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    15 Brutal Truths About Being Single AF

    Be honest, when was the last time you were in a real relationship? One that lasted over 6 months and where you felt loved… as in really loved? If you're reading this article, that definitely proves that right now, you've been single for a really long time at least once in your life. Maybe it was ages ago, or maybe you're currently single for 5 long years now and counting. But one thing we want to say is hang in there. We're pretty sure you're an amazing person (okay, we know that you are!) and that someone out there is wishing that they could meet someone as totally amazing as you. Just be strong and know that you are loved. Because you are. Sure, we can sit around and whine and complain about being single because let's be real, sometimes it kind of sucks. Here are 15 brutal truths about being single. If you're on your own, you can totally relate, and just know that you're definitely not alone.

    15 You Are No One's Priority

    Thinking about that definitely hurts, and you have to see your friends in serious relationships, changing their schedules so they have time for their significant others. Just think about all the times you've grabbed coffee with your BFFs and they've checked in with their partners via their iPhones, seeing if everyone is okay or if they got the washing machine working again. Or vice versa, their partners are checking up on them, asking them to grab some take-out or wine before heading home. Oh, the life of living with someone. When you're in a serious relationship, you know that someone always has your back and that someone loves you so much he's willing to let go of everything in case of an emergency. That's love, people. That's prioritizing things like a pro. But when you're single, you're no one's priority, and that can definitely be a pretty painful and brutal truth to swallow.

    14 Sharing A Bed Is Impossible

    Now for something less serious (but still important): sharing your bed. This is not brutally painful but it's still true. If you've been single for a long time and now you're in a new relationship, you definitely know that the struggle is real when it comes to sharing your bed. Your new boyfriend might want to consider sleeping on the couch. Sleeping on your own queen or king-sized bed, with literally no one but your dog or cat to share with (since they're stubborn and refuse to sleep without you), is probably the best thing about be single. You get your bed all to yourself and your blankets and your pillows. Yup, your bed is total and complete heaven. So when you've been single for over three years now and decide to be in a relationship, brace yourself for the challenges of sleeping with someone new and having them share your bed. Sure, sure, you're excited to finally say goodbye to your single life but sharing your bed is going to really suck at the same time.

    13 You're Jealous Of Everyone In Relationships

    Please understand, dear human, that this universe has its own version of crazy. Or maybe it just hates you. Either way, you've probably noticed that when you're single, everybody around you is in a happy relationship. Some of your friends are just dating and some are getting married. Maybe you have a friend or two who just got engaged. And you, the forever alone girl, hate this. Don't worry, it's not a bad thing. Hating the world because everybody's with someone else is normal. And you don't just hate it, you're also jealous of everyone. You can spend your whole life denying it but it's true. Deep down inside, you're whispering curses and witch spells you made up because you want to be just like these people: happily taken. But that's not what is happening. And you're blaming them for being too awesome. You're blaming the universe for being unfair. You're blaming yourself and the dog and the weather. Seriously girl, get a grip. Your time will come.

    12 It's Not Actually Better

    Why would someone say the grass is greener when you're single? We mean, that just sounds insane, whether you're actually single or taken. In this kind of era, every grass is green. Because we have all the tools to do whatever the heck we want and if it turns out we don't have the tools, we will make them. People tend to think that when you're single, "the grass is greener" because you don't have the responsiblity of spending time with your boyfriend and figuring out how to balance work and seeing him. You have more free time and you can really focus on your career. Okay, being single sucks, but you don't necessarily have more time to work and it really has nothing to do with work at all. So the grass really isn't greener at all and it's kind of crazy that people keep thinking along these lines. If you're a successful person in terms of your career, that's on you, that's not because you're single or coupled up or whatever.

    11 You Talk To Your Pet At Night

    Now this is definitely a brutal truth. When you're home alone night after night, you'll end up spending hours talking to your pet. It's a painful picture but it's a fact. And you should also know that you're not the only one doing this so don't even try to deny it, okay? We're not saying you should feel better about this because others do this too. What we're saying is you that you can't deny it. Not even to yourself. Tell us, how many times have you caught yourself talking to your pet like he's a real human? How many times have you spent long nights with him on the bed and actually considered throwing away his dog bed? How many times have you confided your problems to your pup then realized you're really close to going insane? No, you're not crazy. You're just single. That's just your friendly daily reminder.

    10 You Drunk Text Every Guy You Know

    If you're not talking to your pet, you're spending your nights drunk texting every person on your phone with a man's name. Like Alex, who is probably your best friend who's a girl, but you're drunk so you don't really care, you're texting her anyway. This is pretty much what a single lady's night looks like. But this doesn't mean all single ladies are alcoholics, of course. We're not saying that at all. There are just some moments when everything feels so painful and you don't know what to do, so you resort to acting super silly like you're back in junior high. Here's the thing, there's nothing wrong with drunk texting. There's also nothing wrong with feeling bad that you're single. We all know how it feels because we've all been single. But you don't have to drunk text everyone almost every night. Okay? You got this. You are amazing and you're worthy of love. Maybe you just need to wait a little longer.

    9 Adele Songs Make You A Hopeless Romantic

    Being single is probably the only moment when people hate Adele. We mean, she's just so impossible sometimes. She writes these crazy songs about her exes and her relationships and really, her songs just make us sit in one corner and feel. We mean, really feel our feelings. What kind of singer does that?! Answer: Adele, the brave and bold woman that we love. And besides giving us major feels, her songs make us all hopeless romantics. This woman must have a lot of emotions going through her veins. Or she's probably just naturally talented. Either way, she's one of the few artists today who knows how to get the attention of the listeners not to mention has mastered the techniques of making her listeners cry. So on days when you're single, consider avoiding all Adele songs. Because trust me, she will turn you into a hopeless romantic and you will spend nights, complaining to your friends on why you're single and wondering when this universe is planning to give you Mr. Right.

    8 You Hate Cooking For One

    Cooking is not every girl's niche. But apparently, life demands that we all learn how to cook. Unless you want to live off canned and boxed everything, which doesn't really sound healthy or delicious, either. So what else sucks about being single? Cooking for one. Have you ever experienced a moment when you totally forgot you're single (because you two just broke up, like 6 hours ago) so you decided to cook dinner for two? And when you were actually setting the table you realized "Hey, I'm eating along tonight. And tomorrow night. And the night after that. And probably forever." Haha! You're so not alone on this. And yes, it sucks. It sucks bigtime. So aside from hating life, you end up hating cooking too, because cooking for one is not really fun, right? This is when you start forgetting that the universe told you cooking is a must and you go back to ordering pizza every night.

    7 You Go Forever Without Intimacy

    It's painfully true that physical intimacy is really only resigned for serious couples (or not so serious couples, which is also super true). Even if you're a person who likes to indulge in some solo time every once in a while, the pleasure of doing it with someone else is way better than doing it on your own. So we're sorry to break it to you but this brutal truth about being single for a really long time is that you go forever without intimacy or any bedroom activities. You just do. This is a fact. It's ruining single people's lives. Okay, maybe not badly ruining, but you know what we mean. It makes you feel bad about yourself and it makes you pretty insecure. You feel like you're not worth of love or being with someone and like you're destined to be forever alone. If you've been single for a really long time, you probably already know feeling like you're destined to be a single girl for the rest of your days here.

    6 No One Gets It

    Unless you also have a friend who was once single for a really long time, nobody understands you. No matter how much you explain your single status to them, they just won't get it because they have never experienced it. Being single is a lot more complicated than being in a relationship people tend to think. So aside from the fact that you're nobody's priority and that you're spending long nights talking to your dog, this is yet another brutal truth we all don't want to admit. But we have to. Because we owe it to ourselves to acknowledge the plight of living on our own. So when you try to explain how being single actually feels to your girl gang, and they don't understand you, forgive them. Forgive the comments that range from "you just need to get laid" to "you're just overreacting." Know that your fellow single women do get it.

    5 You Don't Feel Satisfaction

    We're talking about satisfaction in life. Really, where is the satisfaction when you live on your own? Where is the satisfaction when you spend your entire day walking around and staring at lovely couples and then going home to a lonely apartment? That's not satisfaction, people. It's nowhere to be found. Especially if you've been single for a really long time. Like, forever. So please, let's not talk about satisfaction here, okay? And let's not assume that single women have better lives because they can do whatever the heck they want without a care in the world. That's not better living because these people live alone in their own world. Fine, we may be overreacting a bit but you get it. Satisfaction, in almost everything, is next to impossible. Because life sucks sometimes. And in these times, the best thing to do is hunt down fellow single people and make a plan to rule the world.

    4 You Hate Rom Coms

    Aside from the fact that the comedy aspect in rom-coms tends to be really corny for some unknown reasons, rom-coms become even cornier when you're single. The thing about this genre is that it's really meant to be watched by couples. You know, late night cuddles and laughs and popcorns raining down on the carpet. This film genre isn't for single women who hate the world. Even if you watch these films with your friends, you'll still end up hating rom-coms. Because the comedy sucks and the romantic aspect of it will just remind you that you're single. So during the moments of solitary living, go watch a horror film. Or a documentary. Or an old film about JFK or NASA. Watch anything but romance and rom-com, and you will feel better. Or better yet, go away and travel. Go out of the country, do fun activities you never thought you could do. But wherever you go, stay clear from romantic comedy films.

    3 You Go On Awkward Dates

    Not because you're awkward but because you haven't dated in pretty much forever. What if the dating rules have changed already? Or what if there were improvements and you didn't get the memo because why would the universe give a memo to single people? Dating is definitely brutally awkward. So you might want to consider dating a gentle person or at least letting him know you haven't dated in a while. Because (1) it's true and (2) it's the best way for him to understand you. Would you rather be totally awkward the entire date? This will leave your guy having a great question mark on his face. Women can be awkward but if you haven't dated for ages, you can be like, 10x awkward. That's not fun. That can ruin your date and this potential partner would probably run away as fast as he can. So, while it's shameful, let him know your level of awkwardness beforehand.

    2 "Other" Things Become Better Than Netflix

    When you're single for over a year, things are still manageable. When you're single for over three years, things can be messy and boring and everything in between. This is when you'll realize why a certain industry was made in the first place. Apparently, it's not just for couples to learn new tricks. It's also for single people who feel dry and lonely and bored. So yes, after three years of being single, you finally got to the point where these grown up tapes are way better than Netflix. We're sorry Netflix,  nothing against you. We love watching Netflix and chilling. But this is one truth about being single that we all need to discuss. A truth that the world needs to know because setting the record straight is one of the bravest things single people can do. So, go and share this with your friends. Make them understand how Netflix is amazing but clearly, this is way more amazing.

    1 You Feel Super Alone

    Ouch. Just ouch. We didn't mean to hurt you but you need to hear this. Girl, you've been singe for a really long time and while you're doing everything you can to avoid the subject, you will have to face it sooner than later. So we'll help you face it. Fact: you've never felt so alone ever. And another fact: you really hate this feeling. There you go, we said it for you so you don't have to figure it out and say it aloud yourself. This is very painful and we all hate this. We hate feeling alone, especially for a really long time. Sure, we got our amazing family and our impossibly amazing girl gang, but to know that you have a special someone in your life who sees you just as special as you see him, that matters a lot. That feeling is important and we all want to stick with that feeling. However we can't. Because life doesn't work that way. So there will be moments when it's just you and loneliness.