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    15 Interesting Facts You Never Knew About Your Astrological Sign

    So, you know your Sun sign, huh? Do you really? There is so much to know about astrology and just knowing your Sun sign and the main characteristics isn't enough. To really know your astrological sign well, you have to investigate properly. Astrology is a rabbit hole and there is no length or depth that astrology won't go to; it will confuse you and then give you clarity all within a matter of minutes. Astrology is not as easy as reading a book and using the internet as a reference; astrology is much more complicated than it appears. It's a science and at art form; both at the same time. Knowing your Sun sign is the first step, but then there's the Moon sign and the Ascendant or Rising sign. Both play significant roles in who we are and how we react, look, and live. Astrology is as multi-layered as we are. Therefore, in order to understand yourself fully, you've also got to do some heavy digging, deep digging, you have to be willing to understand houses and charts and aspects and planets. Once you get there, you're closer to understanding who you are, your place in the world, and your main objective. While astrology is an enigma, it's a genuine joy to study if your heart is in it.

    15 Aries

    Aries rules the head and thus is the first sign of the zodiac; Aries says, I am. It's the head coming out of the birth, quite literally; but this birth is celestial in nature. There are some striking features about Aries' head. For example, they might have something unusual about their eyes, eyebrows, forehead, hair, or hairline. Their hair tends to be course and might have some reddish tones. Typical Aries will have freckles, moles, or scars on the face. They often times have a widow's peak. Both the nose and the jawline will be narrow; in the nose, the nostrils might be exposed. In general, they are lean and muscular, have a flushed appearance, might be fair skinned or light, be of moderate height, have sharp facial features, and are energetic and cheerful with an upbeat voice. Aries is ruled by Mars which is the red planet, so most Aries favor red anything -clothing, food, decorations.

    14 Taurus

    Taurus rules the throat area which includes tonsil; ears are part the bull. Taurus's motto is, I have and they enjoy having nice things and love having good food. They are real foodies and it will show in their physical appearance. This does not mean that Taurus is heavy or even overweight, not at all, however, because Taurus likes eating, they will have a prominent jaw or a fullness of the lower face, ears, mouth, or neck. They have very healthy appetites. Like the bull, Taurus will have a very square, solid body shape, one that cannot be knocked down or over easily. Even their hands and feet will be square in shape; they will have warm hands, too. They might have large, bulging eyes, similar to a bovine. Their bones are heavier than average and their voice will be very rich and magnetic. They have broad shoulders and build muscle quickly and without much effort. Some might even be very buxom or built like a brickhouse.

    13 Gemini

    Geminis rule the hands, arms, shoulders, and lungs. They are the communicators, hence their ruling planet of communication, Mercury. Their motto is, I think, and this is why they rule the hands as they facilitate with talking and are good for writing. Geminis will be chatty, they enjoy conversations of any sort and can talk to and with just about anyone. They are the ones who chat you up in public. Because they rule the arms and shoulders there will be something that stands out in some way about this body part. It will be something notable like size, length, tattoos, or extravagant or excessive jewelry like arm cuff, bracelets, or rings. They have a tendency for delicate skin and dainty, pixie-like features, some might even say bird-like. Their shoulders will probably be wider than their hips, depending on genetics. Their eyes sparkle. Overall, they are friendly, fun-loving, mischievous, curious and enjoy experimental exercise.

    12 Cancer

    Cancer rules the breasts, the solar plexus, the diaphragm, and the upper part of the liver, they say, I feel because water signs are governed by emotions. Cancer have two forms, the full Moon type or the new Moon type. The full Moon Cancer will be busty, they might even have a protruding stomach. Their face will be very round as will their mouth and entire bodies. They have small eyes, shoulders, hands and feet, plus a weak chin. Most have abundant hair that they wear long. These Cancers are often musical and emotionally intimate; very nurturing. The new Moon Cancer is thin, slender, with a long face and big eyes. Their bodies might be frail or sensitive. These Cancers are flat-chested and have delicate hands and feet. Like the full Moon types, they will also have a lot of hair that they wear long. And are also musical, but might have a depressive nature, even shy; and could be poetic.

    11 Leo

    Leo rules the heart, spine, and spinal parts. They are courage and shout, I will. Leos might have a reputation for stealing the spotlight, but that's only if they feel confident; and most of them do and are. This sign is very attractive. They have lovely high cheekbones and are full of powerful, almost commanding, energy. They have large heads and where hair is present, it will be wavy or curly typically. Their lips will be large and might have a slight sneer. Their will have a big chin or jaw and flared nostrils. They have the potential to develop jowls later in life. They are muscular and have a real need to show off their thighs which are probably gorgeous. In general, they are playful and love to dress to attract attention or to parade their bodies; most colors will be bright or flashy. The voice is strong, even authoritative. Most will call a Leo gorgeous or stunning.

    10 Virgo

    Virgo rules the upper intestines and the lower liver. Virgo is the notorious perfectionist and the motto is, I analyze. Virgo is constantly looking at details, evaluating everything, and trying to make sense of it all. No other sign is busier than the Virgo; a real doer. The head will be small, but that says nothing about the brain or the brain's capacity. Hands tend to be tiny, doll-like even. Their facial features could be refined with long lips that have points at the corners. Noses will be long, too, and narrowish. They could be great gymnasts because they are so fast moving and alert. They pride themselves on their intelligence and efficient nature. Many Virgos will be shy, but not all. Their voices will be fast and high because they are ruled by Mercury. Hair will be thin, dry; and Virgos will be prone to dandruff or premature graying. Skin will be dry, too. And they are tasteful dressers.

    9 Libra

    Libra rules the kidneys, the loins, lower lumbar region, and the skin. This is the sign that says, I balance and the scales are indicative of what Libra does. It stands for justice and fairness in every sense of the words. The characteristic quality of Libra is a beautiful, sweet baby-face with full lids and pretty eyes. Their chins are weak and they have oval faces. Their upper lips have a Cupid's bow appearance and their noses are dainty and petite, but not button and not rounded; it simply is tiny for their faces. Usually, slender, their bodies are graceful; their hands and feet, too are sleek with extra long legs. Many have flat behinds and an ample chest. Some might associate the Libra with an owl for their large eyes, tiny nose, and scholarly, intelligent demeanor. The Libra's voice will be charming in some way and their hair shiny and moist.

    8 Scorpio

    Scorpio rules the reproductive organs, the bladder, the colon, and the rectum. Because of Scorpio's connection with the genitalia, their motto is, I lust. It's no secret that Scorpios are sexual by nature. And their voices will usually give this away as they are low and smoky, sexy even. They are intense as intense gets because their beauty is smoldering and hypnotic. Scorpios will have dense hair and bones and have very chiseled lips or very heavy, thick lips, the upper lip can be compact and tightly drawn. Their foreheads will be low with a Widow's peak. Their eyebrows will have a tendency to be v-shaped or want to join. It is not uncommon for Scorpios to have scars, moles, or acne. Generally, their faces are heavy with a square chin. They project a controlled power and their mood is either deadpan or very introspective.

    7 Sagittarius

    Sagittarius rules the hips, thighs, and sciatic nerves. Sagittarius is the honest one of the zodiac bunch and says, I see. They are observers and tend to be the generous, encouraging voice in any group. They tend to be on the taller side and can be considered lanky with long extremities which makes them excellent runner and basketball players; let's call them athletic overall. Because their legs are so long, their waists will be high as well as their hips; perhaps the buttocks will protrude backwards. Sagittarius are full of vigor, enthusiastic, positive, and often hyper. They might have a broad, open smile that invite people to get closer, their teeth might be large. Almost everything about them is long, from their face to the nose, but not thin, just long. They laugh loudly and have a positive vocal tone. They love bright colors and might even gravitate towards athletic clothing.

    6 Capricorn

    Capricorn rules the knees, joints of the body, and the hair. Capricorns are doers and don't like to waste time, hence their motto, I do. Saturn is their ruler and is the ruler of bones and dense body material. Their bones are as strong as they come and they should have strong teeth, too; they probably have very knobby knees and knotty joints. A problem with the skin, nails, or gums can arise. They are typically lean. Capricorns are the classic ectomorphs who have a small head and small mouths that are thin-lipped. Their jaws are strong and they have a bleating sound to their voices. In some Capricorns, the face will be flat, yet with a cute appearance. They have a tendency to look highly refined and clean; their features are well proportioned. Their tense of dress is simple, yet elegant. In general, they are reserved with a quiet authoritative manner.

    5 Aquarius

    Aquarius rules the lower legs, calves, ankles, teeth, and the circulation of the blood. They are the philosopher and say, I know. Aquarius is tall, taller than Sagittarius. Sometimes, their eyes will be far apart and have a downward slanting outer eyelid. They have big smiles, big frontal teeth; perhaps even overbites and buck teeth. Many will have huge foreheads or doomed heads. The breasts will be small and the upper body in general will be weak. It's said that there's a sense of androgyny for Aquarius. They have flyaway hair, often blonde. The biggest clue to an Aquarius will be long shin bones. In personality, it will be a highly unique or quirky style of dress with favorite colors being purple and turquoise. They have great sense of humors and are great intellectuals, more than likely they are geniuses.

    4 Pisces

    Pisces rules the feet and toes; Pisces says I believe. Pisces are dreamy and it shows up on their face, in their angelic eyes, maybe even protruding. They tend to be very giggly and have a Cupid's bow mouth with loose lips that are flexible and expressive. Their entire faces will be flexible and expressive. They either talk too much or too little. Many will be soft-spoken. Pisces have a weak chin and facial structure. A sign will be in their poor posture and they will be shorter side, shorter than most. They will be flexible in body, too. Pisces will remind one of fairies because they are graceful. They are sweet, passive, affectionate, and cheery; in some cases, their affectionate side will be alluring and magnetic. They tend to be tired despite their qualities. A Pisces will have huge appetites and will be chameleons. They have foot and shoe eccentricities.

    3 Study your moon is for health

    Most people don't know that the Moon is what governs our health. The Sun sign is important, yes, because it represents our vitality and life force, but if you want to know what ails you, take a look at your Moon sign. The Moon is the mother, she takes care of us and tell us about our physical and emotional states. She also tells of our past, like our childhood, and how that affects our current habits. Moon signs will give you a better idea of what you need to do to be your healthiest self and there is so much to be learned about the Moon cycles. The Moon manipulates our own cycles and can play a huge part in our menstruation. Take a look at your Moon sign and see that planet is in charge of that sign. When you understand the planet, what properties it has, and what plants it rules, you are on your way to leading a very fruitful existence.

    2 The truth behind positive aspects

    The positive aspects include the conjunction, the trine, and the sextile. You might have heard those terms before, but never understood exactly what they mean. Let's break it down. The conjunction is a ten degree angle which means that these two planets are close to each other, right next to each other as a matter of fact, and work towards the same goal. The trine is a one hundred and twenty degree angle which is an alignment that happens so organically that the signs don't even realize they are working together for harmony. There is a slight danger that these two signs work together so seamlessly that they can become lazy. The sextile is a sixty degree angle which means these two signs have fun together because they play upon each other's elements; essentially, they activate each other in a prosperous way.

    1 The truth behind negative aspects

    The negative aspects are usually called the hard aspects which is easy to translate to difficulties. It's equally as important to understand the hard aspects as it is the positive ones. First, there's the square which is a ninety degree angle; these two signs don't make sense together, can cause chaos, and overall a sense of anger or rage. They could work out together if you understand the goal of each planet as they affect the houses. Next is the opposition, a one hundred and eighty degree angle that might have signs working on the same idea, but not in the same way; this can repel the overall feeling of the signs and lead to a compromise that will make things feel unbalanced. Finally, the in-conjunct or quincunx, the one hundred and fifty degree angle that has a rebellious aspect and can feel extremely stubborn; both signs want something different and are not willing to work together for the overall good.