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    10 Female Celebs Who Are Boyfriend Destroyers And 10 Who Are The Best Girlfriends

    Watching celebrities fall in love is the best. When it goes right, we get to see two hotties progress from the passionate crush stage to an adorable established relationship - and maybe even a gorgeous Hollywood wedding! Plus, when the kids come along, is there anything more awe-inducing than celebrity baby photos?

    It's not all sunshine and roses, though, and wouldn't it be boring it was? When things go sour between the famous couple, there's nothing more fun than figuring out where things went wrong. Can you blame us for loving it when a celebrity train wreck goes up in flames?

    The year is still young, but 2018 has seen its fair share of new celebrity couples. From celebrity pairings we've never seen before to couples getting together for the thousandth time (looking at you, Justin and Selena) there's no end of juicy relationship news. We went through twenty of the yummiest relationships to see who the absolute best celebrity girlfriends are, and which female celebs are treating their boyfriends like garbage. We think we're pretty good judges of character, but do you think we got it right? You might be surprised by some of the famous women we found out were making life hell for their men.

    20 Best GF: Rihanna Helps Hassan Jameel Keep It Simple

    Rihanna's dated some awful men (ahem, Chris Brown) so now that she's found love with Saudi billionaire Hassan Jameel, she knows how lucky she is. Are those flowers from him? She's respecting his wishes to stay out of the spotlight. They don't post on each other's social media or attend events together, though paparazzi did manage to spot them on a hotel balcony in Paris last week. In every photograph the press snags of the two of them, they're just out for a cup of coffee (and Hassan's stealing a kiss). She's tolerant of his female friends as well, offering no comment to the press or on social media when he was seen with model Naomi Campbell a few months ago. We hope this high-profile couple gets less shy soon!

    19 BF Destroyer: To Kourtney, Younes Is Just An Accessory

    Good luck with Kourtney - it's painfully obvious that she's still pining after longtime boyfriend Scott Disick. Her big kiss at a concert with Younes happened right after she told sister Kim that she was going to get back at her ex by sleeping with other men. Fourteen years her junior, it doesn't seem like Kourtney is introducing Younes to the kids anytime soon, and they never look at each other in public unless engaging in a carefully choreographed kiss. Does Younes know he's being used? Probably, but a link to the Kardashian empire is something a young male model isn't going to pass up. He started dating her right after breaking up with a much less rich and famous model. Watch out, Younes - you may think you're playing her, but Kourtney's been playing guys like you for years. It's only a matter of time until your cougar's claws come out.

    18 Best GF: Selena Takes Justin Back (Again!)

    We think Selena deserves the Nobel Peace Prize for taking Justin back. What is this, the tenth time now? We lost count of how many times he posted trashy Instagrams with Brazilian hookers. Rumour has it that Selena's family doesn't approve of her taking up with Justin again, and her mother hasn't spoken to him in years. As for Selena, she's terrified that he's going to get back in contact with Kourtney Kardashian. Don't worry, Selena, Kourtney's busy with her new boy toy! We hope Justin either gets his act together or that Selena wises up and ditches the guy permanently. Taking him to church on Sunday morning isn't going to make a good boyfriend out of him, but the world has a great girlfriend in Selena - give your love to someone who deserves it, girl!

    17 BF Destroyer: Emma Roberts Starts Arguments Constantly With Evan Peters

    We wanted so badly to like these American Horror Story stars together, but their on-again, off-again relationship is more of a nightmare than anything Brad Falchuck could dream up. They started dating back in 2012, but by 2013 Emma Roberts was already being charged with domestic violence after getting into a fight with Evan in a hotel room. When the police came by, Evan had a bloody nose and a bite mark on his neck! Method acting, Emma? Despite all this, they managed to salvage their relationship, even getting engaged in 2013. Now they're back together after ending that engagement and splitting a couple more times, but this doesn't seem like a relationship that's going to last through the next season of AHS. Hopefully, Emma will break up with him before she breaks his nose this time.

    16 Best GF: Ariana Grande Puts Mac Miller In Her Music Videos

    When you watch Ariana's music videos, it's painfully obvious how much she loves Mac Miller. She's got major talent, but he's really… something else. Despite his anemic rapping, his love for Ariana shines through in their video "One Way," which is peppered with adorable #couplesgoals photos from their respective Instagram feeds. Did you see that super cute sequence with the old-fashioned Polaroid camera? We totally squealed. It almost made up for having to sit through Mac Millar's rapping. Okay, we shouldn't be so hard on him - he gets bonus points for supporting Ariana after the tragedy at her concert last year. Here's a celebrity couple that gives us the warm fuzzies: a great girlfriend whose love makes her completely blind to the singing abilities of her man, and a good boyfriend who knows just how lucky he is to be dating Ariana Grande.

    15 BF Destroyer: Katharine McPhee Kissed Another Man

    Katharine McPhee destroyed two relationships in one ill-fated kiss when she locked lips with her series director, Michael Morris, in 2013. Both she and Michael were still married! Michael Morris didn't end up divorcing his wife, to whom he'd been married for over ten years, but we can only imagine what kind of couples therapy they had to go through. Katharine ended up divorcing her husband, and later on, would say that she had no regrets about making out with her married director. Everything she says is totally contradictory: one second she says that she doesn't want to be locked down by the people she's dating, and the next she's talking about how she's a total romantic who can only truly be in love with one man. Figure it out, Katharine!

    14 Best GF: Shailene Woodley Goes To All Of Boyfriend Ben's Rugby Games

    Shailene Woodley met Ben Volavola when they were both in Fiji, her for filming, him for playing in the 2015 Rugby World Cup. The steamy tropical romance continued when they returned to a more dreary climate, where Shailene can often be seen bundling up so she can cheer on her man at rugby practices and games. Paparazzi absolutely loves taking pictures of Shailene and Ben exchanging sweet kisses during practice breaks, but the two haven't been posting on social media together. We are intrigued by a recent post on Ben's Instagram that shows his long legs propped up on a recliner alongside legs that look awfully like Shailene's. Is this the beginning of a picture-perfect #relationshipgoals series? Come on you guys, we want to see more of you!

    13 BF Destroyer: Did Jennifer Lawrence Make Darren Aronofsky Break Off His Engagement?

    It never looks good when an actress in her twenties starts dating her middle-aged director, and the more we learn about Jennifer Lawrence and Darren Aronofsky, the more cringe we have to deal with. The two met on the set of the independent movie mother! and hit it off right away, with Jennifer saying that she preferred dating Darren because he attracted less paparazzi than her ex Chris Martin. Winning boyfriend material, we guess? Previously, Darren had been dating Rachel Weisz and has a child with her. They split in 2010 but still seem close, except for the period of time when Jennifer was dating him. Did she prevent Darren from rekindling things with the mother of his child? We hope not, but we're glad they broke up recently. The whole thing was giving us the creeps.

    12 Best GF: Gigi Hadid Makes Zayn Malik His Favorite Meals

    Can you ever get enough of Gigi Hadid and Zayn Malik? We don't think it's possible for a celebrity couple to be any more #relationshipgoals than these two. Between their beautiful black-and-white photo shoot and goofy candid videos of Gigi singing along to Zayn's songs (she's his biggest fan!), they are an absolute pleasure to watch. We want a boyfriend like Zayn, but it's going to be hard to match Gigi's girlfriend game. Every few days, she asks him what he'd like to eat. No matter what it is or whether or not she's cooked it before, she makes it! She says it's like having her own personal episode of Chopped. Is a couples cookbook in the cards for them? We'd buy it if it was guaranteed to help us whip up a relationship like theirs!

    11 BF Destroyer: Brandi Glanville Can't Peel Herself Away From Twitter To Save Her Relationship

    Real Housewives star Brandi Glanville split up with her longtime boyfriend Donald Friese last week. Showing that she has absolutely no awareness of the concept of irony, she followed up her tweet announcing her newly single state with one blaming social media for destroying her relationship. Um, Brandi, maybe you shouldn't keep adding to the problem? She's posted almost every moment of her relationship online. In press photos, she's always holding her phone rather than his hand. We're thinking Donald got fed up with the constant selfies. Wouldn't you start to get annoyed if your SO posted every single gift you gave them to Instagram? Did Brandi even talk to Donald face-to-face or did he have to DM her for attention? We're thinking that maybe she's going to ask out Twitter itself on a rebound date.

    10 Best GF: Daisy Ridley Won't Spoil Star Wars For Tom Bateman

    Daisy Ridley and Tom Bateman are hard to catch out in public together, but their producer for new film Murder on the Orient Express recently confirmed their relationship. They met on set and have been secretly dating throughout filming. Daisy has an interesting way of showing her new boyfriend how much she cares about him: Tom's a big Star Wars fan, and no matter how much he begs Daisy to reveal the plot of the next movie, she refuses! We're sure that sometimes that makes her seem unnecessarily cruel to him, but he'll be grateful in the end. No one wants their girlfriend to spoil their favorite series! From what little we've seen of them together, they make a cute couple, so we're crossing our fingers that they get more of a taste of the spotlight soon.

    9 BF Destroyer: Kelly Osbourne Drags Dustin Lynch Into A Relationship Through Repeated Instagram Tagging

    Every since Kelly Osbourne met David Lynch backstage at the Stagecoach music festival, it's been painfully obvious that she wishes she was his girlfriend. From tagging him in Instagram posts as her boyfriend to posting selfies with his hat, she just doesn't seem to have any boundaries with him. She even posted a picture of the two of them blowing out candles at their "anniversary." What does David think of this? He seems totally clueless, telling the press that the two aren't a couple at all and are just good friends. David may not know how social media works, but we think Kelly knows exactly what she's doing. It's pretty sad to see her staging an entire relationship with the press. Try to find something real, Kelly - David's going to catch on eventually, and then you'll lose his friendship as well as your fake boyfriend.

    8 Best GF: Blake Lively Gets Goofy With Ryan Reynolds On Instagram

    Blake Lively is such a good wife that we can (almost) forgive her for taking Ryan Reynolds off the market. The two have been together for six years and have two adorable kids, but what they're best known for is their incredible Instagram trolls of each other. This Christmas Blake poked fun at Ryan's admittedly pretty sad attempt to make cookies, and we can't wait to see how he retaliates (probably by actually making her eat one of those things.) It's so important to be able to make fun of each other in a relationship. Keeping things light and funny with your man, especially when you're raising two children under the age of five, is the best way to keep the romance alive. We're taking the cue from Blake Lively when it comes to messing with our men.

    7 BF Destroyer: How Long Until Taylor Dumps This Guy (And Writes A Song?)

    Not again, Taylor! Every time she has a new boyfriend, she keeps things on the down-low at first. The fresh man-meat always looks better than last week's roadkill, and who could blame her once she's done with her poor exes? But the second there's trouble in paradise, her new beau has to hit the road as she makes him the villain in a new hit song. Right now she's dating sexy model Joe Alwyn, and despite her saying it's different this time, we still see her following the same pattern. How much will you bet that in a few weeks she'll be wearing glittery body armor and running him through with a light-saber in effigy? We have to give it to Joe, he's playing a dangerous game. At least he's going into it with his eyes open.

    6 Best GF: Hannah Davis Makes Time For Date Night With A Baby At Home

    Derek Jeter has dated several baseball team's worth of women, but he seems to have found his true life partner in wife Hannah Davis. Hannah, a new mother, knows that it's important to keep the spark going in a relationship once you have kids. Press finds them out at least once a week for a date night away from the kids. Hannah loves Derek for his personality, not his fame - when they first met, she didn't even know who he was! They've continued to keep their relationship low-key in the press despite their new child and fairytale wedding. We think this is Hannah's influence. She knows what the real treasures are in life and she's willing to work hard for her family! We hope they figure out Instagram soon so that we can check out what a date night at home looks like.

    5 BF Destroyer: Kate Hudson Makes Danny Fujikawa Carry Her Bags All The Time

    Are there any pictures of Danny Fujikawa and Kate Hudson together when he's not holding at least three shopping bags? Okay, maybe he's just being chivalrous, but there are seriously way too many pictures where he's being her personal mall sherpa. Despite a lack of photographic evidence, the couple claims that their favorite thing to do together is go hiking. Which makes us wonder: does Danny have to carry two hiking packs? Would Kate even venture so far from a mall? You'd think an actress as successful as Kate would have an assistant to do all the bag-carrying for her. Though maybe after her last assistant stole almost seventy thousand dollars from her, Kate's hesitant to hire another one. We still think it's pretty cheap to use your boyfriend instead, though.

    4 Best GF: Amber Rose Wants To Tell The World How Beautifully 21 Savage Treats Her

    At first glance, Amber Rose and 21 Savage don't seem like they'd be a good match. Amber certainly does have a thing for rappers, given her past relationships with Kanye West and Wiz Khalifa, but she seems to prefer older men who are already established in their careers. 21 Savage is nine years younger than her and just cracked the Billboard Hot 100 this year. Still, their love really shines through, and it's obvious how in love Amber is every time she talks about him. She is never shy about telling the press what a sweet guy he is and makes sure everyone knows that he makes her feel beautiful and loved. For a newly famous rapper, it adds a whole new dimension to your public persona to have a girlfriend advertising your sensitive side. 21 Savage is lucky to have gorgeous Amber in his corner.

    3 BF Destroyer: Jenny Slate Breaks Up With Chris Evans Right Before The Press Tour For Their New Movie

    There's a good time to break up with your boyfriend, there's a bad time to break up with your boyfriend, and then there's ending things right before you two are going to tour the world promoting your new movie together. We know the heart wants what it wants, but come on, Jenny - it is too much to ask for you to stay with freaking Captain America for two more weeks? Chris Evans held it together for the tour, but he looked pretty stressed out the whole time. We hope they didn't have their hotel rooms booked together. And if they did, we hope Jenny was polite enough to sleep on the couch. Despite the incredible awkwardness, they got back together in November of last year. We can't decide what's more likely this time around - her leaving him at the altar, or breaking up with him at a funeral.

    2 Best GF: Keyshia Cole Rescheduled Her Concert So She Could Greet Floyd Mayweather When He Came Home

    At her latest concert, Keyshia Cole drove her assistants crazy with requests to keep moving up the time of her on-stage appearance. When she went onstage, she only stayed for a half hour despite fans begging for an encore. As soon as she managed to get away, she drove to meet Floyd at the airfield as soon as his plane landed, running straight up to him and giving him as warm a welcome as any guy could ever dream of. Would you drop everything to greet your boyfriend when he's home from a business trip? We wouldn't go as far as leaving our own concert early, but that just makes Keyshia's devotion all the more heartwarming. On Floyd's side, he's incredibly supportive of Keyshia's career, even asking her to belt out her own hit songs at his public appearances. These two are a match made in hip-hop heaven.

    1 BF Destroyer: Is Melissa Benoist Using Chris Wood As Her Rebound?

    Melissa Benoist had barely filed for divorce from Glee actor Blake Jenner when the press caught her getting cuddly with Chris Wood. Apparently, the actors met on the set of Supergirl, where Melissa plays the main character and Chris plays her alien boyfriend Mon-el. We can't help but think that Melissa was awfully quick to latch onto the nearest guy available after her divorce. Is this true love or is this wild post-divorce flailing? From the moon-eyed look on Chris's face, the feelings are genuine on his part, but we think that a breakup is not far off the horizon once Melissa decides she doesn't need a rebound anymore. We wouldn't go on the rebound with a coworker - it's going to be awkward when they still have to shoot scenes together after Melissa breaks his heart.