15 Reasons Why Married Couples Should Have 'Play Time' Daily
If you're having a little bit of trouble in your marriage, would getting it on every day improve your relationship? Most people would assume so, do you know how? Do you know the ways in which intimacy can make you healthier and happier? If not, you need to read this.
Two couples wrote about their daily intimacy in a couple of books. The first book was Just Do It: How One Couple Turned Off the TV and Turned On Their Sex Lives for 101 Days (No Excuses!) by Doug Brown and 365 Nights: A Memoir of Intimacy by Charla Muller with Betsy Thorpe.
What happens when a couple decided to get it on daily? Many experts say there are huge advantages along with it making your relationship stronger. In the books noted above, the couples that tried this tell people that getting it on daily made their marriage stronger in and out of the bedroom.
Charla was married to her husband for eight years and had a few things wrong in her marriage. She decided to be intimate with her husband daily for a year as a 40th birthday present. As a result of this experiment, she writes in her book that she was happier, not angry as much and her stress levels were all but gone.
In this article, a person will learn 16 reasons why married couples should be getting it on daily.
15 It Relieves Stress
Let's face it; life is stressful. If a person does not deal with stress, it can be very harmful to physical health. Science shows that getting it on every day helps grow the cells in the hippocampus. The hippocampus is a section of the brain that monitors stress. Hippocampus can eliminate stress. A rat study showed that the more intimacy a couple has, the more stress is relieved from their lives. In this study, the rats that had multiple intimate encounters, compared to having sex once or twice, had smaller amounts of cortisol. Cortisol is the hormone that regulates high-stress levels.
Another thing that happens when couples get it on is that the body makes dopamine. Dopamine battles the stress hormones and endorphins and releases oxytocin. Oxytocin is the happy hormone that is made by the pituitary gland.
Stress and tension are stored in the psoas which is in the hips. Getting it on and moving your hips can release that stress tension.
14 It Is An Amazing Form Of Exercise
Women burn around 90 calories and men burn about 120 calories per session. At this rate, a sexual session can burn as much as a 15-minute jog.
Certain sexual positions can work out the body very well so much so you might be too sore the next day to work out.
The missionary position - To get a good work out, one should thrust towards their partner in an equal level. A good work out works the stomach and butt.
Doggy-Style - This is a great work out for the woman because it works the quadriceps and the glutes. One can get a good arm workout by the woman putting her hands on a wall.
The Woman on Top - This works the butt and the lower legs.
The sitting position - This works the stomach, legs, and butt.
Standing woman on one leg - This is a great work out for the legs.
Woman is facing upwards with all fours holding her up - This is great for the butt and the inner thighs.
Woman facing upwards with her shoulders down and an arched position with legs holding butt up - The woman is working the stomach, glutes, and thighs.
13 It Lowers Blood Pressure
Studies in the American Journal of Cardiology show the more a couple has nooky, the more it strengthens the heart and lowers blood pressure. Intimacy is good for the heart because it is a great workout. Lowering the blood pressure affects the woman more than the man, but both can have a good effect. When a woman reaches the big O, it rouses the release of the hormone oxytocin, which is what lowers blood pressure. This fact is more important for senior citizens as they have a risk of having higher blood pressure than younger folks. If couples don't often get it on, they lose libido which is a common problem in a marriage. If both people have high blood pressure, it can affect the overall performance too.
12 It Will Boost Your Immunity
When a couple has sex, immunoglobulin A, which is an antigen that wards off the flu, circulates through the body. Another thing that daily intimacy does for the couple is in the winter time; it prevents a couple from getting sick. For an even better effect, take vitamin C before getting it on. Vitamin C helps the immune system function better with nooky. Immunoglobulin A or IgA also prevents couples from getting sick or having a bad cold. Studies at the Wilkes University in Wilkes-Barre Pennsylvania showed that getting it on one to two times a week increases the IgA levels by 30%. Just imagine what getting it on daily would do for the body. A couple doesn't necessary have to get it on, but can cuddle or hold hands. Affection causes the body to produce oxytocin which helps the body sleep at night. Getting a good night's rest is vital for the immune system.
11 It Keeps You Looking Younger
Daily intimacy is like partaking in the fountain of youth. A British psychologist states that couples who have lots of nooky look about five to seven years younger than people that don't. The person who ran the head of the age psychology at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital dedicated years to studying couples. The outcome of these studies was that daily intimacy is a critical factor in maintaining a youthful appearance.
How does it work? Well, having nooky discharges the human growth hormone that is responsible for keeping the skin firm and helps prevent wrinkles, it also discharges endorphins that make the body feel good. These endorphins are natural painkillers that help decrease anxiety so that one can get a good night's sleep. Having a good night's sleep prevents the body from ageing quickly. Intimacy is also good for good blood circulation, in turn, which is good for the heart and gives the skin a nice healthy glow.
10 It Keeps The Heart Healthy
Having a bad heart is one of the biggest killers of people. Von Borstel mentions that having sex on a consistent basis is one of the best things for a person's heart. Not only is it a good workout, but throughout the lovemaking process lots of hormones are released that have a protective effect on the cardiovascular system.
A simple climax puts about 50 different chemicals into the body. One of the chemicals is oxytocin. People call this chemical the cuddle hormone. Affection and physical contact release it. While it helps to lower blood pressure, heals wounds and releases stress, it also lowers the risk of having heart trouble.
Another hormone released during intimacy is endorphin. Endorphin aids in lowering the heart rate and blood pressure to the heart muscle.
It is better to be intimate with a spouse because there are higher levels of oxytocin released into the body.
Another hormone released during sex is oestrogen. Oestrogen has anti-inflammatory properties that lower the cholesterol levels in the blood. High cholesterol puts realms of fat onto the artery walls that result in clogging. Sex prevents this from happening.
9 It's A Great Painkiller
Many times when people get aches and pains, they visit the doctor, get prescriptions and call it a night. What most people don't realize is that climaxing can help their aches and pains. Reaching the big O just isn't the after effects of getting it on, it has wonderful healing properties that help people that have headaches, cramps or muscle pains.
The big O is also known as the miracle cure and the secret to staying healthy and happy. The body releases chemicals during intimacy like dopamine, endorphins, and serotonin. Some of these chemicals released during a climax are natural chemicals that make people feel happy, flushed, heated or sleepy, says the Brown University Health Promotion. When these chemicals enter the blood stream, they release a pleasure-enhancing, pain-reliving sensation.
When the pain point at a stimulus is of sufficient intensity, it begins to produce an effect that goes up during a climax, which helps block out pain. Sex can help with some of life's common pains and discomforts.
8 It Helps Build Trust and Intimacy
As a relationship grows, some married couples stop having getting it on as often. When a couple stops, they can the ability to build trust and intimacy. Couples can rebuild their marriage by making their trust and intimacy stronger during nooky. Below are some things that couples can try to get back into the mood.
Being Nostalgic - Take a trip back in time and share some of the earliest moments of getting it on with each other. Try getting dressed up or cuddling before and after nooky.
Get Competitive - Play-fight in the bedroom. Play-fighting can heat up the moment and make it more exciting.
Be Daring - Try skinny dipping.
Flirt - Be daring and show affection to your spouse in the most daring places.
Talk More - Talk during intimacy and share what you like and what you don't like with your partner.
Gestures - Complement each other. Buy a special food to eat during intimacy.
Keep the Bedroom Tidy - Add some candles to the bedroom.
Touch - When you touch your spouse you release oxytocin which is responsible for bonding with each other. Kiss, hug and hold hands more.
7 It Lowers Cancer Risk
Getting it on daily helps prevent prostate cancer in men and breast cancer in women.
Men - A recent medical study shows that men who get it on more have a less chance of coming down with prostate cancer. One theory is that the semen that comes from climaxing, flushes out the cancer-causing agents. Another thought is that it reduces the growth of calcifications in the glands that are linked up with cancer.
Women - Hormone balance is important. These agents can affect the immune system, metabolism, mental health and other vital organs in the body. Climaxing releases oxytocin and DHEA which prevents the risk of getting breast cancer. A study showed that there were more people with cancer among nuns that that of married women with an active sex life. Early studies show that regular sex prevents breast cancer.
6 It's A Fun Way To Workout
Most people don't like to workout. However, if you are married, you can have a great fun workout with your partner every single day. If a couple gets it on every day for a year it burns 17,500 calories. Burning 17,500 calories a year is equal to running 175 miles. Another reason why getting it on every day is great is because the exercise done with someone that is deeply loved is wonderful. There are so many different sexual positions that couples can try for a good daily workout. Doing these exercises with your spouse makes sex a better experience. Some of these positions are:
Missionary - Man on top of the woman.
Waterfall - Man's shoulders on the floor with butt on the bed. The woman on top.
Cowgirl - Woman is on top.
Hot Seat - Woman is sitting on top of the man with back against his chest.
Spin Cycle - Same as the hot seat but both are on top of a moving washing machine.
Stairway to heaven - Same as the hot seat but both are on the stairs.
Reverse cowgirl - Same as cowgirl but the woman is sitting with face towards feet.
5 It Strengthens The Pelvic Muscles
During intimacy, the quads, the stomach and the back get a thorough workout as well. With these muscles strong it helps by keeping up a strong bladder and strong bowel functions. When building up the muscles of the body, it burns more calories and improves the overall health of a person. Having strong pelvic muscles helps out with better vaginal functions. With stronger pelvic muscles one gets a better sensation and better sexual satisfaction. Not working these pelvic muscles on a regular basis can affect your bedroom performance. Stronger pelvic muscles also help out with a better climax. Having sex daily can also prevent pelvic muscle disorders which include a leaking bladder and dysfunctions. If the pelvic muscles are weak before intimacy, a person can lie flat on the floor and lift the pelvis up and down for a good period.
4 It Helps Induce Sleep
After getting it on, it helps a person relax. The relaxation can help a person fall asleep better. When someone reaches a climax, a hormone called prolactin is released into the body which causes the sudden urge to relax and fall asleep. Also, the woman's estrogen levels rise. A higher estrogen level can enhance a female's REM cycle for a deeper sleep. These are the hormones released into the body after intimacy, that cause sleep.
Oxytocin - When this hormone is released it has a relaxing effect on the body, reduces blood pressure and stress. Oxytocin helps with sleep.
Serotonin - This hormone has a calming effect on the body and soothes the brain. Serotonin is a precursor of melatonin, which regulates sleep.
Prolactin - This hormone is released in men and makes a person drowsy.
Nitric Oxide - This hormone is released in men through the prostate glands. Nitric Oxide makes the penis go down and helps men sleep.
3 Helps With Regular Periods
It is a known fact that women hate periods, especially the cramping that comes along with it. Well, getting it on every day makes it more likely to climax more, and when this happens, the uterus contracts and gets rid of the things that cause terrible cramping during your period. Meston mentions that when a woman has more of these contractions it helps get rid of blood and tissue faster and as a result the period ends quicker.
When a woman goes horizontal during her menstruation cycle, it lowers the risk for endometriosis, which is a common health hazard when the uterine tissue grows outside of the uterus. When this happens, it causes pelvic pain that will hurt during intimacy.
Consider getting it on while the period is happening. It might help with the cramping and make your experience much more pleasureable.
2 Make One Feel Better All Day
Consider getting it on first thing in the morning. It is a great way to start out the day because you get a boost in your mood and it can make you feel better all day long. According to the American scientist, Dr. Debby Herbenick, she discovered that couples that got it on first thing in the morning didn't just feel good all day, but these couples got a boost to their immune system, more so than from a coffee or tea.
Another interesting fact is that not every time has to be the best, even the less enjoyable bed sessions can raise your mood and make you happy. That happiness happens when couples are involved with one another.
So the roll in the hay wasn't that great. No big deal, because as long as the body engages with another, the result will be happier.
1 Helps The Couple Live Longer
Think about this for a second. Reaching a big O during sex with your spouse can make you live happier and longer. Somewhere around 1997, there was research done with over 900 males that were between the ages of 45-59. The study showed that those that had sex and an climaxed at least twice a week were much healthier than those that didn't. The ones that didn't, had all kinds of health problems that could result in death. The ones that had hot love lives didn't show any signs of illnesses. There was a study done on women too. The same results applied to men also applied to women. The study also showed that getting it on daily reduces the risk of death by over 50%.
The DHEA is a building block for other hormones. The DHEA released in the body, like testosterone and estrogen aids in a longer healthier life.