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    16 Photos Of GOTs Stars' Engagement That Will Make You Drool

    Jon Snow and the wildling Ygritte quickly became one of Game of Thrones fans' favourite on-screen pairings. They had crackling chemistry and they had an interesting storyline that drew you in - I mean, who could forget Ygritte's crushing "you know nothing, Jon Snow." They just seemed so perfect together.

    However, there are many celebrities who manage to get fantastic chemistry on-screen despite being attached in their personal lives, so having that on-screen electricity isn't always an indication that there's real feelings there. In Rose Leslie and Kit Harington's case, though, it turns out all that on-screen cozying up led to some real life sparks. The two revealed that they were dating, and the world lost its mind - and when they recently revealed that they were engaged, everyone started shipping the couple even harder.

    And it's not hard to understand why the world is so in love with them as a couple - it's because they're very clearly so in love with each other. You can tell they're not just putting on a show for the cameras - they have a true connection and look adorable in literally ever picture taken of them.

    Here are 16 shots of Rose and Kit that will make you believe in true love again.

    16 Red carpet romance

    Even celebrity couples who aren't too shy about PDA generally keep things pretty tame on the red carpet. After all, they know that they're surrounded by photographers just dying to get a shot beyond the simple 'showing off the gown in a practiced pose.' However, Rose Leslie and Kit Harington simply can't seem to control themselves when it comes to showing their affection - while they posed in their finest as is customary for premiere events, they also were captured sharing a joke and exchanging a few words up close and personal. It just goes to prove how much they truly seem to care for one another - you can practically feel the electricity crackling between the two of them! They may be surrounded by other people, but they truly do only have eyes for each other.

    15 Checking out a cute video or message on someone's phone, just like regular couples do

    At this point, the public has become pretty savvy at being able to judge when a celebrity relationship is fake. Celebs who are just pretending to be in a relationship for the publicity will often hold hands or demonstrate some kind of showy PDA, but they otherwise just kind of look like two people walking beside each other. Not Rose and Kit. The two of them have the kind of intimacy and comfort with one another that you can really only get when you're in a true relationship. I mean, even something as seemingly trivial as checking out your partner's phone - while Kit is showing her whatever he's showing her, Rose is all tucked into his side, one hand on his shoulder and the other on his bicep. It's absolutely adorable.

    14 Date night

    There's no doubt that celebrities have a tougher time dating than regular people - at least, if they want to go on regular people dates. While they can easily pay to have an entire restaurant shut down and rented out for the evening to avoid the public's prying eyes, if they just want to grab a bite for dinner, they have to deal with the fact that some people will likely grab pictures of them. It just comes with the territory of being a celebrity. However, Rose and Kit don't seem tremendously bothered - they're just having some wine and pasta, dressed down in fairly casual clothes, and enjoying one another's company. Given how many celebrities only seem to go to fancy hot spots, this just makes us like the two of them even more.

    13 Even more red carpet romance

    Seriously, these two are just beyond dreamy on the red carpet - you can basically feel the love radiating off of them! While they may play it a bit cooler on a red carpet for an awards show, for this event launching the latest season of  Game of Thrones, they didn't bother hiding their affection - they were all over one another on the red carpet (or, blue carpet, technically), and fans absolutely loved it. I mean, the subtle pattern on his suit even seems to match the floral print of her dress - we have to wonder whether they coordinated that, because if so, that's even cuter. You can just tell that they truly care for one another and aren't just putting on a fake relationship to drum up interest in the show (not that the show needs it!).

    12 Relaxing on a holiday

    Filming a television show isn't just all fun and games - there's a lot of hard work involved and a lot of long days. So, in between seasons, it seems that these two lovebirds went on a bit of a vacation to unwind, and they look absolutely adorable. They're not worried about rushing off to a private cabana where no one can see them together - they're just enjoying what looks like some coffee and breakfast, relaxing in the sunny locale and savouring one another's company. The fact that Rose just rests her head back and totally relaxes against him proves how comfortable she feels with him, and that's exactly the kind of relationship we all want to have. Seriously, they're big stars now so they'd never do something like this, but there's a part of us that is dreaming for a Rose and Kit reality show documenting their adorable relationship.

    11 Having fun while waiting for an awards show to kick off

    Lately more than ever, fans are being granted a peek behind the scenes at celebrities' experience during award shows and things like that. Celebs share pictures on social media and bring their fans into their world, and the results can be pretty fantastic. We're not sure exactly who managed to capture this shot of Kit and Rose having a laugh while they wait for all the festivities to kick off, but they definitely captured a moment that just warms our hearts. They're both insanely gorgeous and look like a super attractive couple, but at the end of the day, it seems they just enjoy one another's company and like to make one another laugh, and that's all you can really hope for, right? Awards shows are likely way more fun when you have your best friend by your side.

    10 Seriously, these two are just too cute on the red carpet

    Okay, honestly, we may not be able to handle how cute these two constantly are on the red carpet. They both look their red carpet best - Kit in a classic tuxedo, Rose in a fashion forward gown with sheer panels - but they look even better together. They're clearly having a great time, and while Rose is giving a little smile to the cameras and fans, Kit is taking a second to get a little bit closer and get a whiff of her red locks. It's endearing just how in love they are, and the fact that there are cameras trained on them all the time when they're out in public just gives the public a glimpse into those little droolworthy moments in their relationship. I mean, honestly - they would definitely win an award for cutest celebrity couple.

    9 Walking through the city

    Rose and Kit look adorable when they're having fun together on the red carpet, and they're equally adorable just walking around the city in their casual best. Kit's got his hair pulled back in a casual bun, Rose has what looks like very minimal make-up on, and they're just headed out to spend some time together. We can totally picture them hitting the farmers' market, perhaps stopping by a cafe for a quick bite or drink, and wandering through some local shops before heading back home for a night in together. While other celebrity couples seem to rarely step out unless they both look perfect and camera ready, Kit and Rose just seem to want to spend time together, regardless of what they look like, and that's amazing. They're definitely #couplegoals.

    8 Laughing together at a Comic Con panel

    Given what a huge fandom Game of Thrones has, and given it's specific type of fandom, the cast are frequently called upon to appear at Comic Con and similar events. And, since they all seem to get along fairly well, they always look to be having a pretty good time joking around with one another and having fun at their panel appearances. Rose and Kit are no different. They managed to snag seats beside one another - by request, we have a feeling - and while we're not sure exactly what has tickled their funny bones, there's no denying that they look absolutely adorable next to one another. Now that their engagement is official, we have a feeling they'll be getting a lot more questions about their personal lives when it comes for appearances at these types of conventions.

    7 Spotted by a fan at Heathrow - close and cuddly as always

    The problem when you're a very recognizable celebrity from a huge hit television show is that people will recognize you just about everywhere - including at the airport, when you're just trying to grab your flight and get going. Luckily, the individual who snagged this shot didn't actually bug Rose and Kit and interrupt their travel plans or disrupt them in any way - he just took a shot of the two of them, doing what they do when they think there are no cameras on them. And that just goes to prove how droolworthy their relationship truly is - even when no one is looking, they're constantly getting all up close and personal with one another. An hour or so after this shot was taken, they were probably cuddling in first class en route to their destination.

    6 Super fancy date night

    There are many celebrities who marry non-celebrities and have long, happy relationships, but there's no denying that it's far more common for a celebrity to get with a fellow celebrity. It's because it's a bit of a bizarre job, and it can be helpful to have someone who knows exactly what you're going through, from long days on set to paparazzi following you to dinner. There's also one particular perk - red carpet events can essentially turn into really fancy date nights. Sure, you're technically working and promoting your project or hoping to win an award, but all those moments in between are just moments you get to spend having fun with your other half, and this shot of Kit and Rose proves that perfectly. They're all dolled up and just enjoying each other's company.

    5 Super cute tourists on holiday

    You might assume that celebrities vacation in entirely different ways than the rest of us humans, and sometimes, that's the case. There are certain celebrities who prefer to hit a private yacht or luxury resort where they won't have to be in contact with anyone else. However, Rose Leslie and Kit Harington seem to be a lot more down to earth when it comes to their vacations. Here, they're pictured in comfortable walking shoes and hats, heading out on some kind of excursion or just to tour the area. They're holding hands and honestly, they kind of look like a couple that's been married for years already - we know they're only engaged now, but we're pretty sure this celebrity relationship is going to last for years and years. I mean, they're just so perfect together!

    4 He just can't keep away from her

    Rose Leslie isn't one to totally shy away from PDA, but when it comes to showing affection on the red carpet, Kit Harington definitely has her beat. He's so clearly head over heels in love with her that he just can't hide it - any excuse to whisper something in her ear or get a little bit closer and he's going to take it, without doubt. It's refreshing to see a celebrity couple that's so clearly into one another for real, not just for the cameras. Their cutest moments seem to be the ones where they don't think anyone will spot them, which makes it even more adorable. Seriously, can they just get married already? We're dying to know what kind of wedding gown Rose will pick and how flipping cute they'll look together.

    3 Having breakfast and coffee on vacation - and obviously having a great time

    Part two of their luxe holiday - while they're comfortable enough to just sit in silence with each other, relaxing and enjoying a bit of a break, Rose Leslie and Kit Harington also always seem to be having a ton of fun together. They're pictured here having some coffee and breakfast and just chatting up a storm and laughing together, fully enjoying their vacation time together. Now that they're both making impressive salaries thanks to their roles on a hugely successful television show, we imagine there are a lot more vacations in their future - and we can't wait to get a glimpse into where they go next. Wherever the spot ends up being, one thing is for sure - they're going to have a fantastic time together, because they just always seem to, no matter where they are.

    2 Dressed down for Glastonbury

    There's one type of event where celebrities constantly rub shoulders with regular people - music festivals. From Coachella to Glastonbury, celebrities love seeing their favourite bands live and immersing themselves in that festival experience just as regular people do, and since there's no private festival for celebrities, they just hit the muddy festival grounds like everyone else. Glastonbury is a must for any celebrity based in the UK, and Rose and Kit have headed out in their festival finest - comfy shoes, jeans, casual tees. They look absolutely adorable, and we can only imagine there were a few cuddles and kisses in between sets on the main stage. I mean, they're just too cute together. We can't help but wonder what all their Game of Thrones co-stars think about the romance, and if they knew it was something that would happen eventually based on their chemistry!

    1 Spotted in the city - holding hands, as always

    Whenever they're out in public together, Rose Leslie and Kit Harington just seem to radiate affection - including something as simple as holding hands when they're out strolling the city streets. They're both totally unafraid to rock their casual outfits when they're just out spending time together. While some celebrities treat their private time like a bit of a fashion show, strutting their stuff for the paparazzi they know will be in all the hot spots, Rose and Kit seem to just want to spend time together and hope that they can shake off the paparazzi eventually. There's just something about their relationship that seems so real and authentic, which is probably why people love them so much as a couple. It just works, and honestly, they're just too adorable for words.