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    15 Ways To Say I Love You Without Actually Saying It

    Today, the way we say I love you might be a little different than decades that have passed us by. Today, people like to buy, buy, buy and hope that these gifts say what their heart feels. Love is equated with purchases, tangible things that one accumulates and says, Look, here, all this stuff says that my partner loves me, is madly in love with me because why else would he spend all that money. This is a false reality created by the capitalist society. Today love means to consume. And if you're not consuming products or celebrating capitalist holidays, then you clearly don't know what love is about. Wrong. Love is not something we can label or even put our fingers on; it's so unique between individuals that it's not even fair to say there's one type of love or way to display love. Love is love and there's not much else to say about it. However, if you're looking to show your love without spending cash and going broke, consider showing your love in other ways, ways that don't necessarily mean spending tons of money. Of course, you can spend money, but keep it to a minimum. The idea here is that your love comes in the shape of intangible things, moments, experiences, and a shared feelings.

    15 Touch his face/hair

    Affection is to a relationship as a leaf is to a tree; these things go hand and hand. And speaking of hands, use them to touch your partner. Not all touching has to be sexually charged -just touching in general increases bonding between couples. It's a physical closeness that you can share. Some studies say that South American couples touch much more than North American couples; even European couples understand that touch must be an integral part of the relationship. Touch a hand, graze a cheek, twirl a tendril -but be sure that you are making contact with your partner. Studies have shown that touch is so strong that some couples can feel emotionally dead when touch is not present; similar studies have shown that through touch we transmit pheromones and non-verbal cues. Go ahead and touch, it does the body and the heart good.

    14 Make Eye contact

    When eye contact is done right, it can feel like fireworks and as though love is blooming right before your very eyes. The old cliché says that the eyes are the window to the soul; no doubt, that cliché has stood the test of time for a reason. Even tantric sex is predicated on the strong bonds we create with our partners via eye contact. Try to transmit love through your eyes -do it over tea or coffee, do it in the bedroom, do it while sitting in a park, but try to stare into your partners eyes without talking and see if he can pick up on your love vibes. If nothing else, just looking at your partner will allow you to get to know him better; let's call it a study in partnering. And with all that love you feel, a little studying of your partner is in order.

    13 Share a Long hug

    Hugs are magic. They can cure the blues within only a few seconds. Studies have shown that a seven second hug can reduce stress by half and longer hugs can release endorphins. Hugs challenge our concept of what it means to be in close contact because touch does not have to be related to sex or sexual activities. Through hugging, couples share emotional space and can augment bonding rituals that combat some serious mental issues. Hugging feels good, it warms us when we're cold, it makes us feel part of something or someone, it makes us feel whole, and it's an easy way to feel loved. Remember that hugs are good for so many things, so don't use them sparingly -use them as often as possible. Hugging has been known to combat depression and strengthens the bonds between anyone who does it. So why not hug your partner a little more. The benefits are undeniable.

    12 Enjoy some Cuddling

    It goes without saying that cuddling is a way for couples to connect. However, after some time couples sometimes forget the value of cuddling and can fall into bad habits of only using the bed for sleeping and sexing. The stuff that falls in between those extremes, cuddling and snuggling, get lost somewhere among the sheets. Turn your bed into a cuddle haven -pile on pillows or use relaxing incense or oils to facilitate a calm mood. Avoid using the bed as a place to do work or eat and maintain a belief that the bed is a sacred space where couples need to spend time hibernating even if winter is nowhere in sight. It doesn't have to be the bed either, cuddling can happen on the sofa or on a train. Just be sure that you're adding cuddling time to your relationship time and you can be sure to transmit love waves on a regular basis.

    11 Bake him some treats

    It does not have to be complicated, although if you are an expert baker you can surely experiment with some fancy pants recipes. Baking is taking some ingredients, mixing them together, and coming out with something blessed -you could say baking is a creative art of sorts or even like casting a spell. Find out what your partner's favorite flavors are; is he a sweet or a salty guy, does he like chocolate more than fruity flavors? There are a plethora of recipes online, but ask friends and family members if there is something they might recommend first. Leave yourself some time to get the baking done because with baking one never knows how long it's going to take. Prepare your treats with love, like literally have loving thoughts while you are mixing the ingredients. Serve your treats with a lovely tea that has herbs that activate the heart chakra or stimulate blood flow; ginger and rose are famous for achieving love levels that are sure to make an impact.

    10 Give Him A Massage

    Today one can buy a massage for a decent price. It's not like once upon a time when the concept of massages were for the elite; even working class people can afford some well-deserved pleasure. However, buying things is easy to do. And to be honest, while the gift of massage is highly regarded, it's not exactly personal. Why not do the massage yourself? With a few essential oils and some techniques learned from any number of books or websites, you can give your partner a delightful massage that will far outweigh that of any professional masseuse. Massage is touching the body with the intention of releasing stress and providing intense levels of love -it's better you transmit that through your own hands. Plus, he'll want to reciprocate, so this massage idea of yours isn't so bad after all. Show him you love him with a massage and he'll want to show you he loves you back.

    9 Organize A Night out

    Treat your man to a night out and you're sure to get his attention. This night will not have anything to do with you, put yourself out of the picture. This night will be all about him. Learn what he likes, scope his hobbies and favorite fare, and find out what things he doesn't like. All of these things will help get you close to a perfect night dedicated to him. Don't think you need to break the bank to make this night a success. Sometimes it's the simplest things that steal our hearts. Try to make the night special without spending over a certain limit, be creative and resourceful. In most major cities, and thanks to magazines like TimeOut, you can discover the free things going on near you. Let your heart guide you and be as romantic as possible. Such acts of kindness, forgetting about yourself, and putting another person first will surely be signs enough to say what you haven't been able to say out loud yet.

    8 Fix something

    Okay, while we might not be famous for being able to fix things, there are things we can fix that cater to our talents. Maybe he needs help with his resume, maybe his closet needs organizing, maybe he needs help with his fashion sense, maybe he needs a business plan or advice regarding a family issue. There are many things we can fix, ladies. And some of you are serious fix-it-yourself gals, like you know how to re-wire stuff and attach drywall and install light sockets like nobody's business. Good for you and while you're at it, teach us a thing or two. But fixing something, the giving of your time and effort to solve a problem that doesn't belong to you says more than you might realize. This is an excellent way to say what your heart feels. And it's a good way for him to see what a bad a$$ chick he has by his side; he better recognize, for real.

    7 Choose your battles

    There's a time and a place, daring. And you'd better learn to be careful in choosing when and where you want to pick a fight with your partner. Fighting is a part of most relationships, it's natural and it shows us boundaries, it teaches us about each other, and it allows us to appreciate the little things. However, fighting, should it happen, more often than not is a sign that maybe things are not what they should be; parting ways might be the best option. But that's another discussion. If your partner does or says something in a public place, at a family gathering, or during a group outing, you'd be wise to just give a death stare or strap on your resting b*$#% face and keep it moving. Not everything needs to be a fight. He will notice this and will thank you for it in his heart. Mind you, this will be revisited when y'all find a private space or when you get back home. He does not get off the hook that easily. You cannot be disrespected, first and foremost. But make sure the fight is about something and not about your ego.

    6 Organize something special

    Whatever his bag is, try to get tickets to it and do so secretly and do so as soon as possible as to not go broke. Be prepared to knock his socks off. When you show an interest in his interests, it will not go unnoticed. He will feel as though you actually listen and care which is what we all want to feel in any relationship -be it romantic, platonic, or familial. If you can get tickets to his favorite band or music festival, a play, a car show, a retreat, or an extreme sport of any sort and he never mentioned it or expected it -you can be sure that he will see that you care beyond words. It's not about the price here, it's about the action. And of course, it will be about you paying attention to like only his favorite thing ever. According to studies on couples, getting tickets to a special event ranks high as an act of love and affection.

    5 Take A Small trip

    Do not go overboard here. But do consider your partner's likes when booking anything that will take you a few hours or more outside of where you live. It can even be a nearby city staying in an Airbnb or an affordable camping trip -whatever you decide to do, it will show your partner that you want him all to yourself. The hint will be heard loud and clear; and there will be no mistaking how you feel for your partner. Hop on a train or a bus, pack up the car, take a plane or a boat trip, but do something bold that will send him the message that you want to be with him and only him for at least a few days. This will also be a good way to test the relationship and what you two have got going on between you. This can make the relationship or break it; either way, you're about to learn something in the process.

    4 Craft something

    Pause and breathe before you start saying things like, But I'm not creative and I don't know how to craft anything. That's nonsense. If you made it through elementary school, then you know how to craft. Whatever you craft does not have to be perfect or professional, but it must come from the heart. On the plus side, there are websites, blogs, and YouTube channels that can assist you in making a handmade gift for your partner. The internet is never short of information on all manner of activities after all. Think about crafting something from things you already have laying around the house -from old t-shirts or sheets, from bottles or branches, from paper and glue. Really, the options and your imagination are limitless. Don't stress yourself, but find enjoyment in returning to your formative years when being creative wasn't a way of life, but it was life itself. The gesture alone will let him know how you feel about it. He might even ohh and aww.

    3 Be Patient

    It's not just about showing patience, but about being understanding. Did your partner forget something? Big deal, we all do. Did your partner burn dinner? Who cares. Did your partner lose something? It's okay, it's not the end of the world. When there is patience between couples, things run smoother and fights are fewer and fewer. Showing patience says that you empathize and sympathize with your partner, that you, too, are human, and that it's not your place to judge. It's also about attitudes. When patience is present, it's hard to be nasty and rude; you're more likely to consider his side of things and you're more likely to communicate. Patience leads to excellent communication between a couple, so why not show more patience, especially in stressful moments when it's really needed. That alone will scream I love you and all you had to do was control your emotions and be a little nicer.

    2 Write Poetry And/Or music

    Speaking of making your partner something, how about something super personal that comes from a special place inside your heart and head. Poetry and music are the ultimate ways to prove your love. Don't believe me -just look at all the poetry dedicated to love and all the songs about unrequited love and heartbreak. We cannot get enough of love when it comes to poetry and music; after all, music is poetry put to sound and rhythm. This would be a good opportunity for you to really put yourself out there and dangle from that love limb. Even if you're not creative, surely you must have at least one creative friend who can help you accomplish this feat. And if you are creative, then you've got nothing to worry about except getting all your love inside a poem and/or a song. Put your all into this, don't be shy, after all, love doesn't happen so often in this lifetime.

    1 Say Goodbye to your phone/computer

    Turn them off. Now. Don't wait. Don't say you'll do it tomorrow or later. Shutdown all electronics and spend some quality time together, like some real quality time, not the stuff that modern, millennial times are made of -genuine quality time. Some of you might ask, What does that mean? What is that? It's talking over a meal, it's gazing into each other's eyes over tea or wine, it's walking in the park hand-in-hand, it's enjoying a museum or concert without taking a dozen selfies. Try to use your imagination, try to realize that there was once life pre-Smart phones. Yes, that's right, there was a booming social life pre-cellphones. Tap into that energy. But for the love of love and for future generations who want to understand love, put away the phones and computers if only for a few hours. Start somewhere.