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    19 Things We Didn't Know About Kylie Jenner's BFF, Jordyn Woods

    There is so much worldwide interest in Kylie Jenner that it may not be long before she knocks her famous older sibling, Kim Kardashian, off her reality TV throne. And at 20 years old, the youngest member of the Kardashian-Jenner clan has already created an empire for herself, with everything from a makeup line, to her own reality TV show, Life of Kylie.

    Jenner has grown up in the limelight and her life has played out on Keeping Up With the Kardashians from when she was ten, and that's put a lot of pressure on her. The good news is, she knows how to pick her friends and she is surrounded by a close group of loyal and loving people, the most devoted of which is her BFF, Jordyn Woods.

    Woods has known Jenner since they were 13, and although most people know her because of connection with bestie, Woods is so much more than a part of someone's entourage. She is a model who is dedicated to changing the perceptions of what beautiful really means, she's passionate about creating confidence and acceptance in young women, and although she's had Jenner's back throughout the years, she reportedly also feels as though being friends with her can be, at times, “draining.” Below is everything you should know about Jordyn Woods.

    19 She's Has A Lot To Say About Kylie's Abilities As A Mother

    Everyone already knows Jordyn Wood's link to Kylie Jenner, and when all eyes were on Jenner following the reports that she was pregnant, Woods never said a word. She gave no hint to the fact that her friend was carrying a baby and is a loyal friend. But she's also excited to be an aunt and thinks Jenner is definitely up for the challenge.

    Woods' comments were revealed in the 11-minute video Jenner shared after announcing the birth of her daughter, and this video showed some key moments throughout her pregnancy, including her best friend's reaction.

    In the video, Woods says this: "When you're 20 years old, you're just figuring out your life. You don't know what you want, you're an indecisive teenager and you're just becoming a young adult, but there was one thing that your mom knew for sure, and that was you." If that proves anything, it's that she has faith in Kylie's abilities as a mom.

    18 She Was Scouted On Instagram At The Age Of 18

    We've already established that Jordyn Woods is a model, but did she use her connections with Kylie Jenner to help her make it? The answer to that question is a big nope because Woods made it on her own. She was scouted on Instagram (where she has 4.6 million followers) and revealed as much during an interview with The Cut, telling the publication that her agent had messaged her through the email she put on her Instagram account. Several weeks later she flew out to meet the agent and signed to Wilhelmina models, but it's not a decision she has made just for her.

    She told the publication, “I saw it as a good opportunity to start giving back to people and helping influence other girls to be more confident.”

    17 She Thinks It's Sometimes “Draining” Being Kylie Jenner's BFF

    Now before you freak out after reading this point it's important that it's put into context. Does Jordyn Woods feel it's not always amazing being Kylie Jenner's friend? Well, maybe, but that has nothing to do with her friend and more to do with the fact that the media attention that comes with being associated with any member of the Kardashian-Jenner clan is exhausting.

    Woods joined Jenner on her reality show, Life Of Kylie, where Jenner discussed how much pressure she felt to uphold a certain image because the world is so convinced of who she is after seeing her grow up on camera.

    And Woods is quoted by Vogue as saying, “it's draining sometimes being Kylie's best friend.”

    She also told The Cut during an interview that it has become extremely normal for her to have a very famous best friend and that they constantly have to be aware of what they do when they go out because there are always people watching them.

    16 She's Brings A Strong Message About Self-Acceptance

    Jordyn Woods is definitely one smart cookie and she has thought long and hard about how her actions affect others, which is why she has used the platform she's been given through her fame (or through Kylie Jenner's) to speak about things that are really important; like body positivity.

    Her curves are something she's comfortable discussing and during an interview with Teen Vogue she was asked just how important it was for her to be apart of the body positivity movement that was happening for plus size individuals. You can probably guess that Woods thought this was “awesome” but she also commented on there are so many fantastic models, like herself, who are curvy and showing that having curves can also be cool.

    And for Woods, this is incredibly important because she wants a revolution in the way that people think about curves, but also the designers and retailers. She claimed, "There's not a lot of clothes out there for girls that are bigger, there's not a lot of trendy things out there, and I want to change the way people look at the plus size industry.”

    15 She Was Reportedly Kylie Jenner's Birthing Partner

    There have been a lot of rumors surrounding Kylie Jenner's pregnancy with her daughter, but one of the most interesting claims involves Jordyn Woods. In January of 2018, just days before baby Stormi was born, TMZ reported that Jenner had been preparing for birth by taking Lamaze classes online - a birthing technique which helps pregnant mothers prepare themselves for childbirth by offering breathing techniques, stretches, massages and position changes.

    Here's the interesting bit; instead of getting the help of her boyfriend Travis Scott, Jenner reportedly had Woods as her birthing partner.

    And if the publication's reports are accurate then she definitely rose to the occasion because she was reportedly acting as Kylie's birth coach. She was also reading up on pregnancy and newborns to give her friend as much help and support as she needed.

    14 She Has More Important Things To Do Than To Watch TV

    Jordyn Woods may be a reality TV star thanks to Life of Kylie, but she definitely has no time to watch TV herself. She made this comment in an interview with Refinery29 who noted that she was, as they put it, “surprisingly blunt,” and the reason they made this comment was that Woods told them straight how she too busy to watch TV.

    And busy she is because when she's not doing things with Kylie Jenner she is modeling, designing (yes, she's multi-talented and more on this later), or appearing on TV. Woods travels a lot which is part of the job but this means that there are normal things that she doesn't often get to do - for example, her big DJ table remains in the box because she told Refinery29 she hadn't had time to use it yet.

    13 She's Super Close To Her Mom, Who's Also Her Manager

    Another similarity between Kylie Jenner and her BFF is that they both have momagers (moms who are managers). Woods made this clear during an interview with The Cut when she was discussing being scouted by a Wilhelmina models agent; she said, “I told my manager, who is also my mother, to contact Marissa, who is now my agent… ”

    This means that like Kris Jenner, Woods' mom, Elizabeth Woods also has her daughter's best interests at heart and is the one who managed to secure her a modeling contract in the very beginning.

    On Elizabeth's Instagram page she also refers to herself as a “Talent/Brand Manager Mixed Image Media/PR” and provides links to contact her for those interested parties.

    Aside from their professional relationship, the pair seems to be very close and often share adorable Instagram snaps of each other.

    12 She Thinks Everyone Deserves A BFF Like Kylie Jenner

    Jordyn Woods may have been quoted as saying that it can be draining being friends with Kylie Jenner at times but that's because of the media attention that constantly follows her. However, no matter how annoying it must be to be photographed every time they leave the house, at the end of the day these two are extremely close.

    Woods is thankful to have found her person, someone who understands and loves her, and for this reason, she thinks everyone deserves a Kylie Jenner in their life. She told People, “Having a best friend is, like, everything. I feel like everyone deserves a best friend. It's just like having someone you can call at any time."

    There's no telling what the future holds, but it certainly seems as though these two will be in each other's lives for a long, long time.

    11 … And Their "Special Connection" Has Existed Since They Were Kids

    How long do you have to be friends with someone before you say you're going to be friends forever? There is no one correct answer to this question, but Jordyn Woods and Kylie Jenner's friendship has definitely withstood the test of time because they have known each other for seven years already, and Woods thinks they share a very "special connection."

    In the teaser for Life of Kylie, she made her feelings known, saying, "Kylie and I have been best friends since eighth-grade summer going into high school. Kylie is super outgoing. We have a special connection where we just get each other."

    And their connection is so strong that Woods thinks if she called up her bestie in her darkest hour, for example, if she killed someone (not that it would ever happen, of course), she would come running.

    10 She's Multi-Talented And Has A Flare For Design

    It makes sense that models like clothing, right? After all, their job is, in part, to make the clothes look really good, but Jordyn Woods doesn't just love clothing, she also designs it. She released a collection (one of many) with Addition Elle which was inspired by the urban street style, and there are a lot of not only stylish but very wearable pieces.

    The collection included a cropped denim jacket featuring graffiti print on the sleeves, simple crew neck t-shirts, and trendy varsity jackets. She is a fan of athleisure and all of these pieces are extremely laid back, yet at the same time unique and on-trend, but the one thing Woods wants every girl to remember is that whatever you end up wearing the most important fashion rule is to have confidence.

    9 Jaden Smith Was Her First Famous Friend

    When you think of Jordyn Woods you immediately think of Kylie Jenner, but you'd be wrong for thinking that Jenner was her first famous friend because the person who fills that role is Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith's son, Jaden Smith.

    Woods has also shared a photo of Jaden on her Instagram along with an unusual caption, which seems to have been written by the actor himself.

    It reads: “Jordyn Is One Of The First People I Ever Met, We've Been Friends Since A Few Days After I Was Born And Always Will Be. Lexington Lives Through The Spirit Of Sherman Way. Remember This.”

    Although half of this is hard to follow if you don't know every single fact about these two, what you can take away from this post is the pair have known each other since they were babies, which means Smith has one up on Jenner - considering she and Woods met when they were 13.

    8 Growing Up In Hollywood Affected Her Self-Confidence

    Kylie Jenner has revealed there is a pressure to look a certain way and portray a certain image if you grow up in the limelight. This is nothing new because everyone knows that Hollywood and the media have unrealistic standards of beauty and expect the impossible from mere mortals. And it's not just Jenner who has found that Hollywood can affect your body image, but Woods, too.

    She told The Cut that growing up in the limelight impacted her, but she didn't realize it until she “went to different places.” She added, “Everyone in L.A. thinks that you have to look one way and tries to look that way. There's so much plastic surgery and so many girls who aren't confident because they're trying to follow this guideline. L.A. is just not real. It's not a real place… " This has been tough on her, especially when she was growing up and wanted to wear a bikini to the pool but then had no confidence to do it, or wear a dress, but couldn't find one that was as chic as the other girls.

    7 She Became Vegetarian After Watching A Documentary

    Jordyn Woods is a vegetarian, but the reason this is interesting is because of how it came about. Some of us get bored of eating meat and convert to vegetables, others research into how consuming large quantities of meat affects the environment, some don't want to consume animals because they feel it's cruel, and then there are those, like Woods, who watch an eye-opening documentary that makes them want to vow to change their life forever.

    During an interview with Refinery29, she said, “I'm a vegetarian now as of like a week ago because I watched that new documentary What The Health.”

    She's also completely honest about just how hard it is to make this switch, and being vegan is no joke because according to her she "started off wanting to be a vegan and then I decided that skipping meat is pretty easy for me, but dairy is a lot harder. I'd eat a cookie or something and not realize there were eggs in it. Even pasta dishes have a lot of dairy! Sometimes I'm just too hungry to be picky… ”

    6 She Has Nine Tattoos, Including One In Memory Of Her Dad

    Jordyn Woods has a lot of tattoos and they all have special meaning to her, obviously. She has nine in total, including one down her spine of the seven chakras of the body - this should also say a lot about the things she thinks about. But there is one tattoo in particular that really stands out to us and that's the one she got done in honor of her dad.

    Woods' older brother Joshua (she has three siblings in total and she's the second oldest) is a tattoo artist, and she enlisted his help when it came to getting a tattoo in memory of her late father John, who died from cancer. Woods paid tribute to him on Instagram when he passed and also shared how he had been diagnosed only two weeks prior and by that time it was too late.

    According to Refinery29, she explained the tattoo saying it was a J on her side with a halo in white ink. Apparently, you can't really see it, but it's incredibly meaningful.

    5 She Wants To Empower Young Girls

    Jordyn Woods is so much more than just Kylie Jenner's best friend, even if that is the reason everyone knows her name. One of the things you should know about her is that she thinks a lot about other people and how her actions affect them, which is why modeling, for her, is not just a way to show she's a stunner, but to also represent those girls who are not adequately represented in the media.

    She's sending out an empowering message to all women, but especially young girls that there is not one standard of beauty.

    She shed some light on this during an interview with Teen Vogue saying, “I've always known that my purpose is to help as many people as possible, and with modeling, I feel like it's an awesome way to show girls you don't have to look any particular way… "

    4 She Slayed As A Model For ASOS Curve

    You have to love Jordyn Woods for being proud of her body and for not shying away from the label of “curve.” She knows she's a naturally curvy girl but instead of starving herself to be a size 0, she's proving that you can be healthy and happy, as well as curvy. Becoming a model was not something she dreamed of being from a young age, rather it just sort of happened and she told Teen Vogue, "I just turned 18, I might as well go and experience something new.”

    But there's no denying she looks amazing modeling for ASOS Curve and the brand was thrilled to have her, giving her a shout out on Twitter back in 2016, when she first joined them; and they have every reason to be pleased she modeled for them because Woods is a woman who is proud of her body, and she's not trying to fit into a mold.

    3 She's Rubbed Shoulders With Model Ashley Graham

    Ashley Graham is one of the most loved and respected models in the industry; she is considered to be a plus-size model and an advocate for body positivity and acceptance.

    She's amazing, but so is Jordyn Woods who joined forces with Graham, and several other models, for Addition Elle's Nola collection campaign.

    The campaign came out in 2016 and featured their athleisure looks, with everything from leggings to sports bras and cropped tees.

    So, is this point important because Woods is the next Ashley Graham? No, it's important because although Graham has much more experience than Woods in the modeling industry and it would be an honor to be able to work with someone like her, both of these women don't strive to be anything but themselves.

    2 She Supports The #TimesUp Movement

    If you follow the latest in popular culture or the news, you would have heard about the #TimesUp Movement. It's a relatively new movement which was founded in 2018 to fight against harassment and show solidarity for those who have been affected by it.

    Celebrities showed their support for the movement at the Golden Globes this year when over 300 of Hollywood's greatest ditched their usual colorful ensembles and wore black to show that they are standing with those who have shared their stories of harassment and discrimination in the workplace. And they are not going to stand for it any longer.

    Some of the celebrities who attended the Globes wearing black were Dakota Johnson, Emma Stone, Shonda Rhimes, Reese Witherspoon, and of course, Jordyn Woods. There is no need to explain why it's so important that Woods is among these strong women.

    1 She Loves A Good Jam And Grew Up On R&B

    Jordyn Woods is a woman of many talents, but she also has interesting hobbies, which includes an interest (or rather an experiment) with DJ'ing. She told Refinery29 that she has a DJ table because she likes to spin some tunes, but she also revealed that R&B has a special place in her heart because it formed part of her childhood.

    She said, "I grew up on a lot of R&B; my mom listened to a lot of Sade, which I didn't like as a kid and now I love. I've been listening to a lot of Amy Winehouse, and SZA, obviously."

    "I admire her because she's slowly progressing as an artist. She respects the process and the fact that you can't just start off as Rihanna. You have to get there."

    These comments give people a glimpse into the workings of Woods' mind, and she is clearly someone who thinks not only about the small things but the big things, too. She sees the whole picture, and that is yet another reason why she is unique.