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    18 Pics Of Kim Kardashian That Show Why Everyone Loves Her

    Even though Kim Kardashian gets a bad rap from critics-calling her self-absorbed and a bad role model-she's still the most popular celeb around. It's hard to ignore her even if people try. There's no way she's going away any time soon, so people might as well accept her. That's why we've come to the conclusion that everyone loves her. It's the only way to explain why her popularity is only increasing. She's even appealing to the haters.

    But what is it about her that appeals to so many? She must be working some magic spell on all of us were not aware of. The proof is in her photos. After all, pictures are her number one form of communicating with the world. Her photos alone prove why she's so alluring. As the saying goes, "A picture is worth a thousand words."

    We've gone ahead and done the work for you to assemble a collection of Kim's photos.  It's no longer a mystery to us now why Kim is the biggest celeb on the planet. We'll walk you through 18 photos that elevated Kim's status to the biggest celeb today.

    18 When She Got Flour-Bombed And Acted Like A True Professional

    Back in 2012, Kim was not happy. It's a rare sight considering she always looks so pretty and upbeat. But we have to hand it to her; we get why it ticked her off. While doing an interview on the red carpet, a random lady threw flour all over her. This is what's called a "flour bomb"-if we're getting technical.

    This photo perfectly captures the moment when flour and Kim collided. It isn't pretty. After all, she was dressed up and getting a face full of flour was probably the last thing she expected. According to the Daily Mail, the attacker was quickly apprehended after the incident. Meanwhile, a shocked Kim had to saunter off covered in cooking powder acting totally professional. She didn't have a meltdown right there on the red carpet, and we give her props for that.

    17 How She's Passing Down Her Amazing Fashion Sense To Her Daughter

    North West is already following in her mother's footsteps. This photo says it all. Just like mama Kim, North West looks decked out in a fur coat. We didn't even know they made them child-size. Kim's parenting aside, this photo really captures the life of a Kardashian.

    We love that Kim and North West (ever learning from mom) don't care what people think or say. They're gonna get dressed up for a stroll on the town. That's the kind of attitude we love. If there's one thing Kim has an abundance of, it's confidence. We think this photo demonstrates what we love most about Kim along with her penchant for elegance.

    16 The Making Of Her Huge Pop Hit

    We admit it, Kim isn't technically a pop queen. Though she did release a single called "Jam (Turn It Up)," it doesn't hold a candle to any of Taylor Swift's songs. She's still a queen in our books and her photo here with Swift only solidifies it. Karlie Kloss also made it into the photo.

    Although Kim and Swift are in a complicated triangle of beef together with Kanye, the two can make peace every once in a while, for a photo op. Plus, Kim shows that she's able to get along with anyone at the end of the day. Or maybe she's just practicing some advice from "The Godfather" about keeping friends close and enemies closer. Either way, we love Kim's ability to mix it with the brightest celebs as shown here.

    15 The Inventor Of The No-Hand Selfie

    It takes guts taking photos of yourself all day. Plus, it requires a lot of effort holding that phone up all the time. If you've got money like Kim, there's no need anymore. She just has someone else do the selfie for her. The thing is it takes a talented individual to take a photo of someone else while making it look like a selfie.

    Our hats go off to this photo-taker here. Look, we know Kim set her up to help her take this selfie. We don't have any problems with it either. If anything, we love that Kim is going to extra lengths to make the selfie happen. Even if her two hands aren't actually holding the phone. At the end of the day, she's making the selfie happen no matter what.

    14 Giving Back And Supporting The Troops

    For those who think Kim Kardashian is just a self-absorbed celeb, this photo will make them think again. Even though she's making her good deeds really clear on the internet, at least she's making efforts. Taken when she visited U.S. troops in Afghanistan, Kim here is innocently pecking a soldier on the cheek.

    While the troops probably didn't ask her to come, we have no doubt she put smiles on faces. Look at this guy after all. We love that Kim actually shows her support for the troops, instead of merely mentioning it over social media. It takes a lot to hop on a plane and fly halfway across the world. This soldier's face says it all and makes us all wish we were in the army.

    13 When She Lets Her Hair Down And Has Fun

    Kim is the queen of social media, so it's only natural that she's upped her Snapchat game recently. Typically we'll find some serious selfies on there but this just looks like a quick fun video of her and hubby Kanye.

    Usually, Kim has a serious "model" face in her photos, but on this day she decided to mix it up. This not only shows how unpredictable Kim is but how she's got a great sense of humor. Even Kanye's face looks playful as if he's saying, "Oh, you."

    While it's insights into her personal life that fans can't get enough of, photos like this feel most natural. It's like people get a peek behind the curtain of her glamorous life. We love that she doesn't take it all too seriously.

    12 On the Biggest Stage of Entertainment

    Remember Kim's career in wrestling? We don't either, because it didn't happen. While we wish it had, at least we have the memory of her hosting WrestleMania. Looking good in a green dress, Kim came out toting a microphone and handled business. WrestleMania has become a rite of passage for celebrities.

    In one way, once you make it there, you can make it anywhere (we think?). Whether WrestleMania has this kind of reputation or not, Kim certainly has made it. We love her having a stint on WrestleMania, even if it was just as a host for one year. She's proven that she does have talent even though many call it into question.

    11 Sunrise, Sunburn, Sunset

    Everyone has their bad days. If there's one thing that can ruin a day, it's a sunburn. As anyone can see here, Kim is severely punished by the sun. That doesn't mean she can't shake it off though.

    Instead of letting it ruin her day, she takes a selfie and shares it with the world. While we're not exactly going to copy her in this regard, her tenacity is something we admire. Plus, her facial expression is priceless! It's as if she's saying, "This sucks, oh well."

    It's the kind of hilarious photo of Kim that we don't see often. Even though she's so pretty, she's equally not afraid to share her faults with the world. As a result, this makes her flawless. We're glad she doesn't let flaws or faults determine her mood.

    10 Expensive Purse Or Kid's Craft?

    When the paparazzi snapped Kim and husband Kanye on a typical day in 2014, they didn't expect the photos to blow up. To the untrained eye, everything looks normal. But upon closer inspection, fashionistas will recognize a particular high-valued item. That's no ordinary purse Kim has, rather a designer Hermes purse. The only thing is it's covered in paint.

    Apparently, Kim let daughter North West paint all over it. It's said to have been a 34th birthday present from her daughter. While critics might raise an eyebrow at Kim's parenting style, we instead raise a glass. Here, Kim is breaking the mold of what people would expect. Then again, Kim always surprises us and it's what we love about her.

    9 Spoofing Star Wars

    For those who don't know, Kanye West had a satirical puppet TV show called "Alligator Boots," according to Life and Style Magazine. Most people don't know about it because the pilot never landed on any networks or aired on TV. The pilot did include an appearance by Kim dressed up as slave Leia in a bikini. It looks as if they had chemistry because of this Star Wars reference.

    But seriously, these photos are gut-busting. We can't believe this pilot really happened. Just seeing Kim adjust her wig is priceless. While Star Wars is the last thing we'd expect Kim to reference, it shows she's got range. She's willing to delve into the science fiction genre without a sweat. We wish this show would've gone forward. Maybe it would've shown us other sides of Kim.

    8 Come Fly With Me

    After seeing a picture like this, everyone wishes they could be Kim Kardashian. Let's just say at least everyone wants their own private jet. But what really sets Kim apart here from other celebs who have it all is her sense of humor. At the bottom of the photo is a caption that simply reads "cramped."

    This, of course, stands in stark contrast to the image of Kim sprawled out in a chair stretching her arms. Even if she comes across like she's flaunting it, she's doing it in a humorous tone we can appreciate. The life she lives is impossible to imagine. We think she's aware of that and showing it here on a trip to France of all places. We can't help but love her for it.

    7 Standing Out Amongst A Famous Crowd

    Out of all the famous people in this photo, who looks the most natural? The answer is obvious-it's Kim, of course. She really knows how to model for a photo. She's pursing her lips and striking a pose that calls out anyone who denies she's got glamour. We can't help but love how much of a natural she is.

    Some people are just born with it. You can't teach someone how to do that, they just know how to do it on their own. While Kylie also looks like she knows what she's doing, it's Kim that really stands out in a good way. That says a lot when one considers how many awesome celebs there are in this photo. We're not surprised Kim left the biggest impression.

    6  How She Can Have Fun With Wild Life

    We have to apologize to any giraffes offended by this photo. Speaking on behalf of Kim, we don't think she was making fun of this poor giraffe. More than likely, Kim sat down with the giraffe, she asked permission and the giraffe gave consent to do the photo. We really don't think Kim and Kourtney intended anything mean-spirited here.

    As one can see, the giraffe also looks to be having a good time. Kim probably just wants to appeal to all giraffes everywhere. Maybe she's going to break into a new cosmetic line specifically for giraffes. Then again, the assumption giraffes need makeup could offend them. Whatever the case may be, Kim's got us cracking up in this photo. We just hope no giraffes were injured emotionally by it.

    5 Making Dreams Come True

    Kim not only tugs at our interests on social media but tugs at our heartstrings if this photo is any evidence. She's proven time and again that not only is she an entrepreneur, she's also a philanthropist. In this photo, she's visiting a patient who is part of the Make-A-Wish foundation.

    Many who are in the foundation are suffering from ailments outside of their control. That's why the foundation blesses them with opportunities most people could only dream of. This patient's wish came true when Kim visited her. You can tell by the smile on her face how glad she is to hang out with Kim (we'd be excited, too). Aside from our jealousy, we can't help but smile too knowing Kim is making dreams come true.

    4 She Has Personality Despite What People Think

    As if this photo needed any commentary, the photographer captured Kim perfectly. Her exaggerated wide-mouthed grimace and eyes are so large. She's in prime form to be making a joke or just acting plain silly. From the bottom right corner, it looks like there's a microphone in her face. If that's the case, then she's definitely giving this interviewer more than they could have ever hoped for.

    We love how Kim can be even in a classy setting like this. The red carpet or events where high-profile people gather are usually serious affairs. Not for Kim though. She lays it all out and doesn't hold back in expressing herself the way she wants to. We support her all the way. It's pics like this that make us laugh the more we look at it.

    3 When She Was Representing How We All Feel At Sporting Events

    Starring in a reality TV show, Kim gets used to cameras being on her. It means she never gets a break. Even when the cameras aren't rolling, there's still paparazzi about. In order to survive, she's got to act how she wants to without thinking about it.

    That's what the cameras captured in this photo: a candid Kim yawning. We love it. She's not trying to look super attractive while at this sporting event-she's just being herself. It's not her fault if she's not entertained by it. The least she can do is yawn. We'd be bored if we only saw photos of cute and beautiful Kim all day. We want to see bored Kim too! That's exactly what this photographer delivered, and we love Kim the more for it.

    2 The Cry Face That Keeps On Giving

    Here's the face that launched a thousand memes. How could we forget Kim crying over her first hubby Kris Humphries and their marriage that didn't last? Of course, this moment comes during an episode of the spinoff show "Khloe and Kim Take New York." Even though it's back from 2012, it's left an impression on the internet world ever since. People loved seeing Kim cry.

    Even People reports something fans of Kim's crying face will be happy to hear: Saint West has the same face when he cries. That's right. Kim and Kanye's son has the same "cry face" as his mama. At least those genes could help further his popularity when he's older. We love this moment that the cameras captured, even if Kim is a little vulnerable.

    1 That Time She Was In A Fall Out Boy Music Video

    Just when we thought Kim had done it all, a Fall Out Boy music video proved us wrong. There's so much to address. First of all, yes, she starred in a Fall Out Boy music video. Secondly, the music video has chimpanzees. Third and best of all, a chimp gets frisky with Kim (as the photo suggests).

    There's a lot of ways we reacted to this foray for Kim. We were a little weirded out. Then we realized how brave she was for agreeing to do this. While she probably got compensated handsomely for it, she also has to live with it on her resume forever. In our eyes though, she's still the best. It's not like we can blame the chimps either for being enamored with her.

    References: Life and Style Mag, People, Images VC, Daily Mail, Google, Instagram, Life and Style Mag, Fuse, Instagram, NY Daily News, Life and Style Mag, Google, Celebuzz, Life and Style Mag, Dailymail, People, Fuse, Fuse, Google, Look