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    15 Photos Of Your TV Boyfriend Cole Sprouse

    We all love the teen drama Riverdale and while KJ Apa's Archie is absolutely adorable, it's safe to say that most of us are seriously crushing on Cole Sprouse and his portrayal of Jughead Jones. He brings a lot to the character, including a bad boy vibe and a sweet, sensitive inner nature. We love how he narrates the show and that he's always sitting in the diner writing. He's mysterious AF but seems like a really nice person. It's easy to see why Betty Cooper is totally enamored with him.

    Cole Sprouse has been acting since he was a kid. He and his brother Dylan starred on the Disney show The Suite Life Of Zach and Cody from 2005 until 2008. Now Cole is 25 years old and looking better than ever. If you're crushing on him just like us, you definitely are in the right place! Check out these 15 hot photos of your television boyfriend, Cole Sprouse. There is a lot swooning in your future.

    15 Jean Jackets And Messy Waves

    There is something really sweet and innocent about a boy in a jean jacket. Is it just us or do you agree? It's just such a simple, classic look, and it's something that is always in style no matter what. There's something to be said about keeping things classic. There are so many crazy fashion trends out there and it seems like things change every five minutes, and not everyone can rock those.

    Cole is clearly posing for another photo here and he's wearing a jacket in an awesome bright blue shade of denim. He's got seriously messy waves and we're loving them. We're definitely big fans of when his hair looks like this. He looks like he's considering some really important topic, doesn't he? We bet he has all kinds of brilliant thoughts all the time. That's just the vibe that we get.

    14 Man's Best Friend

    They say that a dog is a man's best friend and we can see that this is true from this super sweet photo of Cole and his dog.

    Seriously, how sweet is this?! We love that Cole has a soft side and we love that he loves animals. That's a really attractive quality in any guy. We really need to chat about the expression on Cole's face. He looks truly happy, at peace, and calm. And he looks like the nicest guy ever… which we already figured, of course. If we didn't know who he was and we weren't already massive fans, this photo would be enough to make us follow his career. Seriously. We also love that he looks really good in that white tank top, we're not going to lie…

    13 Brooding On A Blustery Day

    Cole Sprouse poses for a lot of publicity photos or photo shoots just like any other actor, but he always seems to bring something special. He doesn't look like yet another male celeb here. Nope. He looks super handsome and artistic.

    It looks like wherever he is, it's cold and dark, and the fact that this photo shoot took place outside gives it a super romantic and whimsical vibe. He looks like he's thinking hard about something and brooding, which is pretty hot. Let's just be real here. Maybe he's thinking about his character or something. We really want to know! But since we probably will never find out, we're just going to keep staring at his pretty face. There are worse ways to spend our time so we definitely can't complain.

    12 The Photographer

    Cole Sprouse is really into photography, which is something that is clear from his social media platforms and from his Instagram account in particular. Whether he's snapping photos of his Riverdale co-stars or beautiful nature scenes, you can be sure that his photos are always gorgeous and amazing. It's always attractive when someone has a hobby or interest that really means a lot of them, and when that thing is creative, it's even better.

    This photo is super hot since it proves that photography is his passion. After all, he's holding his camera here. And staring into the camera with his signature brooding expression. We love it and we know that you do, too! How could you not?! Now we're even more ready for season two of Riverdale. Bring on more Cole!

    11 Looking Sad… But Good

    We have to wonder what the direction is when Cole does photo shoots. Maybe he's told to "look like a bad boy" or "stare off into space" or "look sad." Whatever it is, it's totally working! We honestly love every photo of him even more than the one before since he makes looking kind of sad (or like he doesn't have a care in the world) look really good.

    He also looks a bit tired in this particular picture, which we get since he must work really long hours on set. He clearly cares about his work and is a passionate actor. We can just tell when we see him onscreen as Jughead. We couldn't picture another actor in that role and we're so glad that he was cast.

    10 Just A Boy In A Beer Sweater

    Cole Sprouse looks cozy AF in this picture, which was taken in what seems to be a field outdoors somewhere. He definitely has a lot of photos taken outside. Just call him one with nature, right?

    He's wearing an adorable sweater that says "Beer, 12 fl. oz." on it and we couldn't possibly love it more. We kind of want one of these sweaters for ourselves. This is also a pretty interesting photo since it's basically the first one that we have seen of Cole where he is actually smiling. Yes. He's got a big grin on his face. It's so adorable that it totally makes us swoon and it makes our hearts skip a beat. While we love his brooding nature, we also love his smile. What can we say? We're just big fans.

    9 Jughead Jones And Betty Cooper Forever

    It was a bit surprising to many fans of the classic Archie comics when Jughead and Betty started dating in season one of Riverdale. After all, Jughead was supposedly asexual in the comic book series, and he was never linked to anyone romantically.

    We think that this was a great change since we love Betty and Jughead together. Sure, we might be jealous AF of Betty (if it's possible to be jealous of a TV character… ) but that's okay. We can handle it because Jughead is so sweet and romantic and their scenes are the best. This is a great screenshot from the show since it proves how epic their love is. We can't wait to see what is in store for them in the second season!

    8 Posing Pretty

    This is more of a formal photo than we have seen of Cole so far, and while it's less casual than we're used to seeing him, we're still good with it. We can't possibly hate any photo of him. We love them all.

    We love his white shirt since it's so classic and just proves that he literally looks good in anything that he wears. He's got a classic, old-fashioned kind of beauty. We also love that he's looking right at the camera here. We can totally pretend that he's looking right at us and that he's thinking about us. Okay, okay, we get that sounds kind of crazy, but… you're on the same page, right?! It's hard not to think that way about him. He is our TV boyfriend, after all.

    7 A Preppier Look

    This is definitely a preppier look than we have ever seen on Cole Sprouse before. He's wearing khaki pants and a maroon sweater. We would expect to see this outfit on a preppy private school boy or someone like that. We probably wouldn't expect to see him wearing it. That's why it works, though. Sometimes it's nice when people surprise you, whether they're famous or not. This photo is one of those nice surprises.

    Cole looks like he's a bit younger in this photo and his hair isn't as long, which makes us a bit sad but is mostly okay since, come on, he still looks hot AF. Not that he could look bad. That's just not a thing that is possible. He's still looking off to his left side and we're still wondering what he's thinking about. So, yeah, some things don't change.

    6 A Boy And His Hobby

    Cole Sprouse is a huge fan of photography and has been dabbling it for a while now. We love this particular snapshot of him since it's basically photographic evidence of his hobby. Which makes it kind of meta, right? Maybe? That idea is always kind of confusing…

    Whether this is his real, actual camera or not doesn't really matter. It just looks good. And he looks really good with his signature messy hair and in this chunky sweater. This photo reminds us of cozy fall days and curling up by the fire. We love that he's staring off into space and this is basically our favorite expression of his. We don't even care that he never smiles because that just would feel weird and wrong. Brooding Cole Sprouse forever!

    5 Sitting In A Field Of Flowers

    This is probably not what you thought you would see on this list, right? It's not every day that you see one of your favorite actors sitting in a field of yellow flowers. It's just not a regular photo location. But that's why we love it so much.

    This is a really beautiful, romantic photo. It makes us think of summer afternoons and falling in love and good memories. We can't really picture anyone except for Cole Sprouse in this setting, that's for sure. He just brings this whimsical quality to everything that he does, whether he's posing for photos or playing Jughead Jones. We're really big fans of his whole vibe and aesthetic and we just know that you're on the same page as us!

    4 Look At Those Cheekbones

    Cheekbones are kind of underrated, don't you think? Not everyone has such defined ones so they're not really something that we think about on a regular basis. We probably focus more on a guy's hair or eyes. But then we see amazing cheekbones like the ones that Cole Sprouse has and we're all, "OMG cheekbones are the hottest thing ever."

    This is a great photo since it's so dark and moody and we love that it was shot in black and white. That always makes photos look better. Cole has really mastered the art of the bad boy stare and that's especially apparent in this photo. We really can't get enough of his brooding expression. If he ever starts smiling in photos, we might have a problem, but thankfully that doesn't seem to be in danger of happening. He's too good at this type of stare.

    3 Flexing Those Abs

    Reason #1 million that we love Cole Sprouse: just look at the hilarious caption that he wrote for this shot that he posted on Instagram. He says that he was in Hero magazine and says, "Legends say that if you put your ear to the page, you can almost hear how much pain I was in from flexing my body this hard." Amazing. Hot AND he has a sense of humor?! We almost can't deal with how good that is. If we could find a guy like this IRL, we would be pretty happy.

    But let's talk about what we're all thinking: those abs. Oh, those abs! Did we have any idea that those were hiding under his shirts? Probably not. It's not like Jughead is a big jock and walks around flexing his abs… although we totally think that he should after we've seen the beauty that is Cole's stomach.

    2 Thinking Hard

    Cole Sprouse posted this on his Instagram account a while back and it's a truly glam photo. It was for an issue of L'Uomo Vogue and judging from this one shot, we would have to say it looks like a really beautiful, cool, and interesting publication.

    We love this photo because something very important and very epic is happening: Cole Sprouse is wearing glasses. We repeat, Cole Sprouse is wearing glasses. And (big surprise!) he looks great in them. They're the perfect kind of glasses, too, since they're super hipster and make him look really old-fashioned. His hair is going every which way as well, which of course we adore. We're pretty sure that he doesn't actually wear/need glasses and that these were just for the shoot, but we're into them.

    1 Messy Hair, He Doesn't Care

    Oh man. There are so many good things happening in this photo, we don't even know where to begin! From his messy hair to ripped jeans to white t-shirt and plaid shirt, everything about Cole in this photo is super hot. We're thrilled about this photo and we're pretty sure that you agree with us because there's no way not to think that he looks good here.

    We even love that he's looking right into the camera in such an intense way. It just works. Yes, we do have to talk about that messy hair because it's seriously going in a million directions, but we're big fans. Perfect hair is so boring on guys, don't you think? That's definitely where we stand on the very important messy-vs-neat hair issue.