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    Titanic Nostalgia 20 Reasons We're Still Mad At Rose For Not Saving Jack

    It's hard to believe that it has been over 20 years since we saw James Cameron's Titanic on the silver screen. What a great movie and it starred two of our favourite actors, Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet. It was the first major movie for Winslet and it certainly brought her a lot of attention. They were so young at the time and it's truly amazing to see how they have grown over the years. They are both major actors now.

    Titanic was such an epic movie, not just because it was based on a true story but because of the iconic love story that Cameron brought to the movie and our hearts. As much as we loved the movie, though, pretty much the entire world was saddened by the fact that the character of Jack did not survive at the end of it. We all wanted this couple to end up together and the fact that they actually made it off the boat made it even more difficult to accept that he did not make it.

    Was it Rose's fault? Could she have shimmied over just a bit to let him onto the door? We've asked ourselves what might have been if Jack had lived. Check out these 20 reasons we're still mad at Rose for not saving Jack.

    20 Her Man Froze Right Before Her Eyes

    That was the bottom line, wasn't it? That was where most of the anger came from when it came to the fans. The fact that we found the ending so painful to watch. How was it possible that she was just going to sit there and watch him freeze to death? Move over, Rose! At least try to save the guy's life. We couldn't imagine the agony of being in their situation and knowing there was nothing you could do to save him. Through it all he was so sweet about it.

    "Winning that ticket, Rose, was the best thing that ever happened to me… it brought me to you. And I'm thankful for that, Rose. I'm thankful. You must do me this honor, Rose. Promise me you'll survive. That you won't give up, no matter what happens, no matter how hopeless. Promise me now, Rose, and never let go of that promise."

    19 Sharing The Door Would Have Changed Everything

    There is James Cameron right there in the water with them knowing that he's planning to end Jack's life. As much as the fan outrage went on after the movie, Cameron was actually a little irritated by it. Fans were stating that Jack could have fit onto that door without a problem and Cameron wasn't having any of it. He was dismayed by the fact that people were even questioning his choices. He told Vanity Fair,

    “I think it's all kind of silly, really, that we're having this discussion 20 years later. But it does show that the film was effective in making Jack so endearing to the audience that it hurts them to see him die.”

    18 They Could Have Traveled Together

    One thing about Jack was that he loved to travel. Jack made it pretty clear that he loved being a drifter and had he lived, he and Rose probably would have travelled the world together. Some of his most memorable lines in the movie hint at that fact and the beautiful future he was planning:

    “I got air in my lungs, a few blank sheets of paper. I mean, I love waking up in the morning not knowing what's gonna happen or, who I'm gonna meet, where I'm gonna wind up. Just the other night I was sleeping under a bridge and now here I am on the grandest ship in the world having champagne with you fine people. I figure life's a gift and I don't intend on wasting it. You don't know what hand you're gonna get dealt next. You learn to take life as it comes at you - to make each day count."

    17 He Was Her First Love

    Sure, she was engaged to be married to another man, but Rose didn't love Cal. Not the way that she loved Jack. Cal seemed to be an obligation that her mother put on her so that they could have a better life and be wealthy. She didn't seem to care that Rose didn't really want to marry Cal.

    When Rose met Jack, her heart completely opened to him. He was clearly her first love and we imagine had she saved his life that they would have stayed together and left the ship together.

    “I've never spoken of him until now… Not to anyone… Not even your grandfather. A woman's heart is a deep ocean of secrets. But now you know there was a man named Jack Dawson and that he saved me, in every way that a person can be saved. I don't even have a picture of him. He exists now… only in my memory."

    Can you please pass the tissues?

    16 He Risked Everything For Her

    During that period of time, a person in Jack's position could have really got himself into a lot of trouble by even just associating with Rose. We saw how Cal was able to have him arrested and no one seemed to care whether he was actually innocent or not. He really put himself out there to save Rose, such as when he went with her to warm Cal about the iceberg.

    He was constantly putting himself in a position where he might disappear or get hurt, and she allowed him to seemingly without fear as to what would happen to him.

    15 He Already Had Her On A Boat

    One of the most frustrating aspects of watching the movie was the fact that Jack had already saved Rose by getting her onto the boat. She should have stayed on the boat because Jack would have had only to worry about himself at that point and his chances of survival would have increased significantly.

    Had he found that door at the end he would have been on it himself, alive, knowing that Rose was somewhere safe on the boat. She might have even returned to find him later on.

    14 Her Heart Always Belonged To Him

    At the end of the movie we saw an older Rose telling her granddaughter that her heart always belonged to Jack. She didn't even tell the man that she married about him because she knew he wouldn't understand. She also didn't want him to know that she was still in love with Jack.

    “A woman's heart is a deep ocean of secrets.” It's really sad to think that the one man that she gave her whole heart to died that night the Titanic sunk and she may have been able to save him. Sadly, we'll never know what could've happened.

    13 They Were So Alike

    Part of the reason why Rose fell in love with Jack was because they discovered that they shared a lot of the same dreams. Jack was an artist and Rose deeply loved art, yet it was something that Cal couldn't relate to at all. Every time that she heard about one of Jack's adventures, she would envision herself doing the same thing. They danced together, had a few drinks together and overall just seemed like a match made in heaven.

    Although she should have been knee-deep in planning her wedding to Cal, she was falling in love with Jack. Remember this brilliant line? "I know. It doesn't make any sense. That's why I trust it."

    12 They Would Have Worked For A Living

    There are a ton of theories on Reddit about how Jack and Rose would have lived their lives had they got off the ship together. It's pretty obvious that they would have travelled together and worked when they had to. Rose did go out and become an actress so she might have done the same thing.

    Unfortunately, a lot of the Reddit users believe that Cal would not have left them alone after they were rescued and Jack would have been arrested again. But we like to believe that they would have run away together, got jobs and lived happily ever after.

    11 She Complained About The Cold

    This was one scene that was a little hard to take for fans and it launched a hundred memes. Poor Jack is literally immersed in freezing water and slowly exhibiting signs of hypothermia and Rose has the audacity of complaining about how cold she is. He has snot icicles hanging from his face and she looks at him and says, “I'm so cold."

    Jack has once again shown us how selfless he is when it comes to Rose and she's complaining about the weather when he is slowly dying in the water. We're not sure why she did it but not cool, Rose!

    10 He Was So Much More Selfless Than She Was

    Giving her the door to lie on was just one of many selfless acts that Jack showed us throughout the movie. Sure, Jack was in love with her which was why he tried to save her from Cal in the first place, but he was arrested multiple times, almost taken out and eventually he gave his life to save hers. We can't think of too many times aside from the party that she went to with him that she risked anything for him.

    It seemed, if anything, that she was constantly putting him in danger. Returning to warn Cal was the worst thing that she did.

    9 Jack Wasn't Lucky At All

    At the beginning of the movie, we see Jack winning the ticket on the Titanic in a lucky hand of cards. But was it really luck at all? He met Rose and fell in love but the dream they had of riding horses on the surf disappeared the moment the Titanic sank. He even told the guests at the fancy dinner that he was invited to that he was one lucky guy but had he never got on the “Ship of Dreams” he would've lived. And yet, he fell in love, telling Rose,

    "Rose, you're no picnic, all right? You're a spoiled little brat, even, but under that, you're the most amazingly, astounding, wonderful girl - woman - that I've ever known."

    8 She Calls For Help Too Late

    Out of sheer desperation, Rose flings herself off the door and goes in search of the whistle so that she can bring help to her. We wonder if it's something that she could have done earlier so that they could have saved Jack. Granted, Jack equally could have left to find help instead of just floating there but again, he was always trying to protect her and didn't want to leave her alone.

    Had she gone to go get the whistle sooner, help may have arrived in time to save Jack.

    7 They Would Have Been Married

    These two were destined to be married. It wouldn't have been the classy event that she would have had with Cal, but they surely would have done it. At that point, neither of them would have had any family to invite but they were the kind of people that would attract a lot of friends.

    Jack would have wanted to marry Rose, but that's not the only business he would have had once he got off that ship. As he says in the movie, “I don't know about you, but I intend to write a strongly worded letter to the White Star Line about all of this.”

    6 Jack Was Full Of Class And The Perfect Gentleman

    Despite his low status, Jack was more of a gentleman than Cal was. Cal had the name, the pedigree and the wealth but he was a bully that looked down on others. Jack was a good man who not only cared for Rose but treated her with the respect that she deserved. Even when she wanted to move their relationship further with the drawing of her and so on, he always asked her if she was sure that it was what she wanted.

    He wasn't pushy and right up until the end he conducted himself as a gentleman. That's probably why she fell for him in the first place.

    5 She Completely Let Him Go

    At the end of the movie fans really got the impression that Rose just gave up. Granted, anyone who survived the Titanic would have experienced a traumatic event. Rose may not have always been thinking straight. She jumped off a ship that was sinking and she had to endure temperatures that inhibited her chances of survival. But she told Jack that she would never let go and yet in the end she did.

    She said, “I'll never let go, Jack. I promise.” In the end, she watched Jack sink to the bottom of the ocean.

    4 It Hurt Everyone To See Him Go

    There's James Cameron again literally planning to end Jack's life in the most miserable way. It hurt fans so much to see Jack go that many of them went on missions to determine whether it was plausible for Rose to save Jack by letting him up on the door with her. There have been plenty of experiments conducted that claim that there was enough room on the door, but Cameron stated that it didn't matter because Jack would have not made it, either way. If it wasn't the door, it would have been something else.

    “The answer is very simple because it says on page 147 [of the script] that Jack dies,” the director told Vanity Fair. “Very simple.”

    3 Their Kids Would Have Been Beautiful

    Kids would have been a given back then. It's not like Rose and Jack would have got off the ship and decided to travel for the rest of their lives and never have kids. That generation was all about starting a family and Rose certainly would have wanted to do that with the love of her life. They would have had beautiful children together and life would have been very different for Rose.

    There are even some theories out there that suggest that the picture you see at the end of the movie which features Rose on a horse is not Rose at all, but her daughter instead. It is suggested that Rose got off that boat pregnant and that her granddaughter is of Jack's lineage. Mind blown!

    2 Why Did She Want To Help Cal?

    The Titanic makes contact with an iceberg and the whole ship goes into chaos. Jack and Rose are one of the few that saw the event so they know what happened right away. Rose is concerned about the passengers, including her mother. She wants to go back to the room and warn Cal about the ship. That's a conversation that she should have thought through first. Even if Jack wasn't arrested, how did she think that whole scene was going to play out?

    “Oh Cal, the ship is sinking, I just wanted to let you know. Okay bye, I'm leaving with Jack.” There was no good ending to that scene and she should have stayed with Jack.

    1 They Would Have Sold The Diamond

    We still can't believe Rose kept that diamond and then threw it into the ocean. That poor guy who was banking his career on finding that diamond! Had Jack lived, they would have likely tried to sell the diamond in some way to have a means of living for a while.

    One Reddit user suggests, “Rose would pawn her necklace for immediate needs and Jack would find some labor job, working his way into being a reasonably successful businessman. By the time her mother finds them they are married and have children.” If only!