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    15 Ways To Know If You're More Than Just His BFF

    We've all had one guy friend that always seemed like he could be more, no matter who we dated or what was going on. We always thought that things could be perfect if we could both have the courage to admit the love that we swore was always there. It's tough to tell when you're actually more than his BFF, but it's a feeling you feel deep down that can't be ignored. It's just hard to figure out if he actually feels the same way. While it might not be easy to just ask him to his face, “Hey, do you like me like me?” you can be honest with him about how you feel. There's always the fear that it'll be weird after, but what's going to happen if you don't take that chance. You're going to be live in silent torture forever? What happens if he actually gets married a few years later? You'll have to hold onto the regret for the rest of your life. Read on to find out how to know if you're more than just his friend. You just might be!

    15 Joke About Getting Married

    Have you ever joked about getting married if neither of you finds someone by 50? Just admit it. It's so common to experience this with one of your best friends but if it's been a reoccurring theme in your friendship then it might be getting close to telling him that he should take a hint already. You never know what might come of a relationship if you don't put yourself out there and try to make it work. You don't know for sure if he'll say no or not. Really, anything at all could happen and the possibilities are endless. Take the time to really talk to him and talk about the relationship that you share. You'll know in your heart when the time is right because come on, it's impossible not to know. Go with your gut because you never know he might just transform from your BFF to your boyfriend! What a great way to start the new year! Just think about it, okay? It's really not as scary as you might think.

    14 Nostalgia

    If you ever find yourself listening to the old music that you loved back in high school and bonding over the fact you both had horrible taste, it might be more than it seems. One of the biggest parts of life deals with growing up, going through phases and learning how to cope with coming into our own. It takes so much time to fully discover who we are and the biggest leap we take in our lives is the exploration of our teen years into adulthood. Sharing the embarrassing times with our BFF is a huge way to connect and if they return the stories and are open with you that's an extremely good sign. You'll know right away if it feels right. You'll feel that bond and it'll be your choice on how to proceed in the relationship. You could possibly bring up crushes and tell him you had a crush on him when you were younger see where it goes from there. If he doesn't feel the same, play it off and move on, unless you feel it's okay to push your feelings onto him. Choose wisely about how to proceed!

    13 Stuttering

    Getting choked up is a sure sign that there's love in the atmosphere. If he constantly stutters when he's around you but can hold a perfect conversation when he's with his group of friends, then think about it. His nerves are totally giving away his feelings for you. When you have a major crush on someone it's very common to get your words twisted up because of anxiety. When you care about someone it's a constant struggle to keep yourself composed and speaking correctly because no one ever wants to say something stupid in front of someone they have feelings for! I sure don't! Just try to calm him down, make sure he knows that it's okay and that there's no reason to feel nervous. BFFs are always there for each other regardless of if it turns into something else, so this should be no different and you really do need to take the risk.

    12 Deep Discussions

    Talking for hours about how the world works and your lives is a huge relationship builder. Having a deep discussion is almost like getting to know a person all over again. Ten minutes turns into hours and you don't even realize it. It's a great way to not only get to know someone but if they're interested in being more than a best friend you'll find this is a great way to find out who they really are. You know, what they really like, what makes them passionate, what foods they enjoy, where they could travel, their thoughts on issues around the world. Everything is up for grabs in a deep convo session like this. It's a time where you'll really find out what makes them happy in life and what gives them purpose. I believe this should be the first step towards a real relationship. You have to know who you're in love with and make sure it's not just puppy love!

    11 Promises

    If you find yourself making tons of promises to each other there might be something more than just friendship between you guys! Of course, we always make various promises to people who matter to us, but when we find ourself promising very special things to our BFFs and them doing the same, that's another story. We want to trust each other and build a romantic relationship, whether we're totally aware of it at first or not. While this might be one of the smaller hints on the list, it's quite possible this might lead to something more. Take it slow and find out if there are more hints on this list that play into this tip, maybe it's time to ask if they really do want something more because it's quite possible they'll say yes! Maybe even come up with something a bit more on the cheesy side such as, “I promise to be your GF forever”! I bet that will shock him!

    10 3 AM Phone Calls

    Late night/middle of the night calls are basically universally known as something only couples do. You might have noticed a change recently in his behavior which is totally normal if he has started to realize that he has romantic feelings for you. You might start receiving phone calls at strange hours, something a BFF usually doesn't do but a BF does. Does this mean he's totally in love with you? Maybe it does and maybe it doesn't. But it does show one thing for sure: it tells you that he was thinking of you more than usual and that you crossed his mind while the morning hours passed. While this might not be a sure sign that love is in the air, just see how it goes. If the feeling is mutual, this will totally work in your favor and you will be so glad that you said something. Who needs sleep anyway?!

    9 Blushing

    Do you find yourself blushing a ton when this guy smiles at you or when you lock eyes for way too long? This could be a sign that he's nervous around you or stressing out about his feelings for you. He may be monitoring his every move to make sure that he's not doing anything that would embarrass himself and he might not be sure how he should be acting around you. It's actually quite cute when you see a guy acting like this, even more so when they're your BFF and you have feelings for them! You might find yourself blushing right back at him as well. Sure, it could be just because he cares about you in a platonic way, but it could be much much more. The only way to find out is to ask! Don't worry about what he'll say. If you're feeling like you should say something, then you've probably noticed a vibe between the two of you and know that you are able to speak up because the feeling must be mutual.

    8 Eye Contact

    Making eye contact is one of the top things when people have a ton of chemistry. If you've ever noticed that your BFF always holds eye contact with you longer than anyone else, he might not even realize he's doing it, but it definitely proves his attraction to you! It's one of the basic ways humans show interest and these two things go hand in hand. It's a very simple and easy way that most people understand, so if you want to show that you're into him too, hold that eye contact without breaking too soon! It'll get the message across and soon enough you'll be seeing progress in the relationship. Eye contact is the number one mannerism to look for when interacting with your best friend, it's the most common trick to know if someone is into you. Go out there and find out how they feel and pay attention to how long they hold eye contact with you!

    7 Sharing Music

    Plato once said, "“Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything.” Music can be a super personal thing so sharing that with someone doesn't go unnoticed. If you constantly share music with your best friend, you'll probably find that your relationship with them is naturally stronger than those you've considered BFFs in the past who had no interest in music you liked. A great way to bring this to the next level is to share playlists. Make it a tradition for you guys to trade music playlists. It's a great way to see how your friend's taste in music develops and it also brings more stability to the relationship. It's also important to show him that you care about what he likes and that you want to know as much about him as you can.

    6 Some Kind Of Touching

    Maybe you are just naturally a hugger or maybe you are not. Touching someone or holding hands is always something that shows that you are more than just best friends. Of course, we are not talking about major touching, just the little signs such as a hand on your shoulder or even a brush of his fingers against your hands. You never know exactly what something like this might mean but it's pretty safe to say that with this combined with everything else on this list proves that you and your guy friends are totally destined to be more than just friends. There is clearly a closeness between the two of you. Regardless if you feel the same or not, you should be honest about how you feel when it comes to the closeness, so you don't lead him on! You definitely don't want to do that because it's super harsh.

    5 Dates

    Have you ever gone out to a fancy restaurant just the two of you? Sure, it's normal for friends to go out, but there's just something about a one-on-one setting! Some more date ideas that could spark your creative ideas could be to go to a pumpkin patch or a farmers market. These are fun yet still will offer a bit of privacy so you can talk and walk while you pick yummy fruit and veg! You can also suggest going to see a movie which is a classic yet super underrated way to show your affection! It might even get the ball rolling in the right direction by letting him know that you're interested in being something more than just best friends. Just for fun, how about signing up for a class together? Doing something and learning together about a subject you're both interested in is a great way to bond!

    4 Joking About Dating

    Do you two joke about dating constantly? Maybe it's time to bite the bullet and ask him out! The perfect way to approach this situation is to sit down in a quiet spot and just really lay everything out. Make sure the environment is comfortable (maybe you're at your house or his) and just be honest with him. Tell your BFF how you really feel and talk about the steps you both can take moving forward. Hopefully, he'll feel the same way and completely understand and it will most likely be a relief and weight off of both of your shoulders that the truth has finally come out! While this doesn't mean you have to jump into a relationship right away, it does mean you will both be on the same page and will be able to move forward together. Just be positive and be understanding, be open to whatever will happen and just know that you'll be okay!

    3 Drunk Calls

    Okay, so drunk calls are never the best thing in the world, but if he does drunk dial you, at least you will know you are his first choice in his time of need. While in no means should anyone have to drunk call you to profess their love to you, or be drunk in general, it is a sign that you are his first choice and that he is thinking about you. It has actually been talked about multiple times that when someone drunk dials you they really do love you regardless of whether or not they tell you that. Many people have told the internet that when they drunk dial it usually means they are madly in love with the person they called. Many have even admitted to not even realizing how in love they actually were until the other person told them what happened! Crazy right!?

    2 Traveling Together

    Planning trips together can be an extremely romantic opportunity! If you've planned a road trip or even just a day trip where you explore new places, that bonding experience can really speak volumes about your relationship. It shows that there's more than just a really good friendship going on here. While it might not mean it's romantic at the moment, it does show that you're both heading in that direction. All you have to do is simply enjoy the time you're spending together and see what comes of it. Just don't let the carefree vibes make you feel as if it's just a hookup because that can seriously ruin any chances of moving forward to a regular relationship! Take the time to really take in all of your surroundings and digest the deep question that comes to mind about your relationship with your BFF and if you'd actually want it to be more.

    1 Late Night Texts

    Just like the 3 a.m. calls, constant texting can show signs of love, and this is more true than you might think! This might seem simple, but when someone messages you all night and even into the early morning hours, it's safe to say you're on their mind quite a bit. It's amazing how something so simple can be the turning point of a relationship. It's important to just go with the flow, speak your mind, and most importantly, be honest. It's pretty obvious that if your BFF is into you and showing all these signs, maybe it's time to take that scary leap of faith. After all, having a BFF as your soulmate is #goals! You know you want to be with him so you might as well take a deep breath and be brave and tell him how you feel. You literally never know what could happen! If it's a beautiful friendship, it could be a beautiful relationship too!