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    15 Best Ways to Ask a Girl Out and Warm Her Up to a Definite Yes

    If you really like a girl, how should you ask her out? These 15 best ways to ask a girl out will give you some great ideas to make it happen!

    If you have a crush on a girl, asking her out can feel pretty nerve-wracking. If you are not one of those guys who just strolls confidently up to a girl, and says, 'Hey, how about a date?' You might be feeling the pressure to understand the best ways to ask a girl out. This is particularly true if you have had your eye on her for a long time.

    The longer you wait to build up courage, the more nervous you feel, and the more you let yourself like her before you've even been on that first date, the higher the stakes.

    It's no wonder asking a girl out makes some guys go into a cold sweat. No one likes to put themselves out there when they aren't certain of the outcome and feel vulnerable. Certainly no one likes the feeling of rejection.

    But, just stop and wait for a second. What if she said yes?

    The 15 best ways to ask a girl out

    Not asking a girl out means you will never know. The best thing to do is just bite the bullet and get on with it. Really what is the worst that can happen? If she doesn't want to go out with you she'll say so, and then what? The earth won't come to a grinding halt, and even if you've been crushing on her hard for months, while it's gonna hurt for a little while, you'll get over it and no doubt soon move on to bigger and better things.

    So, now that you've decided to go for it. What are the best ways to ask a girl out? These 15 tips will increase your chances of getting that 'yes' that you've hoped for.

    #1 Get a conversation going first. The more relaxed and comfortable she feels around you, the more likely she is to say yes when you suggest some one on one time together. If she knows absolutely nothing about you, she's got very little to go on. So why not make an effort to strike up a conversation with her first?

    You don't need to ask her hundreds of questions or find out every single detail of her life, but if you have a couple of friendly conversations you'll be on her radar. It's also a good idea to make sure she's single too!

    #2 Maintain eye contact. Whether you spotted a hot girl you'd like to go on a date with at a bar, or it's someone you already know, eye contact is very important. We aren't suggesting that you stare at her-that just makes her feel weird. But make sure you send a few lingering glances her way. She gets that you are interested in her, and if she smiles at you or holds your gaze back, it means that she probably likes you too.

    #3 Help her out. While not all women like feeling vulnerable around men, if she needs help with something, offering to be that guy only goes down well.

    At the end of the day, if she thinks you are a nice guy, she is way more likely to go out with you than if she isn't sure. Perhaps she could use a hand carrying something. Maybe she looks cold and you offer her your sweater. Even just buying her a drink shows your interest, that you are a good guy, and she should give you a chance.

    #4 Compliment her. Flattery gets you everywhere. If you strike up a great conversation with the girl you like, make sure you drop in a few compliments here and there. She'll be flattered and know you are flirting with her, which then makes it easier for you to transition to asking her out. Remember, don't go overboard, but saying a few nice things could work wonders for you and land you that yes you hope for.

    #5 Keep it light. Remember, all you ask for is a first date. You don't need to go overboard. If you do, you are more likely to scare her off. Keep everything light and casual, don't be too intense. Otherwise, she feels the pressure and that could be too intimidating or off putting.

    #6 Be confident. Confidence goes a long way. Stand tall, don't mince your words, and just ask her. Confidence is very attractive in a man, so make sure that you approach her with confidence and with a positive attitude too. Believe that she will say yes, and then you will make it so!

    #7 Find out what she likes and ask her on a date she can't refuse. If you land some intel on the things that she is into, this puts you in a good position. Find out what she likes and then invite her on a date that would be right up her alley. She more likely will want to go and be flattered that you bothered to think about what she might enjoy too.

    #8 Make an effort. Make an effort to look your best and smell good before you approach her. She has to be physically attracted to you too!

    #9 Reassure her. Some girls find the idea of going on a date a bit intimidating, so reassure her by keeping it as casual as possible and chatting to her first so she relaxes in your company and feels like the date will be easy and fun.

    #10 Get her number first. Instead of asking her out point blank, why not get her number first? This might be less nerve-wracking. If she says yes, you know that she is probably into you too.

    #11 Avoid cheesy chat up lines. Don't bother with cheesy chat up lines, no matter how funny you think they are. Sure, they might occasionally work, but most girls find them off-putting and annoying. Is it really worth the risk?

    #12 Get to know her friends. If her friends root for you, she is way more likely to say yes. So, make sure her friends know what a great guy you are too!

    #13 Tell a joke. Humor goes a long way. If you make her laugh, she is more likely to say yes when you ask her out. If you know you aren't naturally funny just leave it. There is nothing worse than trying to force humor. It just makes everyone feel awkward and possibly blow your chances too.

    #14 Suggest something interesting. Don't be scared of suggesting doing something unusual for your date. It certainly makes you stand out from the crowd, and she'll be intrigued!

    #15 Just do it. Remember, at the end of the day, asking a girl out isn't the be all and end all of your life, so don't drag it out. Just get on with it!

    Remember, to save yourself from heartache and wasting your time, there are plenty of ways to gauge her interest before you ask her out. Does she smile at you, touch you, play with her hair when she's talking to you? Have you made her laugh? Does she always look pleased to see you? Does she flirt with you, or are you really in the friend zone? Figuring these things out before you ask her out is a good way of knowing what your chances.

    Be realistic too-if she doesn't seem that interested, avoids you, and tries to end conversations with you as quickly as possible, she's probably not interested, so save yourself the bother and move onto someone who cares!

    So, there you have it, the 15 best ways to ask a girl out. So now that you know, it's time to put them into practice. Be brave, confident, and just go for it. Good luck!