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    Wszystkie artykuły - Strona 1059

    16 Celebs Who Sometimes Look Rough, But Still Come Out Beautiful
    Let's face it- we all have a guilty pleasure. Some of us like to eat chocolate while we are supposed to be dieting, others take satisfaction in binge watching an...
    16 Celebs Who Played Roles We Loved, But Are Nuts In Real Life
    Here's a question we'd like to pose to you: "Are artists crazy?" Professional actors (who are too artists) work forever hard on their craft, disregarding convention and mundanity. Due to...
    16 Celebs Who May Have Hygiene Problems
    When we think of the rich and famous, we usually associate things like great fashion and being beautiful. Rarely do we think of them as gross or dirty. Even though...
    16 gwiazd, które zabiły karierę w telewizji na żywo
    Ach, niebezpieczeństwa telewizji na żywo. My, jako widzowie, nie mamy pojęcia, jak wielką presję wywierają aktorzy, komicy i śpiewacy, kiedy idą przed bardzo żywym aparatem. Choć zdajemy się podziwiać ich...
    16 Celebs Who Have Had A FWB Relationship
    Boyfriends and girlfriends come and go, but friends with benefits are usually known to stand the test of time. Remember that episode from Mad Men when Betty seduces Don at...
    16 Sławy, które miały tajne dzieci
    Jeśli chodzi o Hollywood - żadne tajemnice nie mogą być przechowywane na zawsze. Często po krótkiej ucieczce (a jest ich mnóstwo między celebrytami), chcemy o tym zapomnieć i przejść dalej....
    16 Celebs Who Got Married When They Were Just Teens
    There are many, many celebrities out there who don't find love until later in their careers - in their 30s or 40s. And, there are also plenty of celebrities who...
    16 Celebs Who Got Married So Quickly
    Celebrities, they're just like us, right? That means that they can make mistakes when it comes to love, too. More celebs than you realize have rushed into relationships faster than...