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    15 Memes That Describe A Horrible First Date

    First dates are big. They are events in our lives that make our palms sweaty, our hearts race and make us change the way we think of things when we are with our date. A lot of pressures exist for the first date and it is always a pleasurable surprise when they go well! Although some may have the good experiences with first dates (that lead to second dates, third dates, etc.), there are some individuals who have not had this luck. First dates are also known to go extremely bad!

    There are many reasons a first date can go bad. For some, it just is simply that you don't click, but in some cases, there can be something seriously wrong with the other person that makes the experience terrible. People do weird things when under pressure and trying to get something they want. They change the way they act, or sometimes, they don't change anything at all. The crazy can be let out or the filters are not there. For a first date, although you don't want them to lie to you, you would still hope that they do their best to impress, but for some people this is simply not realistic.

    If you have never had a bad first date, be thankful because there are many people out there who have been traumatized because of them. If you have experienced a horrible first date, know that you are not alone and that (hopefully) it can only get better!

    Here are 15 memes that perfectly describe a horrible first date!

    15 One Does Not Be Themselves

    Dates can put a lot of pressure on both individuals and you want to ensure you can do everything possible for the date to like you. You dress up in your best clothes, begin to brainstorm things you can ask and tell them, and ensure that you bring up the similarities you have with each other. The night arrives and as you begin the date, you notice that a lot of the things that are being said are almost EXACTLY what you were thinking and feeling! This date couldn't have gone any better and you probably will never find someone who is more similar to you! The problem is that it isn't until later that you realize he was faking it the whole time. On a first date, it is common for someone to not be himself until he is sure he has you. Finding out someone acted differently just to get you is definitely a horrible first date!

    14 Doesn't Know It's A Date

    Going on a first date can be filled with excitement and anxiety over not knowing how the date will go. But just the fact that you are getting out there and dating can be a big step! The time finally comes to meet the guy and butterflies are floating in your stomach about how awesome this guy seems. Maybe he is even the one! Then you mention that first dates always make you nervous, but this one seems to be going good, and he stops in his tracks with wide eyes. Then it hits you. He had no idea that this was a date and you have just thrown out the window any chance you had (which was slim to say the least). He simply thought you were friends going out for dinner. This can be a huge blow and you begin to question every moment the two of you had.

    13 He Isn't Hero Material

    It is a dream to find a man who can be your hero among the problems of daily life. You want someone who will stand by your side and fight for you no matter what. He may even try to put his life in jeopardy just to ensure you are okay. Heroes can come in different shapes and sizes, and although he may not look like a hero, he can still be brave and fight for you. Then there are those who don't or won't fight for you at all. When something bad happens, he is the one to PUT you in harm's way to save his own skin. Whether this is in confrontational situations or even perhaps dangerous situations, he is the one asking for a hero. On some first dates, you will unfortunately find that some guys are just good at screaming for help instead of taking action to do something.

    12 Invasive (Knows no Boundaries)

    Some individuals are just naturally touchy-feely. They want to share everything with another person and be sure that you are always close by and respect very few boundaries. This works for some couples, but most times, if someone knows no boundaries, it can be very uncomfortable. If you are on a first date and you begin to notice that your date has moved in very close, or begins eating food off your plate, he may not just trying to be cute and cozy. This is a sign that your date is probably very invasive by nature. In extreme situations, you may even come across someone who decides to use his fingers and dip into that delicious meal you just ordered. When on a first date and your date sticks his finger into your spaghetti, twirls it around and hollers, “Lookie date, I'm making sketti circles!” you know it is time to run!

    11 The Crazy One (Suddenly Their Crazy comes out)

    Ever seen the show How I Met Your Mother? We all laughed at Ted's inability to keep his passionate love to himself and instead announced his love to every keen interest he ever had. We think to ourselves, what a silly guy; luckily no one is actually ever that desperate and crazy! If this is your thinking, you are very wrong. There are people out there who will jump instantly in love with the first person they see. Love at first sight is very real for them and has happened quite a number of times already. If your first date goes well and you are happy with the way it went, but as you are leaving, your date yells out and asks you to marry him, he might not be kidding! There are actually people out there who will let their crazy come out and confess their undying love and ask for your hand in marriage after one meeting!

    10 Profile Lies

    Online dating has become a great resource for individuals who have a hard time meeting other people. It allows for you to access a whole range of people and match your likes, dislikes, and beliefs all online before you actually have to meet them! This can be a great way to narrow down who to spend your time and efforts on and avoid the crazy ones. Has online dating eliminated the existence of horrible first dates? Nope! It's harsh but true that people are liars. They will do anything they can to get what they want, and that may even mean lying about who they are! If you are excited to meet your date that you met online, you may be surprised to find out they look and are nothing like they expressed online. Now is the time to text your friend and tell them to call you in two minutes for a fake emergency!

    9 They Like Your Psycho Side

    Everyone has deep dark secrets about their true passions, their nerdy confessions, and other things they won't admit openly to just anyone. When looking for a potential soulmate, you want to find someone who will accept you for who you are, crazy and all. The thing is that sometimes it can be a good idea to not show ALL of your crazy instantly. Let them get to know you a bit first and then slowly reveal your psycho side. You may recognize that you should be hiding some of these things initially, but on first dates, you may find that your date wants to get it all out on the table right away. He confesses his love of smelling clean carpets, obsession with seeing a person sneeze, and any other weird thing that should be kept to himself at least for the first date. Some horrible first dates occur because someone is not willing to hide his or her craziness.

    8 Planning Your Future (Children)

    The reasons for dating can vary from person to person. Some choose to date so they can find someone with whom to simply spend time, and others look for a person they can perhaps one day marry. Usually the reason for dating will come out on a first date and you can determine if you are both in it for the same thing. Going on a date with someone that suddenly is planning how many children you will have is a horrible first date not wished upon anyone. Dealing with the awkwardness of telling the person “no” can be very hard. When your date is so extreme and sure of the fact that you will be the one to have his children, it can become uncomfortable and creepy. These individuals are usually extreme personalities that are ready to run you down the aisle and get busy right away. Figure out an excuse and get out of there!

    7 The Money Saver

    If you are heavy into the dating life, things can get expensive. Usually dates involve going out and eating a nice dinner or getting tickets for a show. But if you are truly serious about finding your forever person, you may be willing to stick it out for the later reward of having someone to call your own. One horrible first date experience can involve the money saver. This is the person who takes you to McDonalds and asks you to order off of the dollar menu -- the type of individual who is such a penny-pincher that he cannot even allow a first date to be even a bit more expensive than a $5.99 meal. These are the first dates that leave you feeling unloved, unappreciated, and angry at how cheap your date is! Guaranteed if your date leaves you feeling like this, there won't be a follow-up date any time soon.

    6 Find Out You Are Related

    We live in a very big world with different countries and cities. For the size of the world and amount of people in it, sometimes the world can feel very small. We run into people who know our high school friend in Australia, we see the teachers who taught our grade one class, and experience a wide-range of other coincidental circumstances that leave us questioning the actual size of the world. This can apply to the dating world too. You are having a lovely time and begin to mention friends and family members as you are on your date. Suddenly he mentions the name of someone you know, prompting you both to work hard to go backwards and figure out how you two are connected and your faces drop. Turns out you might be cousins! A first date in which this happens could not end more awkwardly and would definitely go down in the books as being one of the most horrible dates ever.

    5 Awful Outfits

    Everyone has his or her own sense of style. There are those that wear it loud and proud, and others who keep it clean and conservative. No matter what your style is, your date will most definitely have different tastes in clothes than you (at least you hope they don't have the same outfit that you are wearing!). But the worst first dates are when you realize just HOW bad your date's fashion sense actually is. Picture yourself waiting for your date to meet you at a beautiful fancy restaurant, and he walks in the door and you see he is wearing spandex. If it is a blind date, you have the option to run, but if it isn't, time to get your biggest and most fake smile on your face and find any excuse you can to get out of this restaurant. Awful outfits can be a major way to guarantee no second date!

    4 Extremely Awkward

    Sometimes we just have to accept the fact that first dates will be awkward. It is a time when two people, who know very little of each other, are forced to get to know one another in a public place. There may be awkward pauses, but that is just typical of a first date. Then there are the first dates that go beyond the simple awkwardness and enter into extreme don't-look-at-him-it-might-make-it-worse types of awkwardness. Even silence is less embarrassing than what is being said and you just pray that he will stop talking. These are the types of conversations that begin with something innocent, become over-personal, and just go further into extremity. Even telling your date to stop talking would not help with the last thing he just said. These can be some of the most horrible first dates ever because there is nothing you can do to make it stop. It just keeps going, and going, and going… .

    3 Says Stupid Things

    Because the pressure for a first date is so high, you can find yourself tongue-tied and saying stupid things. If your date is forgiving of your nervousness, it can be okay, and he may even find it cute. But what if your date is saying stupid things that are beyond stupid? Perhaps he is rambling on about how the chicken you are eating looks under-cooked, but because you ate it already you will probably go home and have to use the washroom. He then continues to describe all of the bodily functions that you will experience in great and gory detail. People can say stupid things and it is not necessarily due to nervousness. If you find yourself with a date that is saying overly stupid things and does not understand how uncomfortable or weirded-out it is making you feel, this may be one of those horrible first dates! Congratulations!

    2 Family Gets Involved

    Everyone knows of the stereotypical father that makes the guy sit nervously on the couch while being interrogated to see if he is good enough for his daughter. We all laugh at how silly it is and that the poor guy never asked for this. But the fact is that deep down inside, we know that the dad isn't serious and is just looking to make sure his daughter gets the best. Well, what if you come across someone whose family member is very serious and seems to be very invested in this date? When the family gets involved, it can be very intimidating, frightening, and horrible. They may even ask to be at the date to supervise what is going on… and you are 30 years old! If you fear for your life because of his family's involvement, this horrible first date should maybe end as soon as possible. Personal safety comes before possible love, right?

    1 Trying Way Too Hard

    Ever see that awkward encounter when a guy is going above and beyond to impress a girl? It can be cute to see him flail around trying to make sure she likes him. Then there are those horrible first dates where your date is trying WAY too hard. He almost knocks the table over trying to stand up and pull out your chair for you, he laughs too hard (you weren't even making a joke!), and his face is glued on yours when you speak (as if he is hanging on your every word and waiting to jump up and do your bidding). For some, this may be flattering that the date is trying so hard to impress, but when it gets to a point where it is annoying and weird, it may be time to tell this guy that date number two is just not going to happen, much to his likely disappointment.