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    16 Celebrities Said To Be Closet Cases

    Human sensuality has undergone a major revolution throughout the past few decades. The LGBT community has taken a strong influence on mainstream society. It now more acceptable among millennials to be openly gay, bi, gender fluid, or you name it, more so than any other generation that we have ever seen.

    Even in these modern times, many people choose to remain in the closet for various reasons. Sometimes, people are rushed by their parents into believing that being attracted to your own gender is wrong. We have been conditioned as children by being told we live in a hetero-normative society where every couple must have a male and female to make it complete. There are many derogatory stereotypes being aimed at the LGBT community or anyone who is outside the norm. Perhaps some people fear that they will be stereotyped, judged or ostracized if they come clean about who they really are.

    There has been some buzz in the gay community about certain celebrities being not-so-open about their own sensuality. Though they may never admit it to the public, they will always know deep down what really tickles their fancy.

    Take a peek at some celebrities that just refuse to come out.

    15 Chase Crawford - Getting Cozy With J.C. Chasez

    If it wasn't the effeminate features that that gave it away, then maybe it was that teen heart-throb vibe that did it. Chase Crawford broke many teenage girl's hearts when there were rumors swirling that he was getting with 'NSYNC member, JC Chasez. Though JC adamantly denies the rumors calling them "laughable the first time you heart it, and then it just gets annoying." When asked about the 2008 incident with JC in the steam room at LA club Equinox, he responded with "can't I have any close male friends?" JC Chasez and the Gossip Girl star have been spotted out together on several occasions - prompting talk about a possible romance. It would do him a world of justice if he did come out of the closet. He has kept a low profile ever since Gossip Girl went off the air. What an amazing opportunity for a comeback.

    14 Josh Hutcherson - Implied His Sensuality

    Hunger Games star Josh Hutcherson has identified himself as "mostly straight" but does not rule out the possibility of being attracted to a man someday. Naturally, the gay community got excited when they found out that they may have possibly gained a new member. In an interview with Huffington Post, he said, "Maybe I could say right now I'm 100% straight. But who knows? In a year, I could meet a guy and be like, 'Whoa, I'm attracted to this person'". Sounds like he might be bi, or just on the brink of declaring his true sexual orientation. In any case, he is a respected member of the LGBT community and has played many gay characters in his roles. So, he half came out of the closet, half denied it.

    13 Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino - Showing Defensiveness

    You remember Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino as one of the lovable guides on Jersey Shore. Both his castmates Snooki and JWoww have told the Huffington Post that he is in fact a homosexual. Suddenly, it seemed like all of Mike's attempts to hook up with women at all those clubs make so much sense. Apparently, this confession made him extremely upset and he slammed his former housemates over gay implications. In the interview, JWoww and Snooki implied despite his playboy reputation, Mike has still questioned his own sexuality. "He brings it up" JWoww said. Snooki added, "He told me one time, 'all this talk is making me wonder'". In response, his publicist said their speculation is "the most ridiculous statement I've ever heard." Sometimes, the truth lies in the reactions people give to these gay rumors. The more defensive, the more it seems like they have something to hide.

    12 Will Smith & Jada Pinkett Smith - Open Marriage For All

    Both Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith have been rumored to have involved others into their marriage to keep their love life spicy. Many married couples eventually get bored with each other and invite others into the bedroom to keep their intimate life in check. What we don't know is that Will Smith is into the guy-on-guy action when this happens during their adventures. At the same time, there is much girl-on-girl action while these new affairs go down. This couple has spent years boasting that their life together was all about being different from others - they treat each other as free spirits refusing to follow tradition and never punishing their children. It seems only fitting that they both go both ways. Talk about a match made in heaven.

    11 Vin Diesel - Never Confirmed Nor Denied

    10 Queen Latifah - Strong, Independent… Lesbihonest?

    For years, she has been one of those stars who have managed to conquer the world of both music and film. In 2012, she made a quasi-confession hinting that she may or may not be into the same female gender. She made an appearance at the Long Beach Pride event in California prompting some fans to assume that she exposed a big part of her private life. As she performed in front of a crowd of 1,000 people, she announced, "Y'all my peeps," she said, referring to the LGBT community. "I love you". She then went on to tell them, "keep your support system tight", warning about keeping safe from STDs. It sounds like here, she just kind of danced around the point but still wanting to make herself known. Well played.

    9 Joseph Gordon-Levitt - Thriving In Ambiguity

    Joseph Gordon Levitt proudly declares himself a feminist and has taken on some risqué indie film roles that would lead many to question his sexual preference. In the film Mysterious Skin, he plays a hustler specializing in keeping older men company for a living following a childhood trauma. He played the part so effortlessly and seemed a little too comfortable with himself that speculation started to develop that perhaps scenes such as those occurred in real life. However, in spite of his willingness to put himself in such a racy role, the Dark Knight Rises star still refuses to comment on whether he is gay or straight. "That would be really tacky - they would win if I had to clarify" he told Out magazine. By "they", we are assuming he is talking about the paparazzi, reporters… or maybe society?

    8 Hugh Jackman - Light On His Feet

    Hugh Jackman has been married to actress Deborra-Lee Furness for 17 years and still gets annoyed every time gay rumors start to swirl. Many gay men get married, have kids and still live in the closet for the rest of their life (hi Caitlyn Jenner? ). Though he has that superhero prowess going for him, one can't help but notice his overtly whimsical demeanor and his debonair fashion that might be a bit too suave. Though both him and his wife continue to dodge rumors, we have to wonder if he was just using this as a cover-up. After all, he seems to be a bit out of her league anyways (at least in the looks department). He told the Hollywood Reporter, "it bugs her." He blames the internet and its frequent postings. Yeah, right.

    7 Jake Gyllenhaal - Brokeback Mountain, Enough Said.

    If this rumor is true, then the hearts of all us girls are forever broken. Jake Gyllenhaal is nothing short of dreamy with those big blue eyes, dimples and those cheeks that we just want to pinch. He starred alongside the late Heath Ledger in Brokeback Mountain in a role that made his entire career. That movie made a huge impact in the LGBT community and credited both those actors' talents to be reckoned with. In real life, he has had some short-lived flings with some of Hollywood's starlets but he has never really been known to have a serious girlfriend (aside from maybe Reese Witherspoon). He has had a noted bromance with Adam Levine. Out of every woman on this list, Jake Gyllenhaal seems the least likely to be a closet case. At least that is what we are telling ourselves to get through the night.

    6 Elijah Wood - The Queen Of The Rings

    In 2002, a parody fan site was created called "Elijah Wood is Very, Very Gay" because it was believed that the Lord of the Rings actors Elijah Wood and Dominic Monaghan were in a secret relationship in real life. When addressing gay rumors, Elijah Wood took a more light-hearted approach and replied that the rumors amused him. Unlike fellow megabucks star, Tom Cruise - he has never threatened to sue. He told the world Entertainment News Network, "it's kind of a joke website that maintain that they have proof that I am very, very gay in various photographs - photographic evidence (of me) holding hands with a male." Wood has jokingly admitted that he likes to surf the web and look at doctored photos that put him in compromising positions with men. Maybe that gets his body temperature to rise?

    5 Tyler Perry - Closeted Activist

    Tyler Perry has been outspoken about his support for the LGBT community. He added to Hollywood's urgency for Georgia governor Nathan Deal to reject a bill that discriminated against the LGBT community. Recently, a man named Walter Lee Hampton II outed him as gay which is not exactly the classiest move. He claimed that Tyler Perry was once a "gay black man" who has since abandoned the gay community. Hampton posted a video on YouTube on April 16th, 2017 which he explains his close and complex relationship with Tyler. He explained that Tyler told him that his playwriting career would not be as successful if he came out as a gay man. He said that Tyler's stage performances would not continue to garner financial and critical success if he came out. It's too bad that we live in a society were your career is in jeopardy if you reveal your sexual orientation.

    4 Ryan Seacrest - This One Is Obvious

    Ever since the first premiere of American Idol, many people have assumed that Ryan Seacrest is gay. Through he has had an on-again, off-again relationship with girlfriend Shayna Taylor (whom he has recently moved in with), many people still wonder what he did in his "off time" during the breaks in that relationship. In the early '00s, he just came off as metrosexual and many teenage girls who watched American Idol developed crushes on him. Many people just assumed that he was low key gay for years though he has dated women. The validity to these rumors are pretty weak compared to others on this list. Recently, there was a hilarious clip of Britney Spears and her reaction when she finds out for the first time that Ryan Seacrest is not gay and he is in fact a "straight man."

    3 Hulk Hogan - The Ex-Wife Tells All

    This one is just messy and brutal. In 2011, Hulk Hogan filed a defamation lawsuit against his ex-wife, Linda Bollea after she claimed that he is gay and violent. Though many divorces get ugly and many ex-spouses start to dislike each other, but this one takes the cake. According to the Telegraph, Bollea recently claimed that Hogan is gay and had an affair with fellow wrestler, Brutus Beefcake. She also accused the wrestler of being prone to violent, threatening outbursts during their marriage. However, the revelation of Hogan's supposed affair with Beefcake occurred while she was promoting her memoir. He fired back with an 18-page civil suit against Bollea claiming that he was being defamed. I guess seeing other grown men in tights while ripping their shirts off gets the blood pumping.

    2 Tom Cruise - Trapped In The Closet

    This rumor is so potent that South Park dedicated an entire episode about Tom Cruise being "trapped in the closet." As the old saying goes, "in jest, there is truth." There are many stories that weave through the grapevine in the LGBT community that Tom Cruise is indeed low key gay. It is said that he used his previous three marriages to Mimi Rogers, Nicole Kidman and Katie Holmes as coverups to maintain his heteronormative image. While it is impressive that the man has spent the past two decades making a fool of himself spouting off his weirdo Scientology stuff and still managing to bank millions at the box office, you would think that he would just admit what he is. Not really. His ex-wife Mimi Rodgers has gone on record to say that their divorce happened because he was "asexual". Can we say red flag?

    1 John Travolta - Getting Grease-y

    John Travolta has been an alleged closet case for many years. Like Tom Cruise, he is also a notorious member of the church of Scientology and has been a big public supporter. He has been accused of harassment by male masseurs when they have openly talked to the press (but he managed to pay them off). Rumor has it that he had to pay for secret massages on the side to get his rocks off. The speculation from multiple sources has to expose him to a tell-all memoir about the relationship. Douglas Gotterba told the National Enquirer that he signed a confidentiality agreement back in the '80s to never talk about the affair. Oh yeah, and not to mention he is married with children.