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    16 Celebrities Admit To What It Was Like To Almost Lose Their Minds

    When Katy Perry stopped on the red carpet at the Grammy Awards earlier this year to talk with Ryan Seacrest, she was asked the reason behind her taking a lot of time off work and replied, "That's called taking care of your mental health. I haven't shaved my head yet." The comment was clearly aimed at Britney Spears who suffered a mental breakdown a decade earlier and fans were not too impressed at Perry poking fun. Mental health struggles are real and it's not just Spears who have suffered in the past.

    Mental health problems can strike at any time and often they result in a trip to the hospital or even a long-stay at rehab. Some stars even turn to medication to help like Mad Men star Jon Hamm, who told Marie Claire magazine, "Antidepressants help! If you can change your brain chemistry enough to think: 'I want to get up in the morning. I want to get up and go do my s*** and go to work".

    These following stars all were so close to losing their minds but thankfully they managed to get the right help just in time. Here they discuss what is felt like for them at rock bottom as they bravely spoke out about the difficult times.

    16 Rihanna's Management Pushed Her Until She Ended Up Hospitalized

    Everybody knows not to mess with Rihanna but a few years ago her management clearly didn't get that memo. When she was working on her Talk That Talk album, her schedule was so busy that this ended in her being hospitalized for exhaustion and kept on an IV drip. Even though she was seriously run down, her management wouldn't give her the time off.

    In an interview, she revealed, "One morning I woke up and started crying so hard. I finally just got to my bed and I was just like, 'Good I can actually get to sleep tonight' because we stayed up (all night) and I finished (the album). So now I'm like 'One good night of rest.' I get in bed and it must have been two hours in before my phone started going off."

    The Work singer added, "I started crying. I cried for 10 minutes really, really hard in my pillow. It was aggressive. I don't cry loads. If I cry it's because I'm very angry and I can't do anything about it because I've run into a dead end that's when the tears would come down. But this time I needed to hear it, I almost wanted to punch somebody."

    15 Leli Reinhart Revealed Riverdale Saved Her Life

    During her struggle to become a star, Leli Reinhart almost suffered a complete mental breakdown before the role of Betty Cooper in Riverdale came along and saved her life. She told W magazine, "When I first started out, I didn't have a car so I was Ubering everywhere. I remember looking at my bank account and seeing all the money I had saved over the years gone."

    She added, "I spent five months holed up in this bedroom, just feeling anxious waiting for my next audition. I suffered the worst panic attack of my life. I didn't want to admit defeat, but I was like, 'I need to come home, my mental health is suffering and it is making me physically ill.'" Back home, she started therapy and began medication but then Riverdale entered her life. She said waking up every day knowing that she had a job was enough to drive her forward towards success.

    14 Miley Cyrus' Father Had To Break Down Her Bedroom Door

    Miley Cyrus was a larger than life public figure but what was really going on inside her own head? Following her Bangerz tour, her erratic behavior had many fans were worried about her mental well-being. She told Elle magazine, "Being on tour is totally like a drug - you're really high off the energy and then you just crash - you go from 20,000 people screaming like, 'I love you, I love you! and then you're just in your hotel room by yourself, quiet."

    She crashed hard, revealing, "I went through a time where I was really depressed. Like, I locked myself in my room and my dad had to break my door down." Adding, "So many people look at (my depression) as me being ungrateful, but that is not it - I can't help it. There's nothing worse than being fake happy." Now she has transformed herself back to a milder Miley, she's back and stronger than ever.

    13 Cara Delevinge Repeatedly Slammed Her Head Against A Tree

    British model turned actress Cara Delevingne took the world by storm after her fashion week debut in 2011 when she was labeled the 'next Kate Moss'. She's since fronted campaigns for Chanel, Burberry, Mulberry, Dolce & Gabbana, to name a few, but she knows the trauma of having to battle your own inner demons.

    Throughout her childhood, she witnessed her own mother battle with addiction and this sent her spiraling out of control. The Suicide Squad star told Vogue, "All of a sudden I was hit with a massive wave of depression and anxiety and self-hatred, where the feelings were so painful that I would slam my head against a tree to try to knock myself out. I'd scratch myself to the point of bleeding." She turned to modeling as a means of escape and now as one of the highest paid models in the world.

    12 Beyonce Quit Work For A Year Because She Was Going Mad

    There's the famous saying: 'You have as many hours in the day as Beyonce' but even Queen Bey struggled with success. The Crazy in Love singer was on tour around the world and she was left mentally exhausted. In her documentary Life Is But A Dream, she revealed, "It was beginning to get fuzzy - I couldn't even tell which day or which city I was at. My mother was very persistent and she kept saying that I had to take care of my mental health." She then took a year out to visit places like the Great Wall of China.

    Beyonce has previously battled with depression after she split from her boyfriend that she'd been with since she was 13-years-old. When Destiny's Child won a Grammy Award she was at rock bottom but said to herself that she had two choices: give up or move on.

    11 Mischa Barton Was On A Train She Could Not Get Off

    The O.C actress Mischa Barton has struggled with her own demons over the years and her mental health issues have been well documented by the media. Earlier this year, on the morning of her 31st birthday, she was transported to hospital after a disturbance was reported at her home. She was caught on camera screaming over her fence and behaving erratically.

    She spoke to People about how she struggled to cope with her own fame, opening up she said, "Almost overnight it was like this switch has been turned on. It was like this fascination switch on all of us, aimed especially at me. Everybody was depending on me. I asked to get out of jobs all the time, and the response was, 'No, you have to.' There's an attitude that you can't say no." Talking about her party lifestyle getting out of hand, she added, "It was a train I could not get off of. When you're young, you can do it, but after a while, it's going to come crashing down on you."

    10 Kerry Washington Wouldn't Stop Eating Until She Passed Out

    Kerry Washington looks like the kind of woman who has it all together. She's smart, sassy, gorgeous, talented and an inspiration for any mother juggling work and family. After her role in Ray starring opposite Jamie Foxx, she found it difficult to cope with her new fame. She explained to Essence, "I used to be the girl who would show up at the airport in pajamas because no one was ever trying to take my picture. Suddenly I was losing my anonymity, and I became really of my career. I felt trapped and powerless."

    Following her mother's cancer diagnosis she slipped into depression and binge eating, revealing, "I used food as a way to cope. It was my best friend. I'd eat anything and everything, sometimes until I passed out." She then sought help after a friend voiced their concerns and now she has regular therapy sessions and visits a nutritionist.

    9 Prince Harry Shut Off All Emotion For 20 Years

    Prince Harry always struggled following the death of his mother Princess Diana but he suffered in silence. In a raw interview, he revealed that to cope he "shut down all his emotions" and he was "on the verge of punching someone" before finally after 20 years he turned to the therapy he so desperately needed.

    He told The Telegraph, "I have probably been very close to a complete breakdown on numerous occasions, when all sorts of grief and all sorts of lies and misconceptions and everything are coming to you from every angle." Now, alongside his brother Prince William, he has founded the charity Heads Together that reaches out to young people who are in need of counseling and therapy. Long gone are the days where the Royals kept their emotions to themselves.

    8 Emma Stone Imagined Her House Was Burning Down

    La La Land actress Emma Stone opened up recently about the time she suffered a panic attack that was so overwhelming she believed her house was burning down. She told Wall Street Journal, "It was really bad. The first time I had a panic attack I was sitting in my friend's house, and I thought the house was burning down. I called my mom and she brought me home, and for the next three years it just would not stop." Adding, "I needed to know nobody was going to die."

    She has since discovered that acting gives her a creative outlet which has meant she can keep her anxiety under control. Now she can count herself as an Academy Award and Golden Globe winning actress, those bad days surely won't be coming back anytime soon.

    7 Ronda Rousey Felt She Couldn't Go On After Losing A Big Fight

    In 2015, Ronda Rousey was at the height of her UFC career after winning a record 11 fights in a row - nine of those she won in the first round. She was a world class fighter, had companies throwing millions at her to endorse their products and she even landed a role in the Fast and Furious film franchise. Then along came Holly Holm and everything changed - Rousey suffered her first defeat after a powerful kick to the head from Holm and she was admitted to a local hospital.

    Rousey told Ellen DeGeneres, "Honestly, my thought in the medical room, I was sitting in the corner and was like, 'What am I anymore if I'm not this?' Literally sitting there thinking about killing myself. In that exact second, I'm like, 'I'm nothing. What do I do anymore? No one gives a s*** about me anymore without this." She added, "I looked up and saw my man (UFC heavyweight Travis Browne) was standing there. I'm looking up at him and was just like, 'I need to have his babies. I need to stay alive.'" The pair tied the knot in a private ceremony this year.

    6 Demi Lovato Let Her Inner Demons Take Over

    Demi Lovato has spoke before about the time she suffered a nervous breakdown that left her with an eating disorder. She was treated in rehab after she attacked a The Jonas Brothers backing dancer whilst on tour. One witness told People, "Demi invited her band, dancers and her parents to dinner. Afterwards, she broke off with a very small group." Later her tour managers questioned her about partying till late and the source added, "Demi reacted badly and perceived that someone on tour had told on her." She then got into a physical fight with a dancer who was left badly bruised.

    Demi told Seventeen magazine, 'I basically had a nervous breakdown. I was really bad off. My parents and my manager pulled me aside and said, 'You need to get some help.' It was an intervention. I wanted freedom from the inner demons. I wanted to start my life over."

    5 Mariah Carey Was Monitored 24/7 Following Worrying Behavior

    In 2001, Mariah Carey suffered a worrying breakdown and she was taken to a hospital in New York after she started smashing up plates out of frustration. She told MTV, "I was totally exhausted and I needed to go to sleep and I needed rest and I needed people to leave me alone and stop banging on my freaking door to get up and do a freaking video."

    She added, "Basically, I exhausted myself, because I was working 21-hour days for at least two or three months straight. There were a lot of different things. It was emotional and physical. More than anything, it was (my) body saying, 'Stop.' Your body can only take so much. Sleep deprivation is real. I know better now. I never knew how to draw the line."

    4 Kate Moss Went Through "Years of Crying" Over Johnny Depp

    Everyone has suffered heartbreak and Kate Moss is no different as she struggled to cope following her breakup from Johnny Depp. They were the it couple of the 90s after meeting in a New York bar and Moss said, "I knew from the first moment we talked that we were going to be together." But behind closed doors the relationship was volatile and they were captured on many occasions screaming at each other in public.

    When they finally decided split, Moss was devastated. She told Vanity Fair, "There's nobody that's ever really been able to take care of me. Johnny did for a bit. I believed what he said. Like if I said, 'What do I do?,' he'd tell me. And that's what I missed when I left. I really lost that gauge of somebody I could trust. Nightmare. Years and years of crying. Oh, the tears!"

    3 Olivia Munn Pulled Out Her Own Eyelashes

    Olivia Munn has a Hollywood career most actresses would kill for. Next year, she will star aside Rihanna, Cate Blanchett and Sandra Bullock in Oceans's Eight and appear as Psylocke in X-Men: Dark Pheonix - but behind closed doors, she suffers from a condition that affects only 1-3% of the population which is Compulsive Hair Pulling.

    The real name of the condition is trichotillomania and she revealed to Self, "I rip out my eyelashes. It doesn't hurt, but it's really annoying. Every time I run out of the house, I have to stop and pick up a whole set of fake eyelashes." Then explaining further, "OCD comes from a place of needing to feel safe. As an Air Force kid, I moved around a lot when I was younger and no one was nice to the new kid. So there is always this feeling that someone will make fun of me." Well, nothing shows the bullies better than becoming a huge success.

    2 Halle Berry Tried To End It All In Her Car

    She has been a Bond girl, Catwoman and she received an Academy Award for Best Actress turning her into the first black woman to win an Oscar. Although, despite her staggering success, Halle Berry felt like a failure following the breakdown of her first marriage to baseball player David Justice. The mother-of-one hit her lowest point and thought about taking her own life by poisoning herself as she sat in a car.

    She told Parade magazine, "I was sitting in my car, and I knew the gas was coming, when I had an image of my mother finding me. She sacrificed so much for her children, and to end my life would be an incredibly selfish thing to do." She added, "My sense of worth was so low. I had to reprogram myself to see the good in me. Because someone didn't love me didn't mean I was unlovable."

    1 Britney Spears Wonders "What The Hell Was I Thinking?"

    Britney Spears' meltdown in 2007 was seen around the world and not even the singer herself could explain what was going on in her mind at that time. Her marriage to backing dancer Kevin Federline failed in it's third year and she lost custody of her two sons, Sean Preston and Jayden, alongside partying late and being hounded by the paparazzi - she struggled mentally to cope with it all.

    In her documentary For The Record, she revealed, "I sit there and I look back and I'm like, 'I'm a smart person. What the hell was I thinking?' I've been through a lot in the past two or three years, and there's a lot that people don't know. Sometimes I think I get kind of lonely because you don't open the gate up that much. You're guarded. You have to be that way, so I'm kind of stuck in this place and it's like: How do you deal? And you just cope, and that's what I do. I just cope with it, every day." She had a big comeback and is stronger than ever with a string of sell-out Las Vegas shows.