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    20 Things To Know About Harry And Meghan's Royal Wedding

    Hearts broke around the world when the news confirmed that indeed Prince Harry was off the market and engaged to Meghan Markle. Since rumors have been swirling about their relationship up until it was officially confirmed, the media has fallen in love with the new royal-to-be because she is the picture of a modern woman. William and Kate are the old school example of what a royal couple is supposed to look like while Harry and Meghan are breaking that mold. People have always wondered whether or not Prince Harry would actually settle down and retire his party boy ways, but he has indeed chosen an elegant and classy lifelong partner.

    This will be a highly televised event that all the world will be watching. What has gone down in the events leading up to this historical event have been buzzing around and has everyone curious. Meghan Markle has defied many royal standards so all eyes are on her. We have been dying to know the details of what will be later to come in the next few months so here they are. Here are the 20 facts that we have finally learned about the impending royal wedding between Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

    20 Harry And Meghan Will Get Married On May 19th, 2018

    Everyone, mark your calendars. May 19th will be a day of history. At least it will be a special day in royal family history because Prince Harry has decided to finally settle down and take his love life seriously. All jokes aside, they are a gorgeous couple who just looks like they belong together. We have to love the fact that they don't like to follow tradition and do things their own way without worrying too much about the opinions of others. After all, Harry is not too close in line for the throne so the pressure is off of him to have to play by the rules. Meghan is the lady love he has chosen to embark on his life's adventures. Tune in.

    19 She Will Be The Most Unconventional Bride In Royal Family History

    Meghan Markle is sharply intelligent, elegant and dresses in the most classy way both on the red carpet and on the show Suits. She has given a new face to the royal family representing more modern times. Sure, Kate Middleton is all those things too but she comes from a background that we would expect a duchess to come from. Meghan is not born of posh British class nor is she a stranger to being married. In fact, Harry will be her second husband because she was married once before to film producer Trevor Engelson. Not only that, but she is three years older than Harry. Not that it really makes it a big deal, but she is also half African-American. Here is the kicker: she is an outspoken feminist. Meghan Markle makes us all young professional women feel like we could get married later in life to an actual prince.

    18 He Had To Get The Queen's Permission

    Yes, this sounds so old school and old-fashioned but Prince Harry loves his grandma too much to disobey her tradition. Before he even asked Meghan's dad (which we are not sure he was even able to do… more on that later), he had to go to Queen Elizabeth for her blessing. He could not propose and go forward with it until he completed this first step in the process. According to the Successions to the Crown Act, the first six in line to the throne need the monarch's authorization. Currently, Harry is fifth in line to the throne so he just barely made the cut. It is also widely believed that a special license from the Archbishop of Canterbury might also be needed, especially since Meghan has already been married before.

    17 The Royal Family Will Be Footing The Bill

    So many traditions suggest that the bride's family pay for the wedding expenses, this is often referred to as a dowry. In this case, it is the royals who will be picking up the tab for Harry and Meghan's wedding celebrations and festivities. According to the statement from Kensington Palace, "As was the case with the wedding of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, The Royal Family will pay for the core aspects of the wedding, such as the church service, the associated music, flowers, decorations, and the reception afterward." Well, at least this is one thing that Meghan's family would not have to worry about. If your daughter is marrying a prince, it would be kind of awkward having a more humble budget for the wedding.

    16 The Queen Might Not Attend The Wedding Ceremony

    Queen Elizabeth would seem like one of the most important people to ever be able to attend the wedding. After she all, she is Prince Harry's grandmother for pete's sake. While she was one of the first people to graciously congratulate Harry and Meghan on their upcoming nuptials, she may be absent for the big day to come. Though she gave Harry her blessing, the fact that Meghan has is a divorcee may not sit well with her. According to Business Insider UK, the Queen is the head of the Church of England, which believes marriage is for life. In other words, she might not agree to witness a divorcee's marriage. Yes, even if it's the Meghan Markle that we all have grown to know and love.

    15 Meghan Will Not Technically Be A Princess By Title

    Interestingly, the royals do not have last names. That is why when Diana got married to Charles, she was no longer "Lady Diana Spencer" but became "Diana, the Duchess of Wales." Diana and Kate Middleton were not technically "princesses" because they shared no blood lineage with the queen. Though the media coined the term "Princess Di", it just became a convenient common title to remember her by. Meghan Markle will be no exception to this, she will be a duchess by title. Magazines will still refer to her and Kate as "princesses" regardless. When she marries Harry, technically her name would become Rachel Meghan, Duchess of Mountbatten-Windsor. That sounds boring to the rest of us, so we won't see headlines using those words in the future.

    14 Her Half-Sister Has Spoken Out Against Her

    Meghan Markle has a disabled half-sister, Samantha Markle who hasn't had the best things to say about her pending engagement. She even ventured to announce that she was going to write a tell-all book about everything that she knows personally about Meghan. What it would seem like to a lot of people is that she might be trying to banking on her sister's fame and doesn't care about her image.

    Prince Harry made a comment to the press about Meghan's visit to London for Christmas saying that "it was the large family that Meghan Markle never had." Samantha Markle fired back via Twitter saying that she has always had that large family that was always there for her and with her. It looks like there might be some bad blood there. We just hope that this doesn't turn into an ongoing scandal.

    13 Brits Will Not Get The Day Off Like They Did With William And Kate's Wedding

    When Prince William and Kate Middleton got married, the government declared it a public holiday and no one had to go to work or school that day. The processions usually go down Downing Street but this time around, there are no special plans to make Harry and Meghan's big day a day off. In any case, there will still be many people who are simply not going to go to work that day either. Royal weddings in England are a huge deal. Granted, the weddings of first-born children in the royal family are much more important than their younger siblings. However, the weddings of second-born children don't go understated either. Hello, they are royals. They are going to be a big deal either way. Still sucks for Brits not getting the day off though.

    12 Meghan Has Reportedly Said Yes To The Dress

    Meghan has reportedly already picked out a dress and the designers all have their hands full at Kensington Palace. This woman is living a fairytale that millions of girls can literally only dream about. We have been brainwashed by Disney movies to believe that we need to marry a prince someday. Well, this dream hit you as being real more than actually having to shop for the wedding dress. Unlike Kate Middleton's Alexander McQueen dress that was inspired by Grace Kelly, Meghan is opting for something that is more "simple but with a modern twist." Rumors are circulating that the designer could be Erdem, Oscar de la Renta, Vera Wang or Stella McCartney. No word or confirmation yet, but fashionistas everywhere are paying close attention.

    11 She Is Particularly Fond Of Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy's Iconic Wedding Dress

    Word on the street is that Meghan already has her dress envisioned and has found a clear source of inspiration. With so many choices being thrown in her face, making a final decision must be so difficult. Apparently, she has her heart set on something very specific. Meghan Markle has always admired the sleek gown by Narciso Rodriquez worn by Carolyn Bessette when she married John F. Kennedy Jr. Then again, this might be an ominous dress to be emulating if you know the history of what happened to JFK Jr. and his wife back in the '90s. Regardless, this is a stunning gown either way that differentiates her from Kate Middleton's style. You have to give it to her, this is a woman who knows what she wants.

    10 No One Knows Whether Or Not Meghan's Dad Will Walk Her Down The Aisle

    Though Meghan has not commented often on her relationship with her family, there is much speculation that there is tension between her and her dad. There was talk of Meghan wanting her mother to walk her down the aisle rather than her dad, even though he is still alive. What we find endearing about Meghan is that she did not come from a wealthy family, and she has had her share of family issues like everybody else. In fact, that makes her more relatable and appealing to the masses. However, when you are in a position where you don't even want your own dad to walk you down the aisle, that is just sad. There is only one way to find out. Watch the royal wedding and stay tuned.

    9 Both Trump And Obama Will Be In Attendance

    It is no secret that the royal family and the Obama family are tight. They always have amazing rapport when they see each other and Prince Harry is a personal friend of Barack Obama. It was confirmed that Obama was going to be a guest at Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's wedding before it was confirmed that he even invited Trump. Coincidence there? We are not sure. Nonetheless, it was confirmed a few weeks later that President Donald Trump and his wife Melania were indeed invited to be guest at the wedding. After all, you can't just not invite a world leader of a powerful nation to such an international, diplomatic event. This doesn't necessarily mean that Prince Harry wanted to, but he had to just out of courtesy.

    8 Meghan Will Not Vow To "Obey" Harry

    Being the modern, feminist woman that she is, there is no way Meghan Markle could agree to such an outdated phrase. When you take your wedding vows, it is scripture to say that you will love and obey your husband for all eternity and amen. It looks like Meghan is putting her foot down and exerting some of her own influence into the royal family tradition. You can't help but wonder how the Queen must feel about that. After all, she and Diana were rumored to have some clashes back when she was married to Prince Charles. Even though there might be some disagreements to royal traditions on Meghan's end, that does not mean that they won't go unchanged. Maybe she will be the one to turn some things around.

    7 Harry Has Asked Prince William To Be The Best Man

    This one is the least shocking fact on this entire list. Of course, Prince William has to be his little brother's best man for the wedding. How could he not be? Not only are they siblings by blood, but they have gone through so much together. They are the only ones who know what it's like growing up not only as a royal but as a British royal living under a microscope. Weddings are not only emotional days for the couple but for all of the families that are involved. Big brother, Prince William seems genuinely happy that his kid brother is following in his footsteps and working towards having a family. Getting married is just the first step. Meghan Markle will be his sister-in-law and he and Kate have welcomed her with open arms.

    6 Kate And William's Children Will Most Likely Be A Part Of The Wedding

    Prince George and little Princess Charlotte are so adorable that they have made all of our hearts melt. Not only is it a royal tradition but a wedding tradition in general to have a flower girl and some kids carrying the end of the skirt when the bride walks down the aisle. Meghan Markle must have taken a liking to her new nephew and niece at this point. Now she even has the joy of getting excited for a new one to come. Kids give a breath of fresh air to weddings and fancy events. There is something about the youth and the next generation to come that makes everyone want to procreate. They remind you that weddings, in general, are a human ritual that has gone on for centuries.

    5 Meghan Might Not Have Any Bridesmaids

    We can all remember Pippa Middleton as her sister, Kate Middleton's maid of honor at the Royal Wedding, Round 1 back in 2011. Now for Round 2, Meghan Markle might not follow this standard wedding tradition. Seriously, how often do you hear about a bride with no bridesmaids? That sounds pretty whacky to anyone who has ever attended a wedding. A representative of the palace told Town & Country magazine: "Most royal brides do not have adult bridesmaids. It would be unusual for a royal bride to have a woman in her late 30s as a maid or matron of honor. The Duchess of Cambridge having her sister, Pippa, was unusual. I would be less surprised, however, if one of [Meghan's] friends read a lesson during the service." That seems strange, indeed.

    4 Her Co-Stars On Suits Might Make The Guest List For Her Wedding

    This is another group of people on the wedding guest list that could not be more appropriate. The cast of Suits have to be invited to Meghan Markle's wedding, otherwise what has the world come to? Staff members at the Windsor Castle have reportedly been encouraged to watch Suits before the royal wedding. This way, they will know who is who and what Meghan was so famous for before she ever became a royal. Historian Hugo Vickers, who is Captain of the Lay Stewards, told the Daily Mail in 2017: "I've told the Stewards to get Netflix and watch Suits, so they know who everyone is at the wedding." It looks the royals are also doing everything on their end to win over Meghan as well as please the Queen.

    3 Harry And Meghan Reportedly Want A Banana-Flavored Wedding Cake

    An unnamed source told The Telegraph in 2017 that Prince Harry has "always loved anything with banana." This sweet tooth has caused an unconventional choice for the flavor of the wedding cake. This is another first that we haven't heard of happening before. Even beyond specifically royal weddings, most mainstream weddings hardly have a banana flavored cake. The bananas mean something to Harry and Meghan. Shortly after he officially announced that they were dating in October 2016, she posted an adorable Instagram picture. It was one of two cartoon bananas cuddling together captioned "Sleep tight xx." Now, this is just too cute that it makes you want to vomit, literally. No wonder this seemed like the obvious choice for this couple's wedding. Inside jokes are what makes relationships last.

    2 The Wedding Will Start At Noon in St. George's Chapel, Windsor Castle

    Now this place is just perfect! St George's Chapel, Windsor Castle is a staple of Prince Harry's childhood and the site is just breathtaking. This seriously looks like England, the way it looked back in medieval times. This is what we've loved about the idea of getting married in a European country. Everything is older and yet still so well preserved. This spot and so many others like it are where fairytale weddings happen, in the storybook type of sense. You can't officially feel like a Princess unless you get married in a castle. Especially when the castle is guarded by those British soldiers with fury hats.

    According to People magazine "The chapel is located in Windsor Castle, with a capacity of 800 - compared to Westminster Abbey (where Prince William and Kate Middleton wed), which holds up to 2,000."

    1 After The Wedding Service, Prince Harry And Meghan Markle Will Ride Through Windsor At 1 PM In A Carriage Procession

    There is a long parade that must occur the moment that Meghan and Harry will exit the chapel after they have said their vows. Everyone expects to be in the spotlight when they get married, but this is a wedding that takes being in the spotlight to a new level. Not only is your entire city gathering in the streets like Times Square on New Year's Eve, but millions of viewers are watching from their television sets. Needless to say, the pressure is on! Think about all the work it takes to prep the bride-to-be. There is a long carriage procession that stretches out to these blocks. England loves their royal family so it's always sure to be an extravaganza. We could expect nothing less.