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    How You Should Spend Valentine's Day According To Your Zodiac Sign

    It seems like the holiday season just ended, but as soon as we recover from New Year's Eve and start to get our lives on track in the new year, we're quickly hit with Valentine's Day. Valentine's Day is a unique holiday in the sense that it's intended to be for lovers and it's supposed to celebrate love. Unlike other holidays that are religious (or used to be), or are a celebration of time passing or something like that, Valentine's Day is a little more exclusive. It's also been totally commercialized for this exact reason, but hey. Some people love it and some people absolutely hate it for a variety of different reasons. If you're planning on acknowledging that the day exists, here are some ways to spend it based on your astrology sign. At the bottom of the list are the suggestions for the singles because everyone should feel like they can enjoy the day no matter what their relationship status says about it.

    15 Aries

    Aries is a youthful sign, so Aries tend to be playful, impulsive, adventurous. An ideal Valentine's Day date would be some sort of an adventure. The Aries is not likely to be thrilled to hang around doing mellow sweet stuff unless they are mentally and physically exhausted. At normal energy levels, the Aries will be more likely to be up for a strenuous hike to the top of a mountain where they can take some photographs, and then hiking back down and being taken out to dinner at a surprise location. The Aries love food and drinks and will appreciate a nice spread of rich food that they can taste test… especially after that crazy hike. The Aries can be a little impatient and selfish, however, so the best V-Day plan will be one where they feel like the star of the show and don't have to spend a lot of time waiting around for anything.

    14 Taurus

    The Taurus people love to experience life and especially when it takes on a dreamy sort of quality. They are pretty much made for Valentine's Day when they are with the right date. The Taurus would enjoy going to a long dinner where a famous chef is doing their thing, or perhaps even better going to a winery and spending the day wine tasting with their love. The Taureans do not always allow themselves to be impractical even when they like it, so a holiday is a real treat for them in the sense that they get a free pass to live out those desires. Taureans love security and stability, so they will enjoy the impractical celebrations only when they are with someone trustworthy and grounded. They are comfortable spending the night out exploring if they know what time they can be expected back home to get a full night's rest.

    13 Gemini

    Geminis like to date their best friends in the sense that they have to deeply connect on an intellectual level. Geminis love to talk so their ideal Valentine's Day date is something where they can do that. Going to the movies or something would not be their ideal in this circumstance, they'd rather have a picnic in some botanical gardens where they can spout their knowledge of the flora in the area to impress their love. Geminis love stimulation in general, so while they're happy doing something where they can talk it's also best if they're on the move or seeing new things. The garden party is best if it's actually at the zoo so that way they can wander around and take in their surroundings while they soak up the romance as well. Just be sure not to get into disagreements, Geminis hate nagging and they also don't like to be wrong.

    12 Cancer

    Cancers can be somewhat misunderstood being the sensitive sign of the pack, but they can actually be quite shocking with their strength, wit, and desirability. Cancer loves to be pampered and romanced but they also like a good naughty romp… as long as it's with someone that they trust and adore with their heart, mind, and soul. Cancer, therefore, is only going to be celebrating Valentine's Day if they're in love, and when they're in love with someone who is committed to them they are all the way in. They would be happy doing literally anything with the object of their affection as long as it's loving, sweet, playful, and passionate. The Cancer would be wooed by a home-cooked meal and a single rose or whisked away for a weekend of smooching by a relaxing pool. Cancer wants to be able to express their love and to know without a doubt that they're getting it in return.

    11 Leo

    Leos love to be the center of attention so they're likely to think that Valentine's Day has a showy aspect to it… in a good way. They're less of the type to be chill with a quiet evening in and are more likely to be pleased by a display of flowers or some sort of elaborate outing that they can post to their Instagram story as they go. Leos love to flaunt their relationship in any way possible. They love people to know that they're in one, and they don't mind a little PDA to show those strangers just how great they feel about it. Leos will respond really well to any sort of activity that is active, either in the sense that it's an adventure in the middle of nowhere or they are in public where they can hold hands and steal lots of kisses while they snap selfies doing so. The Leos have a lot of pride in their relationships and love feeling in control so they might think the date was their idea even if it wasn't.

    10 Virgo

    Virgos are sensitive, picky, and practical, so they tend to love routine and don't stray too much from that. However, they also love to be stimulated and do fun stuff that they haven't done before. This means that there are certain things that they will never want to do and you definitely shouldn't mention them… but if you introduce them to something that is new and exciting they will be incredibly grateful that you did so and never forget that you did it for them. Find out something that the Virgo has been meaning to do for a while but hasn't gotten around to and then set it up for Valentine's Day. They will be glad that you did. If you are the Virgo, start opening up to your boo about those things you have on your must-do list and see if they pick up the hint. Virgos are thoughtful and tend to take care of other people so they take it seriously when someone returns the favor.

    9 Libra

    Libras are ruled by Venus which is the planet of love, and their life theme can be the mirroring of relationships. In other words, love and relationships often are totally front and center for these people so Valentine's Day is an important day for them. They also really like balance, so the ideal Libra date for V-day would be something where the weather is pretty good and they can be more private with the object of their affection as opposed to anything in a group setting or under extreme circumstances. The Libras are highly aware that relationships require compromise and need balance, so they will not just be wanting to soak in the Valentine's Day vibes, they will also be wanting to put them out, so a joint planning session might be ideal. The Libra's ideal date is creating the perfect date with their partner and then living it out to the specific and beautiful details that they intended.

    8 Scorpio

    Scorpios can be pretty mysterious but they are also really bold and when they are serious about someone so when it comes to being in a relationship, they go all the way in and hard. Scorpios prefer to be in loving committed relationships than casual flings, so like Cancer, they will only be celebrating Valentine's Day with someone that they are really serious with. Since they're so serious they will want to go all out in the sense that they want to show their devotion and have it reflected right back to them. They have high standards in general so they'll want to be on some sort of a date or celebration that shows them without a doubt that they are number one in the eyes of their significant other. A Scorpio would enjoy doing something mysterious like checking out a new private bar or maybe going for a swim. They most certainly will want to end the night in the bedroom.

    7 Sagittarius

    Sagittarius people can be intense and full of zest in life and in relationships. They get bored and restless easily so their ideal date is something fun and active. The Sagittarius might even like to be whisked away on a surprise vacation for the holiday, might as well go full out with it as far as they're concerned. They also love to be in the planning position to take care of their loved ones, so it's highly likely that they're the ones that are actually planning the trip. They tend to be really creative and larger than life so don't expect a quiet and expected getaway locale. They're more likely to whisk you away (or enjoy being whisked away) to go zip lining in the jungle or do volunteer work building houses during the day and going dancing at night. The Sagittarius can feel at home anywhere in the world, especially when they're with someone they really like.

    6 Capricorn

    Capricorns really like tradition so they tend to love holidays (and their memories of them are good ones). They are, however, likely to be a little more picky about what they do, so if there is one way that a Capricorn has enjoyed spending Valentine's Day in the past then they will probably enjoy a repeat of the experience. Capricorns can be likely to withhold certain information about themselves when they are getting to know people, so if the date situation is early on in a relationship it might be best to do something somewhat playful that allows them to open up so that they feel comfortable around you. Capricorns are incredibly giving and enjoy spending money the right way (but never in a way that is wasteful), so they are not afraid to splurge when they are with the perfect person and feel intentional about what they are spending.

    5 Aquarius

    The Aquarius can be slow to commit because they want to make sure that they have a very strong mental connection with someone before they go all the way in. Even when they do commit to a relationship it will be endlessly important for them to continue talking at length to feed that part of them. Aquarius would be thrilled to spend Valentine's Day doing some sort of activity that's conducive to a lot of talking. They're also extremely passionate about taking care of other people, so they will be likely to be doing the showering of gifts and attention on their love for the day. Some of those gifts will be physical ones, and some of them will be random things that they know would make someone else's life easier. Just be sure no drama comes up on the big day, however, since the Aquarians are most likely to break up just for the sake of making up.

    4 Pisces

    The Pisces people are curious and imaginative which means they really enjoy dates that take them somewhere that fits that sort of vibe. They're creative and they're also hopeless romantics, so they're a sign that will be thrilled to have some over the top Valentine's Day gesture. A large bouquet of roses sent to work for everyone to see, a nice dinner out on the town with lots of hand holding, that sort of thing. They like to feel the love and they're very good at reading body language and trusting their intuition so they know what's real and what isn't. Since they enjoy the creative stuff, the Pisces might enjoy a date that includes a walk through a museum or artistic scape followed by a romantic meal or a concert under the stars with a bottle of wine and a blanket. The Pisces can be a little slow to open up being a sensitive water sign, but once they do open up they are incredibly bonded.

    3 Water Signs Who Are Single

    There's nothing wrong with not having an official date on Valentine's Day. But try telling that to an emotional water sign who wants an opportunity to give their heart to someone more than anything else. Talk about romantics: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces all fit that description. The key to surviving such a holiday as an emotional water sign is figuring out a way to get grounded and not carried away. Water signs might enjoy writing out their intentions or a letter to their future boo. They also might enjoy drinking a bottle of wine in bed and watching romantic movies that will give them a good cry. If they feel like being around people they might do well to host their own Valentine's Day party and have friends bring over food for a potluck situation. Water signs might seem overly emotional about the day but it's not because they're lacking anything. It's because they're overflowing with love and need somewhere to put it.

    2 Fire And Air Signs Who Are Single

    Single fire signs like Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius really like attention so they might do well going out on the town to celebrate Valentine's Day. Unless they choose to ignore the day completely, there's no way that they'll be happy just hanging out at home with Netflix (as hard as that might be to believe). They're more likely to take some tequila shots and make out with a random stranger so that they can feel like they accomplished something and got themselves an ego boost. Fire signs are great at starting things and love the chase but can get bored easily and don't always like to finish stuff which is why they're very comfortable having fun with some random strangers. They might be joined by the air signs of Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius who can be ready random themselves and feel better when they're having a great conversation and connecting with someone else.

    1 Earth Signs Who Are Single

    Earth signs like Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn are the most grounded of the bunch, but they can also be pretty emotional. If they do feel emotional about being single on the day, well, they're just going to be less likely to show it. Let's put it this way: they're not the ones hosting the anti-Valentine's day party and crying in their wine. They might, however, take a long shower and cry in there. But as soon as they get their cry out they are going to go do some charity work for homeless kids who are even worse off than they are and remind themselves of how good they've got it. The single earth signs are also likely to spend a lot of time trying to figure out what it is that they want out of a relationship, and when they do decide what that is they will have a very easy time going and finding it. Their clarity tends to take them where they need to go.