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    15 Amazing Acts Of Kindness That Will Bring You To Tears

    Sometimes you hear about a kind act that renews your faith in people. It might be a little thing like the adoption of an older pet or it might be something a little more ambitious like donating a kidney but either way it touches you. You might smile, you might tear up and you'll certainly share that uplifting story. But, do you know the most important part of hearing about a kindness that moves you? You'll be inspired by these selfless acts and who knows where that may lead you. There are so many ways to spread a little kindness today. You certainly don't have to do things on a grand scale. Do what you can when you can. From paying for a coffee for the customer behind you to donating your time at a shelter, there are so many ways you can do good and feel good. So, check out these inspirational stories of kindness and be ready to go out and share the love.

    15 Stranger's Letter Prepares Little Girl for Kindergarten

    Kindergarten can be a scary prospect for any child but when a stranger overhears a little girl lamenting her fears on the bus he quickly pens a letter and hands it to her mom without a word.

    It read, "When you practice letters enough, and the sounds they make, they'll start to work together and make sense, and then you'll be reading. When you can read, you'll know what EVERYTHING says. All the signs, all the names, all the books, writing is EVERYWHERE if you look. Soon you'll be able to read books, and everything there is to know is in them! You'll be able to find out whatever you want! It probably won't be easy, but it won't be hard forever. It's going to be so exciting! Good luck!”

    Needless to say little Ella felt a lot better about making the big step with these words of encouragement and her mother, Alaura May is forever grateful.

    14 Lady Pays off 20,000 Worth of LayAway Balances For Strangers

    Imagine this; a lady walks into Toys R Us and asks to pay off the lay away balance. When asked, “Which one?” She answers: “All of them.” When it come to paying it forward, this lady went big. A total stranger paid off 20,000 dollars owing and made Christmas a little brighter for loads of families. It's unclear why she did what she did but rest assured her kind act not only helped a number of families with the financial burden that can be Christmas but it's also likely started a trend that we may see, on a smaller scale, again and again. What's in it for the lovely lady, you ask? Nothing, except for a warm feeling and great karma.

    13 Homeless Man Finds and Returns Thousands 

    What would you do? A Homeless man in found $2,400 dollars in Vancouver Island and turned it into the RCMP. When strangers found out about his honesty, they set up a GoFundMe page and were able to raise more than $5,000 for the man. Surely, a homeless man would appreciate his award for such an honest act. His response: a letter stating he'd like all money raised to go to charity. This kind soul has proved that he has little use for cash but he knows full well who does and he made sure it made it to the right place. Here's hoping these good deeds bring the sixty year old man from Langford even more good luck.

    12 Stranger Befriends Little Girl On a Plane

    Flying with children is tense at the best of times. Throw in an autistic toddler and a long flight after a week at Disney and the tension is at it's highest. That's why one mother wrote an open letter to the kind business man who helped her daughter manage the long flight when he was assigned the seat next to the little girl.

    An except reads “So, thank you.  Thank you for not making me repeat those awful apologetic sentences that I so often say in public.  Thank you for entertaining Kate so much that she had her most successful plane ride, yet.  And, thank you for putting your papers away and playing turtles with our girl.”

    Read the full letter here

    11 Police and Firefighters Turn Up to Celebrate at Birthday Party For Child

    Glen Buratti just wanted to celebrate his 6th birthday with his classmates. It doesn't seem like much to ask. The little boy with autism invited his whole class to ensure his party would be special. His mother waited for RSVP's to roll in and when not one did she help out hope that a few kids might come anyway. When not one of the invited guests showed up to her boy's party both Glen and his mother were crushed.  She took her concerns to social media and the response was immediate. Soon after local police and firefighters picked up the story and made their way to celebrate with the boy and even arranged for some great gifts. Glen and his mother certainly got more than they bargained for and they deserved every bit.

    10 Man Donates $40 Million Dollar Lottery Win in Memory of Late Wife

    True love never dies, at least on the case of one man. Tom Crist, a Calgary native, won a record-breaking jackpot and did something that few could. Christ decided that the $40 million dollars he won in the lottery should be destined to go to multiple cancer charities. Christ lost his wife to lung cancer in 2012. It was this tragedy that gave Crist reason to see how crucial that kind of money could be to cancer charities. With his most generous act he'll certainly be changing the life of others struggling with the disease.

    9 Radio Station Pays Mortgage For Mom Who Lost Her Son

    There seems to be no shortage of kindness out there. When a mom lost her son in a tragic workplace accident a town felt her pain. It wasn't long when a local radio station decided that she needed time to grieve and paid her mortgage for half a year to give her that time. This was truly a case of a community coming together for one of their own. While nothing could bring her boy back, the kind act would allow her to take some time to grieve without the added pressure of paying her mortgage.  They also raised $5000 to help mom create something in her son's memory.

    8 Terminally Ill Mother Asks Nurse to Care For Her Son 

    Nurses are meant to be kind, caring and patient but one nurse took her job beyond the regular duties when she agreed to care for the son of one of her dying patients. Tricia Somers never though she would have to find a caregiver for her son but when faced with that reality she turned to the nurse she trusted so much. Tricia Seaman, an oncology nurse who cared for Somers, took the task of raising her patient's son to heart and gave Somers, 48, who is currently living with liver cancer some peace of mind as she continues with her brave battle.

    7 Big Brother Does Something Amazing For His Sibling

    If you think an eight year old triathlete is impressive wait until you check out Noah. He's the eight year old triathlete that takes his disabled brother, Luke, on every race he competes in. Luke was born with a rare brain malformation and has many health problems. Others might see these health issues as reasons that Luke could not enjoy the things that other little boys love to do. That certainly didn't stop his brother from making sure Luke could experience the best parts of being a kid by taking him on every leg of the triathlons he competes in. Noah is one loyal big brother to make sure his brother can compete with him and Luke likely appreciates every minute of it.

    6 Passengers Give Up Seats for Great Reason

    What do you do when you see thirteen Marines board a plane after returning home from Afghanistan? You immediately get up and offer them your first class seat. At least that's what thirteen amazing and very grateful passengers did at Chicago's O'Hare's International Airport in 2013. The patriotic passengers were quick to offer these heroes a little luxury for all that they do. This would have been a pretty emotional scene to say the least. If only all service men and women could feel so appreciated everywhere they go. Surely, this is another trend that is likely to catch on.

    5 Make-a-Wish Kid Has Coolest Wish Ever

    A five year old boy fighting Leukaemia turned San Francisco into Gotham city as "BatKid" for a day back in 2013 and the whole world watched and cheered him on. The bat mobile made an appearance, as did the Joker and other Batman villains. The Batkid saved 'Gotham' from these dangerous villains with the help of many. This little guy will melt your heart and make you believe in miracles because not only did the entire city get into his wish but so did millions on social media. Even President Obama tweeted some inspiration. This was, certainly, not the last we'll see of this tiny super hero.

    Check out his upcoming document here

    4 Grieving Son Outbid for His Father's Patrol Car

    When a police officer is killed in the line of duty there is little to console his family. Tanner Brownlee was fifteen when his father was killed and five years later he and his family decided to raise money to bid on his father's patrol car at auction. Tanner, now twenty, raised $3000 to bid on his father's car but the bids were soon far beyond his budget and capped out at a whopping $60,000 dollars. No sooner had the auction closed than the winner, a local rancher named Steve Wells, handed the keys over to Tanner. There wasn't a dry eye in the house.

    3 Garden Maintained by Homeless Artist

    When you have nothing you might appreciate the ability to make something beautiful. Jeff Harmes, a homeless man of more than thirty years, took to decorating the median on a street where he spends most of his time. Complete with a squash garden and rock sculptures Harmes little touch of beauty inspires anyone who drives by. After vandals took to destroying much of his hard work including his squash garden, some concerned local residents helped the unlikely gardener clean up the mess and recreate his garden. It's clear that the neighbourhood enjoys that little artistic garden as much as the creator.

    2 Basketball Players Walk Off Court When Classmate is Bullied

    When three Lincoln Middle School's basketball players noticed that their classmate and cheerleader of the team was being bullied for having Down Syndrome they walked off the court to end her torment. Making a move like this can be tough to do, especially while visiting an opponents school, but the boys refused to play while one of their own was being harassed. These boys showed strength and character to protect their friend. The actions the youths took reminded a nation that bullying for any reason is unacceptable and this girl was just as much a part of that team as any player on it.

    1 They Celebrated Christmas Everyday Until She Passed Away

    A young woman battling brain cancer had her friends and family rally around her and gave her Christmas every day until she passed. Haley Cary inspired many before she passed away and was even a volunteer at a cancer centre before she was even diagnosed. Many in her town and beyond sent messages of love to the young woman as she battled the deadly disease. Those that loved her wanted her to feel that love every single minute she had left on earth so they made sure every day was Christmas. This was one young woman that made her mark and many mourned when she was lost.