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    15 Weird Things People Have Done On Valentine's Day

    People tend to create new and weird traditions more and more each year with the rise of the internet and being able to constantly share our antics. It seems like the world is just trying to outdo each other! During any national holiday, you can bet that your social media feeds will be bombarded with fun, cute, weird, and just plain strange ways people celebrate or even just joke around! Valentine's is no different.

    It seems like more and more people have started to take Valentine's more seriously in the past few years, finding more creative ways to show the person they care about, just how special and unique they are to them, showing them love in ways no one really has done before. In this list you'll find the strange, the weird, and oddly caring ways many people around the world have focused their love towards their significant other. I can only hope I'll be doing some of these fun and unique activities on the big V-day ahead, because some of these really do sound much better than just getting a teddy bear that's holding a box of chocolates! Plus it shows you put some thought into the gifts you give, because I think we all forget sometimes that not every gift has to be physical!

    Grab your cupid costumes, find any excuse to buy yourself something nice, and of course your partner! 2017 Valentine's is about to be crazy!

    15 Travel

    Many people have taken on the tradition of traveling to new places around the world to focus love in other cultures! It's become a new thing the past two years to just forgo all traditions of Valentine's day and use that money you would have normally both spent on each other and put it towards something that will mean so much more than a cheap keepsake or a piece of jewelry. Many people have gone on record in interviews and on social media sharing that they'll be putting that money towards traveling, traveling somewhere they've always wanted to visit so they can share a deeper connection of love between themselves and of course with the place they're visiting. This is truly a wonderful and very untraditional way to celebrate this holiday, it's a way to grow as individuals and really appreciate something more than just a physical item. Live and Love!

    14 Cupid

    Cupid costumes have become a tradition many people have acquired, and many people rather not see honestly. This might be one of the weirdest items on the list and I know for a fact it's not something every woman wants to see their significant other do for them, so maybe it would be best to keep this party trick at your friends Valentine's day party. Cupid costumes have become very popular to dress up for either a singles party in your area or even just a party your friend is throwing. It could even be DIY'd as a couples costume, (if you're into that kind of thing) and create an arrow going through a heart on your girlfriend! Or vice versa! Dressing up is a great way to have fun and make this holiday a bit more humorous instead of so serious, it will probably take a bit of the pressure off if you're not a very romantic person!

    13 “Quirkyalone Day”

    Apparently, this is something the hipsters of this generation have created, basically a singles awareness day! It's actually an international holiday! Quirkyalone Day has taken the nation by storm, creating a space for people who are happily single and those who are trying to find self-love and acceptance while single as well. It's a great option for those out there who feel waves of depression because of all the love in the air, it will create a space for you to fully embrace who you are and where you are in your life, how amazing is that! So go out there and be the best you can be, even try out wearing this holiday's national colors which are green and black since green is opposite of red/pink on the color wheel, how clever is that! Don't be afraid of where you are in your life because everyone deserves to feel love and celebrate it in the way they see fit, even if you're showing yourself love!

    12 Odd Bouquet

    Many people give their special someone a bouquet of something they love instead of the traditional dozen roses. Who needs a dozen red roses when you could get a dozen boxes of shoes, or a dozen donuts, or a dozen of your favorite things! This is the perfect way to spin a classic into a new modern and slightly more personal gift. Whether you end up hinting this idea to your man or want to do this for him, it's a great way to show your creative side as well as your sensitive side! If you always fight with your partner about not buying gifts for holidays this year to save money yet you end up buying something anyway, this could be a great compromise and you could even both plan on creating a unique bouquet for each other and it could be a new tradition! How fun and original!

    11 Group Date

    More and more often these days it's become the new trend to go on a group date with your closest friends and their partners! Who says you just have to spend the day with your partner and your partner only, each year we see how traditions grow and become more important to each holiday and going on group dates has definitely been something that's become a staple for modern day Valentine's! Many people see Valentine's day as something very personal between two people so more often than not a lot of old school individuals who like to stick to traditions find this a bit weird or “out there”, but it's really not! It's a lot of fun to hangout with those we love, our partner and closest friends are almost like a mini family to most, so why not celebrate the love on a larger scale! Go out there and have a great time with your BFFs and make some memories!

    10 Free Hugs

    Some people have been spotted around crowded cities holding “free hug” signs to give the gift of compassion and love to strangers that pass by. It's become quite a statement on social media and it always comes up around this time of year when the love is running wild! People going on on the streets with their handmade “free hugs!” signs are something you can usually find in a big city near you around V-day. Not only does it put a smile on people's faces, it's a great way to give back to your community even if it's only a little bit. Just remember that a little can seriously go a long way. Who cares if some out there think this little loving tradition is a bit weird, we can't let people get us down or those around us who are trying so hard to do something positive. We need all the positivity we can get right now!

    9 Buy Gifts For Themselves

    There's no shame in buying a little something for yourself. People might call it selfish but the self-love wave is taking over, because it's so much deeper than what people think. You're showing yourself the love you deserve and if that means splurging on something you really have been wanting, there's no better day than Valentine's day to do so! Go ahead and splurge on yourself, enjoy the day ahead and let that positivity and happiness flow through you and help you spread joy to those around you, whether it's family, friends, or your partner! Just because you're dating or in a serious relationship doesn't mean you can't gift yourself a little something too! We all deserve to treat ourselves and take care of our needs! Just remember to let that love keep radiating, to yourself and others for more than just today, it should always be around no matter what day it is!

    8 Change The Date

    Changing the date of Valentine's day to a day that makes it less crowded pretty much everywhere! It's actually a pretty smart idea, but you might get stares if you bring all your V-day gifts for the one you love at your dinner reservation! This might be weird to some people, but in reality, it's actually pretty smart and innovative! Changing the date of V-day to suit you and your partner's needs will overall make the special day more enjoyable. You'll be able to move it to a day that will work for both of you, such as a weekend so you can celebrate every day without worrying about work, or just a night that will make it less crowded at that special restaurant you both have been wanting to go to! This is a great way to ensure that whatever you do, you'll have a bit more peace and quiet wherever you go and you're guaranteed to have a fabulous night!

    7 All Girls Slumber Party

    Crack open the classic wine and turn on Netflix for an all girls night! Even if you have a partner this could be something very fun to spend the following day going to keep the love alive! Plan a special night with your girlfriends whether you're single or with a partner this is a great way to keep the love going and make Valentine's day suit your needs! Who needs to follow the “rules” when you can find your own ways to share the love in a greater and more personal way! An all girls slumber party is a great way to blow off steam and not blow all your money on a fancy meal, it's a win-win! This is a fun way for anyone to have a blast and have a unique take on V-day. It's usual for single people to block out this holiday, but you don't have to, there are tons of ways to have a good time and still feel the love!

    6 Meaningful Gifts

    Shocker! This might be a bit out there, but maybe next time you're looking for that perfect teddy bear and box of chocolates, you can skip it and get your partner something they'll actually like! This might seem obvious, but you'd be surprised at how many people think that getting a cheap teddy bear and chocolates are a must when it comes to Valentine's day. Because guess what! It's not! Go out there and find something your partner really wants, even if it's not romantic. Even if it's something as simple as getting his car fixed or getting his suit tailored correctly, anything he loves even if it doesn't scream 'romance' is a perfect gift even if it's not for most other people. It shows that you really put special thought into something that will last him a long time and something that's extremely practical! Not to mention, it will probably relieve a lot of stress!

    5 Go For A Drive

    Going for a late night drive can really create some memories that will last forever. While it might not be all elegant and beautiful, it'll be a moment that you can hold onto for years to come. You'd be surprised at how many memories can be formed when just doing everyday things! Hop in the car with your loved one and simply start driving, go get some food, and find a place to park and chat. It's a great and simple way to bond and it really will open up both of you to have a deep conversation. Simple things like this always turn out to be some of the most fundamental parts of a relationship, the small things really do matter and they can seriously make a difference. Go for a drive Valentine's night and just enjoy the connection that will be felt between you two, you'll find it easier to express yourself and how you feel and it's a great time to talk about ways you want to improve together as a team.

    4 Donate

    Give back and share the love not towards those around us, but join together to give back and make a bigger difference. This not only has been changing the way people see this holiday who usually have negative opinions about it, but it's a great way to get people motivated to make a massive difference. Find a charity that you really connect to and start setting aside some money that you would have normally spent on something frivolous and put it towards something that can create a lasting effect of change in someone's life. Try to look for women's shelters or homeless shelters, you'll feel great knowing what you're doing for someone else who might not have anyone during this love-filled holiday. Share your love with them and hopefully, the world can grow a little bit kinder because it really does need it. Give and you'll see a change in your life as well.

    3 Don't Hook Up

    By all means, if you want to that's cool, but maybe show yourself some love by putting that attention towards yourself! There's nothing wrong with hooking up but maybe this V-day you can find it within yourself to fully embrace the #singlelife and treat yourself the way you should be treated. Go all out and buy expensive champagne and roses, put on your favorite romantic comedy and slip into some PJs that make you feel totally confident and hot! Reflect on what you love about yourself and what you want to work on this year. Just because you feel confidence and love towards yourself doesn't mean you can't extend those goals so you can keep growing as a beautiful woman. Hopefully, you'll reach a point in this pampering night where you feel like your love is enough for you at this time in your life because that's most important! Let's just embrace it all!

    2 Matching PJ's

    How cute are matching PJs with your significant other! People might think it's a bit over the top but it's a great way to make memories and have a bit of fun that's not so serious on this romantic day! There's nothing wrong with going all out and being totally extra by buying some matching PJs or outrageous onesies for you and your partner. Just like how traditional families always buy their kids matching PJs on Christmas, this is basically taking it to a new level in your romantic life! Try to find the most crazy and weird PJs out there to add a bit of humor into your romantic life, you'll get a laugh out of it and some cozy lounge wear that you can both wear on the weekends and just remember all the memories from this V-day! And yes, you did hear me right when I said onesies! Who has time to be normal anymore, I know I don't!

    1 Break Up

    Breaking up might be the weirdest thing to do on the big romantic day of Valentine's but studies have shown 50% of Facebook users change their relationship status to single on Valentine's. Whether it's a sick joke or people are really using this day to get out of a relationship, it's a bit brutal. Maybe it's just me, but it seems a bit petty to wait until the day known for an abundance of love to profess how much you don't want to be with someone. It makes me believe that people are just playing games and trying to use this day as some kind of higher meaning. Whatever the case may be, it's a bit ridiculous to think that this is the most popular day to dump your significant other. What's wrong with people?! Pretty sure those individuals are just heartless. No one should wait for a holiday known for love just to break up, if a person finds themselves unhappy in a relationship, they should never play games and pretend until Valentine's day!