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    18 Celebs Who Chose Their Spouse Over Their Family

    We all know how frustrating it is to bring home a guy and find out that your parents can't stand him. It's the worst feeling. There you are, all excited for this wonderful new guy to meet your parents and totally click with them, and then you notice that your mom is wearing a slight frown every time she looks in his direction. You feel so disappointed, and you immediately begin wondering if there's anything you two should be doing differently to impress your parents. But sometimes, you have to make a choice between love and family. It's not a position that anyone wants to be in, but it does happen very frequently.

    Celebrities go through this too. Sometimes when a celebrity marriage ends, their parents speak to the press and reveal that they never approved of the union in the first place. Sometimes a celeb already has a bad relationship with their parents, and their choice of a partner is the last straw. It's crazy that this is an issue that can affect anyone, but spouses can cause serious conflicts even in famous families that we look up to and admire. Here are 18 celebs who chose their spouse over their family.

    18 Paul McCartney's Daughter Hated Heather Mills

    When Paul McCartney got married to Heather Mills, his daughter was NOT happy with the situation-not one bit. But Paul went ahead and married Heather anyway, even though it wasn't meant to last.

    Stella McCartney was not in favor of their marriage at all. In fact, Heather says that Stella's hatred of her was one of the things that caused the downfall of the relationship.

    Stella said that Heather was very manipulative and that she wanted to destroy all of the memories of Stella's mother, Linda McCartney. But, of course, Heather says that all of the problems were Stella's fault. She even says that Stella would scratch her face out of photos of the family. We'll never know who was really the root of the problems in this relationship.

    17 Brad Pitt's Parents Liked Jen Better Than Angie

    Um, scandalous! So by now, everyone on the planet knows that Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt have sadly parted ways. They were a serious Hollywood power couple, and everyone thought that they were going to last. After all, they had six children together! It takes some serious commitment to raising six kids-yes, even if you can afford nannies. But maybe things were not so perfect behind the scenes this whole time.

    Brad's parents have actually said that they preferred Jennifer Aniston to Angie. Crazy, right? Apparently, they never liked Angie, and they said that Jen was so much warmer and friendlier towards them.

    Hmmm, maybe while the rest of us were mourning over their break up, Brad's parents were actually thinking, “I told you so!”

    16 Kris Jenner Has Mixed Feelings On Kim's Husband Kanye

    It's clear that the Kardashian sisters have all had some difficulties when it comes to finding men who love and appreciate them. They've been in the spotlight for so long, and they are surrounded by so many superficial people in Hollywood that we totally understand why this would be a challenge for them. It seems like Kim Kardashian and her husband Kanye West have been relatively happy together-they have three children now and it looks like smooth sailing-but Kris Jenner has not always approved of Kanye and Kim's relationship. She has said that she worried about Kanye's financial situation when he was millions of dollars in debt (uh, yeah, we don't blame her), but at least he makes Kim happy… especially compared to her ex-husband.

    15 Billy Ray Cyrus Had To Warm Up To Miley's Fiance Liam Hemsworth

    Even though Miley Cyrus appeared on Hannah Montana with her dad, Billy Ray Cyrus, they actually had a very strained relationship. You might think that since they had such a successful show together, they would get along really well, but this has not always been the case.

    In fact, Miley and Billy Ray went for a few years without speaking, and her relationship with Liam Hemsworth made things even worse. The first time that Miley and Liam began dating, Miley was only seventeen, and she decided to move in with Liam.

    Billy Ray was extremely frustrated by this-it was basically the beginning of Miley's “rebellious” phase. Eventually, he did come around and now that Miley and Liam are dating again, Billy Ray says that he is happy about it.

    14 Vanessa Lachey's Mom Was Not Invited To Her Wedding

    Nick and Vanessa Lachey have been married for a while now, but getting to this point was not a smooth road. Even though they look like a fairly stable celebrity coupe (especially compared to some of the others on this list), this does not mean that they haven't faced any obstacles. In fact, Vanessa has had a rocky relationship with her parents for a while now. In fact, they disapproved so strongly of her relationship with Nick that she chose not to invite them to her wedding. This was probably the last straw for any connection to her parents. If she decided not to invite them to her wedding, the most important day of her life, whatever was going on between them must have been very toxic.

    13 Meg Ryan's Mom Publicly Disapproved Of Dennis Quaid

    Meg Ryan was basically America's sweetheart after she starred in You've Got Mail. Everyone thought she was so sweet and pretty-what guy wouldn't have wanted a chance with her? She probably had her pick of suitors, but Meg ended up getting engaged to Dennis Quaid.

    However, her parents were not fans of Dennis. Meg went ahead and married him anyway, and they even had a child together.

    But in the end, her parents turned out to be right-these two were simply not a good fit for each other, and they ended up getting divorced after a decade of marriage. Moral of the story? Listen to your parents' advice! Because sometimes even when things seem right at the moment, they won't work out long-term,

    12 Lisa Presley And Michael Jackson Did Not Have Their Parents' Blessings

    It shouldn't come as any surprise to anyone that Michael Jackson did not have a good relationship with his parents. During his life, he often spoke about how badly his father mistreated him and his siblings when they were young. He says that he never got to have a normal childhood. So is it really shocking that later on, he chose a relationship with Lisa Presley rather than keeping the peace with his family? Michael's family never approved of Lisa. In fact, some of his immediate family members believed that he was simply dating her for her family name and connections (but let's be real, it's not like he needed her to give him a status boost-he was the King of Pop). His family turned out to be somewhat right-the couple did eventually part ways.

    11 Britney Spears' Dad Used To Hate Kevin Federline

    Look, maybe Britney's dad didn't truly HATE Kevin Federline-we'll give him the benefit of the doubt here. But he definitely was not a huge fan of the guy. Maybe this wasn't because of anything that Kevin did personally.

    Britney's dad probably knew that she was going through enough already during the time of their relationship, and did not want to see her get married to someone that wasn't right for her.

    However, we all know how the rest of this story goes. Sometimes, it's easy to brush your parents off and say that they just don't understand… but sometimes, it turns out that your parents know you better than you know yourself! As we all know, Britney went into a serious downward spiral, and she ended up getting divorced from Kevin.

    10 Beyonce's Mom Loves To Throw Shade At Jay-Z

    Beyonce has revealed all of the secrets behind her supposedly perfect marriage to Jay-Z. Turns out that he was a cheater! So if you've ever been cheated on, now you can reassure yourself that it probably wasn't your fault because if even Beyonce got cheated on, there's nothing you could have done to change that guy's mind. Anyway, turns out that Beyonce's mom, Tina Knowles, loves to make fun of Jay-Z behind the scenes. And we can't blame her! Beyonce's mom basically brought a goddess into this world, and some man had the audacity to cheat on her? Since Beyonce and Jay-Z have children together, they may be staying together for that reason alone, or she may have truly forgiven him-who knows? But if things ended, Tina probably wouldn't be too upset.

    9 Tori Spelling Became Estranged From Her Parents After Marrying Dean McDermott

    Just like many other celebs, Tori Spelling had a tumultuous relationship with her parents. Maybe they did not provide her with a good childhood, maybe they did not understand her lifestyle in Hollywood, but either way, one thing was clear-things were not good between them.

    And things got even worse after Tori married Dean McDermott. It seems that her parents were not happy with her choice of spouse, but did Tori care? Clearly, the answer was no.

    After the wedding, she became estranged from her parents. There is definitely a common theme in many stories like this-when your kid is dating someone you don't like, that's one thing, but if they choose to actually marry someone that you can't stand, it could easily mean the end of a stable family life.

    8 Courtney Love's Parents Were Uneasy About Her Marriage To Kurt Cobain

    Courtney Love's parents were not happy when she began dating Kurt Cobain. They had several reasons to disapprove of their relationship, but they were against it for one primary reason. Her parents knew that Courtney had struggled with addiction in the past, and they knew that Kurt also had demons of his own. They did not want their daughter to fall back into those bad habits. But Courtney followed her heart instead of their advice-and to this day, she probably wishes that she had listened to them instead. Courtney's parents did not simply welcome her back with open arms after Kurt's death. In fact, they publicly stated that they felt that Courtney had played a role because their relationship was so toxic. Wow, talk about a serious family feud.

    7 Johnny Depp's Mom Never Liked Amber Heard

    Johnny Depp and Amber Heard went through a very public and dramatic divorce not too long ago. To sum it all up briefly, the couple got engaged after a short time of dating and only stayed married for a little over a year. After the divorce, Amber stated that Johnny had been violent towards her, and fans quickly began taking sides. After all, no one wants to believe that their favorite actor could be so awful to his wife. Some videos surfaced of Johnny acting very aggressively towards Amber, and that was the end of it-it was pretty clear that no matter what had exactly happened, the marriage was very toxic. But Johnny's mom had always felt that Amber was the cause of the problems. She had warned Johnny not to marry her.

    6 Jon Gosselin's Mom Never Got Along With Kate Gosselin

    Jon and Kate Plus 8 was one of the most popular reality shows on TV when it aired. This show followed the couple and their eight children around and showed what their daily lives were like.

    But all of their fame, success, and wealth simply crashed and burned when the couple got a divorce. And the funniest thing is that once the smoke had cleared, Jon Gosselin's mom revealed that she had NEVER liked Kate in the first place!

    Jon's marriage and family was the one thing that had brought him fame, and his mom thought it was all a bad idea. Well, as often happens, she did turn out to be right. Just remember, when your mom warns you that something is a bad idea, she usually knows what she's talking about.

    5 Brooke Hogan Is Embarrassed By Her Mom Linda's New Fiance

    So, we've seen plenty of examples of what could happen if your parents don't approve of your spouse. But what about a different scenario? What if it's your second-or even third-marriage, and your kids can't stand the person you're dating? Well, how about we just see how Brooke Hogan feels about it. Brooke is the daughter of Linda and “Hulk” Hogan, and her parents got divorced after it was revealed that Hulk had cheated on Linda with a friend. How embarrassing, right? But what Linda is doing now is just as embarrassing, and Brooke can't stand it. Linda is currently engaged to a much younger man, and Brooke thinks that the whole thing is absolutely ridiculous. The guy is probably just about Brooke's age!

    4 Donnie Wahlberg's Family Skipped His Wedding With Jenny McCarthy

    Donnie Wahlberg married model Jenny McCarthy years ago, and their family has been the subject of some scrutiny since then. Jenny has made some very public statements about why she does not think children should be vaccinated, and many people had strong disagreements with her.

    Donnie's family was wary of her from the beginning of their relationship. When it became clear that things were getting serious between the two of them, they voiced their disapproval, but it did not seem to matter.

    Donnie and Jenny ended up getting married-but his family actually skipped the wedding! Yup, that's right, they ghosted on Donnie's wedding day. We imagine he was disappointed, but he probably saw it coming. That's a pretty clear way of making your feelings known.

    3 Cynthia Bailey's Mom Tried To Stop Her Wedding To Peter Thomas

    Cynthia Bailey, star of the reality TV series The Real Housewives of Atlanta, was once married to Peter Thomas. The couple is now divorced, but Cynthia truly believed that he was the one. However, her family knew from the beginning that these two were all wrong for each other, and they did everything in their power to stop their marriage in its tracks. Unfortunately, their tactics did not work. Cynthia's mom and her sister even tried to hide her marriage license before her wedding! Talk about going to extremes. Cynthia tried to persuade them to give him a chance for years and years, but it just never happened. And eventually, her mom and sister got their “I told you so” moment when the couple got divorced.

    2 The Whole Kardashian Family Disapproved Of Kris Humphries

    Now that Kim and Kanye have been together for so long, it's hard to imagine that she was ever with anyone else. But who could REALLY forget the time that she got married to Kris Humphries for 72 days? Yup, that's right, just 72 days. We can't believe that doing something like that is even legal, but turns out that you can totally just marry someone and call it quits three months later. And that's exactly what Kim and Kris did.

    The funniest thing about the whole situation? Kim's entire family disapproved of their relationship and told them not to get married.

    But Kim is, well, Kim, and she does what she wants. She ignored her mom and her sisters' advice, married Kris, and had to deal with the shame of the following divorce.

    1 Jenelle Evans Stays With Her Husband Despite How Her Mom Feels

    Do we really need to explain the train wreck past of Teen Mom star Jenelle Evans? Probably not, but we'll give you a quick rundown. Basically, Jenelle is always going off the rails, and she has been like this ever since she first appeared on the show 16 and Pregnant. Her mom thinks that her husband is a major source of her bad behavior, and she has expressed her negative feelings about their relationship time and time again. But it literally does not matter what anyone says to Jenelle-she will not listen to their advice. She is intent on being as self-destructive as possible, and we doubt that she will ever leave her husband. They're so bad for each other, but they'll never quit.