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    15 Celebs Who Rescued Their Furry Friends From Shelters

    Thanks to their fame, celebrities have a pretty big platform from which to discuss just about any issue that they're passionate about. There are certainly some celebrities who prefer to keep things about their career and not really weigh in on big social issues, but for the most part, celebrities are always down to put their voice behind the causes they support (or are strongly against). And for many celebrities, one of those causes is animal rescues because, well, it's hardly controversial to advocate for animals.

    However, there's no denying that their voices are important. After all, we live in a world where many individuals would happily pay top dollar to get a pet that's a purebred something, or exactly the designer cross breed that they want. Meanwhile, there are so many animals who have been abandoned and unloved, just waiting in shelters ready to find a new home. So, we're totally loving the new trend of celebrities opting for rescue dogs, and discussing their decision openly and honestly.

    Here are 15 celebs who rescued their furry friends from shelters - and they're all so adorable we can barely handle it (the dogs, that is, not the celebrities - although they're not bad either!)

    15 Amanda Seyfried And Her BFF Finn, Who Is Always By Her Side

    Chances are, when you think of celebrities and their pets, Amanda Seyfried and her pup Finn are the first ones that come to mind. It's because, while all celebrities love their pets, Amanda's love for Finn is totally next level. She's taken him on talk show appearances before, she takes him to whatever movie set she's working on and sets him up to chill in her trailer, and she's even filmed funny little YouTube videos with him. She rescued him from Best Friends Animal Society and has talked about how he completely changed her life. She chatted with People about her pup, saying that

    "Finn has made me more present. He's always so sensitive and in-the-moment - it's all he has."

    "He feels deeply. I love just randomly going upstairs and falling asleep next to him. It's my favorite thing in the world."

    She often brings him along to events that encourage animal adoption, and come on - what's a more effective tool to convince people that a rescue is a way to go than an absolutely adorable, impeccably behaved dog by the side of a celebrity? We totally love these two, and can definitely see how she'd fall in love with the adorable pooch.

    14 Chris Evans And Dodger, Who He Fell For While Filming A Scene In A Shelter

    Okay, Chris Evans' pet adoption story is just too cute for words. You see, the actor was filming a movie, Gifted, where they ended up having to shoot a scene at an animal shelter. Easy enough - it's just another location, right? Well, not exactly. Evans described how things went down to People, saying that "I foolishly walked in and I thought, 'are these actor dogs or are these really up for adoption dogs?' And sure enough they were, so I was walking up and down the aisles and saw this one dud and he didn't belong there. I snagged him and he's such a good dog. They aged him at about one, he acts like a puppy, he's got the energy of a puppy, he's just such a sweetheart, he's such a good boy. He loves dogs, he loves kids, he's full of love." He named his new BFF Dodger, and the two do everything together, including sleeping and exercise. Uh, as if we weren't in love with Chris Evans enough, this just adds to his appeal. I mean, who wouldn't love a man who is so unapologetically passionate about his furry friend? Their relationships is absolutely adorable and we love how he just couldn't resist bringing him home.

    13 Olivia Munn And Frank, The Latest Addition To Her Adopted Pet Family

    Actress Olivia Munn is the proud mama of not just one, but two adorable rescue dogs. She discussed her rescue story with People, saying that "I wasn't looking for another responsibility, I was living in two different states, traveling almost every week and had a great system in place to juggle it all. Adding a dog to the mix would just be silly. But dogs have a way of choosing us, don't they?" She was backstage at a charity event, Cause for Paws, when her eyes locked on an adorable Cavalier King Charles. After spending all of 10 minutes together, I made a call to make sure I had the full support to bring him home and then adopted him right there on the spot." Adorable! And, that's not the end of her journey.

    "Soon, I realized I had even more puppy love to go around and decided that Chance needed a brother," Munn said.

    "I started following the Instagram account for Love Leo Rescue in Santa Monica and after seeing only the back of Frankie's head, my little Jack Russell terrier mix, I knew instantly he was supposed to be a part of our family." Talk about one tail-wagging, happy family!

    12 Hilary Swank, A Tireless Animal Advocate

    Hilary Swank isn't just your average animal lover - she's a huge animal advocate who is always looking for opportunities to highlight her favorite causes. When The Bark asked her about her passion for dogs, she commented "I've always had a special place in my heart for all animals, but dogs especially; I just love them. As early as I can remember, I wanted a dog - they just look at us and see us for who we really are, when we sometimes feel that no one is able to do that. I feel there's a connection between dogs and humans that is super profound. That is something I experienced when I moved out of the house at 18 and rescued my first dog, a black Lab/Shepherd mix I named Lucky. Besides the dogs I've rescued and shared my home with, I've also found forever homes for thousands of dogs." Talk about an inspiration! And, when her rescue dog Karoo, unfortunately, passed away, she started the Hilaroo Foundation, which in her words, is designed "to bring together youth who have been given up on and animals who have been abandoned, to help heal one another through Rescue, Rehabilitation, Animal Adoption and Responsibility Training." Amazing!

    11 Ian Somerhalder And His Brainy Pup, Nietzsche

    Listen up, ladies - as if Ian Somerhalder wasn't gorgeous enough, did you know that he's also a huge animal lover and activist? His love of animals goes way back. He chatted with Los Angeles Confidential, saying that

    "I grew up on the bayous of Louisiana. I was saving small pelicans or finding little otters that we nursed back to health and found homes for or released."

    "My mom took me to the shelter all the time so I could go see and play with the animals. We'd also take them home, it's always been a part of my life. It's a part of many people's lives. Ultimately, we are animals, my momma taught me that. We're supposed to live here together and so it's really, really cool to see all of these young people volunteering, taking their time helping these animals, and effectively helping each other because, listen, there's nothing more incredible than using your voice, power and time to help others." Talk about an inspiring message! And, he doesn't just talk the talk - he also walks the walk. Somerhalder and his wife actually have nine pets in total, and they couldn't be happier about it. "They are such a dynamic group of little creatures and I'm just ecstatic to be able to be a part of it all and have those babies," Somerhalder said.

    10 Zooey Deschanel And Her Rescue Pup Sisters, Dot And Zelda

    While Zooey Deschanel definitely seems like a warm, kind person who would be a total animal lover, she actually didn't have pets for quite a while. Eventually, she decided she wanted to add a furry friend to her life, and headed to her local animal shelter. She shared the story with fellow animal lover Ellen DeGeneres on The Ellen DeGeneres Show: "I had no pets, it was my birthday and my boyfriend wanted to get me a dog, so we went to look at some shelters and we ended up going to the Bill Foundation and I saw Dot… I was like, that's a cute one, and she [the woman at the shelter] was like, she only comes with her sister." You see, the two dogs were dropped off at the shelter, and the employees soon figured out that the two dogs who looked quite similar actually responded to one another when they were reunited, and realized that they must be sisters. Zooey didn't let the fact that she only intended to get one dog stop her, though, and didn't have the heart to separate the sisters - so, she ended up getting two dogs at once, and they're absolutely adorable.

    9 Ryan Reynolds And His Best Bud Baxter

    Ryan Reynolds is definitely tearing up the industry lately with all his roles, and people around the world are obsessed with his adorable relationship with wife Blake Lively. After all, who doesn't appreciate a couple who can roast each other a little bit while still obviously being head over heels in love with one another? And, it seems that his warm heart extends to animals as well. Reynolds told his pet adoption story to ABC News, saying that he was actually just accompanying a friend who wanted to find a pet, when a certain pup ended up catching his eye.

    "I saw this big, dumb-looking retriever staring up at me," said Reynolds.

    "I whispered to him, 'hey let's get the [heck] out of here.' And he jumped up, like he spoke English fluently. He came with me, he jumped in the car, and we've been best buddies ever since."

    Uh, we didn't think we could love Ryan Reynolds any more and then he shares a story like that! We can't imagine how cute it must be on family outings with Blake, Ryan, Baxter, and their adorable children, all one big happy family. I mean, could they possibly be any cuter?

    8 Miranda Lambert, Who Has A Whole Foundation Dedicated To Rescue Animals

    Miranda Lambert is not just your average animal lover. While it's definitely admirable when celebrities decide to adopt a pet personally, she thinks a little bigger than that - she set up an entire organization, MuttNation Foundation, that is designed to help animal shelters across the country. As she shared on her own website, she even undertook an initiative in which MuttNation Foundation actually surprised 50 animal shelters across the country with a few thousand dollars each in grant money. Lambert gushed about the shelters, saying that "I am amazed and humbled by the great work these shelters do, and so honored to be able to support their critical efforts on behalf of rescue animals." Given that Miranda Lambert grew up as a total country girl, we can see how she'd have a big appreciation for creatures large and small, but we have to admit, we love that she's so devoted to animal shelters. She's not the type of celebrity who is shouting her advocacy from the rooftops, but whenever she's asked, she has no qualms about discussing the foundation and all her efforts in the world of animal advocacy - and we couldn't think of a better voice for all those amazing animals across the country.

    7 Ariana Grande And Toulouse, Who Is Living A Life Of Luxury With His New Mama

    Okay, everyone knows about Ariana Grande's pup Toulouse, but did you know that the singer actually has not one, not two, not three… but nine dogs total! And all rescues? You heard that - nine. According to Bravo TV, her dog squad includes pups Fawkes, Pignoli, Ophelia, Toulouse, Coco, Sirius, Cinnamon, Strauss, and Lafayette.

    She has dogs of all shapes and sizes, and they're all adopted, which is amazing.

    Even if you're not the biggest fan of Grande and her music, you definitely can't argue with her work for animal advocacy. She keeps adding to her little family year after year, so we're not sure how many dogs she'll eventually end up with, but let's be honest - she has the funds to take care of them, and she has plenty of people she could potentially hire to make sure those dogs are living the best possible life, so why not? She's on the road so much touring and working on projects, it must be nice to return home to her favorite squad and spend time together. It's certainly a better life than any of them would have had if they had remained at the animal shelter (plus who doesn't love glimpses of her pets on her Instagram account).

    6 Kaley Cuoco, Rescue Queen And Pit Bull Advocate

    You likely recognize Kaley Cuoco from her many seasons as the blonde bombshell Penny on The Big Bang Theory, but did you know that she's also a huge animal lover and a big advocate for rescue organizations? She chatted with the Los Angeles Times about her passion for pets and was definitely not afraid to ruffle any feathers. When discussing people who gave their pets away, years down the line, she commented that "it makes me sick, they act like dogs are trash. They act like dogs are a water bottle that you just throw away." And, in addition to advocating for animals in general, she has a particular soft spot for pit bulls, a breed that still makes many potential pet owners nervous. "I was like, 'oh my god, I'm obsessed with this kind of dog,'" Cuoco said. "I just found them to be so incredible. I realized what great dogs they were and how horribly they were seen. And I just didn't want that to happen anymore. So it became a passion." You'll often see her selfies alongside her various rescue dogs on Instagram, and they're totally adorable. We have a feeling she just might expand her furry family a few more times over the next few years.

    5 Chelsea Handler, Who Got Two New Rescue Pups After Her Previous Rescue Dogs Heartbreakingly Passed Away

    When it comes to people, Chelsea Handler isn't always filled with warm, fuzzy comments. She has no qualms about making her opinion known and can be a little abrasive to some people. However, when it comes to animals, she's a big old softie - and it's exactly what we love about her. She had two rescue dogs for many years, big fluffy beasts that fans absolutely loved seeing on her social media accounts, and when they, unfortunately, passed away, she went right back to the shelter when she was ready and found new furry friends to add to her life. And, on Clear the Shelters Day, she took to Twitter to make her voice heard about her own story.

    She ended her personal story by saying that her dog "added to my life more than I probably added to hers. I love my dog and I will never be able to say how much value dogs bring to your life."

    Aww! Especially given her general persona on her shows as a brash and irreverent comedian, it's so touching to see her softer side, and to see how much she clearly adores animals. Well, you heard the woman - go to your nearest shelter, find the ugliest dog there like she did, and show that dog some love and TLC!

    4 Nina Dobrev And Her New Partner In Crime, Maverick

    Nina Dobrev's career has been absolutely blowing up over the past few years. She made a bit of a name for herself in Canada thanks to her role on Degrassi: The Next Generation, but she didn't really capture the attention of international audiences until she landed the coveted leading role on The Vampire Diaries, a show that lasted for several seasons and catapulted her to superstardom. However, despite her busy schedule, she made time to add a pet to her life because she's a huge animal lover. She had a cat for many years, and when her cat passed away, she went to a shelter to find a rescue pet to help her deal with her grief - and she found Maverick. She chatted about the process in her interview with Harper's Bazaar, saying that "she [Maverick] rescued me as much as I rescued her. I was so lost after Lynx passed, but Maverick brought me back to life. I call her the world's chillest dog." We'd add to that by saying she's one of the world's most adorable dogs as well - if you don't follow Nina on Instagram yet, you need to start, even if it's just to see the occasional shot of her cutie Maverick.

    3 Hilary Duff Added The Sweetest Little Dog To Her Family

    Fans around the world fell in love with Hilary Duff when she was just a teen playing the sassy Lizzie McGuire, and they've watched her grow and expand, taking on more challenging acting roles, starting up her music career and more. Plus, she's a busy mom to her son, Luca. However, even with all that on her plate, Duff finds time for her passion - animals.

    As People reports, she and her boyfriend Matthew Koma adopted a senior dog recently from the Los Angeles non-profit Love Leo Rescue, the same spot where she adopted her pup Momo in 2017.

    And we absolutely love that she shone a spotlight on her new dog's age. While it's admirable to adopt a dog from a rescue no matter what their age is, it's no secret that many people prefer to adopt puppies. However, senior dogs need homes too, so even if you might have a few less years with a senior dog than if you adopted a puppy, you'll make their lives so much better for those years you have with them, so why not take the plunge? Senior dogs need loving homes too, and we absolutely love that Hilary Duff went that direction for her latest furry friend.

    2 Emily VanCamp And Fiance Josh Bowman, Who Got The Best Engagement Present Ever

    An engagement is a pretty big life decision, but Emily VanCamp and her fiance Josh Bowman weren't quite finished with big life decisions. After taking that next step together and deciding to spend their lives with one another, they also made the decision to expand their family with a furry little friend. VanCamp shared this absolutely adorable picture with her fans on Instagram, captioning it "meet Frankie B. our sweet little rescue pup who has stolen our hearts! Thanks, @wagsandwalks for helping this little girl find her forever home. We couldn't be happier." Again, we love how she's careful to not only clarify that she got a rescue dog, but to give a shout out to the specific organization where her pup was rescued from. Who knows - maybe fans of Revenge who live in the area and were on the fence about whether to adopt a dog and if so, where to adopt the dog from, will see her post and decide to head right on over and find a pup there as well. Awareness is always a good thing, especially when it comes to causes like pet adoption - this choice just made us love Emily VanCamp even more. What an amazing engagement present to yourself!

    1 Olivia Wilde And Her Adorable Pup, Elvis

    It's no secret that Olivia Wilde, her hubby Jason Sudeikis, and their growing family are absolutely adorable. Despite being huge Hollywood celebrities, they both just seem so down to earth, and so in love. They're not seduced by the glitz and glamour of the entertainment industry - they just want to spend time together as a little family, and we love that. And, recently, they decided to expand their family yet again, with a furry companion this time. Wilde took to Instagram to share her story, saying that her pup "lived a pretty harrowing life so far, and we are so lucky he adopted us as his new family, so we can treat him like the king he was born to be. Thanks to @barcshelter we found the missing member of our brood. This is our second adopted furry son and we cannot recommend it enough. There are so many animals looking for homes. This little guy was next on the [terminate] list at a shelter in Texas not too long ago!"

    "Please consider saving a dog today."

    What an amazing story. Most people know about termination lists at shelters, but many don't pause to think just what it means for all the dogs who don't find forever homes.

    References: people.com, barkpost.com, hellogiggles.com, instyle.com