Główna » Zabawa » 17 Embarrassing Celebrity Halloween Costumes

    17 Embarrassing Celebrity Halloween Costumes

    Trick or treat? As many of you guys are aware, Halloween is around the corner. Now is the time to decide and prepare what you want to be for this upcoming “holiday,” or rather celebration. Halloween used to be a time where people would dress up as witches, vampires, ghosts, and such to give off a scary and frightening vibe, and not in those skimpy and revealing versions of those costumes. Nowadays, people dress up as anything that they can fit into or even not fit into. Whatever floats their boat. It has definitely gotten scandalous though, but this is the time to release your inner self or your inner demon. Either way, come out and play! Halloween is the best time to dress however you want. Some of the examples are a promiscuous bunny rabbit, revealing French maid, shirtless firefighter (hubba hubba), and, well, you get the point. It's hard to dress like this on any other day.

    The reaction from the word “BOO!” has changed a bit now. When people turn, they used to see something scary but now it's more like “Hot damn, you look good!” Of course, that's not the case for all, but people get excited to show off some skin now.

    Here's the list of some of the celebrities' costumes that were supposed to be funny but it absolutely wasn't, or their costumes were impressive but creepy. Maybe these will help you with what not to wear or even dare you to give one a try this year!

    17 Snooki - Pickle Princess

    Snooki showed the world how much she absolutely loves pickles from the reality TV show, Jersey Shore. She is seen binging on pickles and even drinking pickle juice. It's come to a point that some of her cast mates made fun of her because of her obsession with pickles, but that didn't stop her from loving them. Good for her! There's no shame in what you like. It should come as no surprise that she actually dressed up as a pickle princess for Halloween. Isn't that a bit too extreme? Maybe. She wore a green mini dress with slices of pickles on the dress, a green cape, green heels, a green clutch, a pickle-shaped scepter, and a tiara. Not sure if the pickles are real and if she wrapped it around with a saran wrap, but let's give her the benefit of the doubt. The costume was creative overall, so will give her that but her as the pickle princess, gotta say, it's pretty funny.

    What do you think, Snooki?

    16 Kelly Ripa As Curvy Kim Kardashian

    Kelly Ripa always goes all out on Halloween. She loves to dress up. She dressed up as Kim Kardashian not once, but twice! As for Kim Kardashian, she clearly used butt pads on her derriere, because it looks so fake, especially in relation to Kelly's small figure. In the other picture, she added some padding to her chest as well, giving her a curvier look. Everything about this is so off-putting, especially with Kelly's small frame. Of course there's a possibility it was Kelly's intention to emphasize the bootay, somewhat implying that Kim might have gotten it done, because it looks really weird. Overall, don't think Kim would find this amusing.

    Check this out:

    15 Colton Haynes - Terrifying Miss Piggy

    Colton Haynes went all out for his Halloween costume as Miss Piggy from The Muppet Show. He is totally unrecognizable and it is very clear that he wanted this to work. He looked pretty comfortable dressed up as Miss Piggy as if he really is her. He even played her seductive and sensual character well, too, with the way he poses; he is an actor after all. Haynes went to an extreme length to wear a prosthetic chest and to wear uncomfortable outfits, especially those high platform shoes. Well, kudos to him and everyone who worked hard to bring Miss Piggy to life. But… can we take a moment and get a good look at the picture? He's a very good looking guy and it's great to see a very different side to him, far different from his role in Arrow, but… it's a bit creepy, is it not? Okay, it's actually terrifying. If he were to dress like this in the middle of the night, most of us would probably scream and run the other way. It's like a horror movie!

    Let's see what Miss Piggy thinks about this:

    14 Perez Hilton - Vampire Miley Cyrus

    Perez Hilton dressed up as Miley Cyrus for Halloween. He wore a latex nude bikini, the exact outfit Miley Cyrus wore to the VMAs when she was performing with Robin Thicke and shocked everyone with her vulgar actions, including, but not limited to, twerking on Robin Thicke. That bikini looks real tight, but he doesn't seem to be bothered by it at all. It's all in the game of fun, and it looks like he enjoyed every moment of it. He even wore red lipstick and had the hand, the shoes, the little buns on his head, and had his tongue out. He revamped the look with fangs, maybe to add a bit of a Halloween flavor. Perez has outdone himself to get the Miley look, for real, but… it's not a flattering look on him, especially with all that hair on his body.

    Honestly, it's nauseating…

    13 Chrissy Teigen - Toddlers & Tiaras No More

    Chrissty Teigen dressed up as a pageant princess from Toddlers & Tiaras. Toddlers & Tiaras is a reality TV show for child beauty pageants. Her costume was impressive and very girly. It's something that a little girl would like to wear, emphasizing the words “little girl.” In a way, Chrissy wouldn't have looked too bad if she was much younger. It looks like she might've even went to a salon to get a full makeover and feel what it's like to be in a pageant. The downside is, the pink and sparkly outfit with little balls on the skirt feels like it's more suitable for kids under five, hence “Toddlers & Tiaras.” Her hair is amazing because it stays up but it seems a bit on the crazy side for a grown woman, doesn't it?

    How does she look, kids?

    12 Kim Kardashian - Mermaid Obsessed

    Kim Kardashian was a mermaid for Halloween. Her outfit consists of a seashell bustier, shimmering bright green bottom with a flimsy tail, pearl necklace, and of course the platinum blonde wig. Her outfit leave little to the imagination. It shouldn't be a surprise, because her clothes are always tight. Kim loves to flaunt her curvy body and it's clear that she's very proud of it. One thing about this outfit is that because her skirt is so tight and it's basically wrapped around her legs, it must be uncomfortable for her to walk around in and especially in heels. Sometimes people like to go all out even if it means they won't be comfortable. The consequence of taking that action is that they might look a little funny trying to keep balance when standing or walking. Kim would know.

    Kim really wanted to be a mermaid.

    11 Tyra Banks - Richard Branson Doppelgänger

    Tyra Banks became her hero, Richard Branson, the founder of Virgin Atlantic Airlines for Halloween. It's crazy how the makeup team made Tyra look exactly like Richard to a point where she could pass as his doppelgänger. Their resemblance is uncanny-well, after Tyra's huge makeover. The makeover is very detailed like his wavy blond hair and especially his goatee. It would be pretty hard to point out which of them is the real Richard Branson, and people would have to take a moment to decide. Even if they were to point out the fake one, to find out that that fake is Tyra Banks would be hard to believe. This is impressive work, but to a certain extent, doesn't it give you the chills? For someone as gorgeous as Tyra Banks to transform into a masculine man? Should think about it for a second.

    Guess which one is real.

    10 Jason Biggs - Hairy Dorothy Gale

    Jason Biggs decided to dress up as Dorothy Gale from The Wizard Of Oz and he went all out. He wore the famous Dorothy Gale dress and the headband, had the braided pigtails, wore the red shoes, put blush on his face, and even had the basket. Voila, they were all on point. It's hard to look at him as Dorothy though. First, Jason has the boy-next-door smile and he is just adorkable. No one wants to see him in a dress. Second, he starred in American Pie and that is not the kind of guy we want to picture as Dorothy. It probably doesn't sit well with people who know. Also, he has his man watch on his wrist. Most importantly, he has so much hair. Maybe next time he tries to dress up as Dorothy, he should at least shave. That is one hairy Dorothy Gale. Don't think she'd approve this look, would she?

    She looks upset.

    9 Bethenny Frankel - Hello Kitty Fanatic

    Bethany Frankel dressed up as none other than Hello Kitty. She seriously has an obsession with Hello Kitty. It's nice that she's a fan of hers but there's a limit to how much until it's considered really creepy. This Halloween costume dates back to 2011 and she got backlashed for wearing her daughter's pajamas back in 2014 and guess what it was… it was of course, Hello Kitty! Crazy, right? We are all fan of something or someone but not all of us go to this length. She may not have gotten work done to become this real life Hello Kitty like some people who actually did become a real life Barbie, but she's emotionally there.

    Her Halloween costume consists of a white top with puffy sleeves and Hello Kitty face plastered on it, a short hot pink tutu with a hot pink belt around her waist, rainbow footless stockings that reaches her mid thigh, hot pink open-toe heels, a tiny silver Hello Kitty purse and of course the red ribbon hair clip on her pink short hair. She really went all out on this outfit. If this isn't extreme, what is?

    What do guys think about dating this one?

    8 Heidi Klum - Not-So-Funny Old Lady

    Heidi Klum goes all out on every Halloween. She dressed up as Cleopatra, Jessica Rabbit, and more. People look forward to her next project when Halloween is around the corner because she is full of surprises and the looks are amazing. It's pretty obvious that this lady is all or nothing. However, she made a bad judgment when she dressed up as an old lady. The makeup team did a phenomenal job with the wrinkles, the baggy eyes, and the veins that form at an older age. The outfit with pearls and tweed midi skirt and the cane used generally by the older people to help with their posture and their balance to walk were all well put together. The problem is, out of all the things to be for Halloween, she chose to be an old lady. It's demeaning and offensive. Was her intention to be funny? Because it sure wasn't. Heidi definitely crossed the line with this one.

    One way to put it: How rude!

    7 Martha Stewart - Are You A Good Witch Or A Bad Witch?

    Martha Stewart became a fairy godmother for Halloween. She sewed her own costume and it shouldn't come as a surprise. She is a famous lifestyle guru who's into DIYs. It appears that she wore a tight baby pink long-sleeved bodysuit and a loose pink chiffon gown over it with a puffy neck piece. She has some kind of a crown on her up-do and holds a wand. Honestly, credits to her for designing her own costume but the costume washes her out. It looks awkward on her and it seems to be more suitable for kids. She also looks evil, even if the outfit is pink, so that's unhelpful. It's a good thing that she's not a fashion designer. One thing for sure is she definitely has the money to be a fairy godmother. She just needs a change of wardrobe to look more presentable.

    Would you want her as your fairy godmother?

    6 Kyle MacLachlan - Kale Is Not Just Kale Anymore

    Kyle MacLaclan dressed up as a vegetable, kale. Kale has been on a trend for a while. It's what everyone wants in their salad and in their smoothies because it's a great way to detox your body. It's obvious Kyle literally threw on something for the sake of Halloween or maybe he really did want to be kale. Okay, so he wanted to be a part of the trend, but there was no effort on his part. His whole costume is just a bunch of kales glued on him and we all know that we should not play with our food. He could have done a better job with this. He could have worn a green body suit or dyed his hair green too but he wore sweats. Overall, this outfit was a disappointment and not impressive at all. If anything, it looks like kale was thrown at him.

    Lost appetite.

    5 Katy Perry - Lonely Hot Cheetos

    Katy Perry was Hot Cheetos for Halloween. While other celebrities were going for the sexy and seductive look, she decided to dress up as a snack. Is this becoming a thing in Hollywood now? People dressing up as food, vegetables, and fruits? Well, Katy Perry looked lonely and she's the only one to blame. She's dressed up in an orange suit wearing orange shoes and holding a Cheetos hand bag. She doesn't even look all that cheerful about her costume, as well. Also, if it weren't for her Cheetos handbag, nobody would've known what she was. Can't imagine what other people would have thought if she forgot her Cheetos handbag. On top of all this, she ate Cheetos in her music video, “Dark Horse.” Guess she's really into Cheetos, but who isn't? It's so darn good! Don't love it enough to be one, but to each her own.

    Cheetos come to life!

    4 Hugh Grant - Boring Lion

    Hugh Grant was a lion for Halloween. There's not much effort in this costume except putting it on. Did you expect more? Duh. He is Hugh Grant! He is a grown man dressed in a lion onesie for the world to see. He obviously didn't give a sh*t about Halloween and that's cool, but if you were going to dress up, at least do it right. This outfit looks like he just pulled out of his nephew's drawer. This lion onesie looks more like a pajama onesie than a costume. Also, he wore running shoes and had no makeup on like they do on the Broadway Show, The Lion King. His outfit was just plain boring and really sad. Worst costume! There was no creativity, none.


    3 Jessica Alba - Dora The Explorer, Is It?

    Jessica Alba was Dora The Explorer. It's cute and sweet how she dressed up as one of her kid's favorite TV characters. She could have put more effort into this outfit. If anyone were to see her wearing orange pants and a purplish top, nobody would have guessed what she dressed up as for Halloween. It's like the scene from Mean Girls: Jessica would have to point out her Dora The Explorer's bag and the map and maybe even say, “Duh, I'm Dora The Explorer.” Jessica actually looks good in short hair and not many women can pull that off. Yay for her! The compliment only stops there though. The reason behind her costume is cute, but it's weird seeing a grown up Dora, isn't it? Kids love that show because she is a little girl like themselves, but Jessica is a grown woman. It could kinda ruin it for them.

    She's Dora The Explorer, all grown up… duh?

    2 Tara Reid - Skimpy Grecian Goddess

    Tara Reid wore a very skimpy two-piece outfit for Halloween as a Greek Goddess. The “costume” showed a lot of skin, and she's never been shy about showing skin. Even her past Halloween costume as Santa Claus was very similar to this one. She really likes to leave little to the imagination. It's great that she flaunts what she's got and that she has confidence to do so, but maybe cover up a little? The outfit does not even look goddess-y. It's not even a costume, it's basically a bikini. She added random things to make it look like something, but there's not much to look at, is there? It looks like she cut some parts of her decorative pillows and window curtains and sewed it on to her bikini. Hmm…

    Would you like to add anything, Tara?

    1 Ellen DeGeneres - Kim Kardashian Or Not

    Ellen Degeneres is one funny and laid back woman. She's known to wear suits all the time and so, when she left her comfort zone once in a while for Halloween, she surprised everyone by dressing up like Kim Kardashian. It came as a surprise because Kim is voluptuous and loves to dress in a revealing way. She's free with her cleavage, her behind, and enjoys wearing tight, tight clothes. Here, you see Ellen doing just that. It hurts your eyes, doesn't it? Not because it looks horrible, but because it's Ellen! This is so uncomfortable for our eyes to see, especially all that cleavage. Ellen, what are you doing? Didn't know she's got them goodies, but would prefer her in her usual suits. This is too much!

    Kim might actually be jealous.