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    15 Affordable Beauty Products Celebs Love To Use

    How do they keep themselves looking so radiant and beautiful? Celebrities are talking about their favorite beauty products and healthy alternatives in interviews all over the web. Many of the products can be found in beauty stores and some can be found while strolling through the grocery store aisles. It doesn't matter where they get the stuff, we just want to know what is working for them because, hey, we want to look fabulous, too. And we all know that whatever they are using has got to be the best, even if it is not the most expensive.

    That is the surprising part about what celebrities are using to look beautiful: cheap stuff. They are using and recommending beauty products that you and I can purchase comfortably and ingredients that many of us probably already have in our homes. They are showing us that it is not about the price or high end name, but about what actually works for them.

    With their busy schedules and their need to always be on the go, they have probably tried just about every product out there, from mascara to skin cream. With their hair being tortured and dried out during movie shoots, they know from experience that best ways to repair and protect their hair. Their beauty habits have become nearly perfected and they actually want the rest of us to know their secrets.

    15 Aquaphor for Hands and Face

    What do Nicole Kidman, Beyoncé, and Lucy Liu all have in common? They all use Aquaphor on their faces and lips. Nicole Kidman loves that it costs next to nothing and that it works so well on her dry skin. Beyoncé smears it on her face every night. She says she goes to bed looking greasy, but her skin looks gorgeous after the treatment. Lucy Liu started using Aquaphor while she was in Montreal. Her skin was so dry from the cold weather and she found that putting on just a little Aquaphor kept her face looking fresh.

    14 Epson Salt Bath

    You are probably wondering what epsom salts have to do with beauty. I mean, epsom salts are something that many of us associate with our grandmothers and foot baths. But epsom salts are making a comeback. Used by such celebrities as Gwyneth Paltrow, actresses and health advocates are taking full body epsom baths as a healthy way to relax and unwind. Rumor has it, that epsom baths also help remove bloating, which is perfect for those nights when a tight dress is necessary.

    So, what are epsom salts? They aren't really salts. Epsom salts are a combination of magnesium and sulfate. Bathing in them is said to relieve muscle cramps and constipation.

    13 Blinc Mascara for Fake Eyelash Look

    The gorgeous Eliza Dushka from Dollhouse and Buffy the Vampire Slayer names Blinc mascara as one of her favorite beauty products. The mascara costs around $20 a tube, depending on which type you buy, and is a relatively inexpensive way to get those heavy, seductive lashes. Easier than applying fake lashes that can fall off at the worst moment, Blinc mascara fills out your lashes with tiny fibers, giving you a quick and simple way to get the fake eyelash look.

    12 Benetint for Lips and Cheeks

    Actress Nicole Kidman is always on the go, but she doesn't have a lot of room in her purse to carry all the extra things celebrities usually need to keep up their good looks. That is why she told Allure's Alexandra Tunell in an interview, “… I don't have a lot of room in my bag, but I always try to have an all-in-one product. I use Benefit Benetint on my lips and cheeks."

    Nicole Kidman isn't the only actress who uses Benefit Benetint. Actresses Amy Adams and Eva Mendes also love using Benefit Benetint on their face.

    11 Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula Tummy Butter

    Retired boxer, daughter of Muhammad Ali, and television personality, Laila Ali has all the right moves and looks. Her trick for great looking skin? It is Palmer's Coca Butter Formula Tummy Butter. This inexpensive beauty product is found in most drug store chains and in many supermarkets, and costs around $8. Laila Ali uses the butter on her skin to keep it looking healthy and to make it glow. You can also use it on all your trouble spots, from stretch marks to thighs to smooth out most skin problems.

    10 Good Old Vaseline

    Petroleum jelly, a byproduct of oil drilling, hit the shelves in the late 1800s and has been a beauty staple ever since. Just ask actress Freida Pinto who puts a tiny bit of the jelly on her eyelids to give her a soft, dreamy look. Jennifer Aniston uses Vaseline under her eyes each night to help prevent wrinkles. Rachel Bilson, from The O.C., uses it the way many other women do - to remove eye makeup. Even television personality and model, Tyra Banks, gave a free jar of Vaseline to everyone in her TV show audience while telling them all about the benefits of using petroleum jelly.

    9 Kinerase C8 Peptide Intensive Treatment

    Ok this product may not qualify as cheap, but only applying a tiny bit at a time, you can make it so that each bottle lasts you a long time. According to the Cosmopolitan, Cougar Town actress, Courteney Cox fights off aging with Kinerase C8 Peptide Intensive Treatment face cream. This skin treatment is said to diminish fine lines and reduce the appearance of aging. The cost? Around $100. The serum is packed with vitamins E and C and provides your skin with extra nutrients. It should be applied to your skin after washing and before you put on your makeup. It's said to help prevent makeup creases and give your skin a healthier glow. Is it worth it, though? Courteney seems to think it is, and with her gorgeous looks, how can we argue?

    8 Dove Soap

    Adrianne Palicki, the stunning actress in Friday Night Lights, says that Dove soap is one of her favorite beauty products. With her healthy, glowing skin, it would be hard to say she is wrong. There are numerous soaps available at the grocery store and there are the more expensive soaps you can buy online or at the high end beauty supply shops, but the old standby is Dove soap. With their latest ads for clean skin care with nearly no soap residues left behind, Dove soap is a great, basic beauty product that is loved by many women (and men). And let's not forget, the price is just perfect at roughly $20 for an 8 bar pack.

    7 Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser

    Cetaphil. It looks so innocent and almost boring sitting there on the shelf, but hidden within its unassuming packaging is a cleanser that celebrities are raving about. The cleanser is soap free, non-comedogenic, and fragrance free, meaning that if you have problems using the fancier cleansers, Cetaphil might just be the product you need. The beautiful Olivia Wilde from House claims that it is the best face cleanser you can use. Actress Zoe Saldana says that she always uses the Cetaphil cleanser, as does actress Clair Danes.

    6 Kitty Litter

    Just when you think you have heard it all, along comes Snooki from Jersey Shore. Back in 2011, Snooki was being interviewed on the Conan show when he asked her about some of her odd beauty tips she wrote about in her first book. This included the use of clean kitty litter as a skin exfoliant. Now, before you get grossed out, you need to know that the natural clay used in some kitty litters is the same clay used in clay beauty masks. This means that, yes, if you are careful and can buy natural clay kitty litter with no additives or fragrances, you just saved yourself a small bundle of cash. And if Snooki says she does it…

    5 MoroccanOil

    What do celebrities do when their hair becomes dry and brittle from over styling it? They reach for a bottle of MoroccanOil. At least that is what actress Nina Dobrev from The Vampire Diaries does. Her hair is washed only three times a week and she gets a hair mask treatment for each third wash. Scarlett Johansson had MoroccanOil in her hair during the 2011 Golden Globes and actress Charlize Theron uses it as a leave-in conditioner. A bottle of MoroccanOil costs about $15.

    4 Smith's Rosebud Salve

    Looking for a versatile beauty product? For Beyoncé, that all around go to product is Smith's Rosebud Salve. The salve is advertised as a balm for dry skin and lips, but Beyoncé uses it for more than chapped skin. Besides wearing it with her lipstick, she also puts a small amount on her eyelashes before she curls them. She says the balm makes her eyelashes shine and stay in place. The balm can also be used on dry elbows and knees, for those who suffer dry, chafing skin in those areas. The balm only costs about $6 and can be purchased online.

    3 Olive Oil

    Olive oil isn't just for your salads, anymore. In fact, it is leaving the grocery shelves to be used as a natural beauty product by numerous women and men, including celebrities. Actress Emma Stone keeps a bottle of olive oil by her sink just for her face. She cites her allergic reactions to regular products as her reason for turning to a natural oil for her skin. Gwyneth Paltrow also uses olive oil, but she applies it to her her hair. She massages about a half cup of the oil through her hair and leaves it on for a bit as a way to get rid of dry hair. Meanwhile, Sophia Loren puts olive oil in her bath to help moisturize her skin.

    2 Rosehip Seed Oil

    When you read through the ingredients in some of your beauty products, you might find something called rosehip seed oil. Rosehip seed oil is harvested from rose bush seeds that are most often gathered in Chile. The oil has been used since the times of the ancient Egyptians and Mayans as a beauty product. High in antioxidants, vitamins, and good fatty acids, rose hip seed oil is commonly used to lighten or get rid of sun spots, hydrate skin, and to help prevent wrinkles. Victoria's Secret model, Miranda Kerr, had another use for it: stretch marks. She boasts that she had a ten pound baby and not a single stretch mark because she used this oil on her skin during her pregnancy.

    1 Beer and Honey

    For Catherine Zeta-Jones, her beauty products can be found in most people's kitchens. What are they? A bottle of beer and some honey. To keep her hair looking soft and shiny, she conditions it with beer and honey. According to the Daily Mail, she said in an interview about her beauty regime, “I smell like the bottom of a beer barrel for days afterwards but it's very good for the hair.”

    Beer and honey aren't the only natural products she uses. She also mixes honey and salt together to make a natural body scrub that, she says, helps prevent wrinkles. Also, after every meal she eats an apple to keep her teeth white and, if there are no apples, she will reach for strawberries, a natural teeth whitener.

    Sources cosmopolitan.com, elle.com, dailymail.co.uk, huffingtonpost.com