to find some bras that actually fit and don't feel like torture devices and that will be that. It's honestly kind of strange to see such a famous person going out in a dress without a bra on. Any woman looks bad without a bra because her boobs are going to get super saggy. Just speaking the truth here.

    3 Sweat Suit

    This is literally like a sweat suit -- like instead of a full body jumper, it's a sweat suit. We didn't really know that these things existed, but now we do. And we're not into them. Sorry Kylie but this is a bit of a tough look to love.

    It also seems like kind of a pain in the butt to wear something like this, right?! Don't we all feel like the romper and the jumpsuit are both super cute clothing options in theory but are tough to wear if we actually want to pee a few times every day, which we probably do? So wouldn't this be even worse and even harder to take on and off to use the bathroom? These are the types of things that we think about.

    2 Looking Bored

    Do we like this shade of yellow? Or do we think that it's way too bright? That probably depends because bright yellow is one of those super subjective colors. Some of us love it and look awesome in it and others, well, not so much.

    But our issue isn't with the color of Kylie's sweatshirt because this could have been a really cute photo. The thing that's bugging us is that Kylie looks totally and completely bored here. And we honestly hate seeing people looking bored, especially stars. It makes us think that they should find something to do so they're not bored instead of posting it on social media. After all, our moms would always tell us to stop whining that we're bored and find something to do, and so that's kind of been instilled in us since childhood. We can't help but think that no one should ever get bored… especially not celebrities.

    1 Sad Kylie

    We're not big fans of this photo because, honestly, Kylie looks super sad here. She's not wearing any makeup, her hair is down and plain, and she's wearing a fairly plain outfit as well.

    We're not sure what was going on when this photo was taken. But we can say that it makes us kind of sad to see her like this. Maybe she was feeling pretty fed up with the fact that anywhere she goes, she's going to have to deal with people taking tons of photos of her. Or, hey, maybe she's totally used to that by now. We have no idea. Do people get used to that, even if that's been happening for basically their whole life?! One thing is for sure: even Kylie has bad hair and outfit days, and maybe we should just take some comfort in that. At least we know that she wears sweatpants just like us…