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    15 Types Of Girls To Explore With Before You Settle Down

    So, you're now thinking about settling down. Or maybe you're just thinking about experimenting with love and everything that comes with it. Either way, the fact that you're even reading this article means something. And it is so much more than just saying "Oh I was just interested in reading this. Don't deny it, dear reader. After all, there's nothing wrong with reading articles like this. Just like there's nothing wrong with writing about this. Go on, text your BFFs and share this with them. You never know, maybe they'd be interested in experimenting too. Because, well, who hates experimenting? If you and your friends are thinking about settling down soon, this is the perfect thing to do. If you don't do it now, there would be no time left to do it. You can't do this once you have a ring on that finger. Read on to find out the 15 hot girls you should experiment with before you settle down.

    15 The One Night Stand Expert

    Yup. You want to have fun with someone who is a total expert in one night stands. We say fun because these ladies have spent months and night after night figuring out how to have fun. You know, how to make the most of the night. How to make 2 to 3 hours so interesting that you want to experience them again and again. We're not saying screw marriage and just go have fun with these expert ladies. We're saying it's wise to let yourself go there. And believe it or not, these women know so much you will definitely learn a lot. As in, A LOT. And these lessons are super valuable. You know, to make your own experience in bed with your beloved partner more interesting. How cool is that?! Spend 3 hours with a one-night stand queen and you get to learn dozens of tips and tricks. Who would want to say no to that?

    14 The Older Woman

    Being in a relationship with a woman is always interesting. You get to know more about yourself and you get to grow in such a way that only women would let you grow. That is if you take the relationship seriously. We're not saying those who are involved with women are lesbians or bisexuals, automatically. But being with one is almost always a pleasure. And you wouldn't want to skip that. You also wouldn't want to skip a relationship with an older woman. Believe it or not, there's a huge difference between a 25-year-old and a 28-year-old when it comes to women. For men, both often have the same level of maturity. For women, a lot of things change in few years. So, experimenting with an older lady is, no doubt, a gift to yourself. If you don't believe it or if you're unsure why, well, sorry to say but there's no other way to explain this other than saying "go experience it."

    13 The Super Nerd

    Why in the world would we suggest that you should be in a short, not-so-serious relationship with a nerd? Well, we have tons of reasons, and we want you to have the best life in the world. We don't want you to have regrets when you grow old. Topping our list of reasons is what we've been saying over and over again: being in a relationship with a fellow woman is a good idea. Second of all, being in a relationship with a nerd will teach you so much about life… and, of course, about whatever this woman is needing out about. Whether you want to learn about it or not, you pretty much have no choice. Because she'll keep on blabbering about whatever it is she's obsessed with and you will spend long hours listening. Because that's what couples do. But don't worry, you're not going to be with her for long. You're just experimenting, remember? And last, it's going to be the cutest, shortest relationship. Period.

    12 The Girl With Dirty Secrets

    Since we have been talking about experimenting, why not make the most of it and experiment life with a girl who has dirty secrets? It is always fun to learn more about someone else's secrets. And it's always fun to be with someone so mysterious you'd be asking yourself what the heck you just signed up for. Don't worry, as long as the girl is not a murderer or a serial killer, you're safe. With this woman, you will realize how much you've been missing. She will share her dirty secrets and you'll be asking yourself where were you for the past 20+ years of your life?! You'll also be asking yourself if you really want to get married and settle down or if you want to give yourself more time to explore this thing called the world for a few more years. Cheers to everyone with dirty little secrets.

    11 Your Best Friend

    Uh oh… hello there, super controversial suggestion. Okay, to make things clear, this is only applicable for women who have female besties okay with, you know, hooking up. Consider suggesting this to your best friend. If she says no or gives you a super weird look, that's a no and it means you can't push it. So honestly, don't keep talking about it. You don't want to lose your best friend, right? Unless you can find another maid of honor for that wedding. But back to hooking up and experimenting. We just think it's fun to do with a best friend, that's all. We do all sorts of things with our besties, so why not try this one? There's no time to do this once you get married. Even if your loving husband would allow it (there are those kinds of guys), it would still feel different. Experimenting while you're single always feels better than doing it while you're in a super serious relationship. So do you think your bestie would say yes?

    10 The Travel Buff

    Just imagine it. You are in an unofficial, casual, brief relationship with a lady traveler. A nomad. Where would you go? Nothing is more fun than being in a relationship with a nomad. Traveling like there's no tomorrow, living life on the road, learning how to cook on the sidewalk, how to make bonfires, how to keep yourself warm on extra cold nights. FUN. No doubt about it. And this kind of relationship, no matter how short, will definitely teach you a lot about life. Do you really want to get married? Are you really prepared for that kind of life? We don't often realize it but there's so much this world could offer. And there's no other way to discover them than to go out there and experience it. And experiencing it with a traveler who is basically a nomad, well, that's definitely a rad way to do it.

    9 The Big Heart Who's Immature

    No one who would suggest being in a relationship with an immature woman. Why would anyone be in a relationship with an immature person (in general) in the first place? Well, believe it or not, they are basically a walking lesson in life. They have crazy traits that most people try to avoid (like being so clingy and get jealous easily) but we can try to deeply understand. And there's a lot to understand about immature women. Of course, if you'll experiment with one, you would want to go with an immature woman with a big heart. You wouldn't want to experiment with a selfish, immature woman. If you're going to do this, at least do it with someone with a big heart. Immaturity is a lot easier to deal with. And believe it or not, a short time with them is enough to make you realize it's not really that bad. It's fun. Go have fun.

    8 The Seductress

    Yes. This kind of woman is a must for almost everyone. We all want what's best for you (did we mention that already?) and we want you to know that being with a seductress is one of the best things that can happen to you. They are just always full of hotness, you know. They always know what to do and when to do it. Imagine that! They know how to make boring weekends extra special and stressful weekdays more fun. We all hate Mondays but when you're with a seductress, you will love every single minute of your life, Monday or not. And if you're thinking that this kind of woman is going to bend your straightness, think again. A seductive woman is seductive because that's how she is. She doesn't aim to convert people. Nope. Besides, changing your gender and preferences doesn't happen that easy anyway. So don't, experimenting with a hot seductress is pretty much harmless.

    7 The One With An Interesting Work History

    By interesting, we mean INTERESTING. As in, the kind of woman who has done all kinds of work you never even thought existed in the first place. Like a panda nanny. Or maybe a mortician? You get it. Really, being with a lovely woman who has an interesting work history will make you question your choices in life and realize it can be fun if you let it be. Like why in the world did you stay in sales for 10 long years? Or why did you not go for that international work opportunity that would send you to Haiti? Also, this type of woman has a long list of tricks in life… and in bed. Yeah, we just went here. We know we all have our list of secret tricks in bed but if you really want to make the most of your unmarried life, you should seriously consider this suggestion. This is the time that you can do this.

    6 The Curvy Woman

    Say goodbye to stereotyping and insane labeling and say hi to equality and open-mindedness. And being less mean. For the record, curvy ladies are pretty. They're human, just like anyone else. They function like any normal person. And they have feelings. Why in the world would you consider curvy ladies as women that aren't a good fit for you? Do you have curvy lady friends? If so then there's really no difference when it comes to being in a relationship with a bigger, curvy woman. She will love you just like how your man loves you. She will be kind and she will respect you. We're sure of that. Unless you end up with a curvy lady with a crappy attitude. If this happens, we're sorry about it. But generally speaking, women have great attitudes, whether they are fat or slim or whatever. Once you open yourself to this idea, believe us when we say you will not regret it.

    5 The Younger Woman

    Hot young women? Who would want to say no to this? And since we're talking about experimenting, there's really no reason not to experiment with a hot young woman. Don't get us wrong, experimenting is not the same as playing with her heart. You're not going to play with her heart. You two should know what you're signing up for before it even begins. She's young but she's not dumb, so don't treat her like that. As long as you're kind to her, you don't have to worry about anything. Women, in general, are super amazing. And when you're in a relationship with a young woman, you should be prepared to face the beauty of naïve living. The beauty of innocence. These women are often so full of love you would end up wanting to love them more. Because they are just so amazing. And if you're not okay with them, no problem. It's just an experiment anyway.

    4 Your Pretend BFF

    Yes, you do have a pretend best friend. You know, that woman you often call in the middle of the night when your true best friend is fast asleep and won't pick up the phone. The woman you hang out with a lot and who acts like your best friend. The woman who probably thinks she is your real best friend, but she didn't know there is someone out there -- maybe even someone in the same circle of friends -- who is your true bestie. We all have this. The kind of friend we're so close with we confuse even ourselves sometimes. Go experiment with her. Say you want to see what else life could offer and you want to see it with her. Say you want to learn more about yourself and the society you two live in. It sounds crazy but believe it or not, a lot of women are totally okay with this. It's just an experiment. A short, short experiment. You're planning to get married soon. What could seriously go wrong?

    3 The Free Spirit

    Ah, the free-spirited woman aka the expert in letting go and jumping into the unknown. She knows how to explore life with a blindfold on. She is an open-minded lady who loves life as much as she loves other people around her. Experimenting with this type of person will be totally priceless. Before settling down, we all want to have a lot of fun. Not that we can't have fun anymore when we're married but it's different if we're still single. Or if we're not in a serious relationship with someone. So go have some fun. Be with a free-spirited woman and travel into the unknown. Be willing to let go. It is going to be rad. Plus, if you're with a hot, free-spirited woman, that's a huge plus. That is something you should definitely say yes to. After all, not everybody gets to have that kind of opportunity in life.

    2 The Actress

    Experimenting with an actress? As in Angelina Jolie? Nope. Sorry ladies but we do not think it is a great idea to experiment with Jolie… or any other actress like that. It would be, however, a wise idea to experiment with an indie artist. You know those people who create fun and witty YouTube series? Yep. Those kinds of actresses. Can you imagine life with someone, a woman, who literally acts for a living? You don't have to troll (err, chase) Kristen Stewart on the internet. You will meet someone amazing who is also earning tons of money, so that's definitely a plus. She gets to pay the bills and buy groceries! How fun is that? We don't know about absolutely everyone but for most people, this is one of the best experimentations to think about before getting married. Because really, why not? What other experiment can you ask for?

    1 The Totally Single Girl

    Yes and yes! If you're going to have that final love and life experiment before you settle down, don't forget the girl who has never had a partner in life. As in, never ever. Don't you think it's great to be the very first person this lady would be involved with? And we say involved because, remember, this is just an experiment aka a very short relationship. But, while it is going to be super brief, you can still make it special. You can still make her feel extra special. We're not saying play with the heart of a lady who has never been in love. That's a big no-no. But because our goal here is to make your few remaining unmarried days a blast, hooking up with someone is a pretty wise and idea. And being with an inexperienced person, that's special. That's something you will not regret for sure. And if you don't know why we're saying this, there's only one thing to do: try it.