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    15 Types Of Men That Are Going To Break Your Heart

    Ah, another article about what men we should avoid. Geez, such articles can be annoying sometimes. We feel you, girl. But here's the thing, it's quite important to talk about these things. So we can easily avoid the douche men in this world and spare ourselves from getting hurt by someone not worthy of us in the first place. So bear with us now as we ramble about the types of men who will break our precious hearts. Know that we only want the best for you, girl. And while you may be thinking right now that men aren't that harmful, believe us when we say they are. Do not underestimate them. Sometimes (okay, most of the time) they do things that seem normal but what's behind it is beyond normal. What's behind is the epitome of douche. So, woman, steer away from these types of men. Here are 15 guys you should never call your BF (or marry!).

    15 The Texter

    You do not want to be with someone who loves his phone more than you. Nobody cares if he's texting his mom or his sister or his boss. The idea that he spends more time texting and calling and snapchatting than actually talking to you, that's toxic. That's a sign you should never move in with him much less date him. This type of man is so consumed with how technology affects their life that they spend most of their time with technology. Uhm, hello, there's a bigger world outside your phone, jerk. As in a really big world where you get to experience life and interact with other people. If you're with this kind of man, break up now. Before he turns you into a girl who keeps texting. Which is not good. Because if things don't work out with him and you've already become the girl who can't keep her eyes off her phone then no man would want to be with you. And you'll live alone. Troubling.

    14 The Possessive Man

    Unless you want to have a leash around your neck, being with a possessive man is a no-no. He will just break your heart. We know it seems like he's the nicest guy in the world right now, but when you notice some signs he's being possessive and you still stick with him, that nice guy facet will soon fade. And you will see he's not the kind of guy you hoped for and dreamed of. So if your man is so controlling, like the highest level of controlling, when he gets pissed off when you do things without telling him no matter how small those things are, those are your red flags, girl. Bright, shiny red ones. We all know the scenario here: he was once a nice guy and was loved by all your friends and family. You dated him and moved in with him and even saw a future with him. But then he unleashes his signs of selfishness and he'll be possessive of you and you won't like it but you can't leave him in a snap because you've already fallen for him. Not a good road to take.

    13 The One With Stress-Free Work

    Okay, to be honest, there's nothing wrong with having stress-free work. And yes, there is such a thing as stress-free work. It's the kind of job that you love so much that you don't see it as a job anymore. It's a huge part of his life -- a passion that happens to be paying the bills. So good. We're all good here. Nope. Not so fast. While men with stress-free work are admirable and they're often the kindest man in the world, they also have the tendency to act like a child. Because stress isn't much a huge part of his life, he won't understand it when you get stressed out often. He'll think you're over-reacting. He'll think you're acting like a child being too affected by something small, when in reality, it's him acting like a child and not giving a crap about the world and what happens in it. So no, this kind of man is not an ideal boyfriend. Of course, he wouldn't be an ideal husband either.

    12 The One Who Has His Own Business

    So are we saying you should not date a CEO? Uhm, no. That's not what we're trying to say. We just want you to be more cautious if dating this kind of man. Some of them are really amazing human beings whom most women dream of, but others? They're just arrogant A-holes. Hey, just because you own a business doesn't mean you're already a successful person. Success is measured in so many ways and money is not even on the top 5. So to the male CEOs and business owners reading this, please stop acting like a child showing off at the park. Stop being arrogant. The world has more than enough arrogant people already. And to our gal pals who are dating a CEO and thinking of taking things to the next level, we warned you. Be cautious. Do not let that man break your heart into a billion pieces.

    11 Your BFF's Brother

    Why in the world would you want to date your best friend's brother? Seriously, why? We've seen this story so many times before so we can say this is totally not a wise move. In fact, this is a big no-no. Given that he spends 24 hours with your best friend, he'll know so much about you before you know the basics about him. Which is not good at all. And this is even after you told your best friend to back off and shut it. They're siblings, okay? Do you really expect your best friend to just shut up when her brother asks about you? She could try but siblings will always be siblings. They share things between them and sometimes, such things aren't supposed to be shared in the first place. So be prepared. This is the kind of man who literally has the power to create a plot to make you fall for him and when he realizes he doesn't like you, he'll just create a plot to hurt you and leave you.

    10 The Misogynist

    A misogynist is a man who hates women for so many unknown reasons, science can't even explain it. Is this the kind of person you want to date? Probably not. And if you're already dating one and you're starting to fall for him despite your friends screaming "don't", you better start thinking straight, girl. Think of ways to leave him without causing too much drama because he is not the man for you. Who are we to say that? Well, we're just your sisters from another mother who care so much. We're here to warn you about the possible problems of being with a misogynist. And we have a long list of possible problems, mind you. Because really, a man who hates women? How in the world would you make him understand your life as a woman in the first place? Will he even care? Don't you think he's only after the bed scenes?

    9 The One Who Just Can't Commit

    If he can't make a commitment then that's the only sign you need. If you two have been dating since forever but he can't take it to the next level, he acts all weird and crazy and saying things like "let's take it slow despite the fact that you've been taking things slow for over five years now, don't take things anywhere at all. Just stop. Loving this man might be a pleasure and maybe you also enjoy his company but sadly that's not enough. It's far from enough. To make a relationship work, both of you should be strong enough to take things to the next level, to go out there and explore… and a man who can't commit clearly isn't the kind of man willing to go out and explore. Don't let things go deeper. Because if you do, you're just allowing this man to hurt you even more. He won't just break your heart -- chances are he will completely shatter your life.

    8 The Only Child

    Have you ever dated an only child? Or, okay here's a lighter question: do you have a male friend who is an only child? If you answered yes to any of those two questions, there's a real huge chance you know why we're saying the only child could potentially break your heart. He sees the world in a different way. No, not in a crazy way if that's what you're thinking. Just in a way that is not the same as those men who had no choice but to deal with their siblings. Or maybe the man who lived with his cousins his entire life so they practically treat one another as brothers and sisters. An only child, more often than not, spent his entire childhood thinking and feeling like the world revolves around him. And that is certainly not the kind of guy you'd want to be with. We're not saying all only children act like the world revolves around them but yeah, there's a huge chance that some of them do.

    7 Your Ex's Best Friend

    This is pretty similar to dating your best friend's brother. Dating your ex's best friend will give you that broken heart in no time so to make this world a better place and to spare you from being brutally hurt, we're saying no. We'll rally outside your house tonight if necessary to remind you that you're too precious to be broken hearted and hurt like that. Not all friends of our exes are evil people. But given that they've been friends since they were fetuses (well, assuming that's the case), chances are they have a long list of similarities. And what if part of that list is to hook up with all the hot girls they meet? Are you okay with that? Or what if your ex's bestie will be controlled by your ex and your life will be miserable? Can you handle that? Or worst of the worse, what if your ex will linger like he's still part of the picture?

    6 The One Who Lives In The Moment

    Oh boy, here are go with the painful part of the list. See, people who live in the moment are so admirable. And right now, the internet is full of articles and tips on why and how to live in the moment. It has a long list of positive effects, you know. But men who live in the moment are red flags in the dating realm. Because chances are, they're also the type of men who are super carefree. As in carefree to the point that they don't give a crap about real adult things, like settling down or finding a job. Things like growing up. They think living in the moment is all about enjoying life and yes, maybe it is, but that doesn't mean you can just run away from your responsibilities as a human being. Which includes growing up and contributing to this earth, no matter how big or small. So yes, men who live in the moment aren't such good candidates for the husband role (or even for the boyfriend one).

    5 The One Who Acts Like He Knows Everything (And Knows Nothing)

    Please, there are so many other types of guys out there. Dating one like this will just break your heart so you better steer away from them. Men who think they know everything already and have expressed the world (but actually know absolutely nothing at all) are the worst kinds of guys to date. They're going to act like you still need to learn and that's just plain annoying. You are definitely better off with someone who knows how to act like a real adult and how to treat you well. Don't stick with a guy who knows nothing and acts like he knows everything because if not now, well, pretty soon you will be exhausted in trying to keep up with his life drama. You'll be tired of him and you'd want to leave him but love will make it difficult. Don't ever go that route. Instead of sticking with this kind of person, be single and wait for someone better.

    4 The Pretender

    We think there's really no one who wants to be with a pretender but just in case, this needs to be on the list. See, the thing about pretenders is that their pretending is so irritating and they pretend they don't know about it. That's just BS, you know. So if you meet a man who is The King of Pretending, don't even think about hooking up with him or dating him or even being friends with him. Stay away. He will break your heart whether you believe it or not. How? Well, pretenders have tons of ways how to break other people's hearts. Topping that list is him pretending to love you and care about you. Second, he will totally pretend to think about your shared future or pretend like he's got a plan for the future. Just imagine the pain when you're in a relationship with this kind of man and you realize he is just pretending. Ouch.

    3 The Rich Man

    As much as we want to say that rich men are the perfect men to settle down with, that's not really the case. Sure, there are some amazing rich men out there who know how to look back and see where they come from and help out because they have more than enough -- you know, the rich men who give back to the universe. But if your version of a rich man is the kind who steps on all people because he thinks he's the richest and the most powerful, then that is a super big red flag. If you notice that he doesn't know how to interact with others who are not as rich as him, and if he doesn't know how to respect others, you are better off without him. Because there is no way that he can make your life better. He will just step on your simple dreams and act like nobody else can save you from this world's misery but him and his money. Pass.

    2 The One With A Long List Of Exes

    Isn't this obvious? We're not saying that men who have a long list of exes are automatically bad people or dirty or anything like that, but why in the world would you want to be on that list too? And what makes you think you'll be his "the one"? That you won't be an ex too soon enough? So instead of contemplating about this, instead of debating with your friends whether or not you should give this man a chance, we say no way. Because a chance could mean just a few months but what if you've fallen hard for him already? And he ends up being a total prick? (Yes, we're talking like high schoolers here, it's all good.) What are you going to do then? See what we mean? Instead of putting yourself in the position of having to think about when to leave him or if you should give him one more chance, just don't get in the game at all.

    1 The One With Multiple Girlfriends

    If being with a man who has been in countless relationships sounds okay to you, then maybe being with a man with countless girlfriends at the same time won't be so nice. Because it shouldn't be. Believe it or not, there are guys out there who are so proud that they have like four or five girlfriends at the same time. They think it's cool and they think they're that handsome. Not so much, boys. Not so much. And if you are considering this experiment, please don't even think about it. Unless you're willing to get your heart hurt so bad. This kind of man doesn't change in a snap in case that's what you're thinking. The idea that they will change and stick to one girl once they meet "the one" (aka you) doesn't always happen. You'll just end up feeling empty because he's taken everything from you and he left you for someone else. For Girlfriend Number 5. Just don't date this guy (or anyone else on this list!).