Główna » Sensual Tease » 15 Natural Aphrodisiacs Sitting in Your Kitchen You Need to Try

    15 Natural Aphrodisiacs Sitting in Your Kitchen You Need to Try

    You may have heard about natural aphrodisiacs but are they actually the real deal? They are. You probably have them sitting in your fridge right now.

    I feel like it's expected that we all have these giant libidos and are always able to have sex whenever we want, but that's just not the case. In fact, there are times when we're not interested in anything sexual and that's completely normal. If you want to turn it around, try natural aphrodisiacs.

    On the other hand, a lowered libido in both men and women can be attributed to poor eating habits, lack of exercise, and sleep. I know, who thought that this would be so complicated?

    15 natural aphrodisiacs that work wonders

    Of course, you should try to eat clean, workout, and get your eight hours of daily sleep, but isn't there something else we can do to give your sex drives a little bit of a boost? Well, there is. No, you don't have to use Viagra, I mean, you can, but why not try natural aphrodisiacs first.

    Aphrodisiacs are foods and drinks which stimulate your sexual desire. So, I'm going to tell you the aphrodisiacs that you should try if you want to boost your sexual desires. Put down the Viagra, try these first.

    #1 Chocolate. I know you were hoping this would be on the list and lucky for you it is. Chocolate has been known for years and years as an aphrodisiac. Why? Well, chocolate actually contains components linked to increasing levels of serotonin in your brain. Serotonin makes you feel happy and also enhances your sex drive.

    #2 Pine Nuts. Who would have thought that these little buggers would have such an effect on your sexual drive? Pine nuts are loaded with zinc which is responsible for producing testosterone. So, fellas, this is for you. Not sure how to eat them? Grind them up with some basil, garlic and olive oil.

    There you have it, pesto sauce. This is why the Italian men are known to be womanizers, it's all those pine nuts.

    #3 Cinnamon. Just don't eat a spoonful of it. I'm not saying you should try that, but if you do, film yourself eating it, you'll see why. Cinnamon reacts by heating up your body's temperature, including your sex drive. So, if you drink hot chocolate, sprinkle some on for an extra boost of heat.

    #4 Celery. I know, I was surprised too. This somewhat tasteless vegetable has a lot more going for it then you think. It contains two chemicals, androsterone and androstenol which act as sexual attractants, of course, after you eat it. Throw it in a smoothie or make a soup out of it, I don't care how you eat it, just do it!

    #5 Garlic. Yeah, I wouldn't eat this right before going on a date or a night out with your friends, but garlic is another great aphrodisiac. Garlic contains allicin which helps to increase the blood flow. So, if you ate a lot of garlic today and wonder why you're able to have sex longer than usual, well, thank that garlic clove.

    #6 Honey. Though, you need to make sure it's raw honey. Raw honey is packed with B vitamins which help support testosterone production, thus, increasing sexual desire. But, it's also great for women as it also contains boron which aids in estrogen production. So, both men and women greatly benefit by adding a spoonful of honey to their tea.

    #7 Chili peppers. When you've eaten a chili pepper, you feel it. Your body heats up, you feel the blood pumping through your veins. Well, in addition to that, chili peppers also react with your brain causing it to release endorphins which are chemicals that make you feel happy and possibly horny.

    #8 Ginger. Just like chili peppers, ginger has a sharp and spicy taste which also helps to increase blood flow and body temperature. You can add ginger to your meal or a cup of hot tea, whichever way, it'll work.

    #9 Coconut water. Some people aren't fans of coconut water and I get it. For some, the taste is just a little off. But, if you're into coconut water then you'll love hearing this. Coconut water actually contains the same amount of electrolytes as your blood. It acts as a metabolism booster and helps increase blood flow which is why people call it an aphrodisiac.

    #10 Asparagus. This definitely won't make your pee smell great, but if it helps you out in bed, who cares. Asparagus has long been known to increase circulation in the genital area, thus, increasing your sexual libido.

    #11 Red wine. Now, this doesn't mean you go and guzzle a bottle. In moderation, I repeat, in moderation. Red wine helps increase your blood flow and lower inhibitions.

    #12 Nutmeg. This aphrodisiac goes way back. I'm talking about to the early Hindu cultures where it was told that nutmeg increased sexual appetites. You think these guys were wrong? I don't think so. Sprinkle a little nutmeg on your coffee, hot chocolate, or tea. Let me know how that works out for you.

    #13 Oysters. This is one of the most famous aphrodisiacs as they carry a reputation for being highly effective when it comes to stimulating those who eat them. They're incredibly high in zinc, plus, contain amino acids which stimulate sex hormones.

    #14 Avocado. And they say millennials should stop buying avocados. Don't listen to those people, keep buying them. In fact, avocados are doing you more good, if anything. They've had this aphrodisiac label as far back as the Aztecs. They're packed with vitamin E which helps keep your energy going.

    #15 Bananas. No, this isn't because they're shaped like dicks, come on people, stay focused! Okay, their dick-shape stature may be a subtle hint to their aphrodisiac nature. Bananas contain bromelain which stimulates testosterone production and the vitamin B also aids with energy levels.

    Now that you know some natural aphrodisiacs, you probably remember you some of these foods in your fridge right now. Are you thinking what I'm thinking?