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    15 Celebs You Definitely Didn't Know Secretly Have Royal Blood

    There exists a very interesting and peculiar link between celebrities and royalty. In many ways, celebrities are royalty, regardless of whether or not they actually have any royal blood. We "common folk" look up to them in the same way our ancestors looked up to their kings and queens. We gossip about their newest scandals. We gush over their choice of clothing at high profile events. And we just can't seem to stop thinking about them. But as it turns out, a surprising number of our favorite celebrities are directly related to royalty. Some have more royal blood than others, but link is there, and it has been confirmed by real DNA testing and tracing of ancestors.

    The implications of this will be enticing to some, and slightly unsettling to others. After all, doesn't this lend credence to the conspiracy theory that we are being ruled over by some all-powerful royal bloodline? Are all rich people simply part of the same exclusive "club," with membership only granted to those who have the necessary family lineage? It's certainly something to think about. And just for fun, try this: Look at all the faces of the "royal" celebrities listed, comparing them to one another. Decide whether they look similar or different… The results are quite interesting, to say the least…

    15 Brooke Shields: Holds the honor of being the second most royal person in North America

    Brooke Shields is another very famous face in the world of entertainment, and has appeared in countless movies and shows. Although she's a little past it at this point (she's 52), she still continues to be a strong presence, and not many people can forget a face like hers. She's famous for her early days, after she branched off from modeling as a teen into movies during the 1980's. Movies like Blue Lagoon made her a household name for years to come. In her later years, she made several appearances on various TV shows, such as That 70's Show, and Law & Order. She was even friends with Michael Jackson while growing up.

    Again, it seems fitting that this amazingly beautiful and queen-like woman has royal blood flowing through her veins. In her case, she actually holds the honor of being the second most royal person in North America, only losing out to someone else mentioned in this article. She is actually the current Queen's 18th cousin once removed. Her most royal ancestor is King Henry IV of France.

    14 Robert Pattinson: This guy always had a "princely" look to him

    Robert Pattinson is an actor who needs no introduction among the public, especially when you're dealing with young women. Many girls became obsessed with this English lad after he starred in the Twilight movies as the dark and mysterious vampire who later becomes a love interest. Of course, he's also known for starring in the Harry Potter movies as none other than Cedric Diggory, the doomed Gryffindor champion of the Triwizard Tournament. He's an amazing and talented actor, and we'll definitely be seeing more of him in the near future.

    You probably already guessed that this actor was a blue-blood, and if so, you'd be correct. This guy always had a princely look to him, and as it turns out this isn't just an act. Robert Pattinson is actually equally related to both Prince William and Prince Harry. Do you see the resemblance? But that's not all - Pattinson is rumored to be related to none other than Vlad The Impaler as well…

    13 Johnny Depp: Scuffed up Hollywood star related to the royal family

    Johnny Depp is truly a royal of the entertainment world, and us "common folk" just can't stop talking about him. If we're not praising him for his latest performance in a hugely successful film, then we're talking about his latest scandal. He made millions as Captain Jack Sparrow in the Pirates of the Caribbean movies, but had to part with most of that cash when he famously divorced Amber Heard amidst allegations of physical abuse against her. Still, we're sure that this actor has many more performances left in him.

    He is of course yet another actor with a surprising amount of royal blood coursing through his veins. But is it really a surprise? Despite his ragged and scruffy performances as Captain Sparrow, Depp always seemed to be a very regal character. According to recent DNA and ancestry testing, Queen Elizabeth II is Johnny Depp's 20th cousin. He also proved that his family is related to the Deppes family, who were French Huguenots.

    12 Hilary Duff: Made headlines recently as it was discovered that she was the most royal person in North America

    We all know this girl. Hilary Duff has managed to do what many people found impossible - start out as a child star and then carry that momentum onward into an adult career. She started out as a mega Disney child star in TV shows like Lizzie McGuire, before branching out into a much more varied and diverse career that included music and movies. Considering her royal heritage, it seems fitting that one of her most memorable movies was A Cinderella Story. Nowadays, Hilary Duff is more interested in pursuing a career in music, however, and recently released her fifth studio album.

    But how close is Hilary Duff to the princess character she played in A Cinderella Story? More so than you might think, if current ancestry and DNA results are to be believed. Hilary Duff made headlines recently as it was discovered that she was the most royal person in North America (at least in the entertainment world). She is the 18th cousin of Queen Elizabeth II, owing to her ancestor Edward III of England. But that's not all - she's also related to Catherine Car, who is believed to have been the illegitimate daughter of King Henry VIII.

    11 Barack Obama: Queen Elizabeth's Cousin

    Barack Obama is no longer president, a fact that has become exceedingly hard to swallow for many Americans. He had an 8 year term that included highs and lows, but it's all come to an end now. He is known for being the first black president, and also for implementing ObamaCare, something that is now in the process of being repealed. There were a few notable controversies and scandals, but on the whole the general public regarded Obama quite favorably.

    But surely Obama isn't related to royalty as well? He certainly gets along with them quite well. The ex president visited Buckingham Palace on more than one occasion, and got along famously with the queen as well as Prince Charles. But what about his royal blood? There are some that believe that Obama is the Queen's 9th cousin, twice removed, supposedly owing to his relation to King John of England.

    10 Justin Bieber: You better believe the Beebs is Royal

    Justin Bieber is another well-known celebrity, and definitely one that many teenage girls obsess over. He shot to fame as a young boy, and has since made millions with his unique brand of pop music. You might even say that he is the new prince of pop. His life has been marred by constant controversy, and he's had a lot of ups and downs. Recently, however, he seems to be turning to Christianity, and wants to turn things around in his life.

    You might not know this, but Justin Bieber has a lot of very famous relatives. Camilla Parker-Bowles is one of his relatives, who is of course the second wife of Prince Charles. He is also related to none other than Celine Dion (who is related to King Philippe II of France), and even the Clintons, if you can believe that. And if the ancestry reports are to be trusted, he's also the 9th cousin of Queen Elizabeth, thrice removed.

    9 Maggie And Jake Gyllenhaal: Both of these talented thespians are some of the most royal celebs in Hollywood right now.

    Maggie and Jake Gyllenhaal might just be the most talented brother and sister in Hollywood. Between them both, they have done amazing things in front of a camera. They both starred together in the thriller/drama Donnie Darko, with Jake playing the lead. Then they each went on to do great things, with Jake going on to star in movies like Brokeback Mountain and Prince of Persia, and Maggie starring as Rachel Dawes in The Dark Knight, and again in Secretary. These two are definite Hollywood royalty, and they undoubtedly have a lot of great performances left in them.

    Believe it or not, both of these talented thespians are some of the most royal celebs in Hollywood right now. Behind Hilary Duff and Brooke Shields, these two siblings have the most royal blood of any celebrity in America. They are both 19th cousins of Queen Elizabeth II, making them extremely royal indeed.

    8 Ellen Degeneres: Related to the most famous Royal Princess

    Ellen Degeneres is everyone's favorite talk show host, and she never fails to entertain. Capable of putting a smile on just about anyone's face, she's undoubtedly earned the title of the Queen of talk shows. This famous lesbian is just as comfortable dancing and laughing as she is talking to people about serious, life-changing issues. She also loves to act, and before her talk show she had her own sitcom, called Ellen. In more recent years, however, she got lots of praise and attention for her role as Dory in Pixar's Finding Dory.

    Yes, Ellen does have royal blood, and she might even have more of a claim to royalty than any other person on this list, especially due to the developments of the last few years. You see, she's 15th cousins with Kate Middleton, meaning she's more related to royalty than any other person on this list. But if that wasn't enough, she's also descended from King Edward III, making her the Queen's 19th cousin twice removed.

    7 Hugh Grant: Royal blood runs strong in this charmer's veins

    Hugh Grant is a very well-known face in the entertainment world. Known as one of the most successful men in romantic comedy films, this man was a hearthrob for females all over the world. To some extent, he still is, although he's aged a bit in recent years. He's best known for his work in British films such as Sense And Sensibility, and About A Boy. He was at one point married to fellow movie star Elizabeth Hurley, although that marriage ended badly when Grant was busted for soliciting prostitution.

    But what about his royal heritage? Royal blood runs strong in this charmer's veins, and for some reason, we're not that surprised. He always did seem very regal, didn't he? As it turns out, Hugh Grant is Queen Elizabeth's 9th cousin once removed, making him very close indeed. He can also trace his heritage back not only to King Henry VII of England, but also King James IV of Scotland.

    6 Ralph Fiennes: Voldemort turns royal

    Any Harry Potter fan will immediately recognize the face of Ralph Fiennes, although you might have to look pretty hard until you finally see it. This actor was the one who played Lord Voldemort in almost all of the Harry Potter films, and he did an amazing job at capturing the creepiness and darkness of this famous character. But you might also remember him from his early film, Strange Days, and his portrayal of "M" in the recent James Bond movies.

    Funnily enough, Ralph Fiennes is noted for his on-stage portrayals of famous kings in Shakespeare plays with the Royal National Theater. His standout performances in kingly roles include Henry VI and Richard II. This is funny because Ralph Fiennes actually carries a significant amount of royal blood, owing to his ancestor, James II of Scotland.

    5 Uma Thurman: Proven links to royalty and the British house of Windsor

    Uma Thurman is another celebrity that requires no introduction. She's appeared in countless movies and has made quite a name for herself over the years. One of her biggest ever appearances came with Quentin Tarantino's classic, Pulp Fiction. She then continued her success with films like Gattaca and Batman And Robin. But perhaps her most defining role was in Kill Bill, a series of two movies that saw Thurman take the lead role as a katana-wielding blonde sworn to take vengeance over the death of her baby. Lately, she's been staying a little out of the spotlight.

    But there's no doubting that she is one of the household names of Hollywood. There's also no doubting her royal heritage, as she has some very clear and proven links to royalty and the British house of Windsor. She is the 21st cousin, once removed to the queen. This is through her ancestor, King Edward I of England.

    4 Beyonce Knowles: Queen Bey is actually related to a real Queen

    Beyonce is one celebrity that pretty much everyone on the planet knows about, and she's been massively successful in her long and illustrious music career. She started out in a very popular girl band called Destiny's Child, before branching off into her solo career. The rest was history, and thousands of women and young girls everywhere idolize her and really look up to her. She also famously married Jay-Z, and together they have a baby they have named Blue Ivy.

    But there are those who spread rumors about her, claiming that she and Jay-Z are part of the Illuminati. While those rumors sound pretty far-fetched, you might be surprised to learn that Beyonce is in fact related to royalty, and shares the same genes as many of the world's elite. The baby of Kate Middleton and Prince William, Prince George, is actually the 23rd cousin, twice removed of Blue Ivy. And Beyonce herself is the 25th cousin, twice removed of Queen Elizabeth II. This is because of her alleged ancestor, King Henry II.

    3 Brad Pitt And Angelina Jolie: Decedents of the Royal Family

    Of all the power couples in Hollywood, there are perhaps none more famous that Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. Despite no longer being together, it was one of the most talked about relationships in the world of entertainment while it lasted. Even the very beginning of this relationship was shrouded in controversy, with Brad Pitt meeting Angelina Jolie on the set of Mr. And Mrs. Smith while he was still married to Jennifer Aniston. Both these actors are true royalty when it comes to Hollywood, with both contributing greatly to the world of film with countless memorable performances.

    But what about their royal blood? As it turns out, both of these stars are certified blue bloods, if you believe the rumors. Brad Pitt is descended from King Henry II, making him the Queen's 25th cousin, twice removed. Angelina Jolie is descended from King Philippe II of France, making her the queen's 26th cousin.

    2 Michael Douglas: Straight up Royalty

    Another name you're all no doubt familiar with is Michael Douglas. This famous Hollywood actor has devoted his entire life to acting and film, and has provided us with some incredible performances. You may remember him from his early role in Fatal Attraction, or his iconic role as Gordon Gekko in Wall Street. He's also acted in Basic Instinct and most recently Ant-Man. He is also famous for marrying Catherine Zeta-Jones, who is 25 years his junior. They are currently taking some time apart from their marriage.

    But what about Michael Douglas' royal blood? Well as it turns out, the royalty is indeed present in this actor's veins. This should come as no surprise, seeing as Michael Douglas always carried himself with a regal demeanor and has some very classy style. He is actually related to King Edward III, making him the Queen's 19th cousin, once removed.

    1 Tom Hanks: His ancestors have a history of giving commands.

    Tom Hanks is another name that requires no introduction. Perhaps one of the most successful actors of all time, this guy has starred in just about everything. He's also well known for his work behind the camera as well, however, and has directed incredible films like Saving Private Ryan. Another movie that he has become synonymous with is Forest Gump, the heart-warming movie about a man with developmental issues. But you might also remember him from the movie Apollo 13, or as the voice of Woody in Toy Story.

    Tom Hanks always had an amazing presence on stage. You could say that presence was commanding. Well as it turns out, his ancestors have a history of giving commands. He's reportedly related to King John Of England. In addition, he's also allegedly related to Abraham Lincoln. The iconic president may not have had royal blood, but he was a man of immense power and prestige.