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    15 Celebs Who Haven't Seen Their Kids

    Creating a biological child does not a parent make. Sure, it is more men that are able to be absentee Fathers but not all Mothers are angels either. In fact, it is safe to say that the parents in this thread all share the quality of being selfish. They were never able to put their kids first, before them. It was all about choosing themselves and what they want, and if the kids did not line up with what they wanted well that was too bad for the kid. Some of these parents just bailed when the kids were little and had little to no contact with them growing up. A benign sort of cruelty. It is almost better if they just totally stay away if they are going to be like that. And then some of these parents were a lot crueler. From attacking their kids on social media, getting into physical fights, and just plain being bad to their kids this list has it all.

    Whoever thinks there is a morality attached to being rich and famous, well that is so far from the truth. People can be super successful and still not good people, and definitely not good parents. There comes a time we believe in everyone's life where they regret actions from the past, for a lot of people it happens too little too late. And we can see that happening to a lot of these absentee parents when they get older. They will want a relationship with their kids, and the kids will be like thanks but no thanks.

    15 Suri Has Not Seen Dad Tom Cruise In Years - Thanks, Scientology!

    Who can forget Katie Holmes fairytale romance with Tom Cruise, most notably marked by him jumping up on the couch during his Oprah interview and proclaiming his love for the actress? They had a fairytale wedding, and a beautiful little girl named Suri. Now even though Tom Cruise is one of the biggest actors in Hollywood, his high standing in the Scientology 'Church' mean he is very private about the details of his life. We still do not know if Katie converted to Scientology during their marriage, but it is safe to say she did. In Scientology, when someone leaves the Church then members have to cut all contact with them. It has never been confirmed, but

    after their divorce, it is pretty obvious Tom Cruise has totally cut out his ex-wife and daughter from his life.

    He apparently has not seen in Suri in years.

    14 Frances Bean Cobain Has Gone So Far As To Get A Restraining Order Against Mother Courtney Love

    We are not sure where these two stand today, but it is safe to say that Francis had a very chaotic time growing up with Courtney Love as her Mother.  Courtney was struggling with her issues while Francis was growing up, and this meant that she had off and on custody for the little girl who was being juggled between relatives. Francis herself distanced herself from her Mother for a time for a variety of issues, even getting a restraining order against her after they got into a physical fight. Francis is an adult now and it seems that the two women have reconciled their relationship and made up. Hopefully, Courtney is in a much healthier and happier place so she can be a better mom to Francis Bean then she was when she was growing up.

    13 50 Cent Not Only Never Sees His Oldest Son, He Has Attacked On Him Twitter On Top Of The Abandonment

    50 Cent has shown he can be very nasty and mean on Twitter, and he has attacked a number of people on the platform over the years. But one person he may have taken it too far with is his first son, Marquise. Can you imagine having an absentee Father and then he also attacks you and your mother on social media?

    When Marquise turned 20, 50 Cent took to social media to celebrate not having to pay child support for his firstborn anymore.

    His son responded on Twitter 'If only your new show was this funny.' There is no love lost between the two, with his son also stating he is Team 'Mayweather.' Another person that 50 Cent has butt heads with over the years. He appears to be a more doting Father to his other son Sire, but he is just horrible when it comes to Marquise.

    12 Remember Caitlyn Jenner's Four Other Older Kids? No? She Doesn't Either

    When Caitlyn got married to Kris Jenner, back when she was still living as Bruce Jenner she already had four other kids from a previous marriage. She went on to have two daughters with Kris, but it seems that the Kardashian family totally enveloped Caitlyn and took for her for themselves. This has been stated by both sides of the family, and there is even an episode about it on Keeping Up With Kardashians. When she came out as Caitlyn Jenner, her oldest 4 children gave an interview revealing they did not have much of a relationship with their Father especially her oldest son daughter. Now that she is single you would think things would be mended, but it does not seem so. Maybe Kris Jenner was not the problem for the schism.

    11 Eddie Murphy Has Still Not Accepted His Daughter With Melanie Brown (Scary Spice)

    You may not even realize that the funnyman has a daughter with the former Spice girl! But their daughter Angel was the product of their short-lived fling back in 2006.

    When she was born, Eddie denied that she was his and demanded a paternity test. Well, the results came back that he was the Father! He also claimed that Mel B got pregnant on purpose. While he has had to pay child support, he has no role in Angel's life.

    Her Father figure was her step-dad Stephen Belafonte who is currently going through a nasty, very public divorce with her Mother. He has been in Angel's life since she was little and is going to the court for visitation rights with the little girl.

    10 After A Lot Of Dramatic Back And Forth, Rosie O'Donnell Is Totally Estranged From Daughter Chelsea

    Rosie O'Donnell has been through it, the last couple of years. She went through a messy divorce and then her ex-wife committed suicide. Her adopted daughter Chelsea was also dragging her through the press and making her life even more difficult with her antics. Chelsea ran away from home when she turned 18 or got kicked out by Rosie depending who you believe. What followed was a series of unfortunate events. Chelsea did not want anything to do with Rosie and was found living with a 25-year-old heroin addict. Then, by the time her 19th birthday rolled around, it seemed Rosie and Chelsea had reconciled. As of now, Chelsea is married to a man she met at a coffee shop and has no relationship with her Mother again.

    9 Jenna Jameson Has No Role In Her Twins With Tito Ortiz' Lives

    When Jenna retired from the adult entertainment career, it seemed like things were going to end happily ever after for her. She was married to Tito Ortiz and they welcomed two beautiful boys together. Then everything fell apart, and the two broke up in a very public way. She was accused of narcotics use and he was accused of physical abuse.

    Tito has a new girlfriend now that is helping raise the boys, as Jenna has no role in their life. She has welcomed a new baby with her fiancee in 2016.

    Tito has full custody of the twins and claims that Jenna has totally abandoned their sons. Messy Jenna went after his current girlfriend Amber on social media, but its like what does she have to say? She is a deadbeat mom and Amber is raising her kids.

    8 Dean McDermott Left His Son Jack For A New Life In Hollywood With Tori Spelling

    Dean Mcdermott has had a highly publicized relationship with wife Tori Spelling. It seems the two attract notoriety and drama. And let's be real, Tori Spelling would document her whole life for TV if TV would have her. He left his ex-wife and son to start a new life with Tori Spelling. Eventually, he would go on to cheat on Tori, but we aren't here about their relationship. His ex-wife has been public that he has no involvement in his first son's life. And in a very dramatic turn of events, he is facing prison time over 100,000 dollars of unpaid child support! With all the money issues he and Tori have, that is not getting paid anytime soon. When being a deadbeat Dad turns into a legal liability, you need to get your life straight.

    7 Bill Hudson Left Kate & Oliver Hudson When They Were Very Little And Also Publicly Disowned Them And Told Them To Stop Using His Last Name

    Kate and Oliver Hudson are the product of Goldie Hawn's marriage to Bill Hudson. He is an actor and musician, and a horrible dad.

    When the pair got divorced when the kids were still young, Bill Hudson up and abandoned his kids. The pair considers Kurt Russell their father, as he has been in their lives since they were young and replaced their dad.

    Oliver Hudson took to Instagram on Fathers Day and posted the above photo with the caption 'Happy Abandonment Day.' Bill Hudson retaliated by publicly telling his biological children to lose his last name and that he basically still wants nothing to do with them. What a gem of a person. But they have Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell as their parents, so good riddance to Bill Hudson.

    6 Billy-Bob Thornton Totally Bailed On Co-Parenting Maddox With Angelina Jolie

    Back in the day before she was a humanitarian angle, Angelina Jolie was another wild actress. She had an intense and highly publicized relationship with fellow actor Billy-Bob Thornton. The media could not get enough of this odd pairing, who wore vials of each other's blood around their neck. Also, she was this stunning young actress and Billy-Bob while successful was not who people were expecting Angelina to date. Well, the pair announced that they would be adopting a little boy (Maddox) from Cambodia. Three months later, they broke up but there was still the expectation that he would be adopting Maddox. Well no, he left Angelina to be the sole parent of the child they decided they wanted together. Maddox probably knows about this at this point, but since he never had him as a dad he probably cares very little.

    5 Jon Gosselin Only See's Some Of His 8 Kids - He Hasn't Seen The Two Oldest Twins In Years

    No one that watched Jon and Kate Plus 8 was that surprised when the couple decided they were going to divorce. From their reality show, it was clear their relationship was not great. What people may have been surprised by, was the public spiral that Jon Gosselin had after the break-up. He was partying and then trying to embark on a DJ career, basically, it was a hot mess.

    Kate got full custody of the kids, and now the relationship between Father and kids is strained. He has only seen a couple of the septuplets, and the older twins want nothing to do with him and have not seen him in years.

    Kate revealed last year that her son Colin was sent to a boarding school for undisclosed issues, and Jon went public and said he does not know where or why his son was sent.

    4 Drew Barrymore Had A Tumultuous Childhood And The Absence Of Her Father John Did Not Help

    Drew Barrymore is a symbol of success in Motherhood and her career. She is happy and healthy and has blossomed into a well-rounded woman. And that is saying a lot considering the childhood she had. Partying and drinking at the young age of 13, Drew had parents that basically set her up for failure.

    Her Mother was always forcing her out on the town at a very young age. Her Father, John Barrymore did not have as much of an active role in his daughter's life, or at all really and he passed over a decade ago.

    Drew was in rehab by the age of 13, and she was legally emancipated from her Mother by the age of 14. When you think about what she came from, it is amazing that she was able to grow up into a successful well-adjusted adult.

    3 Jackie Siegel, The Queen Of Versailles Abandons Her Kids To Go Party And Live The High Roller Life

    We were introduced to Jackie Siegel and her husband in the cult documentary Queen Of Versailles. The documentary started to be about their construction of their mega-mansion, which would be the biggest in Florida and model after the famous palace of Versailles. Then the market crashed and we got a documentary about a crazy family falling apart personally and financially. From the documentary that Jackie enjoyed popping kids out, but not actually having an active role in their lives. The nannies were for that. Her daughter Victoria died a couple years ago from an overdose in their home while Jackie was away on vacation. Nannies have accused her now of totally abandoning her kids to go party and live a single lifestyle.

    2 Candy And Tori Spelling Have One Of The Longest Ongoing Off And On Relationships In Hollywood

    Tori and Candy have complained publicly about each other, and the public has watched the drama play out between Mother and Daughter over the years since her Father's, Aaron Spellings death.

    When he died, he had a multi-million dollar estate but only left Tori 750,000 dollars. This is apparently where problems arose, and the root of their problems are financial. Tori is struggling, and her Mother chooses when to help or not.

    She apparently refuses to fund an extravagance lifestyle for her daughter. At this point, Tori is being sued by a credit card company and her husband owes 100,000 dollars in back child support. We really hope they are on better terms these days because let's face it, Tori could probably really use the money.

    1 Actress Nancy Dow Has Been Estranged From Jennifer Aniston For Years - She Also Betrayed Her With A Tell-All Book

    Jennifer Aniston is the product of model and actress Nancy Dow and actor John Aniston. The two did not stay together, and after they broke up it is clear that Jennifer had a much better and closer relationship with her Father. She was estranged from her Mother for years, but Jennifer has never been the one to publicly air her dirty laundry.She did say to The Hollywood Reporter about her Mother "She was critical. She was very critical of me. Because she was a model, she was gorgeous, stunning. I wasn't. I never was. I honestly still don't think of myself in that sort of light, which is fine.' Her Mother, on the other hand, wrote a tell-all book about her famous daughter. This got her blacklisted from Jennifer's life, and she was not even invited to her wedding to Brad Pitt. Nancy Dow passed away in 2016 and it seems the two had a cordial relationship leading up to her death.