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    Why Are Girls So Moody? The Real Reasons Why They Feel This Way

    Ever find yourself wondering, why are girls so moody? You're not alone. But there are reasons you'll be shocked to discover.

    Why are girls so moody? That is a loaded question probably asked by men since the beginning of time. So, you are in good company.

    And before we get started, here's a little secret. If it is due to her time of the month, do NOT ask her, blame her, or be jealous she can use it as an excuse. This will not help, even the tiniest bit. Do not be tempted. 

    Are girls really so moody?

    Before you go claiming that girls are so moody, make sure you're right. Sure, girls get moody, just as guys do. But is she really moody or are you impatient?

    Men have long been taught that women are crazy, emotional, and moody. But is that really even true? Or are you just claiming that because you don't want to deal?

    Often, when a girl, completely within reason, asks a question or wants to have a serious talk, guys think her moody or irrational. When, in fact, it is you being irrational, immature, and ahem, moody.

    So before wondering why your girl or any girl is so moody, take a second to look at the situation and determine who is really the moody one here.

    Why are girls so moody?

    Okay, now that it is actually established she is being moody and you're not just being unreasonable, why are girls so moody? There are a plethora of reasons, but what are the likely culprits? And what can you do about them?

    #1 She is on her period. Yes, hormones play a large role in girls being moody or emotional. It is science. Therefore, it is not our fault. We cannot control it. Even when we know that's what it is, we can't really do anything about it.

    So if your girl cries at an allergy medicine commercial, getting super mad that you burnt some toast, or withdrawing, just let her be. If she asks for something give it to her, but there really is nothing you can do but be there for her.

    You might know her moods. If she is upset, cuddle her and make her tea, if she is mad give her space, and if she withdraws don't push her to talk. 

    You have never gotten a period, so you have no right to comment. And even if your ex or your sister or your best friend's cousin was never moody, dealt with cramps, or was extra tired, it does not matter. All women are different. So let her dwell however she chooses. 

    #2 She is having a bad day. This shouldn't be too shocking. Men have bad days and get moody too. We all handle rough days in different ways. Maybe you go to the bar and have a beer or play violent video games. 

    She might be annoyed at everything you say and do. Try not to take it personally. We all take things out on the wrong people and point our anger at the incorrect target. 

    In this situation, ask her what's wrong. Don't try to fix it, tell her it is fine, or tell her she is making big deal out of nothing. Just listen. Tell her it sucks and you're there. That is all she wants.

    #3 She is stressed. If she has been moody pretty often lately, she is likely super stressed. That can be due to work, family, or even something like a remodel or planning a wedding. 

    The last thing you want to do here is tell her to relax. Nothing is ever that simple. If you do want to give her some time off and you know what is stressing her out, take care of it. Don't just buy her a gift certificate to spa and say peace.

    Have what she needs covered. If her mom needs help with a project, volunteer. Don't change what she is doing or make her feel bad for being busy, just offer to take a little off her plate.

    #4 She isn't sleeping well. There can be a whole lot of reasons someone isn't sleeping well. Trust me, I suffer with severe insomnia. And that can definitely lead to someone being moody, just ask the people in my life.

    The last thing you should do in this case is tell her to go to sleep. If she is up late working don't say, you should get some rest. She knows that. Sleep is just not so simple for some people.

    However, offer to make her some chamomile tea or play soothing sounds or even buy her a new pillow. All of this can be very thoughtful, but read her response. If she is annoyed and fed up with trying sleeping aids and you show her you're annoyed, it only makes her feel guilty for something she has no control over.

    Just try to be patient with her moods if it is due to bad sleep. Trust me, she is suffering more than you are.

    #5 She is just feeling down. All women and men have off days. Something just isn't right, and we really don't have a reason for it. Maybe she had a weird dream or woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

    For me, whenever the sun doesn't come out all day I just feel off. On those days just give her a hug. You don't have to go out of your way and be super doting.

    Just offer to watch her favorite movie, pick up her favorite take out, and cuddle up on the sofa. Those are the days where we just need a bit of home comforts to perk us up.

    #6 You. Although the world does not revolve around you, sometimes in fact we are moody because of you. You could have done something wrong, lied, or deleted The Bachelor off the DVR. Most women will tell you what's wrong, you apologize and moving on can commence.

    But sometimes even after that we fester in the annoyance or anger a little longer than necessary. We might hold a bit of a grudge. We can even be a little passive aggressive. In those situations give us time to cool off.

    Depending on the severity of the faux pas, we will get over it in time. Probably not if it was something like cheating. But if you broke a vase or ate the last of the salt and vinegar chips, time and humor cures most minor hiccups. 

    #7 We are not perfect. Sometimes men expect us to be perfect, prim, and proper. We get a bad rep for being emotional, so many of us try are damnedest to remain calm and cool. But when we do that you get excited and think we are “not like other girls.”

    And just because we can be cool and forgiving and put up with some dumb stuff, it doesn't mean we are perfect. Being annoyed, moody, or emotional mostly just means we care and are in fact human.

    We are all guilty of overreacting sometimes. It is bound to happen from time to time. We just ask that you put up with it the same way we put up with dirty socks, fantasy football, and your moodiness.

    No woman can be agreeable all of the time, and you shouldn't expect her to. Just as you have your reasons for being mad or distant or upset, so do we. 

    Next time you wonder, why are girls so moody, maybe instead, consider how you can make us feel better.