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    15 Questions Every Man Has Asked A Woman At One Point

    It has always been known that men are baffled by how women work. They don't seem to have us figured out and are confused by what we say, do, and think. Women are a mystery that none of them have quite solved yet. It is true that there are differences between the way women and men think, and this may be just one reason for why we can't seem to get a grasp on the other gender.

    Although there are questions that both women and men have for each other, it is common for a man to be bewildered by some of the things that women do. Women are like the puzzle that cannot be put together and until some questions are answered honestly, men will never truly know. Women's bodies do different things (periods are a main source of questioning), and the habits that women have developed over the years, and other random things that most women take for granted provoke numerous questions from men. There are sure to be hundreds of questions men have for women, but there are some that they are more interested in than others.

    If you are wondering what kind of questions you may get asked, there are a few that stand out among others.

    Check out these 15 questions that every man has asked a woman at some point. Have the answers ready for them when they ask and they may just be able to understand women a bit better! That's if they actually listen to your answer, of course!

    15 Are You More Randy During Mensies?

    Many women choose not to do the deed when on their periods, and it can also have an effect on how we feel. Periods suck and are terribly uncomfortable so getting down and dirty can be the last thing on our minds. But that doesn't mean you don't necessarily want to do the deed. Guys wonder though, do our periods make us more horny? The answer is not as black and white as they would hope. For some of us, having our period can mean that we can't do the deed and seriously want to - thus, the answer is yes. On the other hand, you can feel sick to your stomach and aching all over when on your period and therefore don't even want to be touched - you just want to cuddle in bed and sleep the week away. Sorry guys, for a direct answer you're going to have to ask your girl!

    14 Do You Exaggerate How Bad Your Period is?

    There is often a misconception that the excuse of “I'm on my period” is used just to get out of things. Of course, it is a handy excuse that rarely gets any objections or questioning, but periods can actually be terrible -- no exaggeration. Depending on the individual, periods can be anywhere from uncomfortable to extremely painful. Women have different experiences, but each woman will always have those times that are bad. It may seem that women like to make fun of having their periods and laugh about it later, but the fact of the matter is that women do not always exaggerate how bad their period is! It is a very uncomfortable experience that our bodies go through as it reacts to what is happening inside. Backs ache, cramping and bloating happens, and sometimes women can even get bad headaches with it. Every guy should learn to understand that periods actually suck.

    13 Why Do You Go to the Bathroom In Groups?

    One of the most common questions men will have for women involves the reasoning behind going to the washroom together. It seems weird that you need your friends for support when you go and do something private. The truth is that women don't really know why they go to the bathroom in herds. We suppose it came from the survival of the fittest that we feel that we are safer in herds. Safer from what? It is sometimes comforting to have your friend in the stall next to you, and you have the opportunity to chat alone about what is going on. Going in groups also allows for your girls to protect you if some gross guy comes up and starts hitting on you. Protection in the pack! No matter what the real reason is, women continue to go to the washroom together probably more because it is just tradition now!

    12 Why Bother Asking Questions That You Already Know the Answer To?

    Women are all-knowing. At least this is how men view women. They seem to think that women always have the right answer to everything. It is probably for this reason that we hear that the joke about Mr. Right and Mrs. Always Right. Sure, women may think things through a bit more and can multi-task better than men, but we do realize we don't know everything. The trick is to make the guy think we know everything! So when guys ask, “Why bother asking questions you already know the answers to?” The answer is that we like to show off what we know or we may also be using it as a strategy to subtly hint at what we want them to do (“Honey, what day is garbage day?”). It's called subtle questioning that makes men realize they have a task to do. If we don't want to nag, how else would anything get done?

    11 Do Your Cycles Actually Sync Up?

    The phenomenon of women living close to each other and syncing up with their periods is something so strange. Men asking this question are not the only ones who are curious as to whether it is true or not. Women sometimes question how this strange synchronization of a body process is possible. Almost every woman who has lived with other females has had the experience of sharing the same period schedule as her roommate. It is a wonderful thing because you can share in your agony and also share products should you need to. The fact is that there is no solid confirmed evidence behind this theory. Scientists have questioned this strange female-only phenomenon and there is still no answer. All we know is that it has occurred! If your guy asks this question, the best answer you can give him, as far as we know, is yes! And we love it.

    10 Why Does it Take You So Much Time to Get Ready?

    Men are constantly asking women why it takes them so long to get ready. They are left waiting at the door to leave and it is until twenty minutes later that the woman emerges ready to go. So what is it that takes us so long? Well, we don't know if you noticed, but society puts a lot of pressure on women to look good and keep up with trends. Women are expected to emerge with perfect hair, dazzling makeup, and an outfit that is there to impress. It takes a lot of time and energy to figure out just what to do with our hair, fighting to get our makeup just right, and then struggling to find some clean clothes that complement each other. Women wish they could just throw on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and head out the door, but society expects a bit more.

    9 Do Women Even Like Doing It?

    As strange as it may sound, men honestly wonder sometimes if women even enjoy doing the deed. Because we are fortunate enough to be able to hide it when we are feeling in the mood, guys wonder if we even like doing it. The truth is, guys, that women enjoy it just as much as men! There are some instances, of course, when a woman won't enjoy it as much, but if you are in love with a person and are intimate with them, it can be an amazing thing! Some women will have high libidos and it could be argued that some even like it more than men. But women think about and enjoy doing the deed just as much as men, despite the stereotype that claims that men are the only ones who enjoy it. Of course, it all depends on the person, but the simple reply to the question is yes!

    8 What is Your Time of the Month Actually Like?

    It is a strange and foreign thing for guys to understand just what a period is like for a woman. Of course we can never expect them to truly understand, as they are incapable of experiencing it themselves. In a nutshell, having your period sucks. It is the one thing every woman dreads every month. It is a time when you are constantly uncomfortable, rushing to the washroom every few hours, and exhausted. Our bodies are put through a lot when we are on our period and it is never any fun. The only time that it is a good sign is when a woman is happy to know she isn't pregnant. So to all the men out there wondering what a period is like, imagine you just got punched in the gut, haven't slept in a week, and have a high fever with aches and pains - that is what a period is like.

    7 Why Do You Need to Spend So Much on Makeup?

    The differences between men and women are definitely noticeable in the items they spend choose to buy. In a stereotypical world, men spend their money on new gadgets, video games, and sports. Women, on the other hand, spend their money on clothes, hair, and makeup. It leaves guys wondering, for simply purchasing stuff to put on your face, why would you need to spend so much money on makeup? They wonder how on earth a woman can spend the same amount on makeup that a guy can spend on a whole new sound system for his car. The truth is simple, and it can be answered in two words: Sephora addiction. Makeup is an addiction, and although it is expensive, it allows us to do just one more thing on our face and be able to rave about new products. You can also call it our downfall. They don't seem to mind when we look good though.

    6 Have You Ever Tried to Pee While Standing?

    Guys are lucky in the sense that they do not have to take a seat to pee. They can literally be anywhere in the world, pull over on the side of the road, and relieve themselves. For some reason, women do not have the pleasure of being able to do this. Many guys wonder, although we can't, have we tried? The response, although embarrassing for many women, is probably yes. As a young girl and learning about the differences between men and women, it is likely that many girls gave it a try. The mess it made and embarrassment it caused was not worth the effort. So while yes, some of us have tried to pee standing up, the truth is that it just doesn't work! We will dutifully take our place on the throne and get comfortable because there is no way that standing is going to be better.

    5 Do You Actually Get Naughty When Alone with Yourself?

    Being single is probably some of the most frustrating times for both men and women. You are not only lonely, but there is no satisfaction. And while it is widely known and expected that men are very comfortable pleasuring themselves, guys wonder if the same is true for women. One question that every man has asked a woman at some point is whether she actually gets naughty when alone. It may seem like women are just as happy to keep themselves occupied with other things, but the truth is some women sometimes want the satisfaction too! Most guys would love to hear the answer yes, and some women may tell them the truth, but most likely they will be embarrassed about it! Perhaps it was just a very lonely night and your phone buzzed in your pocket evoking feelings. Women are not made of stone - they feel and want satisfaction the same as men!

    4 Do You Fart?

    Women are extremely good at being classy and hiding any gross things from the public eye. We use body spray to freshen up, keep lotion in our purse, and are sure to try and appear as perfect as possible. So when men ask if we fart, we aren't surprised. Most women do an excellent job of holding it in and ensuring no one hears them fart. But to answer the question, yes, women may act perfect, but they still fart. Once you are with a girl long enough, you may begin to see that women can compete with men's farts easily! We may be classy, but we are all human and experience the same things that men's bodies do. Do her a favor and if you ever hear her fart, tell her that you are impressed and not grossed out by it because for women, farting is an embarrassing experience after trying so hard to look perfect.

    3 You're Angry, Are You PMSing?

    One of the things women hate to hear is that when they are being angry, men instantly assume they are PMSing. They notice you are in a bad mood so they quietly say to you, “you're being kind of grumpy, is it PMS?” There is nothing that makes a woman's blood boil more than when people assume that because she is a woman, she must be moody because she is having her period. The fact is that women can get angry without their period! Women are capable of feeling normal emotions outside of the heightened hormones we have with our periods. There may be times that PMS affects our anger, but that is no reason to assume that anytime a woman is angry that it is the reason. So when men ask you why you are angry and assume it is your period, try to nicely explain that PMS doesn't control you.

    2 What Do Girls Do in the Bathroom Together?

    Now that men know there is really no explanation as to why women go to the bathroom together, there are always follow-up questions. What do girls do in the bathroom together? Actually, there are many different things that can occur in the washroom besides simply using the toilet. It can be a great chance to get the latest gossip, borrow some lady products, or take a moment together to get spruced up before heading back out. It is a chance to get away from an event and talk about what is going on, or how weird your one friend is being. Going together to the washroom has become a bonding experience that allows women to let their walls down and be together. It may seem silly, but men just don't understand what we need to do in the washroom together! We may even be plotting on how to overtake the world in the bathroom for all they know!

    1 Do You Watch Naughty Flicks?

    A question that every man has asked a woman at some point is whether she watches naughty flicks. This is a funny question to be asked, as most women will deny the fact that they have ever seen anything too dirty (of course besides admitting openly that they have seen the popular Fifty Shades of Grey). Whether that is the truth or not all depends on the woman. Many women have accidentally seen a naughty flick. Like, maybe we watched one by accident because we couldn't figure out how to properly use the new DVR box. Whether or not a woman has seen a naughty flick and has watched more than one (not accidentally) is something that she would NEVER admit. Sorry boys, that is one question you will have to live with not knowing! This is something the girls will be keeping to themselves! Some things are better left to the imagination.