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    15 Photos That Prove Gigi Hadid Is All Photoshop

    Gigi Hadid is, no doubt, one of the most beautiful women in the world. She's only 22 years old and has already accomplished so much in her life. Ever since she signed with a modeling agency back in 2013, she has been a staple on the fashion scene. Plus, she's got an equally talented and gorgeous sister, Bella, who is also a model, so what's not to love?

    Unfortunately for the model, sometimes when photos are taken of her, either for the cover of a magazine or for a high fashion advertisement, something looks a bit off. Sure, she always looks absolutely beautiful. It wouldn't be possible for her not to look beautiful. But the truth is that a lot of her photos seem to be Photoshopped. Check out these 15 photos of Gigi Hadid that prove that she's pretty much all Photoshop.

    15 Oops… That Arm

    When this Vogue cover came out in March 2017, everyone basically freaked out. Yeah, the models all look insanely good, and that was never a question, but people started realizing that there was something kind of strange about it. So what went down?

    Gigi Hadid's arm was literally Photoshopped so it would cover Ashley Graham's thigh. Well, that's what everyone believes happened, anyway, and there has been no real official statement on it. Well, Ashley Graham did say, "I chose to pose like that… no one told me anything" on her Instagram account. It definitely looks like Gigi's arm was Photoshopped because look how crazy long it looks here. Wow. We have to ask, why did this even happen in the first place? Wasn't her normal arm good enough?

    14 Is That Your Arm, Gigi?

    Of course that's not really Gigi Hadid's arm. This photo is part of a larger photo shoot that Gigi did with Kendall Jenner, and people went pretty crazy over the results. W magazine definitely spent some time with Photoshop.

    As Seventeen said in an article on the Photoshopping, "In pic no. 1, Gigi's arm closely resembles Harry Potter's that time Professor Lockhart accidentally removed all of his bones." So true. Seriously, how were we not supposed to notice that Gigi's arm is not really that long?! It's just nuts to think about. It's literally all that we can focus on when we see this picture. Let's hope that people stop getting so Photoshop crazy from now on, especially on a model like Gigi Hadid who is already #goals and already #perfection and doesn't need any editing at all. Geez!

    13 No Moles

    Here's the biggest problem with the Photoshopped photos of Gigi Hadid: she's got moles on her stomach. Yup, that's a pretty unique, specific place to have moles. They're definitely noticeable when you see them. She usually posts photos of herself on her Instagram account where she's got a crop top on or a bikini, and guess what? We can totally see her moles. Totally and completely. There's no mistaking the fact that she has moles in that area of her body.

    Unfortunately, publications and photographers and editors tend to Photoshop Gigi's moles right out. Just look at this one advertisement that she posed for. This is simply one example of all of the times when her moles were missing. Weird, right? What's the big deal?

    12 Perfect Photo

    Yeah, both of these photos are of Gigi Hadid, and yet the girl on the right looks like a totally different person from the girl on the left. That's because the photo on the right seems like it's way too good to be true.

    Yeah, we get that Gigi is super hot. She's so hot, in fact, that it seems like she's basically superhuman. We know that she looks better than the average person pretty much any time of day or any day of the week. But… she looks a little too perfect on the right. Her body is thin in the right places (aka her stomach) and curvy in the right places (aka her butt and legs) and her face is totally flawless. It's not that we don't believe that the model is this pretty in real life. We know how good-looking she is. We just think that this screams Photoshop.

    11 Long Limbs

    So what's the problem with this photo shoot that Gigi Hadid and Kendall Jenner did? As Seventeen put it, it's kind of like their limbs are like "spaghetti." We think that sounds just about right.

    Seriously, how long can someone's legs be? We get that they're both models and that they obviously have crazy long legs because that's just what models are like. It's a rule or law or something. No one has these kinds of legs, though. That would just be super hard to believe and super crazy. Their legs also look too thin, which is unfortunate because we get enough messages from the media that we need to lose weight and look skinnier already. We just think that it's enough already and that we should agree that we all look good the way that we are. No Photoshop required.

    10 Now You See Them… Now You Don't

    Hmmm… In the photo on the right, we can clearly see Gigi Hadid's moles on her (perfect) stomach. On the left, we can't see them. Because they don't exist. Yup, for the 100th time (although it's probably happened more times than that), Gigi's moles are gone.

    Gigi posed for the cover of the China edition of Vogue and people went crazy about it. Because people are always freaking out about the fact that Gigi's moles are always removed. Because, well, it's pretty strange. It's never going to stop being really, really, really confusing. It's not like they're even that large or offensive. Look at them. They're so small. If we didn't know that people were always removing her moles, we might not even notice them.

    9 From Adorable To Amazing

    On the left, Gigi Hadid looks absolutely adorable. Beautiful, of course, but definitely adorable. She's wearing a cute blazer and has her hair up in a cute style and has got on soft makeup. She looks like a regular girl (okay, a regular girl who is a bit more gorgeous than a regular girl, but still). On the right, Gigi looks so different. It's like these are pictures of two different people altogether.

    We really think that the photo on the right was Photoshopped in some way because, well, come on. Gigi's body and face are just so defined. And she looks so shiny and matte at the same time. A regular camera can't capture that. Just look at the bones in her back and the definition in her arms and her super strong cheekbones. It has to be some photo editing, right?

    8 No Moles… Again

    This is a super fancy, beautiful ad, and it's always cool to see models do something high fashion. The problem is that, once again, Gigi's moles have been totally edited out of the image.

    Just look at her stomach. Besides making us think that we really should get to the gym more and give up pizza (ugh… ), we have to admit that it's totally obvious that her moles have been removed through Photoshop. Again we have to ask the question, why? Why is this even happening? It's not like she should be ashamed of having moles on her stomach. This is just a natural thing. There's nothing wrong. In fact, her moles make her cool since they're a quirky thing that make her who she is.

    7 From Puberty To Perfection

    We're not sure how old Gigi is in the photo on the left, but it's clear that it was several years ago and that she was much younger. It's not like we're saying that she looked terrible. Of course not. She looked really cute. We can just tell that when we compare these two photos side by side, the one on the left shows her in all her natural beauty, and the one on the right… has definitely been edited.

    We're not really sure why people think that photos of Gigi need to be edited. She's clearly amazing looking. There's literally nothing wrong with the way that she looks, from her hair to her face to her body. She's #perfection. If she needs to be edited, then what about the rest of us mere mortals?!

    6 Look At Those Cheekbones

    We have to admit that we're kind of happy to see the photo of Gigi Hadid on the left. It proves that she really is a normal girl (or at least she used to be, before she became a famous model) and that she has days when she's just wearing jeans and a hoodie sweatshirt and has super wild hair. Us too, Gigi. Us too.

    The photo on the right is so clearly Photoshopped, we don't even know how anyone could say that didn't happen. Just look at her cheekbones. They are epic, yes, and pretty magical, but they can't really be that defined in real life. They just can't be. Her face also looks super smooth and flawless, and while we know that she has a really great face (to put it lightly), we're not sure that this is unedited.

    5 Bedhead To Blonde Babe

    There are so many differences between these two pictures, it's like they're not of the same person at all. On the left, we have Gigi with super messy hair (that kind of looks like bedhead, let's be real here) and on the right, we have Gigi looking like she literally just got a makeover.

    Gigi's face doesn't even look the same. Yeah, we get that she's young in the picture on the left and much older on the right, so maybe age has changed her facial features. But that doesn't seem to be all that's going on. We really do think that the photo on the right has gone through a photo editing program. Everything just looks way too perfect. Her eyes, her nose, her lips, her cheeks… It's all different.

    4 Not A Flaw In Sight

    If you're in Miami: Come check out the 2014 @si_swimsuit models play a beach volleyball tournament with celebrity chefs! Open to the public, 12-3pm TODAY, Ocean Drive between 7th & 8th. See you there! xo

    A post shared by Gigi Hadid (@gigihadid) on Feb 20, 2014 at 7:28am PST

    We think that the Photoshop here was all on Gigi's stomach. Well, of course, we know that her moles were edited out, since that has been an ongoing issue, but we can also tell that her stomach is super flat. Like super, super flat. Like the flattest stomach that we've ever seen on anyone. Sigh…

    We love Gigi and think that she's a really cool girl. She's definitely not a jerk or a brat or anything negative. But photos like this are not all that great for us mere mortals and our self-esteem. We feel like we should look completely perfect everytime that we leave the house, and that's just not going to happen. Because we're normal and we don't have four hours to get ready every morning. And because it's not fun to be that caught up with how we look.

    3 Beauty In A Bikini

    Gigi's stomach looks incredibly flat on the left and not quite as flat on the right, which makes us think that it screams Photoshop. That's really the only logical conclusion, right? What else are we supposed to think?

    It's not like Gigi's stomach looks horrible on the right, either. She's just got a bit of a round belly, which is totally fine since that's probably what most of us have. It's not like we're all walking around with supermodel abs (no matter how much we might want that to be the case). We just can't believe that her abs had to be edited so much that they don't have a single ounce of fat or anything like that. It's really honestly fine if a woman doesn't have a 100 percent smooth stomach. Ugh.

    2 Smooth Stomach

    Speaking of a smooth stomach… That's definitely what's going on here, and that's why these photos are so obviously Photoshopped. Yet again (yup, we're sounding like a broken record here), Gigi's moles have been removed. It's like they never even existed.

    Her body also looks so perfect here, it starts not even looking real after a while. It's like when you stare at the same word for a long time. It starts not even looking like a word. It doesn't make any sense anymore. And you start thinking that you're kind of crazy. That's exactly what we think staring at these pictures is like. Yeah, she looks hot, and we know that she always looks hot, but her skin is so shiny and her cleavage is so high and none of it is realistic.

    1 Beach Goddess

    Look, it's not like we're trying to say that Gigi isn't naturally beautiful and that this isn't the way that she would normally look when hanging out on the beach (aka posing on the beach), but… well… we think she looks a bit too good. It's a bit much, right?

    There's also the issue that, oh yeah, her moles are missing here too. Sigh. We think that this is a real problem and that it needs to stop ASAP. Of course, it never should have even happened in the first place because there is literally no reason to get rid of her moles. It's not like they would ruin this photo. Anytime that Gigi steps in front of the camera, the results are going to be magical because of her natural beauty. Her moles would never ruin anything.