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    How to Find Yourself When You Feel Like You've Lost Your Way

    You don't need to be middle-aged to have a life crisis anymore. If you feel lost, read on if you need to know how to find yourself again.

    If we're honest, I'm only 23. I've had far more life crises than I should have at this point. It seems like on an almost daily basis, something goes wrong that makes me question everything. So, I know what it means to figure out how to find yourself again.

    I can't count the number of times I've changed my mind about my career. In high school, I said I was going to be a teacher. Then in my final year, college applications started to go out and I completely changed directions. I didn't even apply to teacher's college. I actually applied to an Environmental Science course.

    Little secret? I'm graduating from Public Relations in a couple of months. That's a bit of a jump, I suppose. I went down one path in life, and thought it was for me. Then, a year after graduation, I realized I needed to return to school because things just didn't make sense anymore.

    I was lost. I needed to find myself. Maybe you feel the same way now? We all have our moments in life when things just stop making sense. You need to find yourself, and you may need to find yourself several times in your lifetime. Find relief in the fact that this experience will happen to you again and again, but you'll always find yourself again in the process.

    How to know when you need to find yourself

    Learning how to find yourself is one of the most challenging parts of life, but one of the more challenging parts is recognizing when it is necessary.

    Feeling “stuck” is a sign you need a change of pace. Usually this means you strayed from who you truly are. You need to begin the task of finding yourself.

    This could happen after the death of a loved one or a failed career move, or maybe after a physical move to a new city. Whatever it is, a big change in our lives often leads us to feeling lost and insecure.

    The feeling is different for all of us. Once you tune into yourself and recognize that feeling, you never need to worry about it again. You immediately notice when you start to stray off your path and begin the journey to find yourself once more.

    How to find yourself when you feel lost

    Trust in the fact that your true self is still inside of you somewhere. They aren't gone forever. It takes some work to find your roots, but rest assured that you will get there.

    Repeat this process to find yourself time and time again but knowing who you are is something very valuable. Nobody can ever take that away from you. Never fear the process. Each time you find yourself again, you find new and exciting parts that you didn't know existed before.

    Life is all about rediscovering who you are as part of this big, wide world.

    #1 Reconnect with your roots. Go back to square one, where it all began. That means something different for everybody. For me, it's my family. Specifically, my mom. Who or what makes you feel like your truest form of yourself? This is usually where your values stem from, which, for a lot of people, means their families as well.

    But for others, it could mean God, nature, an old friend, or in their childhood home. Whatever it is for you, reconnect with that piece of you.

    #2 Reflect on who you are today. Would six-year-old you be proud? I know we hear this question a lot, but if you really sit down and reflect on this question, you may be surprised at the answers. Life is ever-evolving, and so are we. You will change, and that's okay, but your roots should stay the same.

    Think about who you used to be, in the purest state of your life as a child. Were you loud and confident, but now ashamed and afraid of expressing yourself? Did you use to be conservative and quiet, and now feel like you need to be obnoxious to be heard? Always revert back to six-year-old you when finding yourself.

    #3 Do you enjoy spending time with yourself? You spend a lot of time with yourself in your lifetime. In fact, you are who you will spend the most time with. You should really consider this fact when you say and do things.

    At the end of the day, can you sit alone in a room with yourself and enjoy the present company? If the answer is no, it's time to find yourself, because you've lost your way somewhere along the line. The goal is to enjoy the quiet spaces between the busyness of life.

    #4 Meditate. This is a rather eccentric idea to some, when it comes to knowing how to find yourself but it works. I've really seen the benefits of meditation, and it really is an excellent tool in the journey to finding your true self. If you can't enjoy time spent with yourself, then nobody else can either.

    Learn to appreciate your own thoughts and find direction through meditation. This is a great way to make life's hardest decision seem like a walk in the park. Through meditation, you clear up the foggiest paths in your life at the present moment.

    #5 Invest time in yourself. You can spend the rest of your life investing in high-profile businesses, but if you don't invest in yourself, you will be the poorest person on earth. Again, you're stuck with you, so you really need to make it mean something.

    Take 30 minutes at the end of each day and devote it to yourself. Read a book, write in a journal, shut off your phone, drink tea, whatever you need to feel like yourself. Allow yourself to be selfish for 30 minutes each day, because we all know that the rest of the day is spent taking care of everyone around you. Maybe that's exactly why you lost yourself in the first place-you didn't cherish the person looking at you in the mirror.

    #6 Get outside and enjoy nature. Some say that they are at their purest form when they are surrounded by nature. Leave the phone at home for one day and hit the trails. Bring your dog or a friend with you. Go for a hike, and bring a picnic with you. Go alone, or with friends, but regardless, get outside and breathe in the fresh air. It won't do you any harm, I promise.

    #7 Read self-improvement books. I know this is super 90's, and seems like a cry for help, but there are countless books that are genuinely helpful for those who have lost their way.

    There is an entire section at most book stores devoted to understanding how to find yourself. Clearly, people are buying these books! Don't be ashamed to buy or read these books, because they could change your life.

    #8 Write it out. Every counselor on the face of the planet tells you to “write about your feelings.” You probably put on a half-hearted grin and say “okay.” We both know you will write on the first page of a journal then leave it on your bedside table untouched for weeks. It's not a popular tactic, because talking about our problems isn't something we like to do.

    If you want to truly understand how to find yourself, dig deeper. Figure out why you are lost in the first place, and writing is genuinely a wonderful way to do this. Yes, it's hard, I'm not going to lie to you. But all things in life worth doing, aren't easy things to do.

    #9 Unplug. Technology has been a huge obstacle in our lives, let's just be honest. Social media is crowded with negative interactions that literally drain you of your energy. It's so easy to get lost in the online world, because we only show the world the parts of us that we genuinely like.

    We lose the parts of ourselves that nobody claps for, but those are still part of us. Each and every part of us, makes us who we are. We can't just throw away the parts we don't like. Unplug from social media and technology in general for a little while, and completely immerse yourself in real-life conversations with people who appreciate every part of you.

    #10 Make a change. I know I said that drastic life changes lead to us feeling lost, but sometimes change is what we need to pull us out of that state. If you feel like you just go through the motions then chances are you aren't living up to your full potential. Change is a good thing, embrace it. Change might be exactly what you need to find yourself again.

    #11 Call your “person.” Maybe it's just me, but when I have a mini life crisis, I call my mom. My mom knows me best, and that's great. Also, my mom isn't afraid to tell me when I'm being a lunatic.

    Sometimes, we freak out for nothing. We think our lives are falling apart before our eyes, when really things are falling into place. We all have that person that tells us like it is. Whoever that person is for you, call them and tell them what's going on.

    Before long, they remind you that you are a strong person who is freaking out over nothing, and everything is going to be okay. Sometimes we just need to hear that things are going to be okay.

    It's normal if you feel lost sometimes, but just remember that it is always possible to learn how to find yourself and get back to who you really are.