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    15 Memes Every Single Girl Can Relate To

    Being single can most certainly have it's highs and lows-- and sometimes flying solo is way better than dating or in some cases being stuck in a toxic relationship. That being said, being single can really suck sometimes and other times, it can make you a better person and who doesn't enjoy their freedom?

    Truth is, being single is one of those times in your life where you have the freedom to go wherever it is you want to without having to answer to anyone. You can do whatever it is you want and whenever you want. But with the positive side of being single comes the negative sides-- you often become the third wheel or have to sit around hearing about your friend's amazing boyfriends. Your friends that have boyfriends tend to be too busy for you so you end up sitting around watching Netflix. Every guy you come into contact with you suddenly find a way to find something that is wrong with him. You hate Valentine's Day because everyone knows it is "Singles-Awareness-Day" and no one really wants to be reminded on a holiday that they are single. And often you may feel as if you may never find someone and that you will be alone forever. Sometimes, being single just sucks and sometimes it is the best thing ever. It really is your choice-- there are so many things that every single girl can relate to and to make things even better, we have put together 15 memes that every single girl can relate to-- take a look:

    15 You are single and love Netflix

    Who doesn't love to lay in bed, eating popcorn, your favorite ice cream, and just binge watch on Netflix? Now, this may sound as if someone just went through a bad break up, but it actually does not have to be like that. Truth is, some women who are single enjoy sitting by themselves watching Netflix and all their favorite television shows and movies. Sometimes it is nice to just have "Me" time. Does not mean though that every single girl enjoys watching Netflix alone all the time, but every once in awhile-- it isn't so bad. And often, a lot of women who are single like to revel in their own time. No one to answer to, no one to interrupt their show because they keep asking too many questions. Granted, it can get a little lonely but it isn't such a bad thing. And a lot of women enjoy it, and most single women can definitely relate to binge watching Netflix as if it is their job.

    14 Accurate description of your love life

    Being that third wheel can really get to someone, especially if they have been single for quite a long time. It does not make it easy when you are sitting there and a couple in the background is sucking face. In fact, who wouldn't want to drown their loneliness in a giant chocolate chip cookie? Many single women can relate to this meme-- it is a clear definition of how some single people view their love life. Especially if they keep going on bad date after bad date and they wound up seeing couples everywhere. It could definitely put a damper on anyone's night, day, or life in general. No one wants to be reminded that their love life isn't really existing and seeing couples just gives you more of a reason to not want to be alone. But being single isn't so bad-- as long as you learn to avoid those couples that enjoy PDA as if it is their last meal. Speaking of last meals, that chocolate chip cookie doesn't look so bad either. Too bad her facial expression makes the single life seem unbearable-- good thing she has that cookie.

    13 Jealous of Beyonce

    This meme is a clear indication of what goes on in a single girls mind. Seriously, though, how come Beyonce has this perfect life and all in love and all those single women can't even find a guy they like. Seems a little unfair don't you think? And so we started out singing "all the single ladies" as if it was our anthem-- as if we were proud, independent women and then we started going through all of Beyonce's songs and realizing that she has been "drunk in love", "Dangerously in love" and "Crazy in love" and a single woman can barely find somebody to love. "All the single ladies put your hands up?" and you soon relate to the fact that you are just another single lady roaming the streets for a man you are proud of, a man that you actually are interested. There are plenty of men out there but to find one you are actually into is harder than most people like to believe.

    12 How you sleep when you are single

    While there are definitely the lows of being single there are the highs. Such as, the moment you are single or perhaps you have been single for quite some time, either way, you want to spin it-- being single means you don't really have to worry what anyone else is or isn't doing. And for that, you may actually sleep a lot better than you ever thought you could. Knowing that someone isn't out there cheating on you is probably the greatest feeling any single girl will ever feel. Sleep is very important, and we all need our beauty rest in order to stay healthy, therefore, being single and sleeping peacefully is definitely something all single women relate to. There is something peaceful about knowing how free you are and that you don't have to spend every waking moment worrying about someone else. As a single woman, all you have to do is worry about yourself.

    11 You eat a lot of pizza

    With being single comes with the territory of over-eating, sometimes. And pizza seems to be the one food that so many single women run to. What is it about eating tons of junk food that become super appealing to a single woman? Clearly, being single for too long makes you forget to want to take care of yourself-- single women tend to not care about what they eat because they don't feel they have anyone to impress. When a single woman forgets that they can't keep stuffing their faces with unhealthy junk food and then complain about being single-- it just does not work that way. Yet, so many single women do so. They go out and party till the AM, they stuff their faces with pizza and other junk food assortments, and then they wake up wishing they didn't eat so much pizza. All you single ladies, keep eating an entire pizza-- but try not to complain about being single afterward. Just do you!

    10 Complimented for being cute but you're still single

    The most frustrating thing a man could say to a woman who has been single for quite some time is to tell her how cute she is over and over yet she is still single! It does not make sense, how could a beautiful, smart, sophisticated woman be complimented all the time and somehow manage to still be single? It does not really make sense but it also is super frustrating. A single girl does not want to be complimented all the time or called cute and still have difficulty finding a decent man. Unless she purposely wants to be single, she is generally looking for a partner, someone to be with and if you are going to call a girl cute at least offer to take her on a date. This meme is definitely one most single women relate to-- as no one wants to be called cute and be stuck single for eternity.

    9 You love being single… sometimes

    Sometimes it is fun being single, the whole not having to answer to anyone, having freedom to come and go wherever and whenever. The part where if you want to have "me" time, no one will get upset with you-- it all sounds great. You get to roll around in your bed in all different positions, you can even lie starfish-style! And you are allowed to stay out super late or sleep in as long as you like-- because well, who is judging? And you are able to buy that expensive bag or overpriced shoes you love so much and just appreciate being young and free. Until the holiday's roll around and you are reminded that you are alone. Which is why so many single women hate Valentine's day, it just reminds them that they don't have anyone special in their life and that can be a pretty sucky reminder.

    8 You believe you are pretty awesome

    Whenever someone asks someone who is single why they are single a question pops in their head. Because let's face it, we are all pretty awesome women so how come it seems close to impossible to find a decent man to love us? Single women get asked this all the time, they never know what to say. Because let's be honest here, no one is going to say "oh it is because I am crazy" or something negative-- no because generally speaking single women, it isn't their fault. It is the men in this world-- the men act all entitled while these women have to wait around for the right man to come to their rescue. When most of these single women are pretty freaking awesome and they know it! Too bad these guys they like don't see it. Single women relate to this meme because they believe they are awesome, which they are, so how come all these single-awesome-women have a difficult time finding the right guy? A question that so many people seem to not be able to answer and leave single women wondering on the daily.

    7 Single's party!

    You know in the movie Valentine's Day how Jessica Biel's character throws an "I hate Valentine's Day party" well it is kind of like that. Some single women enjoy getting together every once in awhile, drink wine, and tell dating stories. It makes them feel better knowing they aren't exactly alone. And often, other single women lift other single women up and it is all because they have one thing in common-- being single! A single girl relates to this because what is more fun than poking fun at being single. Plus you can get together with all your girlfriends and just have a good time. It is like that line in Taylor Swift's song "New Romantics", where she says "We're the new romantics, come along with me, heartbreak is the national anthem, we sing it proudly"-- some single women enjoy being single and throwing a "pathetic single girls party" makes them happy then so be it.

    6 Strong, independent, and Single

    Sometimes when you have been single for quite some time, you can come across as desperate when you finally meet someone. You may think you are a strong, independent, and single woman and then bam! a guy pops into your life and suddenly you are conflicted. You don't want to lose your freedom, and you enjoy focusing on yourself for once but you see someone you like, are you supposed to just ignore them? This happens a lot, especially to women to have been single for a long time and kind of forget what it is like to be in a relationship. Perhaps they just got out of something and now they feel this new found freedom and they really want to focus on themselves but it is nearly impossible to control how you feel about someone. Some women forget, though, you don't have to lose your freedom, and you can still focus on yourself and be with someone-- as long as they are the right person. Otherwise, just keep swimming and focusing on yourself.

    5 When your crush flirts with another girl

    The worst feeling ever for someone who is single but they like someone is having to watch your crush as they flirt with all those other girls. It can really tug on your heart strings, plus no one wants to watch their crush flirt with someone else. It is a sad moment when you become conflicted on telling your crush how you truly feel or continue to watch them date other women. It is even worse when your crush knows how you feel and ends up flirting anyways-- which in that case he isn't a good guy and you should run. But in all fairness, you cannot control matters of the heart as your heart feels what it wants to feel. And watching your crush with someone else is never easy. Anyone would be upset or jealous over the guy they like flirting with other women, it isn't a fun feeling at all. But it is also natural, as we can't always have things go our way.

    4 You believe you will end up alone

    And the longer you remain single the longer you become doubtful that you will ever find someone good enough and your next result is you believing you will end up alone. No one wants to believe they will be alone in their apartment with eight cats-- but it is definitely a terrifying thought. Especially when your love life is nonexistent and all your dates seem to be really bad. You start to wonder if you will ever find that special someone, you become insecure, you doubt yourself. You start making lists in your head of what is wrong with you and how come you cannot find anyone. All these thoughts go through single women's minds-- as they dread the idea of being alone forever. Sometimes a single woman will find themselves drowning their sorrows in a bottle of wine and listening to T-Swift as they imagine what their life will end up if they don't find someone fast.

    3 You are single and your crush accepts your friend request

    That super exciting moment when you find out that your crush has accepted your friend request or is following you on all social media accounts. Isn't it funny how social media works? We all know that it doesn't really mean anything let alone defines us and yet the defining moment when he likes your picture, follows you on Instagram and twitter, is friends on facebook-- this ginormous grin builds on your face as you realize that maybe your crush does notice you after all. When you find yourself single for awhile, you start to lose hope in finding someone so when your crush does follow you back on social media your heart goes up in a frenzy because you start to believe that things could actually move forward, you get hopeful. Suddenly every single girl calls up her friends just to tell them the news, it isn't anything major but your crush accepting your friend request is pretty huge news especially when you really like this person.

    2 When you see a happy couple

    When you are single and none of your dates have been going anywhere you become doubtful that you will ever find someone but you also become bitter for any relationships you come into contact with. For example, you are at a restaurant and see a cute couple having dinner and it's all romantic, or you are walking down the street and you see a couple getting all cozy. Even scrolling through social media can really suck when you are constantly seeing cute couple photos of them kissing, or holding hands or just something that makes all single women feel like these couples are throwing their relationship in their faces. It isn't easy and yet they are constantly reminded by these couples that they are still single-- while everyone else is getting engaged, married, and having babies-- they are still deciding who they like and accepting that they might be single for a long time. And sometimes you just want someone you can text, even if it wasn't a relationship right away, just to have someone is better than nothing.

    1 This could be us thoughts…

    And let's say you are single but have someone you are interested in, perhaps a "friends with benefits", you keep thinking things will turn out differently, like in movies, but you know that is just unrealistic expectations. Still, you like them enough that you have hope and you can't help but wonder what it would be like if you two were actually together. For a single girl that has someone of interest it can be hard, and this meme fits perfectly. You know you two have a connection so why is it so difficult for him to just commit? Or sometimes you just want to be able to post cute pictures on social media. We have all been there, still being in an in-between with a guy is never fun. As feelings always develop. Single women see other couples posting photos and think about what it would be like to do that too.