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    16 Celebs Who Sometimes Look Rough, But Still Come Out Beautiful

    Let's face it- we all have a guilty pleasure. Some of us like to eat chocolate while we are supposed to be dieting, others take satisfaction in binge watching an entire series on Netflix in a single day… for days. For us, nothing is quite as appealing as unashamedly swooning over celebs that are not always going to be the pick of the litter.

    Luckily for all of us, we live in an extremely, visually fortunate time. Everywhere you turn there is going to be a new heartthrob on a billboard, television screen or magazine practically begging us to ask the real question- Am I genuinely attracted to this person, or is their stardom deluding me into falling hopelessly in love with someone I would otherwise dismiss? Nonetheless, there is definitely no harm in deciphering such a question through some very thorough, very in depth research. In other words- good, old fashioned perving.

    Sometimes the world just cannot decide whether they're into a chiselled jawline or an enticing 'dad bod'. Even so, we'll use any excuse to shamelessly express adoration for the more controversial types. These 16 celebs are both confusingly unattractive and so, damned irresistible all at once. We just prefer the term 'unique taste.'

    15 Blake Lively: She Has Come A Long Way…

    Although our blonde beauty was the woman on everyone's lips back when Gossip Girl captured our hearts, after marrying and starting a family with Deadpools Ryan Reynolds (also regarded as the man every heart belongs to), does Blake Lively look better as an arm piece? Don't get us wrong, we can hardly accurately and fairly judge how good-looking Lively is once she stands next to her god-like husband, however when looking at the actress up close and deciphering her appearance overall, something just isn't right. Does our blonde actress bare features so uniquely unpleasant that it all somehow envelopes into a good-looking woman magically? If so, can we please have whatever she's having? Either way, any celeb who is blessed enough to kiss Ryan Reynolds every morning is a gold star in our eyes.

    14 Adam Driver: An Ugly/Hot, Kind/Jerk, Walking Contradiction

    Unlike most celebs on this page, Adam Driver has visual aspects that are a lot less easy on the eyes and it doesn't take a double look to know exactly what we are talking about. Although, that is not to say that he is also one of the most mentally stimulating, which is why he has earned himself a secure, comfortable spot on our ugly but also hot list. With his off-centred facial features, oversized ears and questionable facial-hair styling, Driver probably wouldn't be a second thought if you passed him in the streets. However, the way he displays himself on screen (most of the time as a grade-A jerk), it's hard not to fall captivated by the towering, dominating, emotionless man of our dreams.

    13 Kristen Stewart: The One Look Wonder

    Just as arguably underwhelming as the Twilight series itself, Kristen Stewart made it to the list for her lack of facial expressions to work with. So, this entry can be looked at from two perspectives. The first is that we can't really base her ugly hotness off things like her smile, her personality or her ambitious attitude because we are yet to see any. The other perspective is that we can give the exact same reason as to why Stewart is herein the first place. The one look wonder with average hair, average acting skills, average visual appearance and an average outlook. Perhaps it's the normalcy of our blunt actress that gives her that ugly-hot factor. We still adore you nonetheless, Kristen Stewart. Just give us a smile!

    12 The Weeknd: Did Selena Make Him Hotter?

    While the world of entertainment sat in shock and star-struck, this 27 year old Canadian rapper with a wild hair-do and the voice of an angel was being snatched up by our beloved Selena Gomez. (Even though they just broke up she still snatched him up which makes him 100x times hotter.) Did Selena see something in The Weeknd that we all decided to blissfully ignore? While their Instagram game grew stronger, so did the appeal towards this loveable RnB legend. The Weeknd has some undeniably attractive features, although just as many can be seen as equally unappealing. Is he overall a good-looking man? Sure. Does his smooth tone send shivers down our spines? Of course. Are there some visual aspects we would possibly change if had the chance to? We'll just leave that there.

    11 Kate Upton: Goddess or Just a Mess?

    There is no denying that from a stereotypical, media-centered point of view, Kate Upton has some of the many features it takes to be considered insanely attractive. Nevertheless, sometimes not all of these features necessarily work well together. This is one of those times. She won our hearts back in 2012 with her unforgettable red-blue bikini/ wet t-shirt photo shoot with GQMagazine. If there was ever a time to swoon over a bronzed, blonde bombshell- it was then. However as time passes, the models hot-factor is beginning to take its toll. Was Kate Upton a one shoot wonder? While half of the world praises her, the other half wonders why her looks have gotten her so far. For us, we are totally head over heels for this ugly/ hot mess.

    10 Britney Spears: She's a Roller-Coaster, But She's Still Britney.

    She's beauty and she's grace, she absolutely crazy and she has a habit of making headlines for all the wrong reasons. But she's still Britney Spears, so we love her anyway. Britney's unattractive aspects are contradictory in all of the best ways. In the real world, her ratted hair extensions and outfit mishaps are not something to be proud of, but when your one of the most famous pop divas in history, they become traits that only Britney herself could pull off. Granted, pre 2007 breakdown Britney would not have made it to this list. However, after sharing with the world a shaved head, drug abuse and indefinite insanity, our favorite pop star continues to rock our lives and still pull off outfits that are a few sizes too small. Call it tacky or call it hot, we are all aboard for this roller coaster.

    9 Emma Watson: The Debate of the Century

    Perhaps the most controversial on the ugly-hot radar, Emma Watson is loved and undoubtedly adored by about 99% of the entire world. Well, welcome to the 1%. Whilst we would love to say that Watson is considered attractive because she is genuinely good-looking, there is just something about her appearance that is a bit off. Her freckles are adorable and her chocolate eyes are to die for. She has a Hollywood smile and her eyebrows are on fleek. However, zoom out just a little bit, take away hours worth of makeup and designer outfits only the rich and famous can afford and whats left is an ugly-hot woman who kind of resembles an adolescent boy. Do you see it now? Welcome to the list, Emma!

    8 Shia Labeouf: He's a Little Crazy But We're Into It

    Shia Lebouf has this really unique talent where he was born with such beautiful, god-like features and then he almost purposely hides them with really unattractive hairdos and style phases. Even then, there is still something so mysterious, endearing and ultimately so attractive about this wild man. From his tacky piercings, to his crazy rat-tail hairstyle. His emotionally captivating character roles, to his warm, softer features. Hopefully one day the actor will settle on a style long enough for us to fairly judge just how hot (or not) he really is. For now, although it is hard to pin-point where his unattractive features end to where his more appealing features start, we are happy to keep watching Lebouf do his thing until we figure it out.

    7 Emma Stone: How Can We Ignore Such a Cheeky Grin?

    With the release of one our favourite films, “Easy A”, not only did the comedy teach us to be comfortable in our own skin, but also that Emma Stone makes an insanely good-looking red head… or so we thought. Stones hot-factor has been in question since the day she found herself on the big screen. Like many of these ugly yet hot celebs, no one can figure out whether they really do find her attractive, or if it's just the roles that she plays that give her a that je ne sais quoi. We found ourselves falling for this outrageous actress since day one- poised and elegant, loud and funny, beautiful as heck and dreadful all at once. She's the contradiction we can not get enough of. What about you?

    6 Billie Joe Armstrong: For All of The Punk Lovers Out There

    Alright, our punk goddesses. Lets not deny ourselves the pleasure of delving back into our 15 year old minds, where Greenday had us wanting to overthrow the government and Billie Joe Armstrong has us wanting to do it by his side. This punk-rock heartthrob had girls begging for his attention day in, day out and we completely understand. Although, take away the loud instruments, the bashing lights and Rockstar voice and what do you have left? Oh, that's right. A 5'7", 45 year old mid-life crisis from Rodeo, California with two kids and a knack for playing the harmonica. Definitely not as punk rock as we remember- and our hearts certainly do not skip a beat at the thought. Although, we continue to adore our Billie Joe Armstrong in our memories.

    5 Cher: Plastic Never Looked So Good

    If we could turn back time, we would let our lovely Cher know that perhaps aging gracefully would have been a better alternative. Nonetheless, the 71 year old diva with cheek-bones the size of moons continues to impress us endlessly. Every time she hits the stages with that bombshell voice and high-heeled boots, it gets harder to convince ourselves that she might not be as attractive as her legendary career lets us believe. In saying that, there really are not that many grandmothers out there that can still rock the socks off millions of audiences and, in the words of the goddess herself at the 2017 Billboard music Awards, “I can (still) do a five-minute plank, just saying.” Well, we can't argue with that. Rock on, our ugly-good-looking Diva!

    4 Jesse Eisenberg: Is it Just Us, Or Did Carelessness Just Get Insanely Attractive?

    Eisenberg was never really on the ugly hotness scale until he showed off his jerk and genius persona in “The Social Network”, screening to the entire world that you really can be both shamefully unappealing and obnoxious, charming and good-looking all at once. The successful actor has a way with words, yet we find ourselves too captivated by his beautifully ugly face and lack of facial expressions to be able to actually hear what he is muttering. There is no question as to whether or not Jesse Eisenberg is ugly or good-looking. He is both, undoubtedly. What we are still trying to figure out is how someone can be so casually uninterested and display such stereotypical geeky features, but also ooze with a sense of self-hierarchy, be unsexual yet sexual and painfully unattractively attractive. Share your secrets, Eisenberg!

    3 Ed Sheeran: It's Okay! He Has The Voice Of An Angel

    It wasn't until actually listening to one of his songs that the craze for the beloved Ed Sheeran ever really made sense. Visually, our red-headed man did not have much to bring to the table. Although, that didn't stop the short, shy ginger from absolutely blowing our minds with his angelic voice! 5 years ago, the world dropped to their knees as Ed Sheeran released his debut album, “+”, and hasn't quite recovered since. It is easy enough to say that his geeky personality and musical abilities that make up the charmers in the equation, but can we honestly say that Ed Sheeran has changed the way we look at people in terms of attractive values? We may not be proposing to the next tattooed up, geeky boy we see. But Ed? There is just something about the ugly-hot singer that we can't get enough of.

    2 Gordon Ramsay: It's Like Drinking a Fine Wine, If The Wine Had Anger Issues.

    This is a shout out to all older men who can verbally insult someone using any word in the dictionary, frown so much you have permanent indented wrinkles encasing your face and at the same time, cook like a god and win our hearts over every time. Gordon Ramsay is an extremely intense case of a celeb that is so absolutely visually unappealing that it somehow makes him irresistible. Is it his dominant, angry side in the kitchen, or his submissive, loving adoration towards his family? From our point of view, both personalities unashamedly make up a celeb that will always have a place on this list and in our dreams.

    1 Jake Johnson: He Already Won Us Over in New Girl 

    If there is ever a dad-bod to swoon over, it belongs to New Girl not-so heartthrob, Jake Johnson. Although he looks like that creepy Uncle no one enjoys being around at family dinners because he sweats a lot and doesn't know how to socialize, Johnson has a look that makes us both weary and excited at the same time. His character in New Girl is absolutely hilarious and we are yet to figure out if it is the comedian in him that we really do find so attractive. Not to mention, Jake Johnson in sweats compared to Jake Johnson in a suit are almost two completely different people (both of which would still make it to the ugly-hot list).