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    15 Memes That Are Truly #RelationshipGoals

    It's true what they say: love really does make the world go round. This is even more true if you're still single and searching for that special someone to call your own. But if you're lucky enough to be in a relationship, you definitely know that love is a really great thing to have in your life. It's funny how much time you spend obsessing over someone that you have a crush on… and that doesn't change when you finally stop dating them. You basically obsess over them even more. But as you know, things don't always work out the way that you planned in both life and love, and sometimes you wonder how you got into the awkward and unhappy relationship situation that you're in. In times of heartbreak and tears, it's best to think about what kind of love you really want to have and what kind of boyfriend you want as well. That's where memes come in. These glorious things are useful any time but especially when you're thinking about something as important as love.

    Here are 15 memes that are truly #relationshipgoals.

    15 Your Dream BF Ryan Gosling

    Netflix and chill may be a trend and it may be something that we joke about since as we all know, it doesn't always mean what it sounds like. But when you're dreaming about falling in love and being in a committed relationship, watching TV with your signification other is really not that far off from what you want. You just want to chill out with someone on the couch, wearing comfy clothes, and laughing and watching something fun. That's really all you want. You love this meme because it's all about being cool and casual with your person and, okay, you love the whole vegan cupcakes thing. Maybe you're vegan, maybe you eat meat, but chances are you have some kind of food allergies or restrictions or at least some foods that you don't like since everyone does these days. Plus there's the fact that baking vegan treats has become really trendy and it's even more fun than using butter and dairy and plain old white flour.

    14 Believing In Fate

    This is a total #relationshipgoals kind of meme since it proves that finding love really is a matter of fate. It also means that you have to believe in fate and destiny and all that cheesy good stuff. If you hate thinking about it and you're not exactly a hopeless romantic, sorry but you're going to have to change your tune if you ever want to find someone to call your own. The thing about love is that you have to totally give yourself over to it and believe in it. You can't be a cynic, you can't be negative, and you can't be the relationship equivalent of a grinch. It's really true that when you happen to meet someone that you really like and want to get better, it's pretty hard to believe. You believe it, though, because you want to find love, you want all that cheesy and mushy stuff, and you want to think that you met this guy for a reason.

    13 The Funny Thing About Love

    This meme is totally #relationshipgoals because it proves how hilarious being in love can be. You can totally relate, right? Whether you're currently crazy in love or single, you have had at least one relationship where this kind of dynamic happened. Sure, saying that things are "fine" when you're mad at your boyfriend is kind of a cliche and a stereotype…  but it's also true and it's funny because it's so accurate. Sometimes you just have to be passive aggressive with your lovely boyfriend. You almost can't help it, it just happens, and you have to just go along with it. You hope that he will realize that you're not even close to fine and that he will stop doing the thing that is pissing you off so you two can kiss and make up and live happily ever after. But, of course, that doesn't happen ASAP and you two will be in a bit of a fight for a while. Oh, true love.

    12 A Love Greater Than Cupcakes

    Oh man, is this hilarious or what?! You can totally relate. You really do love cupcakes. They are just so amazing. They're sweet, they're all about portion control (well, unless you eat five in one sitting, which you have definitely never done… ), and they have really fun frostings and toppings. Sure, other baked goods may have become a bit more popular and trendy than cupcakes -- like the donut or even the cronut -- but thankfully, the cupcake is never ever going to go away. You definitely cheer yourself up with this treat every once in a while. So if you can find someone that you love more than a delicious cupcake, well, you would pretty much commit to that guy forever. If you're in a relationship, then you need to make sure that you love your boyfriend more than cupcakes. If you're single, you need to find someone who you feel that way about. That's your new goal.

    11 True Love

    This is hilarious and so true. When you find a guy that you really get along with -- when the hours fly by on your dates because you have so much to talk about and when you really feel like he gets you -- you know that you can be your true self with him. That means talking about everything and anything. Here's another #relationshipgoal for you: find a guy that you don't have to be socially acceptable around. You two can hang out and be who you are without worrying about expectations or how you look or if anyone is going to judge you. This doesn't mean being a jerk or a bad person, of course. It just means being yourself and not thinking about anything else, which is a really great thing to work toward. When you find someone like this, you honestly and truly should never let him go, and you two can live happily ever after.

    10 The Greatest Relationship Test

    This is pretty amazing since you have definitely experienced this whether you're currently shacking up with your one true love or you've just helped your boyfriend move into a new place (or he's helped you). It's actually a massive test for your relationship. It's basically a final exam and unfortunately, it's not even something that you can study for. It's like a surprise final exam or a pop quiz that determines your entire grade and whether you're going to be let back a year or can graduate on time. Big deal, right? The usual joke about IKEA furniture is that you often find random pieces and parts after you've already assembled the couch or bookshelf or table. No one knows what those are for or if they were even necessary. You doubt you needed this stuff since you managed without it, so it's all a giant mystery. If you and your BF can assemble furniture together without breaking up, then you are good to go.

    9 A Kanye Kind Of Love

    Amazing, right?! If you can love someone more than Kanye West loves himself, then you have honestly found your person and you need to hold onto them as tight as you possibly can. This meme is just the best thing ever and it's pretty awesome that someone created it. It just made your entire day, didn't it? Think about this on your next first date. It may seem like a whole lot of pressure since it means entering a relationship with someone and really, really feeling like they are the right one for you. But stop being a commitment phobe, okay? You need to find someone that you love this much. You really and honestly do. There's no point wasting your time with a guy that you don't care about and you already know that it's a really bad idea to date someone just so you don't have to be alone. So go ahead. Find someone that you love as much as Kayne loves himself. It's going to be amazing.

    8 Couple Selfies

    The funny thing is that when you are single, you hate couples that do exactly this. You want to scream and throw something at your computer screen (except not really since you are really attached to your MacBook). You hate seeing happy couples gushing about each other on their social media accounts because it just seems so horrible. Why do they not get how annoying they are? Do they not care about single people who only feel more and more lonely when they read these posts? Apparently not. This meme is totally #relationshipgoals though since you really want to meet someone… and be able to post annoying couple selfies and mushy, romantic posts on your Facebook and Instagram accounts. Yup, you want to annoy people as much as they have annoyed you in the past. It is your version of revenge.

    7 The Cutest Couple Ever

    You're dying to be part of a cute couple when you're single… and when you're lucky enough to say goodbye to being on your own, you hope that people think that you and your boyfriend are as adorable as you believe that you guys are. You really, really want this meme to come to life for you. You can't help it. You know that what other people think about you or your relationship shouldn't matter because you should focus on who you are, your happiness, and the people in your life. But you really feel that half the fun of being in a great relationship is having the entire world (or at least your world) know about it. Hey, you're just being honest here. You already know that your boyfriend is the most adorable person on the planet and that you guys are really good together. You don't really need any outer praise or gold stars… and yet you still want people to compliment you as a couple. You doubt this is going to change.

    6 Making Things Facebook Official

    Making things Facebook official is such a millennial thing, and while other social media platforms have become popular in recent years, this platform still takes the cake for telling everyone you know that you are happy and in love. You want to prove to your Facebook friends (aka your real friends and also people that you hate and never talk to but refuse to delete) that you are not going to be alone forever and that someone loves you. You want everyone to know how much your boyfriend loves you and so you not only want to make things Facebook official but to write on each other's walls as well. Forget the fact that writing on FB walls is not that popular anymore. You still want this to happen and it is definitely on your never-ending list of #relationshipgoals. Other girls that have boyfriends can totally relate, right?

    5 Getting Domestic

    When you are single, you are super independent and confident and self-sufficient. You do not want to do anything that you do not want to do and you really cherish your freedom. After all, that freedom is really the only good thing about being on your own, and that is the honest truth. You swear that you will keep your independent thing going when you do find a guy that you care about… and you do, at least for the first few months of your brand new relationship. Then something unexpected happens: you realize that you want to do nice things for him and sometimes this means cooking or cleaning or other domestic pursuits. You can really relate to this meme since you would totally make your boyfriend a sandwich. And a lasagna. And a cake. And whatever else you feel like making. True modern love.

    4 Communication Is The Key

    This is amazing since you definitely only communicate with your boyfriend via text messages. Well, besides communicating in person, which is of course still really important. You definitely want to find a guy who knows how to text normally… and despite how weird it is, that is sometimes easier said than done. You can't even believe how many people never text back or like to text so randomly that you figure they're just not interested. Talk about playing games. This is another meme that is definitely #relationshipgoals since meeting a nice, sweet and hot guy who also is really good at texting is pretty much like winning the boyfriend lottery. You can't believe your luck and brag to your best friends about him. It's like the fact that he can properly operate his iPhone is the best thing about him. You wish this wasn't so true but it really is. Of course, you cherish his other traits, but his texting prowess is really great too.

    3 Success Story

    You love this meme because you really do want to be successful in life. You care about your career and it really means a lot to you, but that doesn't mean that you don't want to find everlasting love as well. You definitely want your boyfriend to be as successful as you are and you basically want to be super successful together. You also have to admit that this is just a really cute photo, right? If you and your boyfriend can look at each other like these two look at each other, then you know that you are in it for the long haul and that things are most likely going to work out. It's not always easy to juggle your career and your relationship and sometimes you learn the hard way. But other times, you figure it out and you learn how that whole work/life balance thing works out and it's all rainbows and butterflies.

    2 True Romance

    If you haven't read Gayle Forman's beautifully sad YA book If I Stay or seen the equally beautifully sad movie, what are you waiting for?! If you have, then you know this quote about how you can totally fall in love in a single day. This is definitely #relationshipgoals since you want to believe that crazy amazing things can happen in a super short amount of time. You don't want to think that you go through life just dealing with your every day routine and that nothing special or cool or fun ever happens. That's way too depressing to think about. But this whole idea of something amazing and romantic happening in one day is really awesome and something to aspire to. If you felt like your entire life and future changed when you met your current boyfriend, then you can totally relate to this meme. If you haven't met anyone like that yet, then watch out for it.

    1 More Than Talking

    Oh man, is there anything more frustrating than the many stages of dating these days?! Definitely not. If you can get past the "talking" stage and make things official with a guy, then it's like winning the lottery. You have done the impossible and you really do deserve to celebrate. Your friends and family will be thrilled for you and, okay, your BFFs will be kind of jealous if they haven't already found this kind of love. They might even want to know how you got someone to commit to you in this day and age and they will wonder if you have any strategies. You will shrug and laugh since anyone knows that this stuff is really best left up to fate and to the mysteries of the universe. You can't force someone to stop "talking" to you and start actually dating you. But when it happens, it's truly the best thing in the world.