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    20 Misogynist Red Flags that Reveal a Disrespectful Sexist Man

    We have all been attracted to the sexy bad boy. But where does a bad boy end and a disrespectful sexist begin? Here are misogynist red flags to avoid.

    When that bad boy image stops being cute and starts being disrespectful, we have to know how to identify misogynist red flags so we can get out and move on as soon as possible.

    There is a moodiness and a mystery to the bad boys. The guys who live on the edge and wear leather jackets. The ones that have a permanent smirk and a great head of hair. But women need to look out for each other.

    What is a misogynist?

    A misogynist is someone that dislikes women. But, it is not as simple as that. You might think, why would a misogynist date a woman? Well, it isn't just about disliking women. It is about being disrespectful and prejudiced toward women.

    And the hard part is that it is not always so clear at the start. Misogynists are not always obvious, often times they are quite subtle with their sexism. These men may appear to care for their mom and their sister with gallant protection. But in reality, these men are manipulative and will do anything to overpower a woman.

    Misogynists deep down are afraid of women, especially powerful women. They will do whatever it takes to control you and put you down. Essentially, whether they are aware of their misogynist tendencies or not, this type of man enjoys making women feel weak.

    And not one woman in the world deserves a man like this in her life.

    Misogynist red flags to avoid

    In order to avoid a misogynist at all costs, it is best for you to know how to spot one as soon as possible. Some signs will be more obvious than others, so, be on the lookout for these misogynist red flags.

    As soon as you see one of these red flags waving, run in the opposite direction.

    #1 He talks over women. Everyone is guilty of interrupting once in a while, but if he only does this when women are talking, he is showing clear signs of being a misogynist.

    Whether it is you, your friends, or even his own mother, if he talks over women repeatedly and feels what he has to say is more important than anything you may have to say, he is disrespecting you and all other women. He may even hear a woman's idea and reject it only to then claim it as his own.

    #2 He criticizes your looks. A man that respects women will compliment you or say nothing at all. But if he continuously criticizing your style, your makeup, or your hair, he feels he has the right to. He thinks women must only care about their looks to impress him.

    And this isn't a man saying he prefers polka dots to floral prints. If a man tells you to cover up, that women who wear too much makeup look promiscuous, or that if you wear a short skirt you're asking for it, he is a not just a misogynist but is promoting rape culture in our society. Men have no say in what you do or do not wear.

    #3 He undermines your opinion. Men that despise women will not only cut them off when they are speaking but will ignore them all together. If you are concerned about something he will say, you're being crazy or emotional. He may even claim he knows better or that you aren't smart enough to take part in a specific discussion.

    #4 With every compliment is a criticism. Men who are misogynists know how to hide it at first. They may throw out the compliments, but they will always be physical. Men that see women as a lower class will tell a woman she is beautiful or hot, but will never compliment your mind.

    He may even add an insult to every compliment. Saying something like you're beautiful for a librarian. Or you shouldn't waste your looks working in an office. He thinks he is complimenting you but is really solely defining you by your looks.

    #5 He won't take no for an answer. Misogynists seem to think women exist only to please them. They somehow believe we owe them something. If this man bought you a drink and you had no interest in talking to him or going home with him, he will make a fuss. He will say he bought you a drink and now you owe him.

    If he asks to dance or for a date and you say no, he will demand a reason why. And he will not accept that answer unless you say you have a boyfriend because he can only respect another man, not a woman.

    #6 He doesn't take you seriously. Whether you share a concern about his behavior, your relationship, or even something like politics, he may nod along or say okay, but he won't take a word you say seriously.

    A misogynist thinks that women's opinions have no place in serious discussions.

    #7 He respects men's opinions. As misogynists hate and disrespect women, they will often make a big deal about their respect for other men. They will look up to men, listen to men, and confide in men. He will never go to a woman for advice or for her opinion.

    #8 He supports Trump. Supporting Trump is a big misogynist red flag, as well as a red flag in many other ways. If a man supports Trump, he is accepting his crude and vulgar behavior toward women. He thinks “locker room talk” is fine, he thinks that if he is rich or famous, he can kiss anyone he wants and is fine with sexual assault.

    Even if he claims that he supports Trump in spite of these actions, his support says these behaviors toward women are not bad enough.

    #9 He is controlling. A misogynist won't care what you want. The same way he won't take you seriously, he will control you. If you want to go out with the girls, he will insist you spend time with him. He may even insist you stay home alone if he wants to go out because he wants to have power over you.

    A misogynist will take any opportunity he can to demonstrate his power and influence over you.

    #10 He is competitive. When a man disrespects women, he cannot deal with being lesser than them in any way. Whether you beat him at pool, at a video game, or have a better driving record, he won't be able to deal with it.

    He will constantly make excuses that he was tired, something went wrong, or that you cheated. He cannot accept that a woman could possibly be better than him at anything.

    #11 He treats women like they are there for him. Men who are misogynists act as if women are possessions that they own. It can be sweet to hear a guy you like call you “my girl.” But when he actually treats you like his property rather than his equal, that is a major red flag.

    He cannot comprehend that women have their own wants and needs that go beyond him.

    #12 He pleases himself. If you have ever slept with a misogynist, you know he is a selfish lover. He is only concerned with his own pleasure and not at all yours. He may even try to exhibit his physical strength over you. He will also most likely pass over foreplay altogether.

    A misogynist uses a woman's body for his own pleasure and has zero concern for hers.

    #13 He is a cheater. Some men who cheat may not be misogynists, but most are. If a man disrespects a woman so much that he would be unfaithful, he is lacking any appreciation for their mutual commitment.

    Some cheaters are feminists or at least claim to be for the most part, but by fooling a woman and feeling he does not owe her loyalty, he has some misogynist qualities for sure.

    #14 He is rude to service workers and the elderly. Misogynists feel they have a higher status than others. They look at themselves as better than women. And it is not just women, but also elderly women, service workers, etc.

    Whether someone is in a lower economic class, has a less glamorous job, or is less attractive, he will treat them as unworthy of respect. If a woman cannot provide him with something like sex, he feels he has no use for her and will treat her as such.

    #15 He talks about women as if they are objects. Not only does he accept this behavior from other men, but he will take part in it himself. He will describe women as objects, exploit women, use them for his benefit, and treat them as if they are not human beings with feelings. And if he does, he wants to hurt their feelings.

    A misogynist often brags to his friends about having overpowered a woman, assaulted a woman, or worse.

    #16 He is overly protective. This is where many women confuse love for misogyny. A man that wants to have power over you may come across as jealous and protective, but in reality, he wants to dominate you.

    He may appear jealous of a male friend or even a male coworker. But rather than being angry with him, he will show off his rage for you. He wants you to fear him and obey him. Do not think this is sweet or caring behavior. It is not about protecting you but his own ego and his power over you.

    #17 He hates your independence. He wants you to depend on him for everything, that way you can never leave. He may insist you quit your job because he can pay for you, but then he will control every aspect of your life and use it against you. He won't want you traveling without him, leaving the house, or spending time with anyone else.

    Anything that you do alone or without him is unacceptable. If a man doesn't celebrate your success and independence, he is likely a misogynist.

    #18 He is homophobic. Many misogynists are disgusted by the idea of two men sharing a life together. Seeing this or even hearing about it may make them angry or violent. It is likely due to his own insecurities, but there is no excuse.

    There is no opinion in this situation. You can disagree that pineapple belongs on pizza, but homosexuality is not something that can be agreed upon. It is a way of life and a way to love. And if a man you know is disgusted by that or violent towards it, he does not deserve to have you in his life.

    #19 He emotionally abuses you. A misogynist knows how to make you feel like utter crap about yourself. If you threaten to leave him, he will tell you you cannot do any better and you will always be alone. He will blame you for any problem you have as a couple and is a master manipulator.

    If you are with a guy that makes you feel bad about yourself, get out of that relationship immediately. It is unhealthy for your mental and emotional health.

    #20 He is violent. If a man is violent towards you, whether physically or sexually, call the police or talk to a trusted friend or family member. Create a plan to get away from him. If you feel your life is in danger, reach out to an abuse hotline immediately.

    Any man that would physically hurt you is more than a misogynist, but also a criminal. No matter what he says, if he apologizes, tells you it's your fault or threatens you, do whatever you can to escape because this is a dangerous situation no one deserves to be in.

    Spotting misogynist red flags is not always easy. Try to look out for these behaviors in men you meet or date. Misogynists are not just jerks, they can be detrimental to your life as a whole.