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    Married To Carrie Underwood 25 Details To Know About Her Life With Mike Fisher

    They don't make it into the tabloids the way that other famous couples do, and that probably makes fans love Carrie Underwood and Mike Fisher all the more.

    Married for eight years, these two seem like an unlikely pair to those who don't know the ins and outs of their fairy-tale romance. Carrie's the vegan country singer from Oklahoma, and Mike's the star athlete from Canada whose favorite pastime is hunting.

    And yet, they've managed to make it work.

    Parents to Isaiah Michael, three, and an unborn baby boy, Carrie and Mike are often asked to reveal the facts behind their successful marriage. But keeping things private is one of the ways they've managed to maintain their relationship, and neither is one to kiss and tell.

    Still, it's possible to find out some details about this marriage that has defied some serious struggles, and the US-Canada border. Carrie and Mike have made it through the media spreading rumors about them, having to live and work huge distances away from each other, and all the pressures that come with parenthood. And they're still going strong!

    Here are some little-known details about Carrie and Mike's marriage, and how they've made it together.

    25 Carrie Wasn't Looking For A Long-Distance Relationship When They Met

    They say that love comes to you when you least expect it, and the key to finding it is to stop looking.

    That's certainly what happened to Carrie-at the time she met Mike, she wasn't searching for something long-term and she certainly wasn't looking for a relationship that would extend across the border.

    But when her friend offered to set her up with the striking athlete, something in her decided to go with it. We bet she's glad she stumbled into this relationship!

    24 The Proposal Was Very Romantic And Meaningful

    Nearly a full year later on December 20th 2009, Mike proposed to Carrie. This couple isn't into PDAs and oversharing, and the proposal was perfect for their laid-back style. Rather than relying on novelties and gimmicks, Mike quietly asked at home on a lazy Sunday afternoon. How could she say no? They texted their friends and family with the news soon after, and told the Toronto Sun the next day. “It's true,” Mike said, “We're both obviously excited and very happy.”

    23 They've Shut Down Divorce Allegations

    The couple has always seemed happy, and a little like they're actually living a real-life fairy-tale romance. Recently, however, a gossip magazine claimed that the couple was on the verge of a split, and fans started to send them best wishes on social media. When one user commented on Mike's IG that he would pray for their marriage, Mike was quick to dismiss the rumors and assure the world that their relationship is fine. “We've never been better,” he bluntly commented.

    22 They Support Each Other's Goals

    One of the reasons why they've lasted for ten years is because Carrie and Mike support each other unconditionally. Mike is always posting online in support of his wife's achievements and endeavors in her musical profession. And when Mike decided to return to the Nashville Predators after retiring in 2017, he was thrilled to have Carrie's blessing. He revealed that every day she would ask him what he had planned for the future, and was ready to support him in whatever he wanted to do.

    21 Mike Likes To Hunt, But Carrie Loves Animals

    You wouldn't think an animal lover and a hunter would make a happy couple, but somehow, Carrie and Mike find a way to make it work. In the beginning, the issue caused some tension in their relationship, and it was tough for the two to understand where the other was coming from. While Carrie feels passionate about animals and Mike feels connected to God while out in the woods, they compromise by avoiding meat from large-scale farms and eating only the meat Mike himself has hunted.

    20 Both Carrie And Mike Are Independent

    Being married doesn't have to involve living out of each other's pockets.

    Carrie and Mike are quite independent as individuals, which really helps them to survive long stretches they have to spend apart due to work commitments.

    For the first few months that they were married, they were away from each other for weeks at a time-Carrie was doing her music in Nashville, while Mike was in Canada playing and training with the Ottawa Senators.

    19 They Were Introduced By A Friend

    It's not uncommon for couples to find each other through mutual friends. It was Mark Childers, Carrie's bassist and friend, who encouraged Carrie to go on a blind date with his friend. At the time, Carrie lived in Franklin, Tennessee, and was worried that the encounter with someone who lived so far away would be awkward. She suggested that they meet backstage at one of her shows. As we know, things went well, and the pair agreed to see each other again.

    18 Mike Dotes On Carrie While She's Pregnant

    Being pregnant isn't easy, but it's a little more comfortable when you're with a partner who's ready to dote on you. According to Us Weekly, Mike treats his wife like a total queen when she's pregnant.

    He does everything from rubbing her feet to reading parenting books so he can keep himself baby savvy, and taking her out on date nights to spice things back up and make her feel beautiful. Take note, fellas… what a lucky girl!

    17 It Was Basically Love At First Sight

    It took them a while to actually start seeing each other after their initial meeting, but both Carrie and Mike maintain that there was an instant attraction between them.

    Mike revealed that when he first saw Carrie backstage at her concert, he thought to himself that she was “more beautiful in person than on TV.”

    That is saying something! And all Carrie had to say when she first met Mike was that he was super cute. She didn't say it to his face, though, but to Childers in a text.

    16 They Have A Son Named Isaiah

    In February of 2015, Mike and Carrie welcomed their baby boy Isaiah Michael. Now a toddler, Isaiah goes along with his mom on tour and often has the best seat in the house. He spends a lot of time hanging out in her dressing room or playing with the family's dogs, who also get to come on tour. When Mike is away for work, Isaiah FaceTimes him. Cute! Sometimes Carrie takes Isaiah to fun outings while on tour, if she can get a break from her hectic schedule.

    15 And Another One On The Way

    This family isn't quite finished growing yet! In 2018, Carrie announced via IG that she's expecting her second child. “Mike and Isaiah and I are absolutely over the moon and excited to be adding another little fish to our pond!” she said.

    Both Carrie and Mike have talked about having a big family in the past, and have even talked about adopting more kids when their children are older.

    She's also revealed that the new bubs is a boy!

    14 The Honeymoon Phase Ended For Them After Their Son Arrived

    The honeymoon phase of their relationship may be over for Carrie and Mike, but that doesn't mean they're no longer in love. According to Carrie, it's a different kind of love. She told E! Online that things officially changed when they became parents. “We have a kid… I think that's when the honeymoon phase, if it hasn't ended already, that's when it officially ends-when you have a child,” she said, attributing the lack of romance to an abundance of diapers.

    13 Their First Date And Kiss Was On New Year's Eve

    Though Mike and Carrie met in person for the first time backstage at her concert, they didn't have their first official date until New Year's Eve 2008, three months from when they originally met.

    Although they liked each other when they met, their demanding jobs and the huge distance between them stopped them from continuing the relationship.

    New Year's Eve of that year marked not only their first date but also their first kiss. It happened when the ball dropped!

    12 Their Honeymoon Took Place Overseas

    The honeymoon phase of the relationship may have passed, but this couple had a honeymoon to remember. A week after their wedding, they traveled to the French Polynesian island of Tahiti.

    While they certainly stayed in luxury and got to have a break from their busy jobs, they weren't totally safe from the paparazzi.

    The newlyweds were caught holding hands when they came off the plane, sunbathing on the patio of their lavish suite, and frolicking in the water together.

    11 Relocating To Nashville Meant Mike Could Be Closer To Carrie

    In February of 2011, Mike moved to Nashville so he could be closer to his wife. He was drafted by the Nashville Predators, which meant things were finally aligning between his job and his personal life. According to Mike, he prayed for a convenient change like moving to Nashville, so he could spend more time with Carrie: “[God] put me in a place I was comfortable with and I think that's part of reason that this is the place I'm supposed to be and that's comforting for sure.”

    10 They Live In A Dream Home

    Once their living situation was settled, Carrie and Mike had the chance to start designing their dream life, which included a dream home.

    In 2016 they moved into their 400-acre property just outside of Nashville.

    They're so proud of their digs that they even invited Oprah for a tour of the property, and honored her by planting a tree in her name on the land. There's no doubt about it: they've got plenty of room for their growing family!

    9 But Carrie Would Quit Music If Mike Asked Her To

    Although Mike supports Carrie's music, Carrie told People that if he wanted her to stop singing, she would.

    In an interview, she explained that her family is her top priority, even coming before her job, and she'd leave music behind altogether “if Mike ever told me he needed me to quit.”

    But fans don't have to worry about Carrie pulling the plug on her music anytime soon. As we know, Mike completely supports Carrie and would never ask her to leave.

    8 Mike Helped Carrie After Her 2017 Fall

    In November 2017, Carrie suffered a bad fall on the steps outside her home that left her with an injured wrist and some cuts on her face. The silver lining was that this experience showed her how much Mike really cared about her because he put everything else on hold to help her recover. “He's all right,” she said of her husband's nursing efforts. “I mean, I'm really [bad] at letting anybody help me with anything, to be honest.”

    7 After The Fall, They Considered Moving

    Carrie's fall was so tough to deal with that the family considered moving afterward.

    A source admitted to People that the couple was completely done with the Tennessee neighborhood.

    “The decision came after her fall,” revealed the source. The safety issue is their top concern, but the couple is also worried about security in the area. “They've been having a lot of issues with neighbors letting people in the community to look around and it all escalated after the fall.”

    6 They Don't Go Overboard On The Romance

    As we've already mentioned, Mike and Carrie don't like PDAs or being too cheesy with each other.

    Carrie has confessed that the best moments she shares with Mike are actually the simplest, when they're alone and can do nothing but enjoy each other's company.

    “It doesn't have to be all presents and Romeo and Juliet,” she told E! Online. “I don't do romance very well… ” Even though her music often focuses on romance, her songs don't often match her reality.

    5 Marriage Was An Adjustment For Carrie

    Because she grew up with siblings that were much older than her, Carrie was very used to having her own space before she got married. She would often hang out on her own as a child, and that led to her needing to adjust in order to make her marriage work. The singer told Ellen DeGeneres that in the beginning, she found it hard to deal with Fisher and “all his stuff.” But things have changed for the better! “Now we share,” she said. “We're much better. I'm better.”

    4 Their Answer To A Successful Marriage Is Skype

    So how has their relationship lasted for ten years? And how is it still going strong despite the stress of a growing family, life in the spotlight and demanding professions?

    Carrie believes that she owes it all to Skype.

    “Communication, trust and Skype are key,” she told Ladies Home Journal when asked about how she keeps the love alive while she's on the road and he's home. So that's all it takes! Some Skype and some trust and away you go!

    3 They Keep A Low Profile Around The Paparazzi

    We suspect that another reason why Carrie and Mike are still going strong is because they've managed to keep the paparazzi out of their business as much as possible.

    Though they spend as much time together as they can, they're not always flashing their relationship to the world. They're also strict about keeping Isaiah's face off of social media, even if his back is showing. It's all about keeping up their family's privacy and not chasing publicity.

    2 Together, They've Made It Through Tough Times

    Their relationship may still be going strong, but that doesn't mean that Mike and Carrie haven't had their share of tough times.

    If anything, those challenges have made them even stronger.

    They've faced some ouches together, like those sustained in Carrie's fall, and have had to withstand untrue rumors circulating about the state of their relationship, not to mention having to worry about strangers invading their privacy at home. But they've come out on the other side with an even closer bond.

    1 They're Still In Love

    The most important thing to note about Carrie and Mike's marriage is that even though they've been together for ten years, they're still in love.

    The honeymoon phase may be over, but the love is still there.

    Carrie often gushes about her husband. “My husband is as wonderful as he is [good-looking], and I feel like that's rare,” she recently told E! News. “He's such a great dad and he's so supportive of what I do and I'm supportive of him and we just love our little family.”