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    21 Exclusive And Intimate Photos Of Tom Brady And Gisele Bündchen

    Whether you're a football fan or not, you need to put your pride aside to appreciate the intimacy this power couple shares. Tom Brady and Gisele Bündchen. Success breeds jealousy, which is why the quarterback in this relationship stirs quite a bit of a reaction when his name is brought up. However, his overwhelmingly more famous wife and most renowned model of all time, Gisele, is a difficult person to dislike. You might think you know them, but have you looked deeper than the surface? It'll stun you how wholesome this couple is.

    Sure, they're worth half a billion dollars, but they've had their fair share of marital strife. Yes, they've given their two children Hollywood-esque names, but they wear adorably coordinated costumes on Halloween. Have you seen the pictures from their private and intimate wedding? Everyone can have an opinion, but the truth about this couple might make you reconsider what you thought you knew. It's time to learn about the power couple through intimate and exclusive images that reveal stunning secrets about two people who are still madly in love to this day. Here are twenty-one photos of Tom Brady and Gisele Bündchen that are eye-opening and heartwarming, and you'll be stunned by the intimacy they share with their family and the world.

    21 The Avocado To Her Toast? These Two Couldn't Be Cuter

    These two are killing the Halloween costume game. They're famous for a multitude of reasons, and one of them is their INSANE diet. I'm fairly certain they don't eat bread, but they definitely eat avocado ice cream. We can safely assume this is the world's most expensive piece of avocado toast right here in this photo. Are Tom and Gisele as controversial as avocado and toast? Seriously, I dare you to try and find a more controversial duo; on one hand, avocado lubricates that dry piece of toast to perfection, but on the other hand, it's so EXPENSIVE. Avocado toast is literally why millennials can't afford to buy a house. Hey Tom, wanna lend a fan a couple million? We know you keep a few in your pocket.

    20 No One Can Take Away Pain Like Your Wife Can

    Whether you hate the New England Patriots or you love them, you can't deny this is a touching photo. Right after their Super Bowl loss to the Philadelphia Eagles, Tom was understandably inconsolable. He already has five Super Bowl rings and is the winningest quarterback in playoff history, but that doesn't take away the pain of this loss. What does? His beautiful wife. It isn't the first time Gisele has had to help Tom through tough times, but this one was particularly difficult. Their two children, Benjamin and Vivian, were bawling their eyes out when they realized their dad lost the game. Shortly after, Tom broke down too. Gisele was left with the task of consoling the three most important people in her life. A photo doesn't get more intimate than this.

    19 Even When Tom Is Losing, He's Winning

    Can you ever really be a loser if Gisele is your wife? He is the only man in the world that can brag about dating the most beautiful supermodel ever, and we guarantee it's a key feature of his on the field smack talk. About a week after his crushing Super Bowl defeat, he opened up about it on Instagram. "This Sunday's outcome is a lot better than last Sunday's!", he joked in the caption, causing New England Patriot's fans to combust into a pile of snot and tears. Let's be happy he's such a good sport about this and able to make cheeky jokes about a painful experience. The intimacy of this photo is touching, and it's clear Gisele is the largest part of Tom's healing process.

    18 Gisele Said It Was Love At First Sight

    A mutual friend set these two up on their first date. Who do you think was more nervous? Gisele, who was about to share a bottle of wine with the greatest sensation in football, or Tom, who planned on splitting appetizers with the most famous model in the world. Obviously, Tom would've been sweating up a storm. Apparently, there was no need for that, however, because Gisele fell in love the moment she laid eyes on him. "The moment I saw him, he smiled and I was like, 'That is the most beautiful, charismatic smile I've ever seen,'" Gisele admitted to Vanity Fair. Well, he does have a charming smile, we'll give you that Gisele. It worked out because this adorable photo is from their wedding. The joy on their faces is heartwarming.

    17 Since The Day They Met, They Haven't Gone A Day Without Speaking To Each Other

    This exclusive family photo is making my heart melt. Which expensive beach do you think they're building this castle on? This is the type of family that you look at, and you think to yourself, "how is it possible to be that perfect?" It's a little unfair. Not only are they fabulously rich and living the life, but their love story is too adorable to handle. After they shared the first date that made Gisele swoon, they phoned each other up that night and spoke for over three hours. Talk about chemistry. "From the first day we met, we've never spent one day without speaking to each other," Gisele's confessed. It's rare to find long-lasting love fueled by a healthy relationship nowadays, but this famous couple has done it.

    16 Tom's Been Through Some Tough Struggles With His Family

    VIVIAN, THE WORLD IS WATCHING YOU PICK YOUR NOSE. This sweet photo is from a year ago, and during happier times when Tom and his band of New England Patriots won the Super Bowl. It was a time for celebration, but Tom was emotional about a different victory. His mother, Galen, pictured to the right in the blue bandanna, had been battling cancer for the last year. It was a very private struggle the family kept hidden, but it affected Tom immensely. The Super Bowl victory was the first game Galen was able to attend that season, but it was the one that mattered. It appears that Tom's mother is on the mend, and is looking much healthier a year after this photo was taken. This is a heartwarming and intimate image of a family that fights their own personal battles, despite their many victories.

    15 He Popped Gisele The Question On A Private Flight In Front Of Her Parents

    I'm trying not to be jealous of how blue and warm that water looks. Also, this family photo is overwhelmingly cute - Benjamin is kissing Vivian's head! Sibling love is a rarity, but Tom and Gisele have accomplished it with their two youngsters. Tom is a confident player, but he's also a confident lover as well; when he popped the question to Gisele in early 2009, he did it on a private jet in front of her parents. A denial would've been the most awkward situation in history; can you imagine the four of them sitting in a private jet for hours after Gisele said no? Obviously, it would've been impossible for Gisele to say no to Tom. He decked out the plain with white roses and champagne. I'm really trying not to be jealous… and I'm failing.

    14 Tom Has A Child With Another Model… And It Nearly Pushed Gisele Away

    The chemistry is sizzling between these two in the photo! That eye contact is too intense, I feel scandalous just staring at it. Scandal is no stranger to this couple, and it reared its ugly head early in their relationship. Shortly after Gisele and Tom began dating, it was revealed that Tom's ex-girlfriend, model and actress Bridget Moynahan, was pregnant with their son. In an interview with Vanity Fair, Gisele admitted how challenging the situation was - so challenging, she considered leaving Tom so he could be with Bridget. What changed her mind? The circumstances allowed to see Tom for who he was; a man of integrity. Gisele and Bridget's son, John Edward Thomas, have a close bond. Gisele and Tom often meet up with Bridget for play dates nowadays.

    13 Gisele And Tom Are The Definition Of Health FREAKS

    Some of the most intimate and exclusive photos of this couple are revealed through their respective Instagram accounts. This adorable picture shows an excited family in a cozy den, and for once, football isn't on the television. Of course, it's no surprise Gisele is a huge soccer fan! Tom has amassed a lot of media about how he's maintained his level of play into his 40's - no quarterback has ever done it before. He's credited his talent and ability to his diet, one he shares with Gisele, and it's INSANE. Their personal chef revealed that their diet is "80% vegetables", and the other 20% is "lean, grass-fed organic meats, salmon for fish". I am reeling at the idea of my diet being 80% vegetables. What can't they eat? No caffeine, fungus, dairy, white sugar, white flour, iodized salt, nightshades, but Tom can have tomatoes once a month for a treat. OMG.

    12 They've Had Their Fair Share Of Marital Strife

    Despite how busy they are, this adorable couple has time to take selfies. It's rare to look at a celebrity couple and feel like they epitomize true love; the only other celebrity couple I can think of that makes me think of true love is Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds, perhaps. True love can't exist in a marriage without arguments and disagreements, and Tom and Gisele have learned that lesson over the years. During the controversial "DeflateGate" investigation, it placed a strain on Tom and Gisele's marriage. Many tabloids and magazines were rumoring a separation could be on the brink of the horizon, but these allegations never came to fruition. They've powered through their hard times and learned to love each other even more in the process. Thank goodness, how else would we see these exclusive pictures?

    11 They Post The Sweetest Things About Each Other On Social Media

    If you're not following these two on Instagram, I highly recommend you do. Between Tom's hilarious posts and Gisele's beautiful ones, the cherry on top of the sundae is their adorable family and couple pictures. This one was a celebration for Tom's 37th birthday, posted by Gisele. It's utterly romantic, and the elementary use of the filter makes it adorable. She captioned the photo 'Happy birthday my love! Missing you so much… Te amo!!!' While Tom was likely away on football-related obligations, Gisele used this loving post to remind her husband what he was missing on his birthday. His brawny arms around her tiny waist as they kiss surely put some ideas in his head. He's the only man that gets to hold the internationally renowned model in his arms, and this post epitomizes how lucky Tom is.

    10 FIERCE. These Two Redefine Power Couple

    After seeing this photo, I'm unsure if I'm looking at Tom and Gisele, two marble statues, or a god and goddess descended from the heavens. It would be difficult to find a more beautiful couple, and it'll be intriguing to see how their two children grow into their looks over the years. If you live in North America, it's easy to make the mistake of thinking Tom is more famous than his wife. However, football is an American sport, so while Tom is a household name on this continent, Gisele is a household name everywhere in the world. "What's the name of Gisele's husband again?" is probably a conversation happening somewhere in Brazil, or maybe even Bulgaria. Apparently, success is very attractive to success, because Tom and Gisele's careers are astoundingly accomplished.

    9 Gisele Says She Loves Tom For His "Pure Heart"

    Here we see the couple celebrating one of Tom's victories, a photo posted via Instagram. Oh Tommy boy, that scruff looks fantastic on you. While we may love your face, Gisele loves your pure heart. What exactly did she have to say? “Tom is a good guy,” the Brazilian model confessed, her eyes practically lighting up with love. “He has a very pure heart. He's very naive, almost like a child. That is my favorite quality about him. One thing that I thought was so amazing when I first met him is that he is innocent. He sees the world with colored glasses. It's beautiful, but I think that is rare. I love that about him. No one else sees that. He's very strong and focused in his job, but he's so sensitive, it's amazing.” Aw! So cute Gisele, the world is happy for you two.

    8 Tom's Best Friend Has A Lot To Say About The Couple And Their Kids

    Everyone knows there are some serious bromances on every sports team, and Tom Brady's relationship with wide receiver Julian Edelman is totally swoon-worthy. Plus, have you seen how attractive Julian is? Well, Julian believes we should all idol Tom and Gisele's romance. “There's no one more valuable for me to learn from than Tom and his wife, Gisele Bündchen, in a lot of ways,” Edelman writes. “Every time I'm around them, I learn. The way they are with their kids, the way they make time to spend with each other, they are just good people.” Here's an example of that relationship with their children as they cuddle their son, Benjamin. Tom has been one of Julian's biggest influences, and while Gisele is gorgeous, we might be craving a list of the most intimate and exclusive photos of Tom and Julian. They're total babes, admit it.

    7 They Gave Their Children Hollywood Names

    Benjamin Rein Brady and Vivian Lake Brady. They literally sound like movie stars. They're certainly some of the luckiest and most privileged children in the world; being born to Tom and Gisele is the jackpot of all jackpots. When there's love between two parents, it creates a sound home life for their children, and the love and adoration shared between these two is evident from this photo. They're overjoyed, connected, and intimately in love. Gisele and Tom always wanted a family, and she was given her first taste of that desire with Tom's son from an ex-girlfriend. While John Edward doesn't have quite the Hollywood name as Gisele's real children, they still have a close relationship. Will Tom and Gisele have more beautiful children? This photo makes us think they will.

    6 Gisele Has Been Infamously Vocal About Tom's Football Career

    Be careful with that hand Tom, it's getting dangerously low for a public event. When you're rich and famous, you get your photo taken at the Met Gala when you're smooching your stunning wife. What else happens when you're rich and famous? Well if you're an NFL quarterback, your wife might have a thing or two say when you lose the Super Bowl. No, I'm not talking about this year - I'm talking about the SECOND time they lost to the New York Giants. Gisele famously yelled in a fit of rage after her husband's crushing loss "He can't throw and catch the ball! He needs some wide receivers!" Now, I'll be honest. That's what she said, minus a few eye-popping expletives I'm not allowed to repeat. Her outburst caused quite the stir, and she's been more tight-lipped about it years later.

    5 When Gisele Asked Tom To Retire, He Said "Too Bad, Babe, I'm Having Too Much Fun"

    Tom has been famous for doing some weird stuff with his hair, but dammit Tom, put some gel in those locks! They're aging you. It's cool though - Gisele looks stunning, and that's what really matters. It's cute how Gisele appears to be a love-struck schoolgirl curling up on Tom's shoulder in this exclusive photo.

    Football is a dangerous sport, especially with the facts surrounding concussions constantly emerging, and this has caused Gisele to "beg" for Tom to retire. His response? "If it was up to my wife, she would have me retire today," Brady shared with a laugh. "She told me that last night three times. And I said, 'Too bad, babe, I'm having too much fun right now.'" Yep, sorry babe. Looks like you're going to have to wait.

    4 Their Halloween Costume Game Is Too Strong

    IT'S TOOOOO STRONG. If you thought the avocado toast combo was adorable, look at Dorothy kissing the lion! So adorable. Or, weird? Is it weird? I'm not sure, let's say cute. The world is literally so excited to see what they'll dress up as next year. A scoop of avocado ice cream and an ice cream cone? Two slices of bread? Tom looks like a big snuggly stuffed animal, it isn't fair that Gisele can snuggle something that looks so squishy. When you're famous, the drama will obviously follow you regardless of who you are, but who can say anything bad about a couple this wholesome? One trend we see in all of these photos is that the loving smooches these two share are full of fiery hot passion.

    3 These Two Are Worth Over Half A Billion Dollars

    In this sweet, exclusive picture, Tom and Gisele look like high school sweethearts watching a game at their high school. It's cute and reminds me of first love. In reality, these two actually are that cute, but they're not in high school because no high school couple is worth OVER HALF A BILLION DOLLARS. I am drooling when I think about their bank accounts. Do you even have a bank account when you're this wealthy, or do you just sleep on towers of sweet, sweet cash? When you've won five Super Bowls and you're the most famous model of all time on an international scale, you're bound to have a couple dimes in your pocket. While you stare at this perfect power couple, try not to think about the money in their wallet. Try.

    2 Tom Throws Fits If Gisele Isn't Giving Him Enough Attention

    In this super generic but cute family photo of Tom and Gisele with their son, Benjamin, and Tom's other son, John, we see Gisele with three babies. The largest one loves to whine and pout if Gisele isn't giving him the attention he needs. "I like attention from [my wife, so when I'm not getting it I let her know in immature ways, like a young, immature child would," Tom told Man of the World magazine. "You throw fits and you pout and you whine until you get what you want." If you're in a long-term relationship, you may have realized that men are really just big toddlers, and even famous ones apparently. We're sorry you have to deal with so many babies, Gisele, we feel for you.

    1 Sorry, Tom, But Vivian Is Cuter Than You

    Okay, I'm sorry I cut you out of this photo, Tom, but even you must understand why I picked this over another photo of you and your wife together. Look at baby Vivian Lake! She's trying to be just like her mom! I am trying not to cry over how adorable this is. Like mother like daughter, right? This image is a couple years old because Vivian just turned five years old, but I'm certain this is framed somewhere in one of their three mansions. Gisele and Tom have shown off their adorable daughter on Instagram and social media, but this picture is totally unbeatable. You know when you graduate high school and you have that baby photo slideshow? Vivian should totally use this picture. Tom and Gisele are too lucky.