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    15 Signs You Love Wine More Than Your Man

    One of the great comforts in life comes from a bottle. Whether it is Chardonnay, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, or Pinot Grigio, wine has a sort of comforting taste to it. Of course, we are not talking about the comfort it brings to those with a drinking problem, as that is no joking matter, but in a way that it makes you feel warm and cozy. There is something about the taste of wine that people love, and the more often you taste new wines, the more likely you are to love it. Wine is one of those things that you either love or hate, and for a lot of women out there, wine is something they love… a lot!

    There is a huge market for the growing population of women who love wine. There are wine sippy-cups, girly wine glasses, wine name tags, wine bottle holders, adorable wine glass charms and even a wine bra!

    If you think you might be one of these women, it might be time to see just how much you love wine. Is it possible that you love wine more than your own man? It may not be something you have ever considered, but what if it is true?

    Check out these 15 signs that will help you identify whether you love wine more than your guy. If this is the case, either take a serious look at your relationship or maybe lay off the wine a bit!

    15 Perfect Night In

    Everyone has a different idea of for the ideal night in. For some, that includes ordering a pizza and binge-watching their favorite shows on Netflix. For others, it may mean making a fancy dinner and looking through old photographs with your guy. But if you are someone who loves wine a lot, and your perfect night in is holding a bottle of wine on the couch, you may be obsessed. Your ideal date night in is clutching a large glass of wine, and if your man wants to come over, that is okay too. Wine is your priority and your guy is a second thought that you only consider when he asks to come over. Put down the bottle of wine and take a good hard look at your wine obsession! If your perfect night in is only spent with wine and not your guy, this could be a sign that you love wine more than him!

    14 Comforting Embrace

    There is something about wine that makes you feel so comfortable. It is much more comforting than drinking beer or tequila, and it somehow makes all your worries seem less intense. Sure, that could be the alcohol talking, but wine in particular gives a seemingly warm embrace. It gives you that cozy feeling like you are being cuddled by a blanket from the inside. In times when you are needing someone to just give you a warm big hug, if you find yourself going to the wine bottle before your man, you might have a problem. You prefer the bodily feeling that wine gives you over the physical loving embrace of your partner. This is a serious sign that you love wine more than your man. If this is you, it might be time to consider that turning to wine for a comforting embrace is starting to look like the beginning of a bad habit!

    13 Focused on Getting the Last Drop

    When your relationship is going good and you are totally in love with your man, you will be hanging off of every word he says. You can't get enough of him and always want to be near him to make sure you don't miss a thing. Well, if you are obsessed with wine more than your guy, you will be more focused on the bottle sitting on the table. You are so focused on watching the last little bit of wine sloshing around in the bottle that you don't hear a thing your partner is saying to you. You have completely tuned him out and your attention is solely on ensuring that you are the one to get the last bit of wine! Guess what -- if you pay more attention to the alcohol in front of you than the person who loves and cares for you, you might have a wine problem.

    12 You Feel More Beautiful With Wine

    We all know that alcohol has the power to make us more confident. We tend to feel comfortable saying the things we normally would keep quiet and we feel sexy in our newest outfit. Although it might be false confidence, it is confidence none the less. If you have someone in your life, chances are you will feel beautiful because he makes you beautiful! But if you are someone who has a wine problem, you will feel your most beautiful when there is wine in your belly. You feel more confident, lucky, and gorgeous when you are holding a glass of wine versus having your man on your arm complimenting you at a fancy party. Normally we would feel most beautiful if our man was doting on us and expressing how amazing we looked in front of others. If you are getting your confidence and feel most pretty when wine is nearby, you might love wine more than your guy!

    11 Where Your Money Goes

    You constantly hear people say how expensive it is to date. You have to put out money for the meals, the movies, the gifts, and the gas! There are so many costs associated with dating that you will probably end up spending more on that person than yourself! Even though spending a lot on him is hurting your bank account, you will still feel as though that person deserves every penny of it. On the other hand, if you are someone who loves wine more than your man, you are most likely spending your money on wine, not only buying bottle after bottle at the liquor store (so often that the cashier even knows you by name), but you are purchasing random wine accessories as well. You will know you have a serious problem when you spend more on your wine than you do for your guy's birthday or Christmas present.

    10 Are You In Love?

    Chatting with your girls about your man is always fun. You catch them up on the sweet and romantic thing he did for you, or the amazing date he took you on. They stare at you with gooey eyes, soaking in your stories and hoping that one day, it will be their turn. If you love wine more than your man though, you probably have more to say about a new bottle of wine you tried or what you were watching while drinking a fabulous Chardonnay. When your girls ask you if you are in love (when discussing your man), you respond “yes,” but are thinking of your bottle of wine at home. If you are seriously finding yourself falling in love with your wine and tend to think of it more often than the guy you supposedly love, you need to do some introspection. Yup, you love wine more than your man.

    9 You Collect Corks Not Memories

    When you are in a relationship, there are many little mementos and memories that you will hang on to over the years. Whether you are the type of person to collect movie stubs, hand-written notes, or dried-out the flowers, each little thing means something. Now, if you find yourself collecting wine-related things more than the little memories from your man, it's time to face the truth. If you have more memories of the various wines you have drank and have kept the corks from favorite wines, this is a sign you love wine more than your guy. You may even find that all the cute notes and love letters he gave you over the years were tossed out to make more room for a box of corks. It is time for you to reevaluate your relationship if your wine is taking up more room than the mementos from your man.

    8 Thou Who Brings Wine Will Be Loved

    Imagine this: you are going over to a party with your man and a bunch of friends. You don't really have a lot in common with your friends lately, but you figure it should be an okay time as long as there is wine there (warning sign number one). Once you arrive, you notice that you are the only one who brought a bottle of wine and you already handed it over to the host. As you begin to wallow in your self-pity (warning sign number two), you hear someone enter into the house. This new person is carrying a large bottle of wine and you have already ditched your guy and raced over to the door to show him or her your love (warning sign number three). That person has now become your new best friend. If this is a scenario to which you can relate, it is a sign that whoever brings wine takes priority over your relationship.

    7 Expectations are Higher

    Because wine is something that you adore and gives you the feelings of happiness and comfort, when with your guy and no wine is present, you have higher expectations for him. The date was going well, but he is making you be the designated driver (so NO wine for you) and once back at his place, he doesn't offer you anything. What was a good date has now become you expecting him to go above and beyond in other areas. His chivalry should be top notch, his compliments should pour over you, and you expect him to treat you like royalty. The whole time you are raising your eyebrows at him, you are secretly pining after the bottle of wine on your counter at home. When your expectations are higher because wine hasn't made an appearance, this is a good sign that you're more in love with your wine than your man!

    6 Defend the Wine Over Him

    When your man jumps to your rescue and defends you from what others are saying, we are so happy we have him in our lives. There is something about someone protecting us that makes us feel safe, secure, and loved. If you have heard some friends bad talking your man, and you do nothing much about it, this makes you look bad. But then your friends start talking about how awful wine is, you find yourself getting more defensive and protective over your beloved wine than you did when they were hating on your man! Not only are you now a bad girlfriend, but you are starting to look like you have a bit of a drinking problem. Your passions are more intense about wine than your own partner! You may need to figure out your priorities, because if this keeps up he probably won't feel very good about being second to your bottle of wine.

    5 You Get Upset Over Spilled Wine

    You know the saying “Don't cry over spilled milk?” Well what about "don't cry over spilled wine?" If you spill wine (even a little amount), it causes you anxiety and upsets you greatly. It is even worse if someone else spills YOUR wine and shrugs it off as though it is no big deal. To you, it IS a big deal. But what if your man comes home with a guilty expression, and tells you that someone kissed him at the club? If you love wine more than your man, you may wave him off telling him it's okay and focus on how to get the spilled wine back into your cup. Your bewildered (but relieved) man will conclude that you are the best girlfriend in the world for being so understanding. But really he should be worried that you are more upset over some spilled wine than what happened.

    4 You Feel Happier With Wine

    As we know, alcohol can give us confidence and make us feel good. Did you know that it can also make you happy? In the instances where you love wine more than your man, you will probably find that wine brings you happiness. When you are given a glass of wine, shivers run down your body and a huge grin fills your face. This wine has given you a sense of joy. If you feel more happiness with wine than when your man does something incredibly nice or sweet for you, you may not deserve to be with him. You both deserve to be with someone who makes you happy, and if he is not doing that for you, you should take a look at your relationship. If you feel happier with wine, this may also be a sign that you might have a problem or your man really isn't worth your time!

    3 Wedding Wine

    Weddings are amazing if you are in a relationship. They can be a time for you and your man to reflect on your own relationship, think about the future, and dance to romantic songs all night long. Weddings are a great chance for couples to take a look at where they are in their own relationships compared to that of the bride and groom. But if you are spending all of your time at the wedding's bar, this may be a sign that you love wine more than your guy. You are spending more time getting to know the bartender than you are dancing and being romantic with your date. Instead, you have abandoned him to sit at a table alone while you make yet another trip to the open bar. Because wedding's make people think about their own relationships, don't be surprised if he suddenly begins to question the quality of relationship you two have afterwards, since at this point it will be clear you love wine more than your man.

    2 Love Him The Most When He Gives You Wine

    Receiving gifts is always appreciated and leaves a person feeling loved. You may find that while you appreciate the gifts your man gives you, it is when the gift is wine that you are most appreciative. It may even seem like you love him the most when he gives you wine. This is a clear sign that wine is the only thing you love about him (therefore, you love wine more than him). You find yourself attracted to him only when he is handing you a glass of wine or brings a bottle for dinner. You think, “That's okay, right?” Answer: no, it is not okay. If the only time you love him the most is when wine is involved, it is pretty clear that you love wine more than the man giving it to you. If this is the only thing sustaining your relationship, your relationship might have some rocky times coming in the future.

    1 Question Your Relationship

    You already are beginning to understand that your love of wine has made your relationship questionable. You find yourself loving wine more than him and it makes you wonder if the relationship needs to end. When you are at parties with him, and he turns down a glass of wine, it is in those moments that you really begin to question your relationship. You wonder if it is worth it to continue dating a guy who doesn't want wine (how dare he!). The vision you have of your relationship is becoming slowly based on wine. Now is the time to understand that you love wine more than your man. If you decide the relationship has to end, you might also want to consider doing some self-reflection regarding your intense wine obsession. Maybe you should figure out your relationship with wine before you start a new relationship with someone else later!