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    15 Signs Your Bridesmaids Actually Hate You

    Weddings are a very stressful time in a bride's life. She has to make a lot of decisions and plan every little detail to make sure the day runs smoothly and everyone (including herself) looks great. When a bride picks her bridesmaids, she hopes that they will be supportive of her in all the planning leading up to the big day, as well as on the day itself. Bridesmaids are hopefully the friends on which you can rely to love you no matter how many freak-outs you have, but the thing is that sometimes you don't pick the right bridesmaids.

    The truth is that sometimes you will think you have good friends, but they are total fakes. Women can be mean when it comes to competition and sometimes pretend to like someone despite taking issue with nearly everything she does. When asked to be a bridesmaid, these people do not have the guts to simply reject the offer.

    Or, you can have fantastic friends that start to turn on you throughout the wedding preparations because you have become unbearable. Being a bridesmaid can be hard! It means putting in a lot of money and dealing with a cranky, self-focused bride. So when your bridesmaids agree to help you with your day, know that it doesn't necessarily mean they will make your life easier.

    Bridesmaids can be awful if they want to be, especially if they have negative feelings towards you. They don't care if the day goes awry! So how do you tell if your bridesmaids are there for you or if they secretly hate you?

    Here are 15 signs that your bridesmaids actually hate you!

    15 They Don't Seem to Be Available for Anything Anymore

    Planning a wedding can be stressful and tiring and sometimes you just need to take a break and talk it out with someone. Usually you are able to call up one of your girlfriends and rant while they listen and empathize with you, but before your wedding they can't seem to find time to meet with you! No matter if it is for a quick coffee on the weekend or meeting them for lunch, they don't seem to be available for anything anymore. They are probably so sick of hearing about your wedding and are doing anything they can to get out of hanging out with you. The lists of excuses will be endless (“my phone died” or “it's my grandma's birthday”), and no matter what day or time you ask to chat, they will not be available. Take this as a pretty good sign that your bridesmaids actually hate you.

    14 They Make Jokes Together at Your Expense

    There are many different events that will require your bridesmaids and you to be in the same place at the same time. Whether it is a dress fitting, bridal shower, or rehearsal, you always hope that your bridesmaids will get along. Lately, whenever your bridesmaids are together, you find yourself in the middle of the jokes, and everything is at your expense. Your girls probably hate you and the only way they can get through the time is by making jokes sarcastically about you. The only reason they can get away with this is by stating they are “just kidding” or they tell you to not be such a drama queen when you mention it. They seem to have more fun talking together than with you and are always on the same page (against you)! You're probably not reading into it; they probably are putting out the hate towards you!

    13 They Started Rumors You Might Be Pregnant

    It's a few months before the wedding and you are excited to mingle with friends and family to discuss the upcoming nuptials. Family members seem to look at you a bit differently and you hear a lot more talk about babies. Suddenly it comes out from a friend that there has been a rumor going around that you are pregnant. If your bridesmaids have been treating you poorly, you may have your answer as to the rumor-starters! If they hate you, they will probably try and ruin your big day or make it awful for you by starting up some good juicy gossip. This is a great way for them to get at you and keep themselves safe. All they have to do is make a few suggestions to a friend about why you are getting a puffy dress near the stomach and off the rumors will fly! You can only hope that your bridesmaids don't hate you THIS much!

    12 They Let Your Mother-In-Law Plan the Bachelorette Party

    One day that brides can look forward to besides the actual wedding day is the bachelorette party. It is a great time to have fun with the girls and let loose a bit! You trust that your girls will be throwing an excellent party for you, when suddenly you find out that your mother in law is the one who is going to be planning it. The mother in law (who despises you) has been dutifully given the task of bachelorette-party-planning-gifted so thoughtfully by your bridesmaids. They explain to you that they think it would be a great way to involve her and for the two of you to get to know each other better. Don't believe a word they say because this is a guaranteed sign that your bridesmaids hate you. They don't want to put the time, effort, and money into you so they decide to make it even worse for you by including your mother-in-law!

    11 They Make Comments About Hating Their Dress

    Many bridesmaids will give up the right to choose a bridesmaid dress. They acknowledge that it is the bride's day and they will wear what she chooses. Most bridesmaids will smile and tell you they think it is lovely through gritted teeth, but will love you anyway. If you notice your bridesmaids are making comments about hating their dress and constantly complaining about it to you, this may be a sign. Do they make comments such as “Wow, this dress makes me so ugly, I guess you want me to look bad at your wedding?” It is awful to think, but some bridesmaids will use their announced hate for their bridesmaid dress as a way to express their hate towards you. Even if you asked for them to give you input, they are only expressing their distaste a few weeks later. This is a clear sign that your bridesmaids hate you!

    10 They Invite Your Ex To Some of the Events

    The time before a wedding is filled with many events to bring people together before the actual big day. It is a time to meet with out of town relatives and long-lost college buddies you haven't seen in years. Suddenly you see your ex walking into the event. What is he doing here? Your bridesmaids run up to greet him and bring him into the party, offering him a drink and some social conversation. As they talk with him and introduce him to all of your friends and family, they glance over at you every so often. They think that inviting your ex to the events will be fun, just so they can watch you squirm! This is a for sure sign that your girls actually hate you. They use the excuse of bringing “an old friend” to the party to congratulate you on your wedding and get pleasure out of watching your discomfort.

    9 Complain About The Cost

    In reality, many bridesmaids are expected to pay for a lot of the wedding garb themselves. They have to pay for a dress, makeup, hair, accessories, gifts, etc. Most bridesmaids will grin and bear it and try to save where they can, or speak to the bride about the costs. If your bridesmaids hate you though, you will notice that at every chance they get they are complaining about costs. They complain in front of your family, they complain at the beauty salon, and they make you look like the bad guy! They turn everyone against you and make it seem as though you are a tyrant who is forcing these poor girls into bankruptcy just because you wanted the expensive dress (even though it wasn't that expensive!). This is a clear sign they are hating on you and are trying to make you feel and look bad! It's probably your fault, it could just be the girls you picked were poor choices.

    8 You Get Random Emails About Bridezilla Behavior

    You have a wedding email that is complete with your new last name! Out of pure excitement, you check it every day to see who will RSVP to your wedding or to see if you won any wedding contests. Then you notice that you are getting emails discussing your bridezilla behavior. Perhaps an aunt heard you were being a bridezilla and is now sending you stress-relief tips to use for the days ahead. Who could have possibly been spreading around that you are a bridezilla? And why are people emailing you about your bridezilla behavior? Time to clue in! This is a sign that your bridesmaids hate you. They are using the stereotype of “bridezilla” to have things sent to you and to eventually stress you out more. Whether you are a bridezilla or not, they do this simply to see you angry, frustrated, and upset. Do you still have time to switch your girls?

    7 They Make Fun of You At the Bridal Shower

    Your bridesmaids put on the bridal shower and so far it seems like a great time! The turnout is great and the decorations are spot on! You finally begin to think that perhaps your girls don't hate you after all. Then the bridal shower games begin. In front of all of your coworkers, friends, grandmas, aunts, and old babysitters, your dirt is revealed. Your bridesmaids tell funny stories of the bad things you have done in the past. They use games as a way to make fun of you (“All in jest!”) and you are horrified. Your face goes red, but what can you do but laugh nervously along with them to make it look like you are still enjoying yourself. Your bridesmaids are getting pure enjoyment out of your distress and are doing everything they can to make everyone at the shower think you are a horrible human being. Guess what? Unfortunately, your bridesmaids hate you.

    6 Get Drunk at Any Wedding Planning Event

    Drinking is just a part of the pre-wedding events. There are bachelorette parties, wine tastings, rehearsal dinners, and more. But the bridesmaids are taking every excuse they can get to drink. Not just drink, but soak themselves silly in alcohol to the point where there is no longer a filter. At any wedding-related event you have, it seems that your girls are getting drunk no matter what. Instead of doting on you and being by your side, they are too busy drinking their obvious boredom and hatred away. Then, once the tongues are looser, they begin to express their distaste for the wedding, the dresses, the gatherings, and you. If your girls are using alcohol as a distraction at every single event, you can easily assume that they either have a drinking problem or they hate you. It might be time to cut back the access to alcohol and hope they don't do anything too traumatic to ruin everything!

    5 They Get the Wrong Thing On Purpose

    Because everyone has different and busy schedules, you leave it up to your girls to go and get a few things for the wedding. You ask them all to go and buy a pair of gold shoes for their outfit-it's okay if they aren't all the same style, but they have to be the same color. A few days before the wedding, you ask to see what they bought and they come back with silver shoes (the color THEY thought would look best). This is a sign your bridesmaids hate you. They are getting the wrong thing on purpose just to show their opposition. By using this small act of rebellion to get their own way, they are showing you that they just don't care what you think. This is overly frustrating and hurtful for a bride who just wants her wedding day to be the way she imagined!

    4 They Change Plans Last Minute

    You finally have been able to find a date that works for all the girls to go and check out the venue together. You are so excited to finally show someone what it will look like so they can get a better idea of the wedding. It means a lot to you to share this with your girls and when the day arrives, you get texts from them saying something came up. Recently, it seems that their plans change last minute to avoid doing things together. It might not even be wedding-related things. You may just be trying to hang out for a girl's night! They make sure they tell you at the last minute so that things cannot get re-scheduled and that they are sure to miss it completely! This is an obvious way that your bridesmaids are expressing that they hate you and are avoiding you at all costs!

    3 They Invite Your Ex to the Wedding

    You were able to save the other events and avoid any awkwardness when your ex showed up. Luckily nothing bad was said about your relationship and your hubby-to-be was understanding about it. Now it is the day of your wedding and your bridesmaid has last-minute invited a plus-one! You are happy for her that she has someone to bring to the wedding and you make a spot at a table for the lucky guy. When you get to the wedding, you notice your ex standing among the crowd! Your bridesmaid explains that he is her friend too and that shouldn't stop him from seeing you get married! They try to make you feel guilty by telling you not to overreact over him being there, but you know that your girls invited him just to make you uncomfortable and add a damper to your big day. It is now 100% understood that your bridesmaids hate you.

    2 They Cut You Off and Discuss Their Own Lives and Problems

    Hanging out with your bridesmaids outside of wedding planning stuff can be a fun way to catch up and get excited for the upcoming day. You bring up a story of how awkward the decorator was and your bridesmaids talk over you and begin telling stories of their own. You try again and are cut off once more by them discussing their own life problems. After a few more attempts of trying to put in some of your own stories, you give up because they are always talking over you. This is probably because your bridesmaids hate you and they don't want to hear you talk. They may just be hanging out because they couldn't get out of it and so they decide to work together to make you feel unwanted and unheard. It becomes a time solely focused on them and their own problems. So much for picking bridesmaids that love you.

    1 They Forget To Get You A Gift

    The bridal shower has passed and you noticed that none of your girls got you a gift. They didn't say anything to you on the day about whether they left it at home or that it is still in the mail. You shrug it off and excuse it because they possibly were too busy. Then the big day rolls around and when you are opening gifts with your new husband, you notice again that there is no gift, card, or anything from them at all! When you subtly mention it to them, they mumble about forgetting and then quickly change the subject. This is a sign that your bridesmaids hate you and they didn't want to spend the money on you and your new life. Perhaps they really did forget, but they most likely just didn't want to get you anything. At this point, there is no turning back; all you can do is start to look for some new girlfriends!