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    15 Celebs Who Have Super-Sized Families

    Celebrities come from all kinds of families - some are only children, raised by parents who got them into the entertainment industry at a young age. Others were from big families and grew up amongst a ton of siblings who went on to have regular jobs outside the entertainment industry. However, once they become celebrities, many find that they have one, or maybe two children. After all, celebrities have busy schedules and busy lives - many decide to become parents, but they may not necessarily want to have an entire brood of kids running around set.

    There are always exceptions, though, and this list proves that perfectly. Some celebrities decide that they want a huge family and end up having several children with their partner. Some celebrities take a while to find their perfect match and have a handful of children with each of their spouses, resulting in a super-sized blended family. Some have biological children, some adopt, some have both - celebrity families truly do come in all shapes and sizes, but the one thing these celeb families have in common is that they're big.

    Next time you're wondering if you're too darn busy to have even one child, just consider these celebs who have way, way more than that.

    15 Kris Jenner, whose 6 children have made her famous (and RICH)

    Kris Jenner definitely has one of the most recognizable super-sized families out there, because she's managed to find fame for every single one of her children thanks to a little reality show called Keeping Up With The Kardashians. Now, reality television is not a guarantee of long term success - half the sisters could have easily decided to pursue regular jobs once they became adults, or flat out refused to participate on the show. All of them, however, ended up being interested in pursuing some kind of entertainment industry career. They've released clothing lines and make-up lines, they've opened stores and written books… it's definitely a crazy bunch. Kris Jenner's just lucky she had so many stunning children - even once the show wraps, they'll remain famous and make sure she's able to keep living large!

    14 Angelina Jolie, who has 6 children, both biological and adopted

    Angelina Jolie was one of the first celebs to make having a big family, well, kind of cool. Back when she was a single lady, she made the decision to adopt - and later, when she found love with her now ex-husband Brad Pitt, they had three biological children together. Overall, Jolie has six children - three adopted, three biological - which is pretty insane. She has more than enough money to provide for all her kids, and it's probably a little easier now that they're all older. We can't even imagine what it must have been like when they were all younger - it's almost like having an entire classroom full of kids in your house, every day, that you're solely responsible for. Yikes! Lucky she's such a patient person because that could not have been easy.

    13 David and Victoria Beckham, whose 4 children will likely all be superstars

    Even though we know all their children by name - Brooklyn, Romeo, Cruz and Harper - it can be hard to believe that David and Victoria Beckham have four children, including one legit adult now. That's because they still look so incredibly young and chic at all times - and their children are definitely following in their parents' footsteps. From photography to music, they clearly have a lot of creativity, and only time will tell whether they'll pursue music, sports, fashion, or any of the other skill sets they likely inherited from their talented parents. One thing's for sure - they're an insanely photogenic family. I mean, it's almost too much to show in one picture - they all look super cute together, and fantastic in front of the camera. Look out world - the Beckhams are coming!

    12 Taylor Hanson, who has 5 children (perhaps they'll start their own band?)

    Taylor Hanson found fame alongside his brothers as a wholesome boy band back in the day, and it seems that growing up with so many siblings had an impact on him - in a good way. Once he met his wife and they started having kids together, he wasn't content to stop at just one or two - he wanted his own kids to have the same experience he had growing up. So they had two kids, then three, then four… and ended up with five children together. His kids are still fairly young now, but who knows - perhaps they'll create a musical act too and outshine their dad and his brothers one day. They must have inherited some musical talent in their DNA - or, at the very least, they have some talented uncles to learn from!

    11 Eddie Murphy, who has 9 children with various women

    Well, saying that Eddie Murphy has a lot of kids is kind of an understatement - the man has 9 kids! And no, he doesn't have some poor wife trying to live the single mama life now that he's traded her up for a new model - his kids come from a couple baby mamas. He had quite a large family with his first wife, Nicole Mitchell - the couple had five children over the course of their time together. Then, he increased it to seven when he had two other children with other relationships. He has a daughter with Mel B., the former Spice Girl. And last but not least, he increased his family to nine kids, as his model girlfriend gave birth to a daughter in 2016. Uh, that's a man who definitely keeps busy!

    10 Mel Gibson, who has 9 children

    To be perfectly honest, we kind of can't picture Mel Gibson with kids at all, which is why it's so surprising to find out that he has nine children. He got his start with a traditional family - back before he was famous, he married then girlfriend Robyn Moore, and the two ended up having seven kids together in their years of wedded bliss. You'd think that would be enough, but once that relationship soured and he had a new woman in his life who wanted a baby of her own, he expanded his family to eight by having a child with then-girlfriend Oksana Grigorieva. And finally, he stretched his family to nine kids with the birth of his son, Lars, last year, with girlfriend Rosalind Ross. Now, the question is, how often does he even see them?

    9 Mick Jagger, a rock god with 8 children (including a newborn!)

    Mick Jagger has certainly led a pretty wild and crazy life in the rock 'n' roll scene, but he definitely hasn't been a bachelor all those years. He's had his fair share of steamy relationships, and several of those ended up in children. His first, with Marsha Hunt, was born in 1970. Then, he became a papa of two when his first wife Bianca De Macias had a daughter. Then came his fairly long relationship with model Jerry Hall, with whom he had four children, including the stunning model Georgia May Jagger. He had another child in 1999, and finally, surprising everyone added another to his total with his son Deveraux, who he had with his girlfriend Melanie Hamrick, who is nearly fifty years younger than him. We have to admit, we're super curious as to what kind of dad Mick Jagger is - we just can't picture it!

    8 Robert De Niro, who surprisingly has 6 children

    Robert De Niro may have played a father figure once or twice over the course of his career, but it's just not how we picture him. After all, he's freaking Robert De Niro - you imagine he's up late poring over scripts in his home office, not changing diapers and driving to soccer practice! However, it seems that he is indeed a family man. He has six children overall, including a biological son with his ex Diahnne Abbott, Abbott's daughter who he adopted, twin boys with his ex Toukie Smith, and two children with his wife Grace Hightower. We're not sure how on earth he makes time to lead the successful career he's been leading for decades as well as do all the things your typical dad does, but hey - if anyone could do it, De Niro could.

    7 Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar, who have 19 kids (and counting!)

    Chances are when you think of super-sized families, you immediately think of the Duggar family. After all, they basically became famous sheerly because they had such an insanely big family - it's a reality television producer's dream! Over the years, Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar have had a staggering 19 children, which means running their household is more like running an entire apartment building. That's a whole lot of people to pack under one roof. Thankfully, now many of the kids are reaching adulthood and starting to set off on their own, creating their own family homes. However, we still can't imagine what it must have been like to grow up with that many children running around all the time - we're exhausted just thinking about it! Michelle must have some magic potion for replenishing her energy.

    6 Kevin Costner, who has 7 children

    Many celebrities who have larger than average families have had more than one marriage/serious relationship, and Kevin Costner is no different. He has seven children overall with three different women. First of all, he has three children with his college sweetheart Cindy Silva. Then, after his divorce, he ended up having a child with then-girlfriend Bridget Rooney. And finally, his wife Christine Baumgartner, who he's been married to for over a decade - they have three children of their own. We're not sure how close his different groups of children are, but hopefully, they've had some time to spend together and get to know each other over the years. At the very least, they could all go to see their dad's movie premieres and get the chance to walk the red carpet together.

    5 Chris O'Donnell, the NCIS star with 5 children, all with his gorgeous wife

    Unlike most of the other celebrities with huge families, Chris O'Donnell doesn't have children with multiple women. Nope - his super-sized family is simply the result of he and his wife wanting a big family to fill their home. The television stars have been married to his wife Caroline Fentress for two decades now - since way back in 1997 - and over the years the duo have had five children together. We can only imagine how chaotic family vacations must have been in the early years when they were all young! Still, it's pretty rare to see such a devoted family guy in Hollywood, so it's refreshing to see his super-sized family and the fondness they clearly seem to have for one another. I mean, the whole group came out to celebrate when O'Donnell got his star on the Walk of Fame - that's adorable.

    4 Steven Spielberg, who has 7 children overall

    It's tough to imagine Steven Spielberg having time to raise children in between all his work in the entertainment industry, but apparently, he made the time. Between his two marriages, he's become a father to seven children over the years, a mix of both biological and adopted kids. We have to admit, we're kind of curious as to what kind of an impact having a dad like Spielberg has on a kid. Two of his kids are actually rising stars in the music industry, and only time will tell what everyone ends up selecting as a lifelong career. One thing is for sure though, they'll definitely have a lot of insight and a healthy dose of intimidation when it comes to the entertainment industry - those are some pretty big shoes to fill!

    3 Marie Osmond, who has a biological and adopted family with 8 children

    It seems that when you grew up as a part of a super-sized family, you're more inclined to raise your own larger than average family - at least, that's true in Marie Osmond's case. She grew up in a family of nine siblings, and when it came time to create her own little family unit, she followed the same path that her parents took. She has eight kids of her own, including three biological children from her former marriages as well as five adopted kids. She's clearly a warm-hearted soul who has a passion for children, and we imagine they probably have a lot of fun and singing in that family! Plus, with so many aunts and uncles who probably all have their own families, family gatherings must be a total blast.

    2 Justin Chambers, who has 5 children with his wife Keisha

    Even though he spent years on a hugely successful television show, Justin Chambers keeps a pretty low profile. Apart from his role of Dr. Alex Karev on Grey's Anatomy, he hasn't done a ton of high profile work, and he's also not about that Hollywood club scene. He's just an adorable family man who clocks in his hours in the fake OR, and then heads home to his family at the end of the day. He seems like an amazing father, but for whatever reason, we totally never pictured him with a huge family. However, he actually has a staggering five children with his long-time wife Keisha. We love that he never let the fame get to his head and decide to trade up for a new model like so many actors do - they make an adorable family.

    1 Lauryn Hill, who birthed 6 kids between recording hits

    Lauryn Hill has definitely had her share of drama over the years, as well as her share of wild successes in the music industry. And through it all, she's had to wear another hat - mother. That's right - in addition to being a total boss babe who has been tearing up the music industry charts for decades, Hill is also a mother to six children. We don't have a ton of insight as to what she's like as a parent, but we can only imagine she'd be pretty chill, the type who nurtures her children's creativity and encourages them to find their own path in life. Plus, how amazing is it to be able to say that your mom is the legendary Lauryn Hill? Talk about bragging rights on the playground!