Główna » Reads for Women » 15 Advantages of Having Itty Bitty Titties and Why Men Love Them

    15 Advantages of Having Itty Bitty Titties and Why Men Love Them

    If you're a woman with itty bitty titties, you might feel discouraged due to your lack of chest. But there are actually tons of reasons to love them!

    I'll be honest. I really wanted bigger boobs when I was younger. All my friends were sprouting Baywatch-esque breasts and mine stayed the same size as they were when I was 13. I ended up hating my itty bitty titties.

    But that hatred definitely didn't last long. The truth is that my friends were actually jealous of me. Once guys get past their initial loving-big-boobs phase, aka: puberty, they tend to enjoy all types of boobs. Yes, even those tiny ones.

    Learning to have confidence and love yourself first is key

    If you have a real issue with the size of your boobs, it usually has more to do with how you feel about yourself as a whole than it does your actual breasts. Those who are confident in themselves love everything - even stuff they once hated.

    Now, you can still dislike something and even want to change it, but having confidence lets you ignore the stuff you don't like. You won't focus on it and you'll actually find things to love about those little annoyances.

    Why itty bitty titties are the best and even men know it

    There was once a trend of big breasts being the best thing ever. But that's just not a reality anymore. A lot more guys are starting to find the advantages of small boobs, and you can too. Here's why your tiny tits are actually pretty amazing.

    #1 They won't really sag. Gravity is a weird and sometimes helpful thing. While the rest of the girls you know with big, bouncing tits end up with them sagging down to their belly buttons, yours will remain perky. You don't have as much mass for gravity to weigh down on and that means your tits will stay in great shape even as you age.

    #2 You can wear slutty clothes without looking it. This is probably the best part. All those low cut, revealing tops your friends can't wear without looking like a hoochie? They're perfect for you! In fact, they make you look sexy without looking trashy.

    #3 You can go braless. Who needs bras when you have nothing to hold up? Even without wearing bras, you still won't sag as much because of your itty bitty titties. That means you can forgo the uncomfortable straps, the weird lines, and the expense. All great things.

    #4 You don't have to try on shirts. Personally, this is my favorite. It's especially useful for online shopping. You can easily order a shirt in about the size you need and you'll know it'll fit well. You don't have to worry about your boobs ruining the print or size of it.

    #5 You look great in t-shirts. Just another things guys will love about your small boobs. Big boobs have a tendency to stretch out shirts and even ruin the design. They're meant to lay flat and that's what they do on you. This means you can rock a t-shirt better than big-boobed women.

    #6 They're more sensitive. Smaller breasts are 24% more sensitive than their larger counterparts. Which means sex is a lot better when there's nipple-play going on. This also means guys love small boobs because if what he does feels better for you than another woman, then he'll be happier with you.

    #7 Working out is made much easier. Who needs a heavily padded, tight sports bra? You can even go workout at the last minute even if you forgot one. While you may want some sort of support while running, you really don't need much of anything fancy when you have small boobs.

    #8 You maintain better posture. Without those heavy things hunching you forward, you're able to maintain a much better posture. That means you'll have less back problems and can even be healthier all around. Your posture affects many things in your body so having it stay aligned is a big deal.

    #9 You never have to worry about them popping out. Many women with larger breasts end up worrying about wearing certain things or doing certain activities for fear of their girls making an unscheduled appearance. For you, that's just not a problem. The freedom is really liberating.

    #10 No back pain for you! Once again, there aren't boulders weighing you down in the front. You'll end up with less back pain than those with larger breasts and that means your mood stays higher and you can do a lot more activities.

    #11 They make you look younger. Because your boobs are strapped to your chest and the skin covering them is connected to your neck, girls with larger breasts end up with more wrinkles on their chest and neck. Plus, if you have smaller boobs, you naturally look younger. It's like a built-in anti-aging product.

    #12 Sexist men stay away. Guys who think all girls should have large breasts are completely sexist. And that means you'll never have to deal with sexist idiots with small boobs. They'll stay far away from you and your life is better because of it for sure.

    #13 Less of a chance for breast cancer. Smaller-chested women have a much less chance of developing breast cancer than women with big boobs. Because there's less breast tissue there, the odds are much lower. Just be sure to get regular check-ups anyway, because it won't prevent it completely.

    #14 More freedom. Overall, you just have more freedom. You can wear more clothes, do more things, and enjoy a lot of stuff big-chested women can't. You might have itty bitty titties but you have a very large amount of freedom because of them.

    #15 They're in style right now! Small boobs are all the rage at the moment and while that might remain true forever, it is right now. You may as well bask in the incredible feeling of being on trend naturally.

    Having itty bitty titties is better than you think. So long as you can learn to love them, your boobs can bring you major happiness.