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    15 Photos Proving That Sarah Michelle Gellar Is Still A Total Babe

    Who doesn't love Sarah Michelle Gellar?! Seriously, it's impossible not to adore the actress. We've been big fans since her days as Buffy Summers and we've followed her career ever since. We definitely never say no to a good re-watch of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. We could watch that 100 times (and probably have). These days, she's a devoted mom of two adorable kids and wife (to Freddie Prince Jr., of course) and recently released a cookbook called Fun With Food.

    We love SMG because she seems like a really sweet person, which is a great quality in a celebrity. No one has time for stars who act like they're the best things ever. That's just lame. But there's another thing that Sarah Michelle has going for her and that's her beauty. Yup, she's truly gorgeous, and we can't ignore that fact. Check out these 15 gorgeous pictures of Sarah Michelle Gellar.

    15 A Sweet Smile

    This is such a good look for so many reasons. We're fans of Sarah Michelle Gellar's plain white top, simple jeans, her no, and most of all, her long blonde waves. Why does her hair always look like the best hair that we have ever seen in our entire lives?

    Okay, that's probably a rhetorical question. Or it has a really practical answer, like she probably has her hair professionally done on a regular basis. But we still think that she's so beautiful that everything about her is perfect. So it only makes sense that her hair would be flawless too. We also like how it's pulled up a bit on the top. We're totally stealing this idea the next time we have somewhere cool to go (or maybe when we're just watching Netflix but want to look fancy).

    14 90's And Beautiful

    This photo is from back in the 90's aka when Sarah Michelle Gellar was playing Buffy and this gives us all the feels. What a good decade. SMG Is giving us a steamy sultry expression as she is pressed up a glistening glass with her long gorgeous blonde locks.

    We're totally vibing this sultry look she's giving us in this photo. Her makeup is so 90s and we're here for it. The dark eyeshadow and heavy eyeliner screams 1998 and we think that it suits her. The highlights are pretty, too. We can totally tell that this was taken in that decade. Just look at that light blue strapless tube top that the actress is rocking. And the glossy lipstick. She can make this look work and that's just another reason why she's truly gorgeous.

    13 Sultry Sarah

    This picture was probably taken as part of a larger photo shoot for a publication, and we really like it. In this photo, Sarah Michelle Gellar has a much more sultry expression on her face than we usually see. She looks so amazing here. Her hair is wavy (the kind of wavy that must take hours to do, but that we would totally struggle to make happen for our own hair) and her makeup is dark but we're feeling it, which makes the photo really edgy. Also note, the image is from the early 2000s when the chunky, Christina Aguilera-esque highlights were totally in style.

    We also love her striped tank top (or dress, it's hard to tell from the photo). It's definitely something that we would wear. We're fans of any celeb who knows that they don't have to wear super pricey designer threads on a regular basis in order to look good.

    12 Brunette Beauty

    If you didn't know that sometimes Sarah Michelle Gellar has rocked the brunette look, no worries -- a lot of fans probably didn't know. We tend to think of the star as a blonde. But she's had both hair colors throughout the years and this is a great photo of her as a brunette beauty.

    We couldn't love this photo more. Sarah looks so amazing with short brown hair and a pretty chunky necklace with beautifully natural makeup. At first glance, we might not have even recognized her, right? She definitely looks a bit different here, but in a really good way. She doesn't look like Buffy Summers anymore, we should say, which might have been the point. Stars are always saying that it kind of sucks to get pigeonholed based on the TV character that they played for several years.

    11 Glam Updo

    A good updo is actually pretty difficult to do. We've all had those moments when we're already late for a party or event and yet we just can't figure out what to do with our hair (or, more likely, our hair is just not cooperating). We always think that just putting our hair up will be the simplest solution and yet it takes a lot of bobby pins and hairspray to get our hair to stay in the position that we want it to. And then we find bobby pins in the most random places or, worse, can't find them at all. Sigh. #girlproblems

    We doubt that Sarah Michelle Gellar has such problems. She definitely has mastered the updo and that's yet another reason that we're such big fans. Okay, so maybe a hair artist did this updo, especially since it's got some cool and complicated braid thing going on, but we're still impressed.

    10 Buffy Summers

    Oh, how we love Buffy Summers. One of our favorite characters for sure. She's just so good at kicking butt and being the coolest girl ever. We love that she is such a TV role model for girls.

    This is clearly a photo of Sarah as Buffy and was most likely a publicity shot. Of course, the fact that she's wearing a tight black dress and looks so awesome in it just proves that everyone knows the same thing: that Sarah Michelle Gellar is super hot. What's so great about SMG as Buffy is that she's known for more than that, and her skills and power are much more beloved than her beauty (even though we all know how pretty she is). We have to love that.

    9 The Happiest Girl

    Doesn't SMG just look so happy here? If we ever need to put a smile on our own faces, we should just look at this photo of her grinning and we will instantly be cured of whatever ails us. It's a plan.

    In this photo, Sarah's back to her blonde locks and she's wearing her hair long and down but half pulled back. Again, like the updo, this is a hard hairdo to pull off. It involves a lot of careful thought. You don't want to look like your hair is all the way down and you don't want to look like you're wearing a ponytail, either. It's a fine line. She figured it out, of course. We love her girly look here, from her earrings to her lacy top and wavy hair.

    8  Pretty In Pink

    Sarah Michelle could be wearing the most expensive designer outfit ever, she looks so pretty in this simple jeans and top combo. This is most likely another shot from her Buffy days and we're loving it… but then again, we love everything about Buffy and Sarah Michelle Gellar.

    She looks amazing in this pink-colored top, so we have to say that this color is one of the best that we've seen on her. We've all had that moment when we've tried on a dress or top in a color that we wouldn't normally wear and then we realize that, OMG, we look awesome and this is totally our new favorite shade. We have to think that's what the stylist thought when they picked out this outfit for SMG for this photo shoot.

    7 A Natural Beauty

    Sarah Michelle's hair is kind of in-between blonde and brown here and it really works for her. She's smiling at someone and looks like she's thinking hard, and we would love to know what she's thinking about. So mysterious, right?

    Yeah, this might seem like a fairly typical black dress, but on SMG, it's basically a ballgown. She looks stunning. We just really love her style. She's never trying too hard and it's never too much. It's just always the perfect outfit and the perfect amount of makeup and the prettiest hairstyle. Whatever color her hair is or whether she's in jeans and a top or a fancier dress, she always looks good, and we're always going to be big fans of her. It helps that she plays such good characters, of course. There's just so much to love.

    6 Looking Fancy

    SMG is definitely speaking at an event or being interviewed here, since she's clearly talking and there are some excited hand gestures going on. She looks really beautiful in this outfit. It's not easy to look good in a brown dress, right? That's actually pretty difficult. Brown is just… not the best color ever. Nope. But she makes it work.

    Sarah is wearing more makeup in this photo than we usually see on her, but since it's such soft and pretty makeup, it looks awesome. Of course, we know that we would never see bad caked on makeup on her. She's too cool for that.

    5 Rocking A Slip Dress

    Oh, the slip dress. This was such a 90's and 2000's kind of look. We saw it on Buffy the Vampire Slayer and also on other shows from that time period like Friends. Some of them were horrible, to be totally honest, but this one's not so bad, since we truly believe that SMG looks good in anything that she wears. Every photo on this list has proven that fact.

    Sarah looks so pretty here and it's a really cool photo. We love the serious expression on her face. We love the nature background. We love that it's black and white which automatically makes it more creative than other pictures. Just a rule. We also love that Sarah's looking to the side as if something mysterious is happening. That's so Buffy.

    4 Gold Goddess

    Doesn't Sarah Michelle Gellar look so pretty here? We're loving the gold sparkly vibes. Everything is so fun, from her light gold dress to the tons of gold bracelets that she has piled on both of her wrists.

    This is a different look from the rest of the photos on this list. And that's what makes it so interesting. It's always fun to see one of our favorite stars wearing something that we haven't seen them in before. We love that Sarah's hair is light brown here as well since that's a shade that really works for her. Sure, we love when she has blonde hair, too, because we're not about to say that she doesn't look 100 percent awesome all the time. But we're really enjoying her brunette look.

    3 Cozy Sweater

    First of all, we want that sweater, and second of all, we can't even with how good Sarah Michelle Gellar looks in this picture. Wow. We shouldn't be surprised since it's not like she could ever look bad and yet every photo is another reminder of her beauty. We bet that's how Freddie Prince Jr. feels every time he wakes up in the morning and sees her. Awwww.

    The tone of this photo is really soft, from the fact that SMG's sweater is literally soft to the soft lighting to the neutral expression on her face. If we didn't know anything about the actress, we would just know from looking at this photo that she was a nice person. We swear. We can just tell from the whole vibe.

    2 So Adorable

    We have to just say it: Sarah Michelle looks truly adorable in this photo. We can't think of a time when someone looked cuter than this. We just can't. She wins. 100 percent.

    This is how SMG is wearing her hair these days -- blonde, long, and super curly -- and it's gorgeous. Sure, you could say that she's wearing a simple black top and jacket and simple makeup, but we think that the overall look is a 10 for sure. Also, she's rocking a big grin, and that just makes her a thousand times more attractive. Then again, we're not sure that we've ever seen her without a smile on her face. She's just not the type to be in a bad mood or scowling all the time.

    1 Casual In Denim

    Let's just get one thing straight: we are super jealous of SMG's hair here. Whoa. It's so good. If our hair could look this great all the time, we would never complain about anything ever again. No, seriously, we wouldn't. We swear.

    We know that it's pretty normal for us girls to act like we hate our hair and wish that it was different, but even if we liked our hair before seeing this gorgeous picture of SMG, we definitely want her hair now. Oh well. We love that she looks so casual yet so beautiful here. It just proves that she can wear a just a regular pair of jeans and have her hair down in informal waves and look incredibly gorgeous. It's a good reminder that we don't need to be fancy. Now who's down for a binge session of Buffy?!