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    15 Insane Activities Single Women Do

    What's the craziest thing you've ever done in your single girl phase? Guys can probably give you an answer in a snap but women will probably take forever to answer this question. Because women know how to rule the world and they didn't learn that overnight. They spend days and months of learning, trial and error, and more learning, and that's all done during their single moments. Ever wonder why some ladies seem to love single life more than actually being in a relationship? This is probably because life as a single woman is not only liberating and freeing but it's also simple and fun. Yes, it's really as simple as that. If you're having problems wrapping your head around this concept, don't worry. We've listed some activities women do when they're single.

    Here are 15 insane activities that single women do. Come on, confess. You've probably done the same thing.

    15 Naked Dancing Or Yoga

    Haven't you done this before? If your friends want you to try it but you're not really that interested, please, this is the most fun thing that you can do. And you owe it to yourself, don't you think? Maybe not the naked yoga or naked dancing specifically, but the exhilarating feeling of being the most carefree person you can possibly be. The amazing feeling of doing something so stupid you can't really stop doing it because while it might be silly, it's also insanely fun! So are you considering this? If you're not, you should change that ASAP. Text your girlfriends, lock the doors and keep the curtains closed and your phone plugged in. Naked dancing calls for the best music so you better make sure you have only the best tunes. And as for naked yoga? To be honest, I find this a lot more exciting than naked dancing. Because seriously, why not?

    14 Check Out Pinterest And Make A Massive Mess

    Dear world, this is the reason why ladies have the messiest rooms ever. We never run out of things to do in terms of bedroom decor thanks to Pinterest. Tell me, haven't you ever wished you could replicate something from Pinterest? I mean, most of these photos and posts have instructions included, and it's hard to say no. Pinterest is every woman's best friend. So to all the men out there, the first time you visit your new girl's apartment, please expect some major clutter. Because when women are single they change everything in their apartment and that means having a super messy and cluttered place to live. The truth is that all the photos on Pinterest are pretty much a great big lie. Most of the time, at least. The instructions seem so easy but when I try it myself, the universe seems to have another plan. It sucks. Unless you're a master chef or decorator, following the easy recipes or easy decor tips are going to be pretty much impossible.

    13 Practice Adulting By Baking Everything In The Cupboard

    All women do this, right? I mean, this is a very common thing to do… or is it? I'm pretty sure it is because so far, I've never met a girl who has never tried experimenting with unknown stuff in her cupboard. I guess this is what happens when you become super lazy and your mom goes out of her way to do you a favor: she goes grocery shopping for her lovely daughter. As a result, you go home to a clean apartment and a cupboard so full you have no idea where to start. Until you notice a few familiar faces. Like instant noodles. It's probably the only familiar face in your kitchen after your mom took over your place for a few hours. And when the instant noodles are gone, you will call your girlfriends, invite them over because “you cooked” and present to them the baked I-Have-No-Idea-What-This-Is meal you prepared. And you end up ordering pizza because, well, y'all need something edible.

    12 Skip The Shower For Days

    Here is a little secret about women: they only shower when they have something to go to or make a major decision. That is honestly the one and only reason that most care about being super squeaky clean. The truth is that there's no such thing as a quick shower for women. Unless quick means half an hour or even longer. As a result, they don't shower every single day, even if that might seem super shocking. Sounds gross but it's actually true. This will only change if they're not single anymore because why in the world would you go on a date when you haven't showered? Why would you meet a new man aka a potential partner in life without showering first? That's insane. But otherwise, single women don't really think about showering, and you know that you can totally relate (even if you don't want to admit it).

    11 Take Super Long Baths

    There are two kinds of ladies in this world: the usual one who doesn't take showers unless necessary like they're going on a date and the kind that takes showers a little more often and spends at least half a day in the bath. How, for the love of pizza, can you spend long hours in the bathroom? Well, I guess this is what happens when a girl is bored or when she really has nothing else going on in her life. It's a lot easier to tell your friends you'll be late than to say that to a date. And when that date becomes serious, you wouldn't want to be late at all, so you will take super fast baths to make yourself squeaky clean. Good luck on that, lady. But for us, single ladies, nothing can be better than either half-day baths or no baths at all. It's fun, it saves on laundry, it eases the boredom in life… what else can you ask for?

    10 Binge Watch Super Old Shows

    Oh the life of single women. It revolves around friends, unwanted but compulsory family dinners, take-out dinners, and old shows. I know this sounds insane, but when there is nothing new on Netflix, or at least nothing interesting, you hold onto old shows. You put all your faith and hope onto these old favorites because they never leave you alone. Especially when you decide to download them. There are so many lessons and so many plotlessness that make sense and you can get a lot from these old shows. Also, it is a lot more fun to watch super old shows with friends than the usual rom-com or chick flick. Those can be annoying when you are single. Technically, all shows that involve modern-day love stories are annoying, and you do not want to see anyone meet Mr. Right when that is not what is going on in your life.

    9 Clean With Tissues

    This is better than having a super clean apartment, right? Single women are nuts when they clean beaches they use tissues instead of towels to save time. Think about it. You do not have to wash towels. Do adults do these? Tissues are better. Period. Besides, they get the job done and that is all that really matters. They clean the house and make sure you live in a sanitary place. What else can you ask for? Unless you are living with someone else who is not your BFF, like a boyfriend, you might want to do some deep and real cleaning. Because, well, who wants to welcome a man into a filthy apartment? Not exactly filthy, but if this man has a very neat and clean mom, you might hear something from him like "When was the last time you cleaned?" So enjoy the tissue life while you are single.

    8 Learn Something New For Five Seconds

    I don't know if it's just me or that a lot of single ladies are super fond of learning something new and begging the universe to help them learn it in 5 seconds or less. Like, learn how to play the ukulele in 5 seconds, or learn how to flip a scrambled egg perfectly in 3 seconds. Seriously ladies, what are you thinking? My dream of learning something fast is dead and gone because I realized it's never going to happen. I'm just killing time with this thing. I'm just convincing myself my life is so great even when single because I have so many things to do. Yeah right. I'm not saying living single is not fun, it can definitely be fun. And it's great to have your life all for yourself. But the thing about single ladies is when they get together, they feel like they're super brilliant. They have their laptops, tutorials left and right, some cheering on the side. Oh for the love of pancakes, please, please make this stop.

    7 Eat One Food Non-Stop For Days

    If you're in a relationship, then you have a partner who can grocery shop, cook for you, or whine when you try to order the same food over and over again. When you're single, you're in control of everything… including what to order, when to order it, and exactly how often you want to eat this food. The latter is every single woman's guilty pleasure: eating something over and over again. Because, if you love a certain kind food, let's say tacos, why buy something else when you can buy eat tacos three times a day, seven days a week? Besides, living on your own means feeding yourself, and that is easier said than done. Cooking is one of the most difficult thing to do on earth, next to trying not to gossip about your next-door neighbor's love life. So on days when you're single, don't feel guilty that you're ordering the same food repeatedly that the cashier immediately knows how much to charge you the moment she sees you enter the restaurant. All ladies do it. Trust me.

    6 Spend Hours Driving Around Town And Eating

    Besides eating the same kind of food for 365 days, another insane thing that single ladies do is feast. As in, eat anything and everything from super expensive meals to affordable ones to exotic ones they're not even sure are edible. And they eat it anywhere. This is women's version of going out and exploring. For some people, exploring means traveling the world. For others, it means doing things they've never done before, like taking a job they don't know anything about. For single ladies, anything that has to do with food is exploring. So the next time your BFF invites you to drive around with her, or if she says she feels so down and asks you to drive her around, say yes. This also means a lot of eating, and we should never say no to eating. Even if it means feasting in a town where nobody knows us, or in a town so off the grid it only has 200 people in the population. Remember, you won't be single all your life. Maybe this is the last time you're single for a long time. Make the most of it, my friend.

    5 Use The Bathroom With The Door Open

    Why do women do this? Seriously? What is it about doors that we hate closing them so much? I once had a roommate who despised doors so much that she even leaves the front door open and our apartment became a pet shop in seconds. Why?! You need to keep your bathroom door closed. It's just a thing that people do and it's a pretty big part of society at this point. I'm pretty sure your girl gang doesn't care what you do in there because they all do it as well: besides the obvious, you also take a bath, talk to the mirror, whine about your missing tweezers. So it's really no big deal if we leave the door open, right? Also, these women probably saw your body before, especially if you already went swimming with them. So what's the big deal? Why do men act so surprised when they walk down the hall and saw us sitting on the toilet bowl?

    4 Record Their Singing For Snapchat

    I am so not guilty about this. Nope. Not me. Other women, maybe, but not me. But I do know a lot of lovely ladies who can't survive a day without singing, and when they're without a boyfriend, they spend all their free time singing and singing and singing some more. Once they found their perfect angle and perfect tone and perfect everything, the video goes straight to Instagram. Oh, did I mention that all these singing are recorded? Well, it is. All of it. Because you never know which one you have the perfect everything, right? So the next time you see a woman singing on Snapchat, know that she spent countless times doing it before getting it perfectly right. And with no man to deal with, these single ladies can sing at the top of their lungs and record it until their phone memory runs out of space.

    3 Practice The Latest Make-Up Trend

    Who doesn't practice the latest makeup trend? This is probably one of the best parts of being single. There is no man who will yammer on about how much makeup you buy, how brand-conscious you are (because we all should be when it comes to makeup), and how much time you spend in front of the mirror. Or in the bedroom alone with the doors closed. I don't know about you but I have a lot of friends who cannot survive life without perfecting every makeup trend they see on the internet. Oh boy, this internet thing can be dangerous for their bank accounts. But, well, we all deserve to splurge on ourselves, sometimes, right? Might as well enjoy it by splurging on makeup while you're single, so when you meet the man of your dreams, you can show off your makeup skills. I'm pretty sure men will appreciate it.

    2 Eat With Her Fingers

    Women eat with their fingers?! Yes! If you think women are these super prim and proper human beings who know the difference between finger food and food that needs utensils, think again. Ladies know how to eat with their bare hands like a pro. Even if you're serving soup! These women know their way through every food. How? Well the secret is, they spend their single days and months, tucked in their cozy apartment with their ever-supportive gal pals. And they spend every mealtime learning how to eat with their bare hands. This is the girl version of survival in case you were wondering. This isn't just some insane thing they love to do because they want to piss off the universe. They know that they need some survival skills and that being able to eat any kind of food without a fork or spoon is a really good thing to know. Call them crazy. But they know that they're being totally smart.

    1 Hang Out With Her BFFs In Underwear

    What kind of girl doesn't want to hang out with her BFFs on a Friday night? I have no idea. I bet we all have these gal pals we'll never trade. And hanging out naked? No problem! Especially in summer when the universe is reminding us that winter is pretty important and that we shouldn't be lazy when it comes to shoveling snow. This may be a bizarre activity for men but for women, hanging out naked is just as normal as using the bathroom with the door open… or grocery shopping for 3 hours and buying only 5 items. Because that's how ladies roll. Don't ask. And this hanging out naked can only be done when they're single because, well, I don't think men would approve the idea of showing off your everything to fellow women. Men can be super jealous creatures, you know. But for women, this is wise. Wandering in their apartments naked. It's more comfortable, it lessens the laundry, and it's just one of those crazy things that us single women do.